Taken from Fresh Fire Ministries website:
"Here are the facts:
"1. Todd has yet to enter into a clear system of accountability with the leaders he identified that would be involved in such a process. Todd has visited Rick Joyner in Fort Mills, South Carolina, and indicated early on in September that he would be moving there soon to become a part of the community there and to receive counseling from Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, Bill Johnson and others that Rick might feel to bring alongside. Todd is in regular contact with Rick Joyner and has agreed together with Rick that he will move to Fort Mills during the first few months of 2009.
"2. Having spoken with Todd in recent days, he is resolute in his intentions to divorce Shonnah, and in his mind, the restoration he is seeking is one which would not include reconciliation with his wife. Todd admits to being 100% responsible for the divorce.
"3. It also needs to be clarified that Shonnah has in no way initiated this divorce and has no present intention to do so at any time in the future. She is understandably hurt by Todd’s infidelity, but is not asking or pressing for a divorce. The legal separation from Shonnah was initiated completely by Todd and he has not seen her or the children since the last week in July. To our knowledge, Todd’s relationship with the female staff-member, who was a former intern and also, at his initiative, a live-in nanny in his house for over a year, is still ongoing. We believe that there are currently no biblical grounds for Todd to leave his wife and children. While it has been maintained that no physical contact happened between Todd and the former female intern until after he filed for legal separation from Shonnah, in the Boards’ eyes, the nature of the present relationship between Todd and his former staff member is that of adultery."
October 19, 2008 UPDATE
Good old spell check proves useful in more ways than one Western Standard- Shotgun Blog, Canada - 12 hours ago
One of the main supports of BC evangelist Todd Bentley’s “Lakeland revival this summer was the live coverage provided by God TV, a London-based charismatic ...
Mr. Bentley's credulity is exposed Western Standard- Shotgun Blog, Canada - 13 hours ago
During Canadian faith healer Todd Bentley’s revival campaign this summer, 31 alleged resurrections from the dead were reportedly connected to the revival in ...
The faith healer, his disabled wife, and a possible divorce Western Standard- Shotgun Blog, Canada - 13 hours ago
It’s very unusual that someone that I wrote about in my Report magazine days (not once, not twice, but three times) would have since become an international ...
October 14, 2008 UPDATE
'Outpouring' Revival Finished
The Ledger Published: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 11:49 p.m.
After six months, the local religious revival that drew thousands of people to Lakeland from all over the world has officially ended.
The final meeting of the Lakeland Outpouring, formerly led by Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley, was at Ignited Church on Sunday.
After months of ministering to thousands of followers daily, Bentley stepped down from public ministry in August, announced his separation from his wife and admitted to having had an inappropriate relationship with a female staff member.
The meetings continued after Bentley's departure, moving from a 10,000-seat air dome at Lakeland's Sun n' Fun Fly-in to Ignited Church in Lakeland, where the revival began.
GOD TV, the worldwide television network that broadcast Bentley's revival, plans to broadcast other offshoots in the United States and United Kingdom, including meetings in Dudley, England.
The organization Bentley founded, Fresh Fire Ministries, is still in operation.
October 1, 2008 UPDATE
Does it ever end?? Todd Bentley is "deeply sorry for the problems that his problems have caused others" - so says Rick Joyner.
Oh brother. Read more here.
September 26, 2008 UPDATE:
Message from god-tv
Received the above in an email today. Oh brother. Too bad Rory and Wendy are deceived and deceiving others on purpose, in my opinion.
The only good thing about the Lakeland/Todd Bentley 'circus' being broadcast is it has brought into greater focus the lies/deception of the charismatic/pentacostal movements.
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:4,5
In the meantime, may we continue to pray that the Truth be revealed, the lies be exposed, the deceived wakeup, the sinner repent, the lost get saved and the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified. Watching by the grace of God,
"Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Mark 13:35-37
EMAIL reply from Berlin, Germany
September 1, 2008 UPDATE:
We have had enough of false prophets!
"This article is not about false prophet Todd Bentley; it's about the esteemed leaders and role models who helped create the Lakeland disaster."
August 28, 2008 UPDATE:
Whatsup with Joel's Army?
Tattooed across Todd Bentley's "sternum are military dog tags that read "Joel's Army." They're evidence of Bentley's generalship in a rapidly growing apocalyptic movement that's gone largely unnoticed by watchdogs of the theocratic right."
ugust 22, 2008 UPDATE:
Can we trust Dutch Sheets?
Yesterday, Dutch Sheets wrote a lengthly 'Statement and Appeal Regarding Lakeland' with the purpose being to ' identificationally repent on behalf of the leadership of the charismatic body of Christ' with reference to Nehemiah 1:4-7 & Daniel 9:1-19. However, is Dutch Sheets one to be trusted?
And the prophets prophesied falsely and the people loved it so
"Bentley had more supernatural experiences than all the apostles put together. Like immature children being tucked into bed modern day charismatics accepted his supernatural tales. These were tales from a master of story telling- but it was not Rod Serling of the Twilight Zone, or Alfred Hitchcock-- but Todd Bentley of the supernatural zone. The more they heard the more they became accustom to his storytelling and forsook the word of God. And the church leaders stood by said nothing-- they endorsed him."
Did I Sit On The Sidelines While The Playing Field Burned?
"... The question that I now have to ask myself…the question that will haunt me for quite a while is…did I sit on the sidelines while the playing field burned? Should have I blogged about it…spoken out about it publicly…done more to get the word out to the rest of the world that this whole thing was about Todd and not God? I took care of my own house…but should I have done more to take care of the entire neighborhood?"
August 19. 2008 UPDATE:
Bentley bends
B. C. healer, televangelist withdraws for his own healing
Brian Hutchinson, National Post
Published: Tuesday, August 19, 2008
VANCOUVER -It wasn't his outrageous claims of raising the dead that finally landed Todd Bentley in trouble. Not the contradictory sermons, or even his criminal past. Not the face piercings, the neck-to-knee tattoos, the biker-dude lifestyle. His followers could live with all that; it was part of the act.
And what a performance it was: For the past few months, Mr. Bentley, a 32-year-old former drug addict from Canada's west coast, was the hottest thing going on the global televangelist circuit. A hog-riding faith healer with a devil-may-care attitude.
Then he failed his flock, the old fashioned way: By consorting with another woman.
Mr. Bentley is now taking a long time out from his ministry, for some healing and reflection. The news was delivered on the weekend. "We have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff," reads an Aug. 15 letter from his church, Fresh Fire Ministries, based in Abbotsford, B. C., an evangelical hotbed.
The letter, posted on the Fresh Fire Web site, followed another online note three days earlier acknowledging that Mr. Bentley's marriage had unravelled. "Todd and Shonnah Bentley are presently experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated. We want to affirm that there has been no sexual immorality on the part of either Todd or Shonnah, nor has there ever been," it reads.
The news comes just as Mr. Bentley's ministry -- which began a decade ago on the streets of Vancouver's miserable Downtown Eastside -- had found a worldwide audience. In April this year, the stocky preacher received an invitation to travel from Abbotsford to Lakeland, in southern Florida, to take part in a series of Christian revival meetings.
Audiences there were dazzled. Mr. Bentley was asked to stay. So began what became known as the Lakeland Outpouring, an unfettered expression of charismatic fervour that quickly became a full-fledged phenomenon, with 8,000
people daily packing into a baseball stadium, then inside a church building. Twice a day, seven days a week, through the spring and summer, with Mr. Bentley taking centre stage, yelling and exhorting, and sometimes smacking around the ill and infirm.
GodTV, a specialty on-line service dedicated to Christian worship, quickly made room for the Lakeland Outpouring in its broadcast schedule. Millions of potential worshippers were exposed to Mr. Bentley. Among others, people with health problems travelled alone or with church groups to Florida for his sermons, loud and aggressive multi-media performances punctuated with faith-healing demonstrations and requests for financial contributions.
Mr. Bentley claims that God uses him as an instrument to heal the sick. He demonstrated this capacity at one Outpouring meeting by taking a run at a professed cancer patient and planting a knee hard into the man's gut. The man fell to the floor, grimacing.
At another meeting, Mr. Bentley laughed about kicking a woman in the face in order to help deliver God's healing touch. He spoke of his encounters with angels and prophets. He waved letters in front of his audiences, claiming they were written by relatives of people declared dead. Their dead kin had risen, he explained, after being exposed to his sermons, via GodTV broadcasts.
"I have in my hands the 13th testimony as a result of this Outpouring, of somebody raised from the dead," he said a few weeks ago. "I'm saying to the media, the dead are being raised…Are you ready to hear the 13th story? Now, many of them,
we've been following up. We still haven't had a chance to verify this. I can read it to you as I received it."
At last count, Mr. Bentley had been used by God to resurrect 20 people -- verifications still to come.
His claims have attracted plenty of skeptics, some of whom have carefully parsed his sermons, looking for what might be considered heresy, or simply false statements. Internet bloggers certainly found inconsistencies in his stories; for example, Mr. Bentley seems to confuse dates and events when describing his various visits with angels and his discussions with God.
His skeptics learned of a terrible incident. In 1991, Mr. Bentley, then 15, was convicted of sexual assaulting a seven-year-old B. C. boy. The case was outlined in The Report newsmagazine 10 years later; confronted with the facts, Mr. Bentley consented to a discussion of his conviction. "I was involved in a sexual assault ring," he told The Report, now defunct. "I turned around and did what had happened to me. I was assaulted too."
He said he considered the matter closed. "It's something that's dead and buried for me."
In June, FOX TV snoop Geraldo Rivera interviewed Mr. Bentley. The matter of his conviction did not come up; rather, Mr. Rivera asked for verification that he had helped heal the sick.
Again, Mr. Bentley waved a fistful of papers in the air but offered no names, no proof. ABC's Nightline examined Mr. Bentley's claims in July and was met with similar obfuscation.
But others have bought in. Several of Mr. Bentley's colleagues in the televangelism trade--including fellow Canadian Patricia King -- vouched for him, even after the unflattering FOX and ABC exposure.
"The healing of the sick, the casting out of devils, the raising of the dead, the cleansing of lepers, this was all taking place" at the Lakeland Outpouring, Ms. King insisted last weekend, during a sermon broadcast on her Extreme Prophetic Television program.
Ms. King, who is also based in the Abbotsford area, went on to describe in the barest of detail Mr. Bentley's latest transgression and fall from grace, and said that any form of sin is intolerable.
No one from Fresh Fire Ministries or its affiliate church organizations in Abbotsford responded to interview requests yesterday. Mr. Bentley is reportedly in California, staying with friends.
He will not offer any public ministry for at least a year, according to the latest Fresh Fire letter. He will not return to Florida for the rest of the Outpouring; it winds up on Saturday, after a 143-day run. A stadium tour across the United States has been cancelled. Gatherings in the U. K. have been "postponed."
There is no talk of resurrection, or revival. Just the hope of forgiveness.
August 17, 2008 UPDATE:
Satan's Plan to Destroy Christianity
August 16, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley: 'Unhealthy Relationship' with Female Staffmember
From Freshfire:
"We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life."
August 15, 2008 UPDATE:
Today received from Bud Press at Christian Research Service:
August 15, 2008
Now Online at Christian Research Service...
Todd Bentley and the Hotel Fire in Seattle
Judgment from the 'Lord' or 'Accidental'?
by Bud Press
"Common sense dictates that when a person makes a claim, but refuses to provide PROOF, it calls into question ALL the claims he or she has made, both past and present."
Discernment the Size of A Flea
An Open Letter to Charisma Magazine
by Bud Press
"For years, many Christians have been conditioned to accept anything that comes down the pike--no matter how far-out or ridiculous. Part of that conditioning process is to lift-up, admire and adore false prophets, downplay their false prophecies with a grin and shrug, brush the false prophecies off as simple mistakes, then concentrate on "all of the good things" the false prophet does."
Letter to Stephen Strang
Are You A Christian?
By Bud Press
"The time has come for you to stop promoting false prophets and false teachers in Charisma magazine and other publications."
Updated! Todd Bentley Articles Page
Updated! Todd Bentley Videos Page
God bless,
August 14, 2008 UPDATE:
Article: Faith healer abandons pulpit
Video: Todd Bentley and the Fallen angels - testimony posted last month of visitor to Lakeland meeting.
August 13, 2008 UPDATE:
Received an email today which tells what Charisma Magazine editor, Lee Grady, thinks about the latest Bentley news (read it here).
But Grady still doesn't get it. He says he can't understand why the leaders didn't warn the people. The leaders who supported Bentley didn't warn the people because they are deceiving wolves themselves. Why should they or would they warn their victims? In my opinion, they knew EXACTLY who they were promoting when they came to Lakeland.
There were A LOT of warnings from this blog and elsewhere. However, deceived people don't always wake up easily. But hopefully these latest events will shake more folks out of their charismatic/pentecostal stupor.
Grady is still looking for an end time healing revival but the scriptures never say that. Rather they say there will be a great falling away/apostasy which I believe is currently in the works. He said a prominent Pentecostal evangelist told him he's now convinced that a large segment of the charismatic church will follow the anti-Christ when he shows up because they have no discernment. With this, I totally agree.
And the good that has come out of all this? I learned a lot and realize now more than ever the importance of testing EVERYTHING by the Word of God. In fact, folks need to stop chasing after another 'God-goosebump-experience', forget Elijah list's prophetic nonsense, get back in the Bible and repent to the Lord Jesus Christ of their sin/their un-scriptural activities.
August 12, 2008 UPDATE:
ARTICLE: Evangelist Bentley, Wife File for Separation
Special prayer request from Fresh Fire website:
"...The Lord’s blessings and abundance have been so evident on the ministry during this season of intense activity and we rejoice in seeing and being able to participate in what we believe is only the beginning of a worldwide awakening. It is with considerable sadness then, that we must temper the jubilation we know you all feel with the sobering news that Todd and Shonnah Bentley are presently experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated. We want to affirm that there has been no sexual immorality on the part of either Todd or Shonnah, nor has there ever been. Undoubtedly the pressures and the burden of the Outpouring, which approaches 144 days on August 23rd, have helped to create an atmosphere of fatigue and stress that has exacerbated existing issues in their relationship. We wish to stress however, that the Outpouring is not “to blame” for the current chain of events and that in effect we have no interest in blaming anyone, but rather we deeply covet your prayers for Todd and Shonnah and for Fresh Fire Ministries during this time..."
August 11, 2008 UPDATE:
Separation May End Bentley's Lakeland Appearances
Todd Bentley, the evangelist who has led the Florida Outpouring revival here in Lakeland since April 2, has filed for separation from his wife and might not return to the revival, according to his former local spokesperson, Lynne Breidenbach.
Bentley Family

She said Bentley made the announcement to his staff this afternoon. Bentley and his wife, Shonnah, have two daughters and a son and are Canadian citizens. Under Canadian law, separation is a first step in divorce proceedings and takes nine months. Bentley and his wife have been in marriage counseling for several months, Breidenbach said. She called the situation "very sad" but insisted it "doesn't invalidate what Todd did" at the revival.
