AND WE KNOW: 12.4.20: SMOKING Guns everywhere! The WHOLE WORLD is WATCHING!


Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national security



AND WE KNOW: 12.2.20: WI/MI Voter FR@UD EXPOSURE creates SEISMIC shift in MINDS worldwide!



For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14 


The LATEST from My Secret Agent Man which is Confirmed with Health Ranger Report



2nd LINK:


11/29/2020 UPDATE 

Sidney Powell (military attorney).... was told by Ron (Codemonkeyz), that the voting machines that tablulated and changed our vote totals for all candidates in our 2020 election, were be systematically gathered up and destroyed... and that she needed to get our military overseas to go get the remaining machines. WELL ..... The Military did over in Germany.... 

HOWEVErR......... when they tracked the machines.... they were being run out of OUR... yes OUR CIA headquarters in Germany.... BUT..... this was a clandestine CIA headquarters, NOT listed among known bases... in fact not listed in any military documentation.... IN OTHER WORDS .... a Black Opts. run place !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Our 'White Hat' good guys military under orders from Trump went in and a fire fight transpired.... and some of our boys were killed.... and yes, a lot of their people were killed also... SOME WERE CHINESE..... 

SOOOOOOOooooooo...... we were able to get a great number of the computers and hard drives, thumb drives, and banks of servers.... and they are now under OUR control. Sidney says that the information Data implicates and incriminates... EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!! 10's of thousands of known and the rest of the SWAMP ! They NEVER thought they would get caught !!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder Merkel did not want to co-operate with Trump... SHE was hiding this Black Opts CIA operation.... which seems to go back over 40 years..... 

SOOOOOOoooooo..... we have names, pictures, video, audio, documents, correspondences of ALL types, and the list goes on and on and on. Therefore............. where does this leave us????? Simple: ALL of the data from the hard drives, servers, documents, correspondences, and the PHYSICAL machines and the software that CAPTURED all of this information 

"THE KRAKEN"..... along with Flynn's testimony as a witness.... will be presented in a NEW CASE, to the SUPREME COURT by Sidney Powell.... within two weeks... maybe sooner... AND there is MORE......!!!!!! 

She will be indicting the software programer of the COVID-19 test.... Who JUST admitted that the TEST is BOGUS !!!!! They knew there was no test that could confirm a positive or a negative outcome.... BECAUSE the Virus is a Synthesized 8 Genome simple extremely tiny virus . Therefore, he was told to simply create 'something'... that they could use to 'scare' the people that there was a PANDEMIC and the TEST was NECESSARY to heal the person... (remember, there IS a 99.9996 recovery rate WITHOUT doing anything....).... what KILLS the person is that this synthesized virus is STICKY on the outside, and therefore sticks to any injury and COATS/COVERS the illness and so the medicine can't get in to heal the person...UNLESS the person takes Vitamin C, D3, and Zinc. each day.. which SCRUBS the virus inside the body, and dissolves the sticky outer coating and breaks apart the shell of the virus... THUS killing it. hundreds of thousands of doctors and lab techs around the world know this.... but are being censored by the press... and the WHO and CDC and any other business they work for... threatening to take away their license to practice medicine... and/or being written up for insubordination. (If you don't know the BACKGROUND of Anthony Fauci (he is NOT a board certified medical practitioner.... he is simply an Administrator of a virus lab who happens to have his PHD.... he was accused of and reprimanded for stealing medical patents from other lab technicians and filing for them under his OWN name... 

So, those who have died.... did NOT die from the Covid-19.... they died because they did NOT use the vitamins and Zinc... and so the ailments they had proliferated and they died from THOSE other ailments (cancer, pneumonia, stave infections, skull injuries, etc. etc.) ! But the hospitals made it mandatory for ALL doctors to sign off on the death certificate with Covid-19 being what killed the patient IF.... IF.... the synthesized virus was found in the body of the patient and/or any testing in their labs from that patient included covid-19 in their findings ... and NOTHING else, even if the patient was simply in an automobile accident, or slipped and fell, or was shot, or drown....etc. The CDC and WHO had forms instructing the hospitals physicians HOW to Fill Out the form putting Covid-19 as the reason for death.... 

