Interview with Alex Newman

Deep State Naked Running Through Streets – Alex Newman


By Greg Hunter’s

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists are not happy with the progress of the “controlled demolition of all western societies.”  They want their so-called “Great Reset,” but people are waking up at such a fast pace their propaganda is not working.  Newman explains, “Censorship is the move that these Deep State people are making.  They want to silence all dissent, all criticism, except dissent and criticism that furthers their narrative that furthers inflaming the division and furthers the civil war narrative.  This is very, very dangerous.  As my friend, Patrick Wood, the founder of “Citizens for Free Speech,” says, when they are able to silence our free speech, that’s when the killing starts.  So, we should be very, very concerned about this.”

Are the Deep State’s destructive plans going all that well?  Newman says, “They are in this do or die moment, and we have been here a little while. . . . We are at the stage now where the agenda is out in the open.  A few years ago, when we were saying they were going to be doing these things, we were called conspiracy theorists and extremists and whatever.  Now, they are actually doing those things, and now they are saying it is dangerous and extreme not to approve of these things.  So, now if you don’t agree with the ‘Great Reset’ or the Green New Deal or the Biden regime, they say you are dangerous.  I think we are in the phase right now where they are basically running naked through the streets.  Everybody can see them.  So, it’s a very risky time for them.  It’s a do or die moment for them if enough people wake up.  If you look at the trend line . . . people are waking up so rapidly that if this continues, they are going to be in major trouble.  That’s why we are seeing the clampdown on free speech. . . . The war on free speech shows how successful we have been and how unsuccessful they have been.  If their propaganda was effective and they thought lying to us through CNN, NBC and ABC was good enough, they would not be worried about what people were saying on Facebook.  They would not be worrying about what you were Tweeting out to your 10,000 or 30,000 followers.  They would be confident and relaxed, and they would really not be all that concerned.  The fact they are whipping themselves into a frenzy about all this ‘misinformation’ online shows you they are very,
very concerned about the collapse of their narrative.  You point out the real approval rate for Biden is 11% or 12%, and they recognize their agenda is not popular. . . . They realize people don’t like this, and if people realize they are not the only ones that don’t like this and everyone does not like this, then they are in very big trouble.”

Newman says we are “fighting demonic spirits and not simply flesh and blood” as it says in the Bible.  Newman contends one of the biggest failing narratives of the Deep State are the people who got the CV19 shots and are sick or dead.  Newman says, “I think the truth on this is going to come out, and I think this is another reason we are in such a dangerous time. . . . A lot of the people who lined up and got their shots are madder than a wet hen right now.  They are wondering who is responsible for this? . . . This is a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, and that is what the data is showing now.  We are seeing excess mortality numbers that are unprecedented.  Nothing in human history has resulted in things like this.  Millions of people are dying, and millions of people are being debilitated by this around the world and especially around the Western world.  We are seeing massive numbers of infertility and miscarriages, and I think the worst is yet to come.”

There is much more in the 46 min. video interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with hard hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the recent book “Deep State.”

After the Interview: 

For a copy of Alex Newman’s popular book “Deep State” click here.

For a copy of the popular book “Crimes of the Educators” click here.

Newman also has his own website called There is lots of free information and articles there. Newman is a prolific writer and content creator.

To support Alex Newman with donations, click here.

(Please support the truth tellers.)

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Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.

11767 S. Dixie Hwy #336

Pinecrest, FL 33156

  1. thought bomb

    According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus Christ is already well aware of the issue ClifHigh keeps talking about like it is unknown to Christian people. Clif acts like he is the greatest theologian and Church historian of all time, but obviously his axe to grind gets in the way of his scholarship.

    “..These are the words of the First and the Last, who died and returned to life. I know your affliction and your poverty— though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.”
    ~ Revelation 2:8-9

    • Dr. Joseph Monteleone

      Clif High is way out in left field and is not a Christian, he doesn’t believe in our one and only God.. He believes their are several gods of the universe controlling things, don’t be deceived by people like him..

