As much as I rather not post info on this guy, I feel the need to put out another warning and red flag regarding Todd Bentley.
Yesterday stumbled upon this article that Bentley has a new website (
Todd Bentley Launches a Web Site
Contributed by Cary McMullen
Posted: June 23, 2009 11:35:23 AM
Pentecostal faith-healer and revivalist Todd Bentley, who has been in seclusion for about 11 months now after leaving 1) his wife and 2) the Lakeland Outpouring revival last year, has started a new Web site. Bentley was ousted from his Canadian-based Fresh Fire Ministries last year after announcing a separation from his wife and amid allegations he was indulging in heavy drinking. Bentley subsequently divorced and remarried and has been undergoing "rehabilitation" in California and North Carolina. The Fresh Fire organization changed its name, allowing Bentley to claim it, so his new Web site is titled "Fresh Fire -- Missions, Evangelism and Revival." There is an evangelistic video from Bentley and a letter posted on the site, which includes this: "I pray unbelief is not in your heart as a result of hurt and disappointment wrought by unfolding events and decisions I've made, that even before God completes His work in me and heals, restores, and re-establishes my life and the life of this ministry; that He restores your hope, faith, and confidence, that He heals hurts, disappointment, and discouragement." It would seem that it won't be long before Bentley returns to public ministry, conducting revivals. Look for his critics and his supporters to continue their ongoing war about his legitimacy.
Posted By:
Bill (6/30/2009 3:46:19 PM)
Watch the following Youtube clips. Bentley is indeed shown to be a false preacher and not from God.
Posted By:
Kevin (6/25/2009 12:46:43 AM)
How can this guy in all honesty be let lose on the public again its a total disgrace, hes wrecked havoc with his antics totally un christain. Please shut this guys web site down the people over him need to remove this stuff from the net, totally unexcepable, hes a true heretic. Bless you all
--- end ---
And here is an excellent audio from last year of Zeph Daniels and Pat Holliday discussing the spiritual affects of lakeland and Todd Bentley - go to 1 min 15 sec to pass 'music':
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 3
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