What is the Kraken ????? (two things working together) Kraken = special software controlled by the CIA that can do virtually everything.... .... and Flynn Testimony (he knows everything) think: movie 'Fast and Furious 7'.... god's eye .... using hundreds of servers.... but tied into/linked by ALL CIA computers and servers around the world..... 

It pays to have friends in high places... to gain access.... and collect ALL of EVERYTHING..... that you will need to open a case for the Supreme Court...

AND WE KNOW: 11.29.20: TRUTH is SPREADING! Biggest Election FRAUD in HISTORY!




AND WE KNOW: 11.26.20: FACTS bring CANNON BALL fire BOOMS from Gettysburg!!!



O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:1


Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated



G. Edward Griffin 

from G. Edward Griffin 2020 Nov 21

Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated


Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials in Alberta during a phone conference that the coronavirus pandemic is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson, who is the CEO of a biotech company that makes COVID tests, says “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians.” We are seeing “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Positive test results do not mean a clinical infection, he says. All testing should stop because the false numbers they produce are “driving public hysteria.” Hodkinson says the risk of death for people under the age of 65 is “one in three-hundred thousand” and it is “outrageous” to shut down society for what is merely “just another bad flu.”

Michigan Voter Fraud Witnesses in Detroit








Thank You, President Trump!

Today, I wrote President Trump a thank you note and told him that this was the first time in YEARS that I voted due to prior voter fraud. Then I heard that the good guys fixed the problem, so I registered and put a Trump sign in my yard.

We still have voter fraud BUT the good guys are on it! 

Listen to Rudy


Speaking of Looney Toonies... "When he (David Miscavige) got absolute control, he went absolutely bonkers," Marty Rathbun

Been watching the series on Netflix of the horrors of Scientology... YIKES!!!

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief is a 2015 documentary film about Scientology. 

Watch it here:



  "When he (David Miscavige) got absolute control, he went absolutely bonkers," Marty Rathbun.

For the record... THE JIG IS UP!


PROJECTION: Trump Wins by a Landslide

We are nowhere near the end of the presidential election for 2020, but I will say this about the final number. President Trump will win 40 states and in the end it will be a landslide.

Judging from the votes cast for Republicans down ballot in states lost by Trump it appears there was — let’s call it interference — at the top of the ballot. Take New Hampshire as an example.

The “Live Free Or Die” state voted in a Republican Governor, a Republican senator and Republican house members but went for Joe Biden for president. Not sure New Hampshirites are that much for divided government.

I believe Michigan will fall into the same category as New Hampshire as the race is too tight, but a lawsuit filed Tuesday by the Trump campaign seeks to disallow hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots in the western part of the state. Georgia will also fall into this category.

As I wrote on Tuesday about all the questions raised by this presidential election, no presidential candidate has won Ohio and Florida, which Trump did, and lost the overall election.

A forensic study of the election results released Tuesday shows that perhaps as many as 3.8 million votes in key swing states may have been changed by the Dominion Voting System, which has been alleged to be the guilty party in stealing this election.

While President Trump received more votes than any other Republican candidate in history, if the 3.8 million number is only half right, then Trump wins in a landslide.

To me this makes far more sense. Do you really think Biden received more votes than President Obama? I do not think Biden had any kind of mandate from America, even if many hated Trump that much.

It’s still early, but this election will — in the end — call Trump the winner in a landslide.

Happy Veteran’s Day. Thank you for your service.



Real Clear Politics Pulls PA and CNN Pulls AZ Both for Biden who is now 259


11/9/2020: Trump Campaign Holds Press Conference with Kayleigh McEnany and Ronna McDaniel



Statement from President Trump - November 7, 2020


UPDATE: Trump Sting Planned All Along!


President Donald Trump Delivers Election Remarks from The White House - Nov 5, 2020



Let's Talk Voter Fraud 2020

Let's begin with this post I read this morning by Michael Gray which gave me hope:

Will DHS officials follow the watermark to verify the election?

I’m happy to see that so many Americans came out to vote in this election. Record numbers cast their ballots for president.

But looking at the total votes cast is a little confusing in certain battleground states.