  2. Arthur Amon

    I love Alex Newman and of course you Greg. Only Christians in my family are not vac’d and I’m a dodo according to the vac’d for providing ICV/HCQ to whomever want the therapeutics. Multiple people have said I’ve saved their lives and I tell them it was all under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit, IMO, that allowed me to question the narrative, supported by many like yourself Greg, Thank You. There was and is something about the whole pandemic that didn’t pass the sniff test (I’m not talking about Biden’s predilections).

  3. Benjamin Johnson

    Eustace Mullins knew it:

    “Vacc!nation is a time bomb” He quoted a book a doctor has written in the year 1936:
    Eustace Mullins, worth looking into.

  4. Robert Coleman

    Message to the Unvaccinated

    “Even if I were pollinated and
    fully vaccinated, I would admire the
    unvaccinated for withstanding the
    greatest pressure I have ever seen,
    even from partners, parents, children,
    friends, colleagues and doctors.

    People who were capable of such
    personality, courage and critical ability
    are undoubtedly the best of humanity.
    They are everywhere, in all ages, levels
    of education, states and ideas.

    They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having.

    They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

    They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

    Banned from their families’ tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money … but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but they kept going.
    Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

    That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”


  5. Jeffrey Brown

    Greg always enjoy your program and really respect you. God bless you

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Jeff, for the very kind words!!

  6. Sam

    Coincidentally, this piece caught my attention and it is the biggest reveal into the corruption of the Deep State SWAMP CREATURES featuring Alex Newman & Pete Zantelli who layout info of Patriot Mike Lindell who has the software surveillance tool evidence concerning more than The Election Theft caught and recorded…Must Watch:

  7. Terry Garrett

    Outstanding affirmation of truth by wonderfully articulate Alex Newman. Happy you mentioned Ed Dowd. Another objective “needs to be heard” journalist(?). Max Igan on Bitchute has regular examples of establishment news sources touting ridiculous explanations for the increasing numbers of vax deaths. The fibrous masses in corpse blood vessels documented by embalmers are being exposed in HUGE numbers. I think it will take a significant “unavoidable to deny” crisis though for the intransigent prideful establishment supporters to admit they were wrong in following the mainstream.

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree Terry! Newman is the MAN.

  8. WaiLani

    There were no placebos ……. just all kill batches with varying amounts of time release … some timed to release in perhaps even 5 years ….

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree WaiLani! Dr. Eads says for sure the third shot is the kill shot. The vaxed should be taking Ivermectin. Doctors say it is the best way to buy time. Not a cure but a treatment for Spike Proteins and inflammation.

  9. Wanda

    wow Greg This has to be one of the best reports yet your guest is spot on! Every one should hear this interview! I am going to play this for my Husband tomorrow for sure. Then share it far and wide! God bless you Greg, and your guest! I pray, that more people will start praying.
    2 Chronicles 7 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the virial promotion!

    • Greg Hunter


  10. Linda Majors


    Excellent interview with Alex!

    When he was talking about our schools it reminded me of an interview on Steve Bannon’s warroom today. (9.13.22) Terry Schilling described the book: GENDER QUEER. Terry claims that the book is in thousands of school libraries across the nation. Some of the pages with redactions were brought up on the screen. The illustrations and texts were shocking! The school administrators and librarians who allow children to be exposed to that filth should be sent to prison. It is child abuse! Perhaps public schools have never been good, but they were never this bad. I attended Public Schools, Community College, and University in California, and I was never exposed to anything lewd and sordid. Everything was wholesome. Some teachers were excellent and some were mediocre. But nothing that objectionable.

    In my opinion, it all started in California. I recall Prop. 8 when California voted down same sex marriage. The election results went to Court. Jerry Brown, who was Attorney General at the time, refused to represent the People of California in court, and a Homosexual judge overturned the election results, and nothing has been the same after that.