Breidenbach, who said her contract with Bentley's Fresh Fire ended today, said it is not clear whether Bentley will make further appearances at the revival. About two weeks ago, Bentley announced he would leave the revival on Aug. 23 in order to resume his traveling evangelistic work.
The Fresh Fire Ministries Web site indicates that a September appearance by Bentley in England has been postponed. Stay tuned for further information.
August 4, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley Leaving Lakeland August 23
August 3, 2008 UPDATE:
Video clips and article on spiritual drunkenness and false revival
August 1, 2008 UPDATE:
This following article was written back in June but has some very important information regarding the Sanskrit words that Todd Bentley uses: Todd Bentley Raging Revival/A VERY SERIOUS WARNING!!!!!!
July 31, 2008 UPDATE:
Received the following comments by Andrew Strom in an email today. I don't agree with everything Strom says/believes but the following is interesting. Thanks Steve!
- Andrew Strom.
Last week we published a number of strong statements against
Lakeland by one of Peter Wagner's 'apostles' named Robert
Ricciardelli. For those who are not aware, Peter Wagner heads
up an organization devoted to setting in place "apostles" over the
church. This is known as the 'New Apostolic Reformation' (NAR),
and it has been very controversial. I myself have never seen it as
any kind of true "Reformation" - because all it seems to do is
set up another level of hierarchy over the existing ones. I also
question whether many of the "apostles" are true apostles - but
that is another story. Suffice it to say, that Wagner runs one of
the most powerful and far-reaching global networks in the
Charismatic world.
I don't know if Peter Wagner fully realized what he was doing
when he went down to Lakeland and publicly endorsed Todd
Bentley and the 'revival' there. But clearly he started a rift in his
own movement that may very well almost tear it apart.
However, before we discuss this further, it is also important to
note that even some "pro-Lakeland" churches are beginning to
have second thoughts about supporting that movement - as more
factual information begins to emerge about what is really going on.
The following was written by the leader of a "pro-Lakeland" church -
and forwarded to me this week. (I have removed the identity of
both the leader and the church). This really is an amazing
admission for such a "pro-Lakeland" leader to make:
"Hi staff,
We need to talk, probably as a staff, and go through what I've
found out. I had a long talk with Robert Ricciardelli. He's no revival
critic... He loves revival, believes in healing, prophecy and all the
rest and is delighted to hear about the healings we've had here.
He's a close friend of Stephen Strader... He's in an accountability
relationship with Lee Grady (editor of Charisma Magazine) and is
a writer for Charisma on occasion. He's part of C. Peter Wagner's
apostolic network, recognized by Peter as an apostle. I've seen
the man's website and he's legit, not a heresy hunter.
"The reports he has given me are firsthand, not hearsay. I am
deeply troubled, grieved and tormented at what I'm hearing. He
attributes most of the anointing at Lakeland to Roy Fields (worship
leader). I agree. Roy is nothing but clean and God shows up hugely
when he leads worship. I can go into detail later about what is
surfacing, but there are huge lapses of integrity going on... Much
embellishment. Many claims have been made that simply are not
true. The Charisma crew has researched it. I want to weep. My
heart is breaking. For now, to be safe and for the sake of integrity,
we need to stop speaking about the claimed resurrections. Three
of them have been checked out with the doctors and EMTs
involved and found never to have happened at all. Todd has been
confronted with this and has not adjusted the numbers in his
claims. Not a single one of the other claimed resurrections can
be substantiated despite diligent effort to do so. Even after
Stephen Strader brought it down to 13 (and even those couldn't
be substantiated) Todd ran it back up to 27 and more.
Misrepresentation and embellishment!
"On the financial front, Todd recently told the crowd that God had
told him that there were 1,000 people who would give $1,000 and
that they would be blessed 1,000-fold. Robert called Stephen
Strader to confront the unbiblical nature of that appeal. It came
out that Todd admitted he hadn't heard that from God, that it was
just an idea he had so that they could raise money to build a big
stadium. Robert challenged them to issue an apology the following
night based on that false claim of being told by God and they
refused to do it on the excuse that it's a different crowd every night.
"That's the flavor of what I'm finding. There's a lot more. I'm so
grieved I can hardly think. I'm not saying the Lakeland Outpouring
is not of God (God is bigger than the men involved), although good
men whom I have respected all my life are saying just that (that it's
not of God), based on what they know and have seen...
"What I am saying is that we need to back up and not identify
ourselves closely with Lakeland and that we need to stop repeating
claims being made on the air lest we end up getting splattered
with the collateral damage when certain issues of false claims,
embellishments and lapses of integrity begin to come out more
publicly. By the way, no one is saying that some healings have not
happened - only that many false, embellished or unsubstantiated
claims have been made. A number of really good men, champions
of revival through the years, are actually saying that the whole
thing is of the devil and that even the healings are demonically
inspired. I want to be clear that I'm not going there..." [-end quote].
So here we have a 'pro-Lakeland' church checking out these facts
for the first time and now deciding that they "need to back up and
not identify ourselves closely with Lakeland." Pretty amazing!
Meanwhile - back to the topic of "apostles" and what is now
happening in Peter Wagner's main 'ICA' organization:
One of Wagner's apostles, Robert Ricciardelli, put out an email
this week saying that he has received a great deal of support for
his stand against Lakeland - the majority of it from pastors. And
he also made the following very significant statement:
"As a member of ICA, Peter Wagner actually caused many
questions to come my way because of my membership there.
I will no longer be involved with that organization and actually
have not tracked well with them and some of their agendas since
I have been involved with them. However, I have enjoyed the many
relationships I have developed from going to the annual meetings.
Most all of those relationships are also disengaging from their
affiliation with ICA, because of many issues beyond Lakeland."
So clearly Robert is now leaving the ICA - as are other 'apostles'
that he knows of also. I asked him to clarify this last point.
Robert wrote to me:
"The ICA leadership continues to adopt belief systems without
seeking the advice and counsel of members. Many of the members
do not, and will not support these beliefs, including the support of
anti-biblical behavior and doctrine currently being expressed through
Todd Bentley and Freshfire Ministries. In fact as ICA embraces
this, they now have taken a stance that will indirectly have to
embrace many of the same ministries, including "New Mystic"
John Crowder and others. This escalating focus on angels,
experiences, trances, etc is far from the focus of Jesus, His
Kingdom, and His righteousness... Many of us who really enjoyed
the ICA annual conferences are now forced to make a decision
as to whether to continue our involvement with them."
Robert has also stated that he personally was never into
"Dominionist" beliefs or the "hierarchical NAR agenda." His last
statement to me was: "I think that there is a chance that many
may disassociate with the ICA depending on Todd continuing to
reveal his deceptive doctrine and Peter continuing to support such doctrine."
I wonder if Peter Wagner ever imagined that by endorsing Todd
Bentley he may be sowing huge seeds of destruction in his own
movement? -Perhaps only time will tell.
July 23, 2008 UPDATE (Pls note, several of the following videos are no longer available - 5/15/09):
Hypnosis and Christians
Youth pastor dies after coming to false revival
Lakeland Pastor jokes about lying for Bentley
"When God does not show up and when God is not moving, I thank God I have a gift, and I thank God I move by faith, and I thank God when God's not moving I move God." - Todd Bentley
July 22, 1980 UPDATE:
Video clip of Todd Bentley & Chris Harvey in Lakeland; Chris Harvey at "Christian" School with kids; and the "angel." Read more here.
Todd Bentley, Rick Joyner, Bobby Conner - the Knights of Malta Connection
More on Joyner from this blog.
July 21, 1988 UPDATE:
Video: Che Ahn says to Todd Bentley, "I must decrease, you must increase".
Nightmares and the Lakeland Revival
Todd Bentley Caught Infecting People with Spiritual Diseases!
Kundalini Yoga in the churches
And at Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, Florida, where I went to school:
Similar to Bentley's Lakeland meetings, Brownsville had lots problems. For example:
1. And when I complained to my Fire/Brownsville leaders about 'christian' leaders (i.e. knight of malta Rick Joyner, 33 degree freemason Billy Graham, etc) who praised the roman catholic pope after he died saying he was now in heaven, they said it was not big deal.
2. We were taught their false prophetic teachings of manifest sons of god, joel's army, third wave, latter rain, kingdom now etc etc.
3. They promoted false teachers/prophets like Bennie Hinn, Paul Yonggi Cho, Mike Bickle, Tommy Tenney etc etc.
4. We were encouraged to use the babbling speaking in tongues not the Biblical speaking in tongues of an unknown language.
5. Etc etc etc.
July 16, 2008 UPDATE:
Prepared For The Slaughter: The Disarming Of The Church
"Those who would obey scripture and 'test all things' are mocked and ridiculed and labeled ‘Pharisees.’ It seems that the Church has fallen prey to the pluralistic, non-judgmental mindset of our present age. The one unpardonable sin is to question someone’s belief, or dare to say that it might be wrong. These new leaders demand you climb on the bandwagon, and if you cannot agree, then you must remain silent at all costs. They call for us to experience now, and evaluate later."
July 15, 2008 UPDATE:
Healer or Heretic?
“We increase our scrutiny of people like Hugh Hefner, and we decrease our evaluation of people like Todd Bentley just because he comes in the name of Jesus. Hugh Hefner is not nearly as dangerous to the Church as someone like this.”
July 13, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries and Lakeland Revival
"The beginnings of the prophetic movement goes back many decades. In the 40's there was a flurry of activity. Between 1947 and 1957, the so-called "Healing Revival" led by Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, A.A. Allen, Jack Coe, and Orval Jaggers enveloped America often with large tent campaigns. William Branham was the central figure in this era. But he also became a catalyst for the contemporary Pentecostal Movement we call the Latter-Rain. It appeared in Canada and was given the blessing of Branham who actually laid hands on the Canadian leaders of the Latter-Rain. The Latter-Rain had developed an entirely new end-time teaching of "salvation history." The Latter Rain is where the so-called 'Toronto Blessing' began."
The Dark Agenda Behind the Florida Outpouring
"The purpose of the revival is to prepare those who will accept it to go on to their final stage of development which will be the merging of God and man. Its purpose is to openly introduce Christians to esoteric teachings and draw them away from the true Christ. According to the New Agers, 'Charismatic congregations in main-line churches are entry points into the Aquarian frontier.' The Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness. Alice Bailey, mother of the modern New Age Movement, claimed that agents would infiltrate the Christian Church to modify its message, while adapting it as a vehicle for the Universal Religion of the 21st Century."
Convulsions of God?
Todd and his tattoos
July 12, 2008 UPDATE:
Bentley's 'prophetic eagles' or Osprey (imitation eagles)?
"I can't laugh when they make the Holy Ghost look like a fool." David Wilkerson
Todd Bentley's 'Special Commissioning Service'
"While Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson, John Arnott, and Che Ahn are free to commission Todd Bentley anything they desire, it doesn't change the fact that Bentley is a false teacher and false healer; nor does it change the fact that the Florida revival is overshadowed by demonic activity and is extremely dangerous to the physical and spiritual welfare of the believer, as well as those searching for the real Jesus Christ."
Kundalini Yoga and The Lakeland Florida Revival - Identical Manifestations and Identical Source?
Where Will Todd Go Next?
July 11, 2008 UPDATE:
ABC Nightline Busts Bentley Who Now is on Break
Todd Bentley and Marjoe Gortner
Todd Bentley - Possesed by a demon?
Neither faith nor healing
Todd Bentley on Nightline
An Ex-Faith Healer Explains The Tricks Used(WOTM Radio)
July 10, 2008 UPDATE:
Nightline tries but can't verify Bentley's healing claims
Todd Bentley Kicks Cancer Patient

July 9, 2008 UPDATE:
Mass Hypnosis Disguised at 'Christian Worship'
July 8, 2008 UPDATE:
The False Revival (comparison)
This video compares the spiritual manifestations of other religions and the false revivals that are occurring in the church.
July 7, 2008 UPDATE:
Is god-tv from the real God?
The New Breed/Manifest Sons of God/Latter Rain/Third Wave/Kingdom Now/New Apostolic Reformation/Joel's Army False Teaching
July 6, 2008 UPDATE:
Prophet or Wolf?
July 5, 2008 UPDATE:
Living Sacrifice Lakeland Style
Todd Bentley and Florida Revival Exposed
Comments by David and Nicole regarding Todd Bentley
July 4, 2008 UPDATE:
Email from James Sundquist, author of Who's Driving the Purpose Driven Church?
Todd Bentley, Fires of Kundalini and the Demon Samael

"Carl Teichrib , a researcher on world religions sums it up beautifully, 'The bottom line is this: the quest for the mystical Tree of Life is simply the desire to take the Garden of Eden by force, tear down whatever barriers stand in the way of its fruit, and by man's own hand taste immortality. The result will be catastrophic for the individual who, through the occult and the works of magic, attempts to gain "everlasting life" outside of God’s prescribed way - "the way and the truth and the life" - Jesus Christ.'"
Todd Bentley Lying Again About His Tattoos
Todd Bentley’s angel electricutes him, makes him scream, and renders him dumb
Todd Bentley claims to be 100% pure in heart - more arrogance
Canadian evangelist's ministry draws kudos and criticism
July 2, 2008 UPDATE:
Article: Todd Bentley's revival in Lakeland draws 400,000 and counting
See ALL videos by localpastor
Impartation of Grace?
Lakeland 'Revival' at Denny's
Lakeland Glory
July 1, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley Praises Kenneth Hagin
June 30, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley: This man has to be stopped
Florida Outpouring Revival Concerns Pentecostal Leaders
June 27, 2008 UPDATE:
The Lakeland/Lucifer Connection
Bentley the Healer?
June 25, 2008 UPDATE:
Can We Give and Receive God's Glory?
False Prophets Commission False Prophet
Todd Bentley Raging Revival Part 2
June 24, 2008 UPDATE:
Wendy Alec: Prophet of God?
June 23, 2008 UPDATE:
Live at Lakeland!!!!! Bentley Tent Revival
June 22, 2008 UPDATE:
A Church on Fire
June 21, 2008 UPDATE:
Todd Bentley "Bobbing" for the "anointing"
Todd Bentley Revival Tips
Todd Bentley's screeners keep the 'Revival Fires Pure'
Now Appearing in Person!
Todd Bentley Speaks Out!!!!
It shouldn't surprise any of us that a counterfeit gospel will look and feel like the real thing... how easily fooled we can be.....CLICK HERE to see a video response to Todd Bentley: Messenger of God? part 1
Exposing Benny Hinn (and other false healers) PART 1
Exposing Todd Bentley: Part 2
For Who's Glory?
And here are links to a couple of articles from when Bentley was recently in Concord, NC. Check out the comments too:
June 18, 2008 Q&A with preacher Todd Bentley
June 19, 2008 Tattooed preacher says God heals through him
June 17, 2008 Commentary: "BAM! BAM! BAM!" said the false prophet
June 19, 2008 Editorial: Don't drink the Kool Aid
World Magazine: Same old scam?
And for what it's worth, here is a comment from another website which I found interesting:
It’s a known fact that Todd B is an MK Ultra plant being handled by Bob Jones. Thus the blatant crowd mind manipulation and hypnotism.