  • Pennsylvania had 500,000 more votes than people registered.
  • North Carolina had 500,000 more votes than people registered.
  • Nevada had 150,000 more votes than people registered.
  • Georgia had 100,000 more votes than people registered.

These voter statistics point to something more nefarious going on. Many are multiple standard deviations from recent presidential election totals.

Well reportedly there is a way to discover if all these ballots cast are authentic, according to the Department of Homeland Security officials.

DHS, which printed the ballots, embedded radioactive isotopes and watermarks onto the legal ballots. A quick scan can pick up the identifying features to validate the vote.

This could be a way to authenticate the 138,000 mysterious ballots that showed up in Michigan Wednesday morning after state officials called an end to the count and said it would resume later in the morning. In fact the counting started up again only an hour later with the addition of the new cache of votes.

So will DHS officials follow the watermark to verify the election results? It appears that is what will happen.

--- end ---

Then received this text from a friend which pretty much confirmed the above info:

Praying this is so! ELECTION FRAUD UPDATE!!! If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters" you probably understood it to mean the 3 gorges dam but it was never referring to that!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchcain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!! The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see. And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!! So, did Trump win by a landslide? You will soon see that he did!!!!!!!!

--- end ---

Then watched this great video!


Yes, voter fraud is running amuck across the the nation and obviously it is no secret so I am confident that TRUTH and JUSTICE will prevail and we will see our President Trump in the White House again for another four years!


From an insider... "Just hitting the airwaves...  9.7 MILLION ballots MISSING in California...!!! I am being told that when it is all through and done with the Supreme Court... Trump wins ALL states except for New York!"


👍 😂
The reason they never thought witchy Clinton would lose is because the elections have ALWAYS been rigged.
This year's election is officially a criminal matter. We're talking all-out fraud. Every single state has multiple examples. And the media is reporting FAKE election numbers to incite riots when POTUS is officially declared winner. FOX is just as guilty as CNN.
Every facet of the Election fraud will go before the Supreme Court per U.S. Codes. The public will be shown overwhelming evidence of election fraud. Thousands will be arrested.
The chemical dye watermark on the real ballots is naked to the eye, and may be only visible with military night goggles. The National Guard was sent to 12 hotly contested states "in case of riots", but that was a cover to keep the hidden watermark secret. They were really dispatched to deal with the fraud 😃
National Guard is sifting through real and fake ballots, and recounting. Chatter suggests the ballot counting stopped when those trying to control the election learned of the secret watermark. The real numbers are going to be nothing short of shocking. 💥🐸🍿
There were also spies everywhere recording everything so the poll workers, campaigners, elected officials, housewives, senators- everyone involved will face justice.... At the HIGHEST COURT- Gitmo!!!!!
Treason, seditious conspiracy, conspiracy against rights and deprivation of Constitutional rights, denial of rights under color of law, fraudulent registration, fraudulent voting, mail fraud, and soooo much more.
When you committed high crimes, the felonies are meaningless. SCOTUS will refer those folks for military tribunals at Gitmo, where the accused are stripped of all Constitutional rights due to high crimes and treason, sedition, conspiracy, etc.
Crimes against the nation and American citizens were taken very seriously by our founders.
The guilty will ask SCOTUS to be excused from a tribunal and plead to keep everything in criminal court. Not gonna happen bcuz evidence of the highest level of criminal acts against all of America will be precisely *WHY* SCOTUS refers these folks to Gitmo.
SERIOUSLY ladies and gents, this is part of the plan. That's why Ruth "died" right before the election and Amy was appointed. Ruth actually died a few years ago but it was withheld from the public.... Until it was convenient.
Gitmo was rebuilt years ago, too. It's already housing a lot of folks you think are still free. Last month Congress passed legislation allowing public broadcast for tribunals. That might boomerang on 'em 😂😂


President Trump Speaks on Election Night: "We will be going the US Supreme Court"



Michael Jaco Interviews Juan O Savin

OCT 30, 2020 LINK:

OCT 22, 2020 


Tony Bobulinski Interview with Tucker Carlson - Oct 27, 2020


Joe Biden mispeaks on podcast about voter fraud




Around the 19 minute mark, Joe Biden says, "Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together — and you’d [sic] guys, did it for our, the president Obama’s administration, before this — we have put together, I think, the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

He probably meant to say something like, "voter fraud protection organization..."