    Prior to the election, I recall the Gays in S.F. whining, “All we want is to get married. We won’t go after your children!” (Yeah, right!) That was the beginning of the LGBTQ movement that is taking over the West. It all started in California when a homosexual judge overturned the results of the election. (Believe it or not, there are millions and millions of good conservatives in California. However, we have radicals in power, as well as the same kind of system that kept Sarah Palin from getting the nomination in Alaska. Also, I believe the elections are rigged. We have those voting machines that are programmed to switch the votes. It’s easy.)


  11. Johnny Cool

    Sooner or later all this nonsense will come to a horrifying end!


    Medvedev makes no secret of his NUCLEAR threat. When he wrote “Everything will catch fire around them” and “They will literally have the earth burning and concrete melting.” he is clearly and unambiguously referring to exactly what takes place upon a NUCLEAR explosion.

    We in the West are being warned, yet again, that the actions WE are undertaking, will result in US getting hit by Russian nuclear weapons!

    How much more forthright can the Russians be? They are telling us what will happen. They have warned us over, and over, and over again, since their Special Military Operations began in February, yet our Public Servants in government seem to laugh it all off as some sort of “posturing.”

    In my assessment, it is not posturing – at all.

    It seems to me the public servants of government here in the USA and over in Europe aren’t going to believe they are causing us all the possibility of nuclear annihilation, until an actual nuclear bomb flies through their window and blows their asses to Kingdom Come!

    After all, it is said: “From these three plagues, from fire, smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths, a third part of the people died” (Rev 9:18).

  12. PersonaNonGrata

    Hi Greg,
    IMHO, you are totally correct – the worldwide Covid ‘vaccine’ scamdemic is the (respecting your strong Christian beliefs – second) most significant event in human history. People have been programmed to want NEW ‘news’, like a drug addict’s fix, but NOT to continue headlining mass death and disablement by government mandated poisoning the would be absurd.

    Forty million hits per month – WOW! I hope my puny efforts, forwarding links to USAW, have accounted for at least a tiny fraction of your audience. As you often say, Greg, ‘people know the truth when they hear it’. 40,000,000 hits attests that they hear it on USAW!

    • Greg Hunter

      It all adds up PersonaNonGrata and thank you for viral promotion. All the glory belongs to Jesus!! USAW was His idea. One day I will explain.

  13. Vincent Mc Cooey

    What a great guest Alex Newman is, Greg. I bought his book the Deep State several months back and it’s a fantastic read. There will only be one Saviour in the end, and it won’t be Trump or De Santis or any politician, but Jesus Christ, and the spirit of Christ is on the verge of returning. God Bless Greg and keep doing what your doing. Vince in London.

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen to that brother Vincent!
      Brother Greg

  14. tim mcgraw

    Hi Greg. Thanks for this interview. Yes! The powers that be are promoting Civil War in the USA. They use racism, vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, masked vs. unmasked, Trumpers vs. Bidens, rich vs. poor, and government vs. the people.
    It gets tiresome after a while.
    Soon it will get more violent.
    Such an old story of dying empires.

    • Greg Hunter

      The good news is we know what they are doing and do not have to take the bait. Happy you are OK with the quake you experienced in California.

  15. Astraea
    This is a series of videos made by John McCarthy, the English journalist who was held hostge in Beirut for five years of solitary confinement. It is about the archaeology of the Holy Land with the views and opinions of many different archaeologist, including the great Israel Finkelstein.
    It is fascinating. Do not miss it.

    ---- END ----


    Speaking of censorship, yesterday, Sept 13 2022, two of your videos I posted on my blog were removed by Google. Why?
    “Your content has violated our Misleading Content policy:"

    “Your post titled “SOUTH AFRICA: Questions for Big Business after its Skelm COVID-19 Vaccine Deal with Government By Brian Pottinger” has been deleted”

    “Your post titled “Guilty are Now Hiding Humanitarian Catastrophe – Dr. Perrie Kory” has been deleted”

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