It’s a known fact that since 1984 Bob and crew have been working towards open physical warfare on those who oppose them (blues vs greys).
It’s a known fact that Branham was asked if the healings were from the Holy Spirit and he answered, no, they are from his angel. That is blasphemy and occult power.
It’s a known fact that the leaders of the New Age, the Illuminati, have planned all along to hijack Christianity by putting their leaders in place, and now you see it with their plant TB. Their plan is also along the lines of Bob and crew, that 25% of the population must be purged because they are opposers.
June 18, 2008 UPDATE:
Prophets of Baal
Todd Bentley: Messenger of God? part 7 (Looking at Kundalini) See all parts of series
June 17, 2008 UPDATE: Commentary on Bentley by Way of the Master Radio
June 15, 2008 UPDATE: Child tells Bentley. "I don't want you to touch me!"
Bentley Interviewed by Geraldo
Bentley wants us to "Call down the angels!"
June 14, 2008 UPDATE: To Judge or Not to Judge?
June 11, 2008 UPDATE: The Lies of Bentley
June 9, 2008 UPDATE: Christian Research Service
June 8, 2008 UPDATE: Raised from the Dead Story from Unverified Email and Being Slain in the spirit in the Occult is Serpent Power
June 7, 2008 UPDATE: $elling Je$u$ by Todd Bentley
June 5, 2008 UPDATE: False Revival
June 4, 2008 UPDATE: Todd Bentley Deception
June 1, 2008 UPDATE: Be Not Deceived
May 28, 2008 UPDATE: Coming Out of Deception
May 27, 2008 UPDATE: The Third Wave & Angel of Finance? and A Word To False Prophets
May 25, 2008 UPDATE: Todd Bentley: Messenger of God?
May 24, 2008 UPDATE: Did Todd Bentley See the Jesus of the Bible?
May 22, 2008 UPDATE: The Tattoos of Todd
May 18, 2008 UPDATE: Is Lakeland Calling You? DON'T GO!
May 15, 2008 UPDATE: False Healing Revival in Lakeland, Florida
May 13, 2008 UPDATE: More on Todd Bentley from Apostasy Alert
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:12
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:11
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24
EVANGELIST TODD BENTLEY, below, lays hands on a parishioner's ears and prays that God will restore her hearing during a "healing meeting" at Ignited Church in Lakeland on Tuesday. Bentley's ministry has become a sensation, drawing growing crowds of people seeking miraculous healing of serious medical conditions. Not everyone is healed instantly, Bentley says. "We don't make any claims," he says. "We just pray."

By Cary McMullen
Ledger Religion Editor
(863) 802-7509
Published: Saturday, April 19, 2008
What began as a five-day revival at Ignited Church in Lakeland has become something of a sensation locally and, thanks to the Internet, in Pentecostal circles worldwide.
Bentley's ministry has become a sensation, drawing growing crowds of people seeking miraculous healing of serious medical conditions. Not everyone is healed instantly, Bentley says. "We don't make any claims," he says. "We just pray."
Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley has been leading "healing meetings" at Ignited since April 2, attended by as many as 20,000 people so far, and the meetings will continue twice daily through April 27, church leaders say. The meetings have drawn attention for what Bentley and Ignited Pastor Stephen Strader say are miraculous instances of people healed of serious medical conditions.
The evening services usually fill Ignited's 700-seat sanctuary, and people have been waiting for hours for the doors to open, Strader said. The crowds have included people from outside Lakeland, outside Polk County and even other states. Ignited's media coordinator, Lynne Breidenbach, said a doctor from England had flown over to attend services after seeing reports on the Internet.
The services have been streamed live via the Web site www.ustream.tv, and as of Wednesday morning, the services had received more than 100,000 views.
Bentley was invited by Strader to return to Ignited after a brief visit last year. In an interview Tuesday, Bentley said it is unusual for him to cancel other scheduled appearances in order to continue leading a series of services.
"There was something different about this meeting. It was evident by the third day, I really felt something unique was happening," he said. "We decided to stay another week. The crowds grew, the miracles grew."
Bentley, 32, runs Fresh Fire Ministries, based in Abbotsford, British Columbia. He said he dropped out of school in the eighth grade and overdosed on drugs three times before he became a Christian in 1994. According to a 2003 article in Charisma, a magazine devoted to Pentecostal news, before his conversion at age 18, Bentley spent several stints in jail, including one for a sexual assault committed as a juvenile.
Bentley's arms and neck are covered with tattoos with religious symbolism, and he wears jeweled studs in his chin and ear. He said what has been different about these meetings is an "electric atmosphere" that he attributed to "the manifest, lingering presence of God. ... I've never seen something spread so fast."
The evening services usually last for several hours, beginning with an hour or more of near-deafening music that has the wildly eclectic crowds leaping and spinning. At Tuesday evening's service, a black teenage boy was greeted by a middle-aged white man, and an elderly woman in pink with a fake-fur hat linked arms with a young woman in her 20s, while bikers with Christian insignia on their leather vests stood by the stage with arms upraised.
Shortly after Bentley took the stage, wearing a black T-shirt and baggy black jeans, he began calling out diseases and medical conditions carried by unidentified persons in the room - a practice Pentecostals call "word of knowledge" - which Bentley said were being spontaneously healed.
"Tumors are going to be pulled right out of people's bodies tonight. ... Someone has a growth on their face, on their neck, a woman in this room right now. Put your hand on your face. It's being burned off by the fire of God. ... Somebody else uses an oxygen mask, and the Lord's touching you tonight. God wants to open your lungs," he said, while pacing the stage.
A line of people formed at the foot of the stage. Bentley's assistants talked with them before bringing them up to Bentley, who asked a rapid-fire series of questions of those who approached him - "What are you feeling? What's happening? Can you move your arm?" He labored over several people who said they had hearing problems, shouting at one, "I command this deafness - go! - in Jesus' name" and asking, "Can you hear me now?" Responses varied from uncertain to yes.
"Not everyone is instantly healed. We don't make any claims. We just pray," Bentley said.
People with problems in their knees or feet were asked to jump or run across the stage after Bentley prayed. Praying over one young woman who said she had metal rods in her spine, Bentley said, "I ask you, Holy Ghost, to remove the metal rods from her back. Loose!"
Even within Pentecostal circles, Bentley is controversial for his claims of visitations by angels. He said Tuesday that before coming to Lakeland he had been visited by "the angel of the winds of change" who told him he would "bring change to Lakeland."
Bentley defended these claims of "supernatural encounters" as identical to biblical accounts.
"I believe that's available to everybody. In today's world, people are hungry for that, they're fascinated by that," he said.
Harried and hoarse, Strader said Tuesday evening the "outpouring," as he and Bentley are calling it, is spontaneous.
"It's nothing you can plan for. You hope for it, you pray for it, but it's totally a God thing," he said.
Strader is the son of the Rev. Karl Strader, former pastor of Carpenter's Home Church. who also was known for leading splashy services and revivals. After the 1995 conviction of Karl Strader's son, Dan, on charges of investment fraud, Carpenter's Home Church dwindled, and the church eventually sold its massive North Lakeland sanctuary to Without Walls Central Church.
The cash proceeds of the sale, $3.5 million, were used to purchase and renovate the former Scotty's Hardware Store that now houses Ignited Church. Ignited began holding services at the site in 2006.
--- end ---
Yes, I believe that Todd Bentley is ONE OF MANY false prophets making appearances in various churches today. And like Brownsville AOG church in Pensacola, FL, in the late 1990's, this Ignited church in Lakeland, FL, today is completely misleading folks.
Bentley is part of a movement that teaches people can visit heaven anytime they want to along with the new age lie that man is equal to God. A wolf in sheep's clothing, he deceives many with his hocus pocus that satiates folks emotional needs. These "revivals"are all about emotional needs and feeling good instead of actually reading the Bible for yourself and knowing God's word.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
False Healing Revival
4/26/08 UPDATE
Below are email exchanges with Shawna from today:
I just read your front page.
I hope and trust you are a sister in the Lord.
However...Cathy.....can you honestly say that the Jesus that you speak about does not have what it takes to TRULY set the captives free???
In love, I ask you.......... What is it that Jesus Christ came to do????
Is one sin bigger or harder for the Lord to deliver from than another??
Do you REALLY believe?????
Why would you spend your time bashing someone who is ministering in His name...who has been set free.......???
Can you honestly say you are free???
What about when you lay your head down at night and no one is around??
Are you truly at peace???
Do you REALLY believe in the savior that you speak of??? And.....is His arm too short to deliver one like Todd Bentley?? AND....if He HAS delivered him, would you expect any less than what you are seeing before your eyes at the revival???
What is the scriptural definition of a false prophet???
Todd doesn't fit the description.
What has he said that isn't true?? What has he taught??
Are you going to use his past to condemn him???
Where are you getting your motivation???
Please take this as a literal challenge.
If YOU are the one who is wrong, you would then be guilty of what the Word of God calls....'touching God's anointed.' Can you handle that???
I wouldn't even be challenging you like this if you weren't so forthright yourself.
Please respond.
--- end ---
Hi Shawna,
As one who was deeply involved in Brownsville AOG in Pensacola, I speak from a painful past of being deceived and misled from which the Lord Jesus Christ delivered me - hallelujah!
Are Todd Bentley's actions scriptural? Are they in the Bible? If not, he is playing with fire and so are those who support and endorse him.
The whole charismatic movement is full of deceit and demons. MANY are being misled and may loose their salvation if they don't repent. This is my concern and why I posted the article.
Did you read the comments on the post? Click here and scroll down.
Sharing the painful truth in love, may the truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost be saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified I pray.
--- end ---
What is he doing that is not scriptural?
Cathy, it is usually NEVER the minister or the movement.....it is people here or there who give the 'movements' a bad name.
If you are a product of painful deception, maybe you are still in need of healing and revelation of truth.
It is one thing to point out specifics, it is another to 'throw out the baby with the bath water,' which is what people who have been hurt always have a tendency to do.
If you read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, you will not come away with an intellectual stimulation. You will read things that go AGAINST the natural mind. You will see a story and picture and inspiration of a SUPERnatural God, who does ALL kinds of things that don't 'make sense.' He is a God of decency and order, but, he does NOT fit in to our natural little boxes.
Again, what is happening in his meetings that is unscriptural???
--- end ---
For one thing, being slain in the spirit in not scriptural. We NEVER read about the early church doing this.
And secondly, gold dust/gold fillings appearing on/in people is not scriptural but rather comes from the occult. In the occult world, anybody showered with liquid or powdered gold dust would see it as confirmation of their spiritual transformation; in the world of magic it is called "pixie-dust" and occultists sprinkle it along with their 'blessings' and invocations as a very real experience of enchantment.
From Spirit of Error website:
Not all supernatural experiences are from God and Bentley claims to have supernatural encounters all the time. He says: “Never more than a few days go by that I don’t encounter third heaven and some kind of prophetic experience — at times it happens daily for months. Supernatural experiences have become part of daily Christianity for me.” But one of the angels that Bentley claims visits him is an angel that was associated with William Branham’s healing ministry, according to Bentley (read more here). And this should concern Christians because Branham — a “prophet” in the Latter Rain movement — taught many false and heretical doctrines include:
• Claiming that he was the angel in Rev 3:14 & 10:7
• Claiming he was Elijah, who would precede Christ’s return
• Denying the Trinity and calling it a satanic doctrine
• Teaching that Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent, producing human beings who are destined for hell, which is only a temporal place. But those who receive God’s seed (Branham’s teaching) are the “Bride of Christ”
• Saying that anyone who was a member of any denomination had taken the “mark of the beast”
• Giving a number of false prophecies about the end of the world
• Teaching that the Word of God had been given in two other forms besides the Bible: the zodiac and the Egyptian pyramids
• Some of his followers thought he was God or had been virgin born and, when he died in 1965, they believed he would be resurrected.
• Many of Branham’s critics believe he genuinely had a supernatural gift of healing, but that it wasn’t from God since he promoted heretical teachings (read more here).
Bentley claims that, whenever Branham’s angel shows up at one of Bentley’s meetings, he gets a supernatural ability in his left hand to diagnose people’s sicknesses, and he also gets correct words of knowledge about details from their lives — just as Branham claimed.
Shawna, you can read more about him here if the previous comments don't give you a red flag.
You are very defensive about this man. Are you absolutely sure he is right on?
Jesus and most of the New Testament gives us many warnings about false teachers and the like. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul writes, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
Dear heavenly Father, please show both Shawna and myself the truth regarding Todd Bentley. Did you send him or not? Please guide us both to the truth we ask in the name of Your wonderful Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, heavenly Father. Amen!
If we are teachable and in His Word (kjv), He will show us.
--- end ---
The term 'slain in the spirit' is a 'Christian-eeze' phrase. But, being overwhelmed by the power of God is scriptural. For example, when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, they 'fell to the ground' when the Lord did nothing more than say, "I am He."
Secondly, it is completely consistent with the Word of God that the devil will 'counterfeit' everything that God will do.......or, at least, try to.
The occult also uses the rainbow as one of their symbols, and yet, the rainbow is the very thing that God used as a sign of promise.
People in the occult speak in tongues, have out of body experiences, and have supernatural manifestations........ALL of which are identified in the Word of God as gifts and.....'normal' activities of the Living God Almighty.
The Supernatural IS normal for the Christian person, truly walking with Jesus Christ. Of course, the biggest stumbling block is that people will often try to 'create' the manifestations for themselves....thereby getting in to error.
There is a fine line balance between 'desiring' the way the Bible tells us to, and working up things ourselves. We DO have to participate and cooperate with God. But, again, there will always be fakes.
The challenge, once again, being to not become an all knowing 'judge' over the things that are happening in the lives of other people.
There are also 'special anointings' that we see throughout scripture.........tons of people from Elijah to Paul. CRAZY supernatural things happened all the time to certain people in the Bible. It REALLY was normal and 'every day' to them.
Think about the things that happened to these people and what they were literally known for, and written about..............
Ax heads floating on the water, people being healed by Paul's shadow, etc...........
I'm SURE that the skeptics back then were no different than people today. And, I'm SURE that there were people who made God look bad, in the midst of something real.
Regarding William Branham.............
I don't know about him to counter your statements, so, I will look in to that.
Cathy, I'm not 'defensive' regarding Todd Bentley. I had never heard of him until this revival began. I am not the kind of person who runs after every ministry that comes to town. In fact, I usually go out of my way NOT to do so.
However, I have been in enough meetings since I've been saved, to know the anointings and power of the Holy Spirit.
MANY ministers of the true God are quirky and annoying and...........I put most of what I hear on a shelf, truthfully. But, we Do, as believers, need to experience the power of God that may make us very uncomfortable. And, when we Don't experience something......which I have a feeling may have been your case........we, again, should watch about throwing it all the window because of our bad personal experiences. Just because we experience something negative doesn't define truth for us.
I'm going to go to bed now....so I can get up for church tomorrow! :-)
But, I will read the excerpts you've highlighted on this last message.
And, I'll respond back to you when I can......
I appreciate the conversation.
Amen to the prayer!!!!