Leaving one word out can make a BIG difference in any conversation!


After the recent debate, I asked a few folks why President Trump was pushing for a vaccine.

Here is one answer I received:

To expose and discredit  Fauci ... And the company he worked for... And his connection to the Clintons, and Bill & Melinda Gates... And Obama with the funding (using over three million of U.S. tax payers money)... in the construction of the New Wuhan lab that is five stories deep... Where the synthesized virus that Gates commissioned and paid to be created was shipped over to China to be used as a 'test Pandemic'... To see if the REAL modified Coronavirus mixed with ebola and Mers could be spread as fast to kill off over 300 million people around the world in six weeks...
      Fauci and other company officials have been saying it could take YEARS to develop a vaccine... Well, this would show that A vaccine CAN be created that works on this synthesized virus in just a few months...
    Makes Fauci look like a fool and NOT that credible... So that the fake news will NOT give him credibility nor quoted any more.
      That way the public will start listening to Trump and Scott Atlas as the knowledgeable ones and therefore... No more masks needed... Nor social distancing... And the result  WILL be opening up all businesses schools churches, and STATES , etc etc etc around the world !!!!
      You can smile... It's all in the plan ... ' you have to SHOW the populous... NOT just tell them... '
Exposure of falsehoods, lies, double talk, inaccuracies, 'do as I say.. Not as I do'.... Of Fauci and the pharma companies...
THAT is the KEY !!!

Here is another answer:

Before Trump was elected and angel told me that Trump would come out on top, but that in the end he would throw it, meaning throw the religious people following him. 
Note your statement: "Anyway, now someone is telling me that he has control of the chemtrails and is healing them with more chemicals. Does this make sense??”.
There are many such statements like this. Trump is a demi-god. Therefore, he can do no wrong. He will neutralize all that allow him and make them believe that it is for their own good. Anyone who does not worship him can see right through the lies. All media is owned by the same people. This includes Fox. They are playing everyone for fools. The biggest fools are the secularized religious right. The first century is replaying in reverse. The gentile leaders are in bed with the govt. Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. Paul did not marry the govt. John did not preach political parties. A remnant of the gentiles (Bride) will take the gospel back to the Jews that are called, not the Jewish govt or nation. The rest of the gentiles will fall away. The bride must let go of the world right now. Just let go.

After the vaccine nothing else will matter because no one who takes it will be able to stand.

Trump was an anti-vaxer and his first staff was anti-vax. After the election, he eliminated the anti-vax segment of his team. This was planned. This is why everyone was confused by his actions. He is now not only a vaxer, but has promised to use the military under “Operation warp speed” to bring the vaccine to your door. “Operation warp speed” was first coined by the US military to bring the two nuclear bombs to two Japaneese cities to genecide them. Now, he uses the same term for the military to once again genecide cities. Every time he speaks it is esoteric and yet the religious right love him. His son in law is key in the Abrahamic Accord, which is the Noahide laws. Trump has even penned the Noahide statement that John 14:6 is unacceptable under the Abrahamic Accord. This is because the one world religion cannot allow exclusivism. This is also why virtually all of the Evangelical leaders have kissed the Pope’s ring and repented for the reformation.

Yeshua-Jesus came as the Hebrew "word" made flesh. However, none of the Hebrew scholars of the day understood Jesus' words???? This is because Jesus' words are spirit and they are life. In Capernaum people heard him say "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood". So nearly everyone left him. However, Jesus actually said; "You must eat my gospel and drink in my thoughts in the likeness of my spirit." They are exactly the same statements in Hebrew. Thus, carnal people see every thing carnally. Spiritual people see everything spiritual. 

Since "Capernaum" is the word "atonement" or "redemption" at the moment of redemption if we miss what the Holy Spirit is saying we will get up and walk away and Jesus will let us go. Since God is a spirit and he dwells in the heart. When he speaks he speaks spiritually. Therefore, the entire text of Scripture is written spiritually. Since the word "flesh" (בשר) is also the words "gospel" (בשר) and "preacher" (בשר) the Bride of Christ will not be "flesh of my flesh", but rather, "preacher of my gospel". (See Gen 2:23) 

The Bride is about to wake up!!!! 