Talk to you soon.
--- end ---
The Berean Chronicles with Kelly McGinley
24x7 shows taped/M-Th 1-3pm Central shows live
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»I have attended two Todd Bentley events. On the first one I experienced a dusting of gold dust all over my hands and was able to see an image of a "portal to heaven" and I was very blessed by that. I was struck, however, by an atmosphere that stemmed from Bentley and was carried through to all his disciples, an atmosphere of pridefulness and not caring so much about all the "little people" that had come long distances with an earnest desire to get healed.
On the second occasion Bentley spoke for hours and did not mention the name of Jesus once. He told a long involved story of a man in Uganda, his driver, who had wanted for years more than anything to come to encounter - not Jesus, but Todd Bentley! And he spent the whole night ruthlessly and relentlessly soliciting money. It made me physically ill - I think the Lord was allowing me to be ill so I'd get out of there. I am very wary of this man.
Thanks Michelle for your honest and revealing comments about this phoney prophet.
Like you, the Lord woke me up (and continues to expose the lies I've believed over the years) and brought me out of this type of '3-ring circus' style of 'christianity' only a few years ago - I am so grateful to Him!
And now I pray that the Truth be revealed, the lies be exposed, the deceived wakeup, the sinner repent, souls be saved and the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified!
blessings to you, Michelle,
Michelle, when you saw gold dust and the signs and wonders of that, do you really think that GOD would manifest HIS glory where there was a false prohet to such a level as gold dust. I am just wondering. I have never even saw gold dust and I have been in penticost for 50 years. Be so careful to say that someone is a false prophet because that is a REAL serious accusation and if it is wrong, you could be harshly judged. I have seen alot over the years with people misjudgin others.As far as money, in the Lakeland meetings. Todd constantly forgets to take up the offering and has to be REMIM+NDED because they do have to pay bills for everynight revivals and I know how exspensive just my home electris bills are these days. God richly bless you and be careful honey. God loves you.
There's quite a few articles about Bentley here: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/a-false-healing-revival-todd-bentley-and-lakeland-ignited-events/
Thanks Anonymous for the link - good to know that we are not alone in our concern regarding the false teachings of Bentley.
And Dianna, I am ashamed to admit that I have seen the gold dust and other 'signs and wonders' when I was deeply involved with Brownsville in Pensacola etc. At the time, I trusted the leaders because I didn't understand what was happening. That was then and this is now.
Today, I no longer associate with any of that demonic activity and have repented of much.
The LORD Jesus Christ used this among many verses to alert me:
"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7
One of the comments at the site given by Anonymous was this:
"There are only a few of us out here that question any of this. We are living in a very very deceptive time. from oprah to the church prophets. We need The Holy Spirit to lead us very carefully through the bible. The Spirit of truth."
It is VITALLY IMPORTANT for each Christian to read and obey the Bible (KJV).
In 2 Peter 3, we are told that in the last days to "beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
In 2 Timothy 3, Paul writes, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
So as we redeem the time and occupy until the Lord's return, may we trust God and obey His Word:
"Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." James 5:8
My people perish from a lack of KNOWLEDGE. Hosea 4:6
Does anyone know where the Gold Dust originates? I mean is it man-made or what? If it is real gold dust, then it has to have come from someone or something. How long does it last? Is it seen and then it evaporates?
Personally, I think that gold dust would be no sign of anything to me. The signs and wonders I would be looking for would need to point people to Christ.
I have talked to a friend who experienced gold dust, but for him it was more like glitter (and all that glitters is not gold). He couldn't show me any. This is strange because I would have thought he might have held onto some. If it could help the pure (lets say they gathered lots of dust) then there could be some good it.
But other than that, I guess it shows the level many people are at - the material level.
These are opinions only. I have not experienced these things. But I have experienced Biblical signs and wonders such as the Healing of the Sick and the Salvation of sinners.
God Bless the readers
That last comment had a few errors in it. I meant poor not pure. Ie The poor could benefit from the gold dust.
Years ago, I saw a video clip of Ruth Heflin with a woman from Brazil named Silvania Machado. After telling her story, Silvania shook gold dust out of her hair onto her Bible. Then as she prayed for folks, her hands dripped with oil. This happened in the year 2000 at Helfin's Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Virginia.
A few years later, I went to see a close friend of Helfin, Robert Shattles, preach and while he spoke, his clothes and face begin to glitter with gold.
Not knowing what to think about all this, I was open to the idea that this could be from God.
That was then and this is now.
Today, I believe both events were a combination of lies, deception and demonic activity.
The 'gold' is plastic glitter and Silvania has been caught putting glitter in her hair. If you google the above mentioned names, you can read more and view the video clip.
Some call this activity spiritual alchemy which is 180 degrees opposite of what the Lord Jesus Christ is all about.
So when I read about 'gold' manifestations at the Todd Bentley events, this is a HUGE red flag!
2 Thessalonians 2
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I originally come from a Calvinistic background and have also worked healing in deliverance. I had a long battle to get free from my background in the occult and eastern religions that I was engaged in during my early adulthood prior to my conversion. I am very sensitive to the reality of deceptive spirits and how they mock the Holy Spirit. I was at the very first meeting in Lakeland on the April 2nd and then on the Friday the 4th. I was in town visiting a friend who attends Ignited Church and has been in deliverance ministry over 35 years and he very knowledgeable of the schemes of the enemy. I believe that Todd ministry is of the Lord and found him to be very humble and even opened the first night with a long discourse on the excesses of the charismatic movement. I also found him using the name of Jesus constantly and two nights ago gave a very powerful alter call. There are also reports of hundreds of people being saved by the ministry teams as they hit the streets during the day around Lakeland. Furthermore, I don’t remember him taking an offering last night.
I also believe the Jesus was very clear with his admonitions to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit by calling the works of Holy Spirit the work of the devil. (Matt 12). Yes, we need to be discerning about what is happening in revivals as it has always been true that the counterfeit shows up to pollute the meetings and that this, in fact, was being dealt with at the meetings. One of the interns from one of the ministry teams traveling with Todd had a spirit that was interfering in the meeting and that was dealt with. I find that most people who are quick to judge ministries such as Todd’s deny the power of God to heal altogether. No wonder we have so many Christians turning to eastern alternative healing methods but I guess the thinking is that God just can’t do it anymore.
I would also be circumspect toward those who believe that the only “truly” inspired translation of the Bible is the authorized KJV. I guess we didn’t have a Bible before the 16th century and those who don’t know English are frozen out. I understand the arguments about which early Greek text are being used but there are many very reliable literal translations of the Bible, ASV,RSV, NASB, ESV, etc.
Roger, what does the scripture say?
If what you are seeing, feeling, hearing, or experiencing does not line up with scripture, it is NOT from the Lord Jesus Christ, plain and simple.
No where in the Bible do I see the activities that are happening in Todd Bentley's ministry.
Very briefly, a couple of examples:
Show me in the Bible where this happens in Christian gatherings.
Tongues = languages, not gibberish.
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified I pray.
Received this email today:
Hi Cathy,
Just wanted to ask you a couple of questions. Just something to think about. Is satan ever creative? Does he ever create anything or is it just a distortion of what God does and can do? Had anyone ever seen a burning bush before Moses did? Is the latter rain going to be greater than the former? And when Jesus said, *John 14:12-14* */I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. /*Do we see this in the modern church today?? Even a little bit??? I'd have to say for the most part no, hardly anything that Jesus did do we do today in the modern American Chruch.*/
/*These are the types of questions I started asking myself after I was healed of liver cancer in 2002. I wasn't seeing much in the Christian church as a whole in the US. Just a lot of talk and no power. I have experienced some of what Todd has over my 33 years as a born again spirit filled Christian. And I suspect I will experience more as I walk closer to God and we get closer to the end of the age. Almost everything I've experienced in the supernatural, has come without warning.
Sometimes while I was praying, sometimes when I was just doing my day to day chores. And always, every single time I experienced something like that, I got closer to God and more in love with Him, more excited, more on fire and more like Him, wanting more of Him, I'm not satisfied, the hunger for more of God grows.
Not everything Todd does nor for that matter any Pastor, Priest or Minister is always correct. We are all growing spiritually, hopefully, and learning, because in this life it is impossible for us to be complete and know everything that God is and has for us. I have found that threw the years when I thought I knew it all, God would do something that would blow that right out of the water. I now, know that I don't know it all, but, I'm learning and moving forward.
The contemplation that Todd talks about, I have done myself for years, without knowing what it was called. Just because the new age does it, doesn't mean it's not what God would have us do. In fact I've found what ever satan does, he is trying to duplicate in his sick twisted way, what God does. Example, meditative prayer has gotten a bad rap, because the new age meditates. But, what are they meditating on or about? And what do Christians meditate on or about? I learned I got the most out of reading my bible when I did this contemplative reading. I would read until I would come to a passage or verse that would just jump out at me. I would put my bible down and ask God questions and talk to God about it. I really learned a lot like that.
Anyway, just stumbled across your blog and wanted to email you.
--- end ---
My email reply:
Hi Robin,
Who are workers of iniquity that the Lord Jesus Christ talks about in the following 2 passages?
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7
"Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out." Luke 13
Why does the Lord as well as the other disciples warn us against false prophets?
1. Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
2. Matthew 24:11
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
3. Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
4. Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
5. Luke 6:26
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
6. 2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
7. 1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Who are the false prophets/false teachers of today?
To me, anyone who does not line up with scripture in word and deed is subject to scrutiny and is a worker of iniquity.
Thus my commentary regarding Todd Bentley.
May the Holy Spirit guide us both to the Truth I pray in Jesus name.
Thanks for writing,
Yes, there are admonitions about following false prophets but doesn’t mean all prophets are false. In Mark 9:38 Jesus tells us not stop and judge those doing miracles in His Name. Even C.S. Lewis wrote a sermon that was later turned into a book called the “Weight of Glory.” I believe this is the phenomenon that is happening when people are slain in the spirit. When God’s glory comes into a room you cannot stand under the weight of it. Many fell at the feet of Jesus in the Gospels and at the feet of the Apostles in Acts. Paul fell when he encountered Jesus and Peter, James and John when they heard the voice of God at the Transfiguration. I remember at a prayer time during a class at Gordon Conwell seminary the palpable Holiness of God moved strongly into the room and about a third of the class were falling out of their chairs and prostrating themselves on the floor and about another third ran out the back perplexed that God could do such a thing.
In the book of Acts Paul and the apostles repeatedly laid hands on people to empower them for ministry. Even Simon the Sorcerer recognized that this was how the Apostles transmitted the gifts of signs and wonders. In Hebrews 5:14 it says that we are to learn to discern good from evil with our sense faculties. .
If you have ever been to Africa and have seen the power of God coming up against serious witchcraft you may begin to understand. Todd has done many overseas revivals in areas with entrenched witchcraft and traditional African spiritism. I think he may have enough experience to tell the difference.
Furthermore, you made no comments about the relevance of Matthew 12. I believe that what I call the “Zero Church” crowd (no miracles allowed) just can’t understand a God that they cannot create through their own exegesis or isogesis. I have had a ministry to the New Age for six years warning people about the dangers of eastern religions, Kundalini awakenings, yoga and TM. Since then Yoga has blossomed in the church. I receive very little encouragement and support from anyone. Matter of fact, I get the most hateful comments from clueless Christians who think that we can co-opt any religious practice from other religions and become spiritual. If all the self-appointed “watchmen” spent time addressing the real New Age onslaught in the church and learned something about real spiritual warfare we would be much better off. Furthermore, the enemy loves to see Christians devour each other hairsplitting over doctrine.
Additionally, you may want to do some research on Charles Spurgeon and come to understand that he often worked in words of knowledge (just like Todd) and called people out of the congregation with miraculous insight into what was going on in their lives. Another great man of God, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a pre-suppositionalist Calvinist, was not disposed against praying in tongues. Lloyd-Jones is considered by many as one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century and also a cardiologist. Interestingly, another Calvinist R. T. Kendall took over his pulpit at Westminster Chapel and a revival broke out during his ministry with gifts of the spirit in full operation. Westminster Chapel is one of the most storied pulpits in all of protestant Christendom.
Blessings in His Name,
Below are a couple of Todd Bentley quotes from "The ElijahList" with comments by Sandy Simpson 4/08.
"The Spirit of the Lord says that God is placing a crown of manifestation on the heads of His faithful, diligent, chosen saints--a crown of great favor and authority with God and men--a new and greater installment of the fruits and blessings of the Spirit. Another measure, and another, and another." (Todd Bentley: THE DAY OF MANIFESTATION--IMPARTATION OF FAVOR, The ElijahList, 5/26/07)
There is no such crown mentioned in the Bible. There is the crown of life (James 1:12, Rev. 2:10), the crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8), the crown of glory (1 Pet. 5:4). There is also no "new and greater installment of the fruits" of the Spirit addressed in the Bible. Fruits are identified in the written Word. There is simply the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in those who are obedient to Jesus Christ. The blessings of God are His to bestow, but serving the Lord and being under His protection may also bring Christians into trials that test their faith. Those who think that they are only walking with the Lord when they are "blessed" by Him are fooling themselves. False prophets identify blessings with money, power and influence. Many true missionaries and church planters had no worldly money, power or influence. Yet many souls were added to the Kingdom. The fact is that any "manifestations" in the Third Wave have been those that deceive and delude Christians and cause non-believers to not want become a Christian because the Truth has been brought into disrepute (2 Pet. 2:2).
"Last year God asked me an unusual question: "Todd, are you ready to pray for people to receive a double portion?" Then, as I sought the Lord for direction in 2008, He brought that question to my remembrance as He said: "2008 is the year of the double portion"-- (Todd Bentley: "Prophetic Directions for 2008", The ElijahList, 1/23/08)
This is a reference to the "double portion anointing" that is so frequently espoused by Third Wave false teachers like Benny Hinn. Do you know when that happened? That happened days before the anointing on my life doubled. Literally! The ministries anointing doubled after that." (Honolulu Hawaii, Feb. 28, 1997 evening service). In 1991, Benny Hinn commissioned Rodney Howard-Browne to be the ‘laughter dispenser' in the so-called new wave of the Holy Spirit: ``Rodney, God has given you a great anointing for this. Let the holy laughter hit them in Jesus' mighty name...it's coming [zaps him].... Pick him up. Now release it on the people, Rodney!" Rodney replies: ``Be filled right now. In the name of Jesus, I command you to laugh right now. I loose the joy of the Lord right now. In the name of Jesus, let it bubble out of your belly right now in Jesus' name. Let the joy of the Lord bubble out of your belly. Lord make everybody drunk in the Holy Ghost. Make everybody drunk in the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus [repeated 10 times]....Double dose!" [Pushes people over, weird tongues with no interpretation, etc.] Mike Oppenheimer of Let Us Reason Ministries comments on the "double portion anointing": NOWHERE in the New Testament do we read of the anointing being transmitted from one person to another person by the laying on of hands. It was never by or from but through the laying on of hands (Acts 19). The apostles did not preach about receiving the anointing by their hands or ministry. Nor do we read of there being a “double-portion” anointing, or triple as Benny Hinn claims. What about Elisha, didn't he ask for a double portion of Elijah's spirit? He did not ask for a double portion of his anointing. These are two different words in the Hebrew. (http://www.letusreason.org/Pent2.htm) This is a false prophecy because it is based on a false teaching.
Source: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/elijahlist.html
Robin wrote today:
I read one of your emails on your website that says you had a painful experience, I am truly sorry for that. And I read the scriptures you sent me and know them well but, not sure what point you were trying to make. I never once heard Todd say we were equal to God. Seeing Angels is nothing new, seeing things that are not specifically in the bible shouldn't be a problem, after all no one before Moses had seen a burning bush. If you could tell me the problems you have with Todd more specifically it would be helpful. Maybe there on your blog and I didn't see them. I have honestly prayed about this and searched the scriptures and can't find anything that he says to be a problem. Strange, yes, worthy of investigation, yes, but nothing that God couldn't or wouldn't do. The new age is nothing more then satan trying to mimic what God does.
Bless you,
--- end ---
My Reply:
Hi again Robin,
My point with the scriptures is that there are false prophets out 'there' and we need to be 'wise as serpents and harmless as doves'.
If you scroll through the comments, you will see a couple of prophecies from Todd which are disputed.
Because I was swept up in the Brownsville event, I am extra cautious these days and am no longer into the whole Charismatic hocus-pocus.
May the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit guide and direct us both to the Truth I pray.
Thanks Robin.
He is able!
PS I also have added our email exchanges in the comments.
Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Hi Cathy,
You said, there are false prophets out 'there' and we need to e 'wise
as serpents and harmless as doves'. I totally agree with that. I guess we just see this differently.
This was my thoughts on Todd when I first heard him speak. Ok, I wasn't so sure about what was going on, but, thought it was worth investigating, praying about, ect. The thing I kept coming back to was this. Where is the fruit.? Is it in the main stream church? I'd have to say for the most part there is little to no fruit there anymore. The main stream church has been declining for years. Then where is the healings, deliverances, prophecys, ect, what Jesus did and said happening? That we would do the things He did and even greater.
The thing that troubles me the most is for the most part many churchs including main stream are not doing the stuff. Where's the fruit? Do I believe everything that Todd says and does is exactly what God wants, or would have us do? Nope, because he is a man and he, like us is fallible.
Does that mean we through out everything he's doing? I don't think so. He gives Jesus all the glory. People are being saved, set free and healed. I saw him deliver a woman from a demon. I couldn't hardly believe my eyes when I saw it. Are the main stream churches for the most part doing that? Have they always been right in the past? Nope, they have done wrong things to and often relied way to heavily on tradition instead of the word of God. Anyway, these are some of my thoughts.
Your sister in Christ,
--- end ---
Yes, Robin, you are right about not seeing the power of God moving today like in the book of Acts.
Of course, anyone who is born-again can attest to the miracle of salvation which is truly wonderful! And over the years, I've seen amazing divine provision and personal healing, so I know God is more than able to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us".
But these days, I am questioning things a lot more than I used to since I was deceived by this type of charistmatic ministry.
In the comments section of the post, there are a couple of prophecies given by Todd. Check those out and let me know what you think.
Thanks Robin.
I'm glad I found this website...have been distraught that my pastor is endorsing Bentley. Satan is the master of deception and these "slight deceptions" are the name of his game. Of the many questionable things about Bentley, one thing points out to me as slight deception to many but very clearly deceptive to me. The matter of being "slain in the spirit". If you check into each and every single scripture about people falling down in the presence of an angel or the Lord, you will never find people falling backwards. It is "always" on their knees as they fall to worship or in great fear. Really, how can someone fall down to worship on their backs? It is forward and/or prostrate. Christian, pull every scripture concerning this. Yes, the presence of God is overwhelming but be sure that if He came into your presence, your knees would instantly buckle.
Thanks for posting, Melinda.
Like good Bereans, we Christians need to know the Word of God so when the subtle (and not so subtle) deceptions of the enemy come our direction, we will not be misled.
Those who are experts at discovering counterfeit money, learn so by handling and studying REAL money.
As followers of Christ, we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." John 10:27,28
Received this email today:
Subject: "Revival"? I Think Not
Dear Cathy,
I thank God for your testimony of His faithfulness in your life.
I found your blog in researching this spectacle of deception - the Todd Bentley "revival".
I am reminded of the "great deception" we are warned of in the Bible ..... just as we see in the graduates of our government public schools, the majority of today's "Christians" have been purposely "dumbed down" ..... not knowing scripture or the majesty of the Lord Himself, they will fall for most anything that sounds "spiritual". From the Toronto nonsense to Brownsville, etc., we are seeing a tremendous increase in this heresy, which, to me, is nothing but a mockery of the Lord.
It is most refreshing to read your clear and scriptural responses to those who have been deceived. I believe the Lord, in His wisdom, took us through our many trials to teach us the pitfalls and the rampant deception in the world, so that we could answer those who have been blinded by the occultic charade we are now witnessing.
I am proud to be your sister in the Lord. God does give us wisdom for the days ahead.
One of my favorite hymns:
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet,
God leads His dear children along;
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet,
God leads His dear children along.
Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long.
Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright,
God leads His dear children along;
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night,
God leads His dear children along.
Though sorrows befall us and evils oppose,
God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes,
God leads His dear children along.
Away from the mire, and away from the clay,
God leads His dear children along;
Away up in glory, eternity’s day,
God leads His dear children along.
--- end ---
Bless you, Marcia! And many thanks for your encouraging words and wonderful hymn at the end which brought tears to my eyes.
Truly, the battle is raging and souls are in the balance, but I love what David said to Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:
"Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands."
Blessings to you, my friend,
Received this email today:
Thanks for speaking out.
I'm a pastor who is seeing some of Todd's followers trying to lure people into this 3rd Heaven stuff and many other weird manifestations.
How did you discover the deceptions of the "brownsville" stuff?
God bless.
Pastor Don Wight
Gillette, Wyoming
--- end ---
Hello Pastor Don,
Many thanks for your encouragement!
It is by the grace of God that He opened my eyes to the error of Brownsville and now I realize all charismatic hocus pocus that I was 'swmming' in.
My story? Raised in Christian Science, I left that religion as a youth and delved into the hippie scene which included drugs and wild living. This led to a couple of visits to the mental hospital and many shock treatments being diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Then because of CS, when I came out, my mother tossed all the prescribed medications. Within a few months, I was well so I returned to my previous lifestyle and ended up pregnant and getting an abortion. This was followed by a difficult marriage. In spite of all this, in 1975 I had a beautiful baby girl who was the joy of my life.
The following year my father died and life was difficult again until one day on a tv program I heard about the Lord Jesus Christ dying on the cross to save me from my sins and that He rose from the grave after 3 days to give me eternal life. Alone in my living room, I knelt down and prayed for God to forgive me and asked Jesus to come into my heart, save my soul and be Lord of my life. At the time, I really didn't understand much of what I had just done but a few days later, I felt like God had lifted me out of a deep, dark pit and put me on top of a high mountain top where I could see clear, blue skies for the first time in my life!
You don't know you are in the dark until you come into the light.
A few years later, my son was born and he was a joy. But sadly the marriage eventually fell apart.
Since then, all the years as a single parent, the Lord was faithful... He still is and today I am blessed with 3 precious grandchildren.
Around 1997 I began to visit the Brownsville 'revival' and in 2000 I went to their school of ministry. In 2001, there was a split and I went with FIRE which is led by Dr. Brown. After graduating, I became a missionary in Berlin, Germany and lived there from 2002-2005. All was wonderful until the Lord began to wake me up.
It began after the pope died and I saw a news photo of President Bush along with others including his father and former President Clinton on their knees bowing before this dead Roman Catholic pope. HUH? I thought Bush was a Christian.
Next I read about several 'Christian' leaders who were endorsing this pope saying he was a Christian that went to heaven. HUH? Hadn't they read, "Fox's Book of Martyrs" by John Fox? What about the crusades?
Then I read that Rick Joyner (Morningstar) who was embraced by my leaders from Brownsville and FIRE had become a Knight of Malta which is connected to the Roman Catholic church. HUH? Plus Billy Graham was saying wonderful things about the pope too.
This ALL bothered me so contacted my leaders at FIRE who basically felt none of these things were a problem nor of any significant concern!
Shocked and greatly disappointed by their responses, I began to research more and find out if I was overreacting. What was the truth?
Long story short, I came to the conclusion that either my leaders were deceived or they were knowingly deceiving me and others. Either way, it wasn't good. So after much prayer and many tears, in 2005 I totally pulled out of that organization, gave away all my furniture and returned to the USA.
Needless to say, I have lost many friends over all this as they either refuse to hear me out or will not take the challenge to disprove what I was discovering.
But the Lord Jesus Christ, of course, has been faithful to guide and provide each step of the way and bring along people like you to encourage me.
My continued prayer is this: may the truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified - amen!
Ok you are way over reacting on that. You said you turn to this book and then this book and then this book to lead you to this conclusion, Where is the Bible in those books that lead you to your decision, where is "i sought the Lord before i throw in the towel"? Did you stop and think that you were doing the Lords work and the enemy wanted you out. If you look at the big picture take away all the who is doing what and ask yourself im I serving God seeking His kingdom first? Just like someone already told you, Jesus told his deciples let those guys be who are preaching in My name... you knoe the verse. Yes we are to test the spirits, You may be to skeptical for your own good. The enemy will use false revivals to build (what i call skeptical calluses) so when the real thing happens you will look the other way thinking this is blasphemy ....just like those did in Jesus day. It works we have proof the enemy can do it. People have a preconceived idea of what Joel prophesied about and Luke later repeated the out pouring of the Holy Spirit verse in Acts.
Fact people appeared drunk
Fact they spoke in other tounges
(that of men and that of angels
as stated by Paul)
Fact they prophecied
Fact Jesus came to babtize with
fire John baptized with water
Fact God will poor out His Holy
Spirit on all men women children
all who believe and desire to
Fact in vLuke Jesus said these
signs and wonders would follow
those who went in my name
Any way there is no way you or anyone else can know what that will look like. The Pharisees had a preconceived idea of what the Son of God would look like and Jesus did not fit that nor did he act like it,,,,according to the HIGHEST teachers of the word and their preconceived ideas, the Lord said the prostitutes would enter into heaven before them. Unless you have spoken to Todd himself and have been to where he is speaking do NOT judge him. I dont know him just heard a little about him and like other im investigating. BUT I am wise enough not to slander him especially with out first hand experience with him,(NOT JUST ANOTHER LIKE HIM) in your case and how you were deceived. My recommendation to you is worry more about where God can use you to point people toward His love and kingdom and not pointing people away from whom YOU believe is a false prophet. It is your right to think what you want but it is you DUTY and command (if you serve the almighty Lord and God) to gather the harvest for the fields are white and laborer's are few. God is a big boy and He is still on the throne He can handle a false prophet if He so chooses to. But like the scripture says He will use it to His Glory because He can.
I know this sound harsh but i dont mean it that way i mean it with Love and frankness. I not good with small words. Sorry and oh yea sorry you felt deceived but really move on we have a lot of work to do and the fire of the Holy Spirit will fall we have that promise who cares what it will look like I just want to be all up in it.
It is important that we each do what we believe the Lord Jesus Christ is showing us and I am sharing what I believe is a warning to those who may be tempted to follow after Bentley's 'strange fire'.
There is great delusion out there to those who do not love the Truth. If folks refuse to obey the Word of God but follow their feelings, this is dangerous eternally speaking.
Yes, I believe one can loose their salvation by following a piped piper that appears good and right but is a wolf.
Today I received the following email:
Hi Cathy,
I am on the board at my church and we have a major issue on our hands. Half of our board views bently as an amazing man, then the other half sees him as a very dangerous person.
You posted on your blog site:
"Bentley is part of a movement that teaches people can visit heaven anytime they want to along with the new age lie that man is equal to God. A wolf in sheep's clothing, he deceives many with his hocus pocus that satiates folks emotional needs. These "revivals"are all about emotional needs and feeling good instead of actually reading the Bible for yourself and knowing God's word.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
"READ MORE HERE: False Healing Revival"
Do you have a name of the movement he is involved with, with some links with their claims.
It would be a big help.
--- end ---
My reply:
Hi John,
May the Lord Jesus Christ bring clarity and truth to you regarding Todd Bentley.
Here is the link to Bentley's website: http://www.freshfire.ca/index.php?Id=106&pid=8
Because his ministry is so very much like what I experienced at Brownsville, that is enough of a red flag for me.
The scriptures tell us in 2 Corinthians 11, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
Isaiah 66 says, "Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not."
2 Thess 2 says, "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
The Word of God, the Holy Bible, the Scriptures is what we follow - not our feelings, not our experiences and not any person. It is clear: if we don't love the Truth, we are subject to delusion. The goings on at the Bentley meetings - are they from the Lord? If we watch videos on youtube of new age psychics and voodoo meetings, we would be hard pressed to tell the difference.
And if we are reading any of the modern Bible versions, we also are being led astray because they are corrupt and have been changed with many verses removed esp those that speak of the deity of Jesus. The King James version is the closest to the textus receptus which is the best.
Thanks for writing, John. Know that as you read God's Word and seek the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will guide and direct you.
Below is taken from a person who recently visit Todd Bentley's Lakeland meeting:
"...Todd and various others in the revival are constantly talking about “mantles”. One prophet named “Don” said William Branham’s mantle and A. A. Allen’s mantle was coming on Todd Bentley. I do not see this mantle teaching in Scripture. Paul never talked about receiving a dead man’s mantle, neither did any of the other apostles. Jesus Christ never talked about us receiving a dead man’s mantle. Jesus said we needed to receive Him, His teachings, His Holy Spirit. I know Todd and others use the Scripture reference with Elijah for there backup defense. Why would we want to receive the mantle of William Branham or any other dead person when we have all we need in Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the healer, not William Branham, Todd Bentley or anyone else. Isn’t the Holy Spirit of God enough? Isn’t Jesus the healer? I believe the mantle issue has been blown way out of proportion. There were nights when Todd was very cocky and prideful and other nights when he seemed a bit more humble..."
Below is the link to read the many 'prophecies' given by Todd Bentley and quoted on The Elijah List:
Todd Bentley claims that the Lord told him an angel named "Healing Revival" has now come to Bentley to bring miracles of healing in his ministry. Bentley said that the Lord told him that this angel is the same one that was with William Branham in the Latter Rain revival in the late 40's /early 50's. Todd says Branham and himself operate through the agency of an angel and not the the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 1:6-10
"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
I just posted on this blog a video clip of Marjoe, the pentecostal preacher, who reveals himself in a 1971 documentary that he was a fraud.
Thanks for this post.
I received Todd Bentley's book by a family member, who was recommended to buy the book by John Hagee (on a radio program or commercial). My husband and I both started reading it, and couldn't believe what we were reading. It was pure witchcraft. He talked what I know to be called astral projection, leaving his body and traveling to other spiritual realms.
I should point out, that I studied and practiced the Wiccan faith and Witchcraft for 5 years before being delivered and giving my life over to Christ in college. And most of what I read was in Todd's book was similar to what you would read in an occult book on witchcraft.