Regarding the "mark", every Hebrew word occurs naturally and spiritually. This is also why the word "flesh" is also the word "gospel." It occurs as different parts of speech, but the translators misunderstand that old Hebrew was a picture language and thus it was "show and tell". Parts of speech are subject to the picture patterns in the words. 

Let us look at the noun "heart" (לבב). It is the pictures of a shepherd staff and the floor-plan of a tent. Therefore, "heart" means "the shepherd in the tent." Now consider that the verb form of "heart" is "ravish" (לבב), which spells exactly the same as the noun "heart". However, when it shows up, translators translate it as "thou hast ravished my heart", even though the noun "heart" is not in the text.(See Son 4:9) This phenomenon occurs 5500 times in the Tanach (Old Testament). This means that the picture pattern and meaning carries more weight than the part of speech. 

Now consider that the Apostle Paul said that we have a natural body and a spiritual body. The natural heart pumps blood. Since the noun "blood" spells the same as the verb "thoughts" the spiritual heart deals with counsel of the heart and it pumps thoughts. The natural blood must pass through the liver to be cleansed. Since the word "liver" (כבד) is the word "glory" (כבד) our thoughts must pass through the Glory of God in the glory cloud of the Holy Spirit to be cleansed. 

Finally, let us look at the "mark". In Hebrew, the "mark" occurs 15,000 times. it is the direct demonstrative pronoun. It occurs 115 times a a sign or some type of a mark. The "mark" (אות) consists of the first character and the last character with the word "and" in the middle. It is the mark of the first and the last. It is the beginning and the end. It represents how we see every character of ever word, either naturally or spiritually. It first occurs in the first verse of the Bible. It first occurs in full form as the "sign" of the two great lights that shall rule the day and the night. Since the word "rule" (משל) is the words "parable" (משל) and "kingdom" (משל), they are parables of the kingdom. (See Gen 1:16) To be marked on the right hand is very interesting. The word "right" can spell the same as the words "faith" and "believe". The noun "hand" occurs as the primary verb for "confess" or "confession". To be marked in the right hand is to be marked by what you believe and confess. So, "... and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast...." (Rev 13:4) All forms Hebrew words translating as "worship" also occur as some form of "obey" or "obedience". 

Additionally, the Greek word "beast" is the Hebrew word “fear", “terror”, and “spirit". Putting this all together, they will obey the spirit of fear confessing that they are not able to make war with him. This is clearly the Hebrew mindset of John. Anything you obey when you should not you are worshipping it. In the end, all the fearful and unbelieving will take their part in the lake of fire. (See Rev 21:8) Conversely the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. (See 2Ti 1:7) The antithesis to the fearful and unbelieving are the faithful and believing unto obedience. "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their loves unto the death.” (See Rev 12:11)

The original text of whole thing is "Jesus talk". We missed it!!! Now, Satan desires to remove the presence of the Holy Spirit from the earth with the FunVax because he knows that the Bride of Christ is about to wake up and see her destiny. We are about to replay the garden event. Except this time, We are not "naked and unashamed", but rather "Wise and Unashamed". You see, they are the same statement in Hebrew. The original text is actually recorded in future tense as a prophecy regarding redemption and how we will judge angels. Satan's worst fear is about to come back upon him. It is Christ in you.

One last thought. Every spiritual use of any Hebrew word role pays perfectly in every occurrence. Since, “hand” is the word “confession” the Pharisees were constantly washing their hands, which is to change their confession. They were mad that Jesus and his disciples ate with unwashed hands. You see, Jesus did not need to change his confession. Remember, his words are spirit and they are life. To take someone by the hand is to take them by their confession. Today, everyone is told to put on a mask and wash their hands. Mask is the word veil. They are placing veils over their hearts and constantly washing their hands or changing their confession.


Plandemic 2 FULL VERSION - Uncensored (2020)

This is a MUST SEE Video.

Click this LINK:


I don’t ‘Trust the plan’; I Trust the LORD JESUS CHRIST

If you want to know the TRUTH, read the Bible & start with John.

PS I don’t trust Q either.