I am an African American, and I say that, because I want to note, that this is effecting Christians in all communities. I go to an AG church, and just today, my relative was encouraged by someone at our church to watch Todd healing revival online at www.god.tv.
Months ago, I was talking to someone online who was a big fan of the Elijah list and especially Todd Bentley...and follows his ministry. Much like Todd, this guy sees spirits in different colors and spoke about "mantles" (The only time I heard that term before was on Buffy The Vampire Slayer).
I've been reading the comments, and I must say, it's a real shame that we have to go back and forth about him. The truth is, if you have to struggle in your spirit about whether this guy is a true prophet, then why not just walk away from him cold turkey? If you, or your church is not sure...then that's your answer.
If there is even the slightest inkling in your spirit that he is false, then go far far away from him and his teachings.
What is he offering you that God cannot provide? We don't need all the "signs and wonders" to follow Christ. We are not all going to be bothered in our spirit about Todd, some of us have a bit more sensitivity to discern such things...others do not, so we must ask God to show us all the truth, and to not allow us to be swayed by false teachings even if we think they are right.
NOT following Todd Bentley, is not going to send you to hell. He is not your way to salvation. Jesus Christ, is.
Please visit: http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org
God bless you all, and remember to seek God first. You don't need revivals, signs, and wonders, you only need Jesus Christ.
Thanks for your comments, Parg.
I pray that folks wakeup and see that there is something dangerously wrong with Todd Bentley and his meetings.
And you are right: the Lord Jesus Christ is ALL we need - HALLELUJAH!
I can testify that I was raised in a christian home, accepted the Lord at 12, and pursued Him thus far. To spare all the details, lets just say that I sat in a church, "spirit filled, KJV taught ect,for 10 yrs, and it turned out to be very occultic. God brought me out of that, and I have leaned well. When I was in it, I did not see the error, the definition of deceptions is YOU DONT SEE, NOW I AM FREE and can discern much better. I have read these blogs, and my heart goes out to those who are still blinnow easy to see, but because HE has opened my eyes. I cried out for HIS truth, and HE showed me.
Thank you for measuring the happenings in LAkeland against the WOrd of God, as it is the ONLY thing we have as a plumb line.(and remeber the enemy knows the WOrd better than we) For me it is this simple... IF people will pray for God's Truth, the Holy Spirit will, in time, bring it before their eyes, It is the Truth that makes men free (and GOd sees the intent of the heart). But we must seek it.
Blessing to you as you stand agains the doctrine of devils sister, and may all eyes be opened unto HIS truth....(the devil has his own truth)
Cathy, Greetings in Christ.
Firstly I don't have a specific opinion or sit in judgment over Todd Bentley or the supernatural source of healings in his ministry.
I trust God.
What you are doing Cathy, is to me far more dangerous to you than anything Todd Bentley may or may not do.
God will make all things known, and sits over everything, good and evil, he still reigns.
Right now, your personal "false prophet" crusade, using the internet to make claims about an individual based at best on your own experiences and hunches without really knowing a persons heart or the infinate magnitude of an ALMIGHTY God, worries me for your own sake.
Judge not that ye not be judged.
Its dangerous territory Cathy and if you are wrong, there will be a spiritual significance to your crusade.
I, like most have doubts about this or that preacher, i pray, and trust God.
The delusion of the 9/11 hijackers and Al Qaeda in general, is thinking that they somehow need to fight Gods battles for him and that an Almighty God is unable.
We worship the true God of that we can agree, Jesus is Our Lord and Saviour.
Leave Todd Bentley to God, and be careful dear cathy. You are taking a high risk gamble and waging a battle using God's name and your opinions, with damaging accusation about a man who claims to be a man of God, and very well might be.
Cathy, When it comes to the supernatural and Gods moves in the supernatural, many things don't stack up or make sense in the natural, how can we comprehend the creator of the universe of his ways.
trying to do so and putting the things of God in our pre-conceived natural boxes,
"If I don't understand it, it must be Satanic"
Misses the point completely, never forget we are saved by an infinate Holy and supernatural God who's ways are not ours.
If you are filled by the Holy Spirit, as I know I am, you pray diligently not to be taken in by false teaching, then you have little to fear from Todd Bentley or anyone else, for you live under the grace and annointing of God, what can happen to you except that which God allows.
Your accusations are dangerous Cathy and I would pray that God would forgive your judgement.
If almighty God, who still sits on his throne and who knows the heart and supernatural source of Todd bentleys ministry, is in agreement with your OPINIONS, then A) It is not for you to judge and B) I have every faith in my God to bring down or expose those whom, he as God would choose. Sing a song of praise for battle is the Lords.
If however you are wrong, then A) it is still not for you or I to judge and B) is it God that is directing your actions and telling you to launch this campaign or someone else? either way the consequece is not best for you.
With Love in Christ
Thanks Kat for the encouraging word.
When you said, "I cried out for HIS truth, and HE showed me", I thought, "AMEN!"
When I began to realize I was being duped, my earnest prayer was, "Please Lord Jesus, expose any lie that I am believing, heal the wounds of my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit."
I simply wanted the TRUTH and you are so right, when we cry out to God with a sincere heart, He will open our eyes to see the good, bad and ugly!
And when this began for me, I kept thinking of when the Lord told Ezekiel (chapter 8), "Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations" and He kept showing Ezekiel more and more abominations.
Once you realize how you've been deceived, you are never the same and for me, the fear of God was intense!
Thus my desire to not see others be led astray and possibly loose their salvation.
In Revelation 3, the Lord says, "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."
The implication: our names can be blotted out of the book of life.
This is serious.
Thanks again, Kat.
Thanks for your concern for me Adam.
My concern is for those who embrace the shenanigans at the Lakeland meetings because they do not line up with scripture.
If you read the New Testament, both John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ confronted the religious leaders, calling them a 'generation of vipers'.
Are you saying they were wrong to pass judgment like that?
Paul and the other NT authors give many warnings about false teachers as they renounced the hidden things of dishonesty.
Are you saying they were wrong to pass judgment like that?
The Lord Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles to "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
We are to expose evil, not ignore it and I encourage everyone to search the scriptures themselves and seek the Lord regarding Todd Bentley.
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may souls be saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified is my continued prayer - amen!
Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Something interesting in this matter is Todd's method of showing the word of the miracles that can and are being done. Everyone who has a Bible, let them turn to Matthew 6:1-8 and read this:
1"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
So if it is by the grace of God that these miracles are being performed, then most likely, you would have NEVER known about them due to the secrecy that is most of the time encouraged so that the person who DOES do acts with Gods divine help, that they themselves will not be able to bask in a sense of glory before MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE!!!
So what ARE we indeed seeing if these acts are not a blessing from God? If these acts are not being rewarded by God who rewards those who do these things in secrecy, then it is quite fair to assume that Todd is being misled by demonic forces OR is in fact in recognition of this matter and KNOWINGLY misleads others as well!
My personal thought is that he is yet unaware that he is being misled because he still speaks highly of Jesus. So those lying spirits that have come to work wanders in Jesus name will mislead many by acts of glorifying Todd even more so than Jesus and God in heaven!
To confirm that we aught to perform miracles in secrecy, recall the times Jesus often told the people who he healed to "not tell anyone" in order that glory be upon GOD THE FATHER; often times Jesus would put Father God ahead of his own self in recognition that all those miracles were done only by his will in heaven. It's not that Jesus didn't want the truth being spread, it's that he didn't want himself to be glorified even. More than once we see Jesus telling open crowds that his authority came from heaven so to be careful not to glorify himself for even in those moments of perfection, he did not find himself yet to be the one who praise go to, and until his resurrection, he was in the grace of perfection but it was a true thing to be known by EVERYONE that he was perfect without doubt after his raising from the dead. Yes, Jesus WAS perfect even before he died, but his humility while on earth often displayed that only GOD the Father was even good. Mark 10:18 says this to confirm what I am saying.
So this is clear that Todd is clearly misled by lying spirits and if he is not yet aware of the matter, there is yet time to pray that his eyes be shown this great misleading that he has carried out even in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! So everyone please be prayerful that he might have a Holy recollection of absolute un-defiled truth from God!
Let it be true that Satan is powerful but let it be even more true that God can defeat Satan ALWAYS!
Excellent observations, Gary!
Yes, we ask will you please open the spiritually blind eyes, Lord Jesus, and expose the lies in all our hearts, including Todd Bentley? Thank you, Lord - amen.
If we are reading the Word of God (kjv), the Lord will make it clear what is His will for us each day.
One of my favorite passages is from Proverbs 3:
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
I am in no way saying that Todd was never saved, in case some people are wondering this very thought. I am simply saying that it is possible to be misled by the ever so cunning devil. Now I do not claim with 100% certainty that these miracles be evil but I do say that in all account of his METHOD in which he is doing this, letting the whole world see, this destabilizes the faith of the new babes in Christ!
The new ones who have JUST found the truth in Jesus are most receptable to the misleadings, as is ANYONE who searches for a so called miracle worker who is PROVEN to heal EVERYONE no matter the circumstances.
People fail to remember that Jesus said that if we had the faith the size of a mustard seed that we could move mountains (him speaking of being able to accomplish ANYTHING with even a small amount of faith)by our own trust in God and Jesus; Matthew 17:20 ! Isn't it amazing!? It takes not Todd to heal you because if you love God and you love Jesus, upon the time in which God chooses your healing to come, that is when it will come, no sooner and no later.
So am I saying that people can not do miracles in the public eye of everyone? After thinking about this I was reminded of the great crowds that did gather at Jesus and I saw a clear difference between THEN and NOW. Jesus was moved by compassion and love when these many people came for healing. They came to him and one by one, they were healed instantly!
There is a vast difference in the method in which Jesus did these things and the way that Todd is doing these things. Notice please, Todd will gather many together and shout loudly, proclaiming the miracle that is taking place as if to take in Glory that is not due to himself. I can not say that he purposely takes this glory, but in accordance to Matthew 6:1-8 it is clear that the glory and the rewards that HE TAKES IN...is not from God but from the people.
Can you honestly imagine that Jesus was jumping around like a rabid wolverine, bobbing his head in great feeling and emotion as to stir up false feelings in the crowd? Can you imagine that after a healing he yelled to everyone loudly, "Hey look what just happened! Do you see this!!!??? BAM take this!!!"
No...Jesus was humble about giving out these great things to the people. He appropriated the blessings back onto God the Father (Jehovah) in which God saw even more so the righteousness in his beloved son and it was sent right back to Jesus (the blessings) as an act of obedience, faith, love, and trust. Truth also had a LARGE part of the proper working of miracles too.
So we should not so condemn Todd, but we MUST pray that the Holy Spirit would lead him into correction soon. It is in my hopes that he unknowingly is being misled by demonic forces and that he is not actually knowing that he is misleading as this is a direct cause for judgment to come upon him if it is intentional.
I was recently banned from freshfire.ca chat function for a reason that I am unclear of and I find it weird that I would be banned even when God has exposed this matter to me. Either I said something that roused them that I saw through their deeds or it is even more severe and demonic forces are preventing the truth to be known so that those in the chat cannot be shown the light.
Whatever is to become of Todd WILL come into light sooner than we expect. The Bible says that any tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire; Matthew 7:19-20.
So his true colors will either prove to be good or bad soon enough. God is just and loving and I think that if Todd is unknowing about his misleading that God will awaken him soon.
You have a wondeful knowledge of scripture, as does Satan.
I am not in any doubt your intentions are honourable, or that you are a woman of God. even though i don't know you.
I could use the every scripture you have just quoted from Matthew against you, without any real proof.
Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
There are those in sects like scientology, mormonism and cults who these scriptures do apply to. an imperefect human vessel, who professes Jesus christ as lord and saviour, who asks the perfect Holy Spririt to move in Jesus name, is not going to conjour up demonic forces into Christians. Demons cannot move in Jesus name, they flee from it.
Again, pigeon holing how God could or should move, is not fully submitting to a much higer authority, it is trying to control the outcome we desire or perceive.
Do you think there may have been those on the day of Pentecost witnissing all these people speaking in stange toungues, that had they the internet, would be wrinting blogs about False prophets because it didn't fit in their understanding.
Now I am not saying that Todd Bentely is or isn't a false prophet, my inkling is he isn't as as an impure vessel he still acts in the name of jesus, by the power of the Holy spirit. there is a big difference to say spiritulist churches that healings by counterfeit Satanic sources.
If you study the scriptures literally about healing, like grace it is a readily available gift of God. Not an if, but or maybe. "By his stripes we ARE healed"
It is an act of faith,
"daughter your faith has healed you"
Remember the roman guard "simply say the word"
The bible says jesus has already paid the price for our sickness and infirmities, if we believe in faith, we will be healed. The bible says so on many occasions.
It will not happen instantly for most (in our instant "God is a genie" society), but the healing process begins.
Expose False prophets, yes, if we are certain. The Mormon church, Kaballaits, scientologists are false prohpets as are cult leaders who set themselves up as God.
Todd Bentely, your scriptures prove nothing Cathy.
I could decide I didn't like you or what you are doing here, then tailor scriptures around that.
Decide the answer then look for some scriptures to impose over it.
Again, in Love, I can't say whether you are right or wrong for sure, but your methods and fundamentalist application of scripture I am sure is wrong.
Keep praying the Our Lord will reveal the truth to you. means openeing your heart to TWO possibilites, one of which is you may be in error. Until he does that be careful. God will not back your opinions EVER, unless they are correct, true and Holy
Gary, it is interesting that you were banned from Todd's chat room as you sound very merciful and geniune in your comments here. To me, this is another red flag of concern.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
Adam, if we don't use scripture to as our final authority, what then?
Most people that go to these meetings go by their feelings which is not wise. The Word of God is our guide, a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path.
Being raise in Christian Science, I know first hand how cults will twist scriptures. This is never my intent and I pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to guide me in all this and forgive me if I am doing that.
I don't know Todd Bentley's heart but just watching his actions and hearing/reading his words raises an alarm. My goal is to alert folks of the danger of his type of ministry.
Btw, I totally believe in healing, I've been healed by the Lord and I've prayed for others to be healed. That is not my issue at tall.
The antics of Bentley remind me also of Benny Hinn, another questionable character who I do not trust. While living in Berlin, Germany as a missionary, I went to one of his meetings and because at the time I was still swimming in the charismatic soup, I justified in my mind things I saw that were not Biblical and suspicious.
When you are under a cloud of deception, it is only the grace of God and a truth-seeking heart that will lead you out.
John tells us 1 John 4, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."
Did you see my recent post and watch the clips on Marjoe? Pretty interesting. He could have fit right in at Brownsville, Toronto and Lakeland and who would have known he was a fraud like he says he was?
Glory to the King of kings and the Lord of lords: Jesus Christ, Saviour, Redeemer, Creator, Lover of my soul, Healer of my heart, Lifter of my head, the Good Shepherd, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door, the Light, the Bread of Life, the Great I Am and SO MUCH MORE - Hallelujah!
The last post i will make as it serves no real purpose, I have no idea about Todd Bentley.
But as you refer to Brownsville, I am 100% certain Steve Hill is the real deal, whom the Holy Spirit has used to lead many to Jesus.
I am an English christian and believe me, we are not drawn to emotionalism, When you say that "most people go to mettings based on feelings" how on earth do you know that you are not God, I would guess most people go because they are hungry or needy for something.
As for Toronto, well some very unusual and new things hapenned there for sure. Just as they did during the days of the Pharisees, who ultimetly put Jesus to death.
I cannot tell you what happened at Toronto on every meeting. I did however have the privalege of having John and Carol Arnott at our Elim conference, and believe me I am always sceptical of brash Americans or bouncy canadians being a reserved Englishmen.
But I submit to the spiritual authority of my pastor and my church, and listened to a man with a deep passion for the father heart of God, a man in love with his creator.
he asked those that would like to receive a fresh anointing of the holy spirit, I went forward.
I am the type that will stay rigid on the spot, if it aint God I aint going over. and i was out with the deepest sense of Gods love and presense.
It changed me, it drew me closer to God and when I returned to my average town, long standing wise and elder Christians in my church who were not in attendanc at the conference, started coming up to me saying "they could see God's annointng on me"
this was straight after this conference.
What I can say for sure is that what happened was without doubt from God.
False prophets, fake miracles, unlimited abounding God whose ways are far above yours?
Again, I will reiterate, that to put the God who created the universe into your own natural box of expectation is wrong.
Who are we to fathom an Almighty God.
he is a loving father and our saviour but he is also God.
I cannot speak for all that may of happened in Toronto I have never been to the city but from the meetings I attended from their main leaders the Arnotts, I know it was the Holy Spirit that moved mightly, though the modern day Pharisees who were not there will tell me it was countefeit and they are false prophets.
The proof is in the fruit. and there was much
God bless you and guide you in your search for truth
After a few days of thinking and a few days of reading the Bible, I have reached ANOTHER conclusion that concerns this topic and it also concerns my opinion.
In order that I do not anymore bring condemnation upon myself, I am choosing to not judge Todd anymore.
What is more important however is Love. It is always an open thing to judge others but the Bible tells us that with whatever amount of judgment we bring on others, so will this same amount of judgment be held to us as well: Matthew 7:1-2.
Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
So I have decided to remove myself from this argument. Love is more important and I do not need to be judged if for some reason I am wrong.
Everyone be in prayer over this matter and seek truth. Read the Bible. Pray always.
Jer 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.
Luk 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies
1Jo 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
1Ti 4:16 Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.
2Ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Tts 2:1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
Tts 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers….Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.
Tts 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny [him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
2Cr 11:13 For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness
All you fellow Christians who believe in the sound doctrines of the Bible and who know video stuff should produce your own documentaries as well.
The mouths of these deceivers must be stopped.
I forgot to tell you, if you post ANY bible verse such as the ones above, or post any warning in the chat room and stay in it longer then 3 seconds after you post it, you will be permanently banned and have to get a vpn or other proxy in order to enter the chat room again, so when pasting verses or warnings, paste, then immediately leave and come back in 5 minutes, then it will be harder for Todd’s Bible denying heretic chatroom overlords to get a hold of your ip.
WOW! I just came across this guy. Spiritual awarenss does not cost money. Spritual awareness does not talk about him/herself repetedly. Spiritual awareness does not take advantage of the mentally and economically weak. Spiritual awareness only speaks of love. Love is my religion.
God healed me of crushed vertebra, I needed huge doses of pain meds in 2005 along with renal failure. I am beyond that now thanks to the healing power of God and the prayer of the Pentecostals. I know God heals today. Where is this guy? I am going to enjoy what God is doing today. Mark Davison--Fla
Learn How to Become a False Prophet Performing False Miracles! Learn the Secrets of TODD BENTLEY`S *Operation Money Suck* Today!
Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
2Cr 11:13 For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness
P.S. God put natural healing functions into your body as well as natural pain killers that can be induced in certain situations, this is not the same as the examples of miracles done in Bible times. Don`t be deceived.
Here's the deal - there are today officially 23,000 dead in Burma with 42,119 people still missing. Unofficially estimates put the death toll at nearer 100,000. It's devastating. Aid organisations are being told by the Burmese regime they are not required while further people die and are plunged into poverty.
I have not watched all of the revival meetings but watch for an hour or two in the evenings and have not heard the situation in Burma mentioned. The crisis in Burma is breaking God's heart while the 'glory' of God is being pursued in Florida without any sense of responsibility or what's going on elsewhere. I have not heard one prayer in Florida asking God to open the way for Aid agencies to deliver humanitarian help. Surely if God 'is in the building' HE would be calling people to help those in Burma - therefore I can only assume that this large 'bless me' club is quite isolated from the true heart of out Lord.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your tender mercies and loving kindness each and every day through Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We do pray for the folks in Burma/Myanmar that they get the help they need and in the process find eternal life through the Gospel message. We ask that You please heal and comfort those who are hurting. Expose the corruption and shine Your light of Truth in each heart today. Thank You, Lord, that Your grace is sufficient in every situation - we put our trust in You alone. Thank You Holy Ghost for convicting us of our sin - may we be quick to repent. Forgive me of pride, worry, fear of man, unbelief, selfishness, greed, impatience and disobedience. Make me more like You, Lord Jesus. Give us hearts of compassion for others. May we always obey the Word of God and be ready to share the hope we have through Your Cross and resurrection. Remove any and all deception from our hearts. Expose any lies we are believing and guide us unto Truth we pray in Jesus name. Use us to be salt and light as we share the Gospel, giving hope to others. May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, heavenly Father - amen!
we are very dedicated and well-saved assured christians and leaders in our church. when we married after both been saved for more than 10 years each, we were desperate to see the move of our Lord in the life of the church. I had been brought up in a small weslian chaple and was born again at 10 years of age, at 12 years of age after struggling for a year in my faith and waiting for the day I was 16 and wanting to leave the church(not Jesus0. I rededicated my life and the Lord baptized me in His Spirit. I didn' even know about it as my church never spoke about gift of the Spirit and definatly speeking in tongues. This was on Saturday evening , on the Monday morning I led 4 friend to Salvation. The difference the Power of God makes.The closeness of my Saviour at this time got me through the most deverstating times in my life when my dad( a churchman. I won't say a Christian) sexually abused. (also my 2 sisters-I found out later) I hid what my dad did because of his threats and I also hid the move of God in my life as i didn't know how my church would react.i was a very scared little girl. Only Jesus knew the destress I was in. His Holy Spirit was and still is my ever-so-close companion. When we married my husband told me that he had found that the church's lack of power was not biblical and wanted to know why the gifts of Holy Spirit that was given to the church at Pentecost was not still in operation today..had God changed-Did he lack power- was it the church that was lacking. Where was God! after a short time I told him my experience and that I had hid it all these years. We prayed together for our Lord Jesus to come and baptize us in His spirit. He did after some time as I had shut off.We wanted reality and we are desperate for God. The true and living God. The creator, The Almighty. No one else. He is faithful and He came and changed our lives.people came to our house and fell on the door step weeping asking for salvation. We saw people saved and set free. It was glorious. All our children were under 5 years of age at this time and the older ones said they could smell Jesus, they reported to us that they were seeing angels. we had 3 boys and a girl within 6 years and we were told that they would all be saved and serve the Lord. The Lord has fullfilled everything that He said He would do. We give Him Glory. 3 are marrried to Christians and all serving the Lord and the youngest is engaged to his christian girlfriend and they marry in a couple of months. It's our time now and the Lord has shown us that the out pouring in florida is wholly of the Lord. Last night we drove 2 1/2 hours to Dudley to find out if this stuffs real. We were sceptics. We only ever desire truth and reality in God or otherwise it's just a pure waste of time and dishonoring to Our Lord. I'm telling you we are very causious and are proberbly the worst sceptic of all Christians. We asked the Lord to show us clearly if this is true, if this is of Him, If this is not we want nothing to do with it. My husband and myself are not flaky or easily taken in. We don't fall for anything false. When impartation was offered we went forward asking The Saviour to guide us and not to let us be decieved. We trust Him. We don't trust in what men say. We don't pay attention to what men say...one way or another. He never let's us down and so He is the only voice we listen to.The Lord touched us in such a powerful way last night that to be honest we just didn'texpect it.We are so convinced that this is the fullfillment of the prophec word given to us that we are not going to let it go. We will be in Florida in 2 weeks time purely to go to the revial meetings. (We've only been out of the country on a areoplane once last year for our 25 wedding anniversary to Greece) we have had a taste and we know that the Lord is in it all. We don't understand everything... We havent seen the gold teeth, the gold dust or flakes or the other things that have been reported and to be honest God can do whatever He likes! but what we are convinced about is the presence of Our Lord Jesus. We know Him and we know His voice and we as a couple are going to find out for ourselves. as others should do and stop been scared by'if it were possible that even the very elect could be decieved) we have only heard this man Todd bently give glory and honour to Our Lord. I haven't once heard him take any glory for himself. I have heard false teachers teaching some pure herisy and watched the Muslim and Hindus as well as the Budist and humanist glorying in miracles done by their 'gods'. Please be careful that we as the body of Christ don't slander our brothers and sisters as we've done for so long. Lets pray for the decieved but stop dragging down the ones used of God. And go and listen to what The Father is saying not what our own carnal thinking is saying....maybe if we look hard enough we will see jealousy,or envy. I do agree we should not be tossed about by every wind of doctrine but we should trust in the one who we profess to know and then we won't go wrong or be decieved.We'll keep you posted on what happens when we've been to Florida. If the fruit remains or the evidence of what accurs on our return. Our church is in desparate need of revival. we need to see God move in power. He is the Supernatural God, is He not!
Colleen & John Vardy,
Zion Gospel Misssion, S
Swinton South Yorkshire, England
You may pay heed to that last comment cathy.
I believe, and tell me if I am wrong.
That you Cathy, have made a few vociferous posts under anonymous, rather than your own name cathy.
including the one to cut and paste scriptures into Todd Bentleys chat rooms.??
I am actually starting to wonder, seriously, if you are not actually a Christian, (Satan knows the bible) and this is all mis-information. Or if you are a Christian as I suspect you probably are, that you need to seek out guidance from someone in authority.
What accountability do you have, or are you a loose cannon fighting a 1 person crusade.
That alone is totally unbiblical, we are each to submit to our leaders.
Yes, so there was a conman called Marjo in the 60's, there have been others and their will be more.
That does not prove Todd Bentley is a false Prophet, I have heard him also give glory to Jesus.
Praying in Jesus name is not going to get Demonic forces to do miracles. They flee.
I suggest you stop and think very seriosuly about what you are doing, pray and fast, because I think this malicious campaign is heaping condemnation on yourself.
If you are right, and their is nothing you have said and done that actually proves that TB is false, we all know the scriptures, but applying them correctly is key, then God will deal harshly with TB in Gods time.
I could apply any false prophet scripture you use against any minister I dislike and say well "look at what Marjo" did. That doesn't make them false.
If you are wrong, and it is highly likley that you are, based on all the evidence, his acceptance by respected and Godly men, God TV and his operation in the name of Jesus. then the Lord have mercy on you, I wouldn't swap places with you.
Get guidance, come under some authority and leadership and seriously consider your next moves. you are dealing with God and maybe his elect. There are serious consequences to your actions.
I say this in Love.
What you are doing is not a game.
If you know 100% that you are right, you should Pray for him and not slander him. If, as I would guess, you are not 100% sure, then you should fear God.
Dear Colleen and John,
Unlike you and others at Bentley's 3-ring circus, I don't have a "need to see God move in power".
Jesus told the the Pharisees and the Saducees, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign."
Back again, Adam?
So in spite of your accusations that I am posting using "Anonymous" (which I am not) and your phoney 'concern' about my spiritual welfare, I forgive you, Adam, for doing what you say I am doing: passing judgment.
Did you see my post from yesterday: "Flim Flam Frauds and Fakes"?
If you didn't post that vitriolic post anonymously, then please accept my apologies, it seemed conveniently timed and very similar to previous posts, you had contributed. only harsher in tone.
I assure you, i will not be returning again, I read the remarks, I have prayed and I "genuinely" do worry about those/you that have launched a personal, unaccountable crusade.
I am not passing judgement on you, merely pointing out where and why I think you are in error with your application of scripture.
I do think you are mistaken. One day we will see.
May God keep you, bless you and guide you.
Adam x
Psalm 19 v12-14
All about Todd's "Angel" named Emma, plus RARE close up photos
of Todd's Tattoos revealing hidden things about Todd!
Thanks for the link. Bentley is BIZARRE indeed!
Here's another link which quotes Bentley as he talks about different angels he's seen: http://sheepyweepy.wordpress.com/2008/04/26/todd-bentleys-angels/
People are deceived who follow this charlatan.
The Bible does tell us that God will give a strong delusion to those who do not love the truth.
I have to say that I went into watching this revival with reservation but do believe this is of God. We must never try to place God or his workings in a box. I pray for revelation to the body as a whole....I was once told that speaking in tongues was unbiblical and not needed in the church today....who is man to say what God can and cannot do....may his GLORY continued to be revealed.
Cathy, thank you for your obvious passion and your wisdom in this matter. It is not an easy situation, admittedly - people are clearly drawn to this cult of personality and I have fear and dread in my spirit that this man is not doing the work of God.
This "healing" business really has me concerned the most - you do not NEED Todd Bentley to be healed. If it is God's will, you WILL BE healed.
For Todd Bentley's group to say you don't "get the healing" b/c you are sinning - is to misunderstand the Gospel.
We are ALL SINNERS. ALL THE TIME. That is why God sent His son. Jesus did on the cross for us what we could not do for ourselves. Even after we are saved, we are saved from the CONSEQUENCE of sin in that we received MERCY that we do not go to hell and GRACE that we go to heaven. We are not delivered from the desire or the continuance of sin in our life.
To say that sin is a block to healing shows a gross misunderstanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus' ministry is not about rewards on this Earth - it is about loving God with your all your heart, your soul and your mind and loving your neighbor as yourself - bringing a GLIMPSE of heaven to the lost of the earth through acts of charity, faith, kindness and joy to our fellow man.
All of the rest is hocus pocus and will be revealed as such. God Bless you, Cathy.
Stephanie Brown, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Many thanks for your encouraging words, Stephanie.
By the grace of God, I escaped the deceptions of Brownsville & FIRE (off shoot from a school split) and now have a great desire to warn others.
Todd and his crew which include Bob Jones and Patricia King, both who I've met, are wolves in sheep's clothing, leading folks astray into mystical/demonic experiences.
There is a video on youtube with Bentley, Jones & King talking and not once did I hear the words, "Lord Jesus Christ", but rather god, third heaven, 'hungry for more', angels, blah, blah, blah! I turned if off before they could cast a spell ("impart our gift of faith to you") my direction with their witchcraft.
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Who are these people Jesus is talking about?? I do NOT want to be one of them!! The above passage put the fear of God in me when I started to pray, "Lord, expose any lie I am believing" and I continue to pray that prayer.