Benghazi Whistleblower




2017 President Trump Condemns White Supremacists


Having Hope: Surely God is in this Place and We Knew it Not


2018 Article: HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!


The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season

State of the Nation
Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland.
There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane (really a Cat. 5) at the Florida Panhandle.

Midterm Elections 2018

First and foremost, this superstorm is being sent to Tallahassee, Florida the state capital.  Not only will the state government be entirely preoccupied with the aftermath of the storm for many weeks going into the November 6th election, it will allow the desperate Democrats to rig the election under cover of chaos and destruction.
The many counties that stretch across North Florida are as Republican RED as any other region in the 50 states.  Hence, they have been targeted by the weather warriors just 4 weeks before Election Day, making it very difficult for voters to even make it to the polls, many of which will be blown away.  Same for conservative South Georgia and Christian southern Alabama.
Because the state government is headquartered in Tallahassee, the election machinery is controlled there, as is the process and procedure for certifying the election results.  The ensuing hurricane mayhem will allow the Democrats to take advantage of the situation in ways that can only be conjectured at this point but we all know the DEMs “never let a crisis go to waste”.

George Soros & Andrew Gillum

Andrew Gillum

Make no mistake about it, the George Soros-funded candidate — Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum — was chosen to win this year’s Democrat primary because he has been groomed to be Obama 2.0.  He was also selected by his globalist masters to lead Florida leftward just as Obama did the nation.

Florida’s Democrat Gubernatorial Nominee Andrew Gillum Failed Miserably As Tallahassee Mayor…
…and the George Soros-picked pawn will run the state into the ground just like Obama did to the country if elected.

With this critical understanding, it ought to be easy to grasp why a hurricane is being manufactured to profoundly impact Tallahassee, where a failed mayor is notorious statewide for completely botching that last Hurricane response.  As a Tallahassee resident, the author personally witnessed the willful neglect and gross incompetence by the city after the pervasive damage caused by Hurricane Hermine in 2016.  Gillum was even heavily criticized by the governor for his shocking level of irresponsibility. FLASHBACK: Gov. Scott slams Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum for how he handled Hurricane Hermine
The key point here is that Hurricane Michael will give Gillum a second opportunity to get it right this time.  The mayor has been out appearing for photo-ops filling sand bags this week when he should be doing much more important things, but then this whole ruse is being staged for political show.
Yes, the globalists will do anything necessary to shoehorn Gillum into the Governor’s Mansion so desperate are they to win the 2020 POTUS election.  The Democrat Deep State knows full well that whoever occupies the Florida governorship can determine the ultimate outcome of Florida’s highly coveted 29 electoral votes, the voters be damned.

Weather Warfare & the UN Agendas

Both Texas and Florida have been the victims of much weather warfare over the past couple of decades.  Texas is also a very red state and therefore frequently targeted with alternating droughts and deluges, both cataclysmic.  Hurricane Harvey was only the latest superstorm geoengineered to paralyze a major hub for the Oil & gas Industry — Houston — among many other disastrous outcomes.
See: Hurricane Harvey: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targets Texas—WHY?
The numerous acts of weather terrorism perpetrated against the residents of Florida and Texas (as well as California) are all designed to advance the 3 major UN agendas.  The following excerpt further explains the ongoing conspiracy to undermine American sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The globalists who manufactured this oncoming calamity have a specific agenda that has multiple goals.  Most of those relate to the UN agendas—Agenda 212030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Vision 2050.  One major purpose is to move the affected populace away from the land and/or coastlines.  Many of these regions have been identified as safe environmental corridors that are meant to be used exclusively by the power elite during the End Times.
(Source: Superstorm Florence Geoengineered To Be Another Hurricane Harvey)
The spate of unprecedented mega-hurricanes that have been geoengineered over the past few decades are also the deceitful product of the Global Warming crowd.  There’s no better advertisement for the Global Warming hoax than to destroy a few cities, states or coastlines every year which are then blamed on out-of-control climate change as evidenced by wacky weather (read unrelenting superstorms).
In fact, the UN just produced a fictitious and hysterical report that makes a case for biospheric Armageddon if humanity does not turn down the heat (via carbon footprint reduction) post-haste.  Of course, all the models used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based on CO2 generation produced by human activity, which completely ignores the influences of natural sun cycles.
Much more significantly, however, is the deafening silence concerning the global geoengineering operations being conducted 24/7.  In so doing, the various UN agenda mouthpieces for carbon-driven climate change have deliberately avoided the single biggest threat to the planetary civilization—chemical geoengineering.  In other words, the nonstop chemical geoengineering regime contributes majorly to the production of immense amounts of water vapor, the primary greenhouse gas and greatest factor of regional warming wherever chemtrail aerosols are being sprayed continuously.  As follows:

Chemical Geoengineering and Climate Change

What they have also forgotten to share with the human race is a crucial little factoid. That fact concerns water vapor, which is by far the most plentiful of all the greenhouse gases (GHG).  The greenhouse gases, of course, are those which have been identified as the main contributors to climate change.  They chose CO2 for obvious reasons but then curiously ignore water vapor altogether.  Here is the list of the top 4 greenhouse gases from Wikipedia in descending order of amount and contribution:
Screen Shot 2015-12-26 at 4.05.24 PM

Because the CO2 deception is such an essential piece of the UN agendas, the globalists feel compelled to geoengineer catastrophic superstorms on a regular basis.  In this way they are able to generate a sufficient level of fear worldwide hopeful that the global population will support the centerpiece of their New World Order— a totalitarian One World Government. See: NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

Hurricane Michael

In light of these revelations it ought to be clear that the NWO globalists have weaponized the weather across the planet.  Hurricane Michael is just the latest example of how a natural storm can be greatly intensified and steered wherever the geoengineers so choose to.
There have been many hurricanes that were manufactured near the Yucatan Peninsula for reasons that are self-evident to storm watchers, especially those who can spot the unmistakable geoengineering signatures. See: Just like Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Michael was fed massive amounts of moisture by water vapor generation stations on the Yucatan Peninsula.
What makes the geoengineering of Hurricane Michael different is that the whole USA has been experiencing freaky weather throughout the Fall.  The degree of weather manipulation that was required to create and sustain and direct Michael is extraordinary as seen in this excellent video: OCTOBER SURPRISE: Weather Warfare Across the Nation is Being Purposefully Geoengineered (Video)
Therefore, there’s no question that Michael was fabricated for maximum effect just as Hurricane Florence was. (RED ALERT: There’s something very wrong with all the hype surrounding Hurricane Florence!)  North Carolina, especially, is still recovering from Flo as it will be for many months.  And yet here comes Michael, which is set to train across the same water-soaked NC areas that are still soggy from that epic superstorm patterned after Hurricane Harvey. See: Superstorm Florence Geoengineered To Be Another Hurricane Harvey
The bottom line is that the geoengineers don’t even try to hide their furtive and highly destructive weaponization of the weather.  With each and every storm that they either create from scratch or hijack from Mother Nature, the weather warriors can no longer hide the many telltale signs of their atmosphere-altering workmanship.  The video below lays bare just a few of those features which are a dead giveaway of a geoengineered storm.

Geoengineering Signatures Prove Hurricane Michael Is Being Intensified And Steered (Video)


The $64,000 question remains: Now that many know about the relentless state-sponsored weather terrorism, what can We the People do to shut it down?
When whole regions are devastated by these calamitous meteorological events, the affected residents will eventually recognize that they are the object of what are basically false flag weather attacks.  What’s imperative is that a critical mass of citizens becomes aware of this new normal so that the perps can be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
This ought to be the immediate goal of the Patriot Movement, both here and abroad, to stop the chemtrails and terminate geoengineering.  After all, it’s totally true: “Whoever controls the weather, controls the world”.   Therefore, it’s extremely urgent that people everywhere work together to disempower the weather manipulators with all deliberate speed.  Not only does the fate of humanity hang in the balance, the foreseeable future of the planet is at stake.


An unprecedented call to action has since been issued as a direct response to this brazen attack on the Right. There is simply too much at stake in the midterms for patriots everywhere not to trigger the vote-quake necessary to generate a massive RED tsunami to overwhelm the Democrat’s little blue wave.
See: A Call to Action (Video)

State of the Nation
October 10, 2018
PROOF: Hard Evidence That Hurricane Michael Was Geoengineered (Video)
Hurricane Michael and the US Govt Coverup (Video)