When all is said and done, there is no one to blame but ourselves if we don't repent from following these false prophets and charlatans.
The Lord Jesus Christ warned more than once, "Let no man deceive you". Those who ignore the warnings of God may loose their salvation.
Exodus 32:33
The LORD replied to Moses, Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.
Deuteronomy 29:20
The LORD will never be willing to forgive him; his wrath and zeal will burn against that man. All the curses written in this book will fall upon him, and the LORD will blot out his name from under heaven.
Psalm 69:28
May they be blotted out of the book of life and not be listed with the righteous.
Revelation 3:5
He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
Well, I guess I had a lot to say!
May the Lord bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace, Stephanie!
This morning, I was blessed by this encouraging email:
My husband and I came across your blog tonight.. We stayed up until just now, 3 A.M., reading it. I wanted you to know that that you are not alone. There are few, the Remnant, that know what's really going on, but we are out there. I didn't even know about Todd until a couple of days ago. We went to college in Lakeland, and when I heard about it I looked some stuff up on him. I just wanted to encourage you not to back down. I can't understand why people believe what people tell them instead of seeking God on everything. Even Jesus and Paul told people to go pray about what they were telling people. Anyway, thanks for having the blog!
In the early 90's I visted Carpenter's Home Church in Lakeland to see Rodney Howard Brown. I was impressed at first, but then Biblical reasoning came into play. Rodney was all about the "laughing in the Holy Ghost." I ran into trouble with that. Is this now - or was it then - a time for laughing and roaring like a lion, or rather the putting on of the sackclothe and ashes? Given how our nation has rejected God, embraced homosexuality, killed over 50 million unborn children through abortion .... should we really be laughing???
Enter Todd Bentley who is nothing more than a Rodney Howard Brown wannabe. Again, the hard issues are not addressed, rather he works for the emotional highs for the self indulgent, who only have care for their own Holy Ghost goose bumps.
Adding insult to injury, Rodney Howard Brown (just prior to Toronto) had the gall to tell the Christians in Fargo, ND, that if God really wanted abortion to end in America, He would place an "angel" outside the clinic to close it. (I guess that means in Brown's mind, that God is in favor of child sacrifice since He has not placed angels in front of abortion mills. Yes, God is killing those babies).
Excuse me while I throw up.
Glad I posted my real name and website so you can't be accused of "creating" it.
No need to post.
God bless you kiddo!
Steve Wetzel
Thanks Steve.
And TODAY here in California gay/same sex/homosexual/queer/lesbian/etc marriages are now legal. Like you say, this is NOT something to rejoice or laugh about:
Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Indeed, we the church should be weeping and repenting over our sins today.
When people start dabbling in this wicked wine of Bentley's, they are playing with fire - strange fire which will burns with DECEPTION as we read from some of the posters here who are defending the Lakeland witchcraft saying it is Christian.
If folks would start reading the REAL bible and throw away their corrupt modern nonsense versions, there is hope for them to be set free.
The Word of God says that the Lord will give a delusion to those who do not love the truth.
Dear heavenly Father, will you please expose any lie that I am believing and lead me unto the Truth I pray in Jesus name? Thank You, Lord God.
blessings to you, Steve,
Todd Bentley has mentioned Jesus several times. He keeps reminding us that he's giving all the glory to God and none to himself. Why would false prophets want to take glory from God? That is a false prophet. Todd is nothing of the sort.
Sorry Cathy - gotta chime in again concerning this Adam fellow.
This "Judge not lest ye be judged" nonsense is the staple of weak-kneed, closet Christians. (Sorry you have a former U.S. Marine here, and I am not fond of Christians trying to be nicer then Jesus). Literally it is "Condemn" not.
We are to judge - just make sure you don't have the same beam in your own eye. I guess he forgot the part where we will judge the angels, and are to judge cases so brother does not take brother to court. But this does not bode well for a "softer, kinder, and gentler" Americanized Christianity.
Sigh ...
Wanna talk about a tough, "judgmental" Christianity? Look to Acts.
Acts 2:36 "... know assuredly that God has made this Jesus whom *YOU* crucified, both Lord and Christ."
The Result? 3000 were saved. (2:41)
Acts 3:14 "But *you* denied and the Holy One, the the Just ... and *killed* the Prince of Life ..."
The Result? 5000 were saved. (4:4)
Acts 5:3 "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit ....?"
The Result? He and his wife ended up Dead.
Acts 5:30 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom *you* murdered ..."
The Result: Boldness and rejoicing. (5:33, 40-42)
Acts 7:51 "You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit ; as your fathers did, so do you."
QUESTION: How would all this be viewed in today's Americanized version of the Christian church? Would the Apostles and Stephen not be called, "Judgmental" and "Hatemongers?"
I bring this up because it speaks to the rotten here and now. Adam's theology would say that a prolife sidewalk counselor telling a woman about to kill her baby not to, is judgmental. No word of warning should be offered to that mom - as it would involve making a "judgment."
Well Cathy made a judgment. She has issued a word of warning, and one can either hear or forbear hearing. After that - it is on you. Just stop with the "she's judging" whining and sniveling.
My apologizes Cat - the Corps and the Christian faith are not always 100% compatible.
Semper Fi -
Thanks Steve! Good points.
As I read your comment, I was reminded of these verses as well:
2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
Titus 1:13
This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
Titus 2:15
These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
If it wasn't for loving Christians who risked offending me and who slapped me upside the head with TRUTH, I'd probably still be swimming/sinking in that charismatic soup of lies and deception.
blessings to you my friend
More information:
Revival by another name. Wow - this has been a fascinating study.
In the early 90's I visited Carpenter's Home Church several times in Lakeland to see Rodney Howard Brown. This church gave home to at least 7 weeks or more of Rodney's "revival" much as "Ignited Church" is doing for Todd Bentley.
More telling is what has happened to Carpenter's Home Church since Rodney Howard Brown.
The long running state of the art Christian 100,000 watt FM station WCIE (Where Christ Is Everything) closed shortly after the Rodney Howard Brown broadcasts. It was sold for $1,000,000 to pay for the church which was in a revival reversal. The church and its 10,000 seat sanctuary has since been sold to "With Out Walls" which purchased the 75 acre property. In the deal, CHC received a 700 seat building (formerly used by With Out Walls") and between 3 and 8 million dollars - and use of the school auditorium on the former CHC property. The 700 seat building is under a new name and pastor. The school auditorium church is now run by the son of Carpenter's Home Church's pastor, Karl Strader.
Wanna guess what the name of that church is? Yeah .... "Ignited" the same church that is housing the Todd Bentley revival.
Anyone want to lay bets on the future of Ignited Church???
Sad ...
Thanks for your comment. It prompted me to do a search on Brownsville and I found yet another Bentley article which I posted a little bit ago.
I have heard from a few sources that Brownsville AOG Church has big financial problems - not confirmed but pretty good sources. All the previous 'revival' leaders left and they've had a few different pastors since then.
In any case, we can't blame anyone but ourselves if we follow these pied pipers into the swamp of deception. Satan is subtle and smart, so if we are not in the real Bible, we will be led astray.
Thought you might like to send some readers my way...
Todd Bentley has become ashamed of his "angel" Emma!
Slice of Laodicea has linked a note about it to me...
If you would do the same we can put some more doubt in more peoples minds about this false prophet/teacher.
In Christ,
Jon Sharp
Thank you Cathy for being bold to speak the truth. Sincere people who need God are being lead astray.
We all need to pray. Everyone is desperate for God and the enemy knows this. We need to pray for true revival in our hearts and our homes, to be true Christians, and to pray that God will Bless the true teachers of the Word of God to speak the truth forth in boldness.
We need the One and Only True God and His Truth.
Everyone can give an opinion, but what is really needed is prayer for protection for the Body of Christ.
Thanks troops!
Just added another post of The Tattoos of Todd along with some links including those you gave, Jon.
Hopefully, folks are waking up to the Bentley deception before it gets too late.
Hey y’all,
Why not take a Jack Hayford approach to this?
Jack wrote:
“We want to be available to His Spirit,
instructed by His Word, open to His will,
and humbly slow to pass
judgment on things that are outside our purview.”
Jack wrote:
“We ask the Spirit to give us humility in
discernment and to guard our souls from being either gullible,
doubt-prone, or resistant to whatever God may seek to do that proves
Christ-exalting, Word-verifying, and enduring beyond sensation or mere
excitement. With time, whatever is taking place in Lakeland and
through activities issuing from its happenings will either verify or
discredit the source of the manifestations.”
Seems like a reasonable approach, eh?
HI Cathy,
I am a fairly new Christian and at my womens fellowship they talked about this Florida Revival and showed clips of a little boy with cerebral palsy walking and another child being bought back from the dead. I have been reading my bible because I wanted to learn about revival and if it is scriptual, please excuse my ignorance but if people are being healed and salvations are occurring how is this looked upon as not of God. I was saved through being broken and coming to repentance and realising I am a sinner in desparate need of Jesus to make me clean before a righteous and holy God. I dont need God to perform miracles for me just saving me is enough. I have read all your posts but could you put it in baby chrstian terms about how seemingly Christian people lead people astray and thus be called false teachers. I have just done a study on discernment in the Bible and God showed me about the fruit of the Holy Spirit and screaming and yelling and people acting crazy doesnt fit in with what the Word says.
Your sister in Christ
To my concerned friends in Christ, please do yourselves a favor and buy Hank Hanegraaff's book Counterfeit Revival. He spent years researching and attending these false prophet revivals. The gold dust trick (ac ducts)and gold tooth healings are all exposed. He even names a few dentists and pastors who admit to the fraud. It is backed up with sources, notes, and links as well as a lengthy bibliography. Also, isn't it amazing (a miracle?) that this handful of revivalists, whether Toronto, Pensacola, Brownsville, Lakeland, etc, all have ties to each other in some way?
Have you ever seen a good hypnotist on TV? You know, he makes a group of people bark at the moon after learning who in his crowd is susceptible. Then, on command, often subtle ones, they transform into whatever the hypnotist has suggested. Not everyone is susceptible and that is why a hypnotist works his/her crowd up into a frenzy first, to see who he can use. The human power of suggestion alone is amazing, but add to that the power that the deceiver can use, and you have the makings of a false prophet. Folks, please! Are we so hungry for the miraculous that we accept this garbage? C.S. Lewis said if you need to see a miracle, take a close look at the world and universe you live in. You live in a GRAND miracle. I'll settle for the solid Word of a Chuck Swindoll or Billy Graham, or Beth Moore, or any of thousands of men and women of Jesus that remain true and solid in their teachings.
The bottom line, read Todd Bentley's own words. Do they line up with scripture? If they do not, you must reject him as a false prophet. If he inserts extra-biblical revelation, claiming it's from God...bye, bye! Sorry Todd, "I never knew you!" Phil for Truth
Hello friends,
It is by the grace of God that we are not led astray as there are MANY counterfeits/wolves out 'there'.
So we need to be reading the Word of God - not the modern corrupt versions NIV, NKJV, NASB, NLB, Amplified etc etc - the King James Bible (KJV).
The Scriptures have ALWAYS been under attack and over the years many martyrs have lost their lives standing up for the Truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today, we are hearing more deceivers say that the KJV is full of errors so don't read it. In fact, I just got an email from Barbara Aho who is saying this lie.
Deceivers will give 99% truth but that 1% lie will lead you wrong and take you to hell.
God is BIG and He loves His sheep, so we can trust Him totally as long as we are obeying His Word.
While reading the real Bible is always priority, we also read, study and research other sources and measure their words by the Truth - the Word of God is our plumb line.
If you are in the Word, teachable and humble before God, He will lead you on the right path and show you whether or not the Lakeland meetings are from God.
Ask Him - the Lord Jesus Christ will show you.
And if there is any doubt and you get a check in your spirit - DON'T GO.
When the Holy Ghost is trying to direct us, if don't listen and obey Him, we are walking on dangerous ground.
blessings & love,
Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Have you listened to Kelly McGinley?
Her taped show this weekend talks more about the KJV vs the NKJV version of the Bible.
24x7 shows taped/M-Th 1-3pm Central shows live
Received this email today asking about Bible Translations:
I've been reading your blog about Todd Bentley and I must say that this may have truly devastating effects on the body of christ and the spiritual welfare of people overall.
But I can see that you appear to endorse KJV and disapprove other bibles.. I must agree with you that KJV is superior to other bible translations, but I for example read New International Version because of that the language in KJV is too hard for me to grasp (as I am a native Swedish citizen) while the language of NIV is simplified. I read both.. but, I cannot see any problem with that people would read for example NIV for it is also really accurate, almost as accurate as KJV and I've in fact never found the message in NIV to be incorrect.
I just wish to know how strict view you have of the different bible translations..
In my opinion, the only bible entirely without fault is the hebrew/greek bible.
May the peace of God rest upon you.
--- end ---
My email reply:
First off, Zondervan who publishes the NIV is owned by Harper Collins who publishes the Satanic Bible. This is the first Red Flag.
But there are other problems:
Revelation 22:16 KJV says, "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
And in Isaiah 14:12 KJV it says, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
But in the NIV, Lucifer is called the morning star!
NIV Isaiah 14:12 says, "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!"
The New International Version (NIV) Bible cuts out 45 verses from the KJV.
When I got saved in 1976, we only read the King James Version (KJV) in church, so that's what I read at home. Then as modern versions of the Bible began appearing, I started reading these. However, these newer versions I have discovered are flawed and misleading.
For example, the New King James Version (NKJV) removes the word "hell" 23 times and removes the word "repent" 44 times. Here are some more of the many changes:
1. Matthew 18:26 & Matthew 20:20: The NKJV removes "worshipped him" (robbing worship from Jesus) (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
2. Mark 13:6 & Luke 21:8: removes "Christ" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
3. John 1:3: change "All things were made BY him;" to "All things were made THROUGH Him" (NIV, NRSV, RSV)
4. John 4:24: change "God is a spirit" to the impersonal, New Age pantheistic,"God is spirit" (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
5, John 14:2: (NKJV 1979 edition) change "mansions" to "dwelling places" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
6. John 14:16: change "comforter" to "helper"(refers to Holy Spirit) (NASV)
7.Acts 4:27, 30: change "holy child" to "holy servant" (refers to Jesus) (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
8. Acts 12:4: change "Easter" to "Passover" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
9. Acts 17:22: changes "superstitious" to "religious" (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
10. Romans 6:22 & I Corinthians 7:22: changes "servants" to "slaves"
These are just a FEW of the changes... PLUS, every time the NIV is revised, more changes are made.
I threw away ALL my modern version Bibles and now only have the King James version.
May the Lord Jesus Christ lead us unto the Truth I pray.
Someone named Bud emailed me but it went to my bulk mail and I accidentally deleted it before reading it. So Bud, please resend or post your message here.
To all who have contributed to the blogs. Please read Acts 4 with emphasis on v14-16 and Acts 5:38-42. Even the miracles done in the book of Acts were disputed then and it's no different now to what is happening today with Todd. The Apostles were mocked even on the day of pentecost and we have the same scenario being repeated today. Please let God be the Ultimate Judge of this (Acts5:38-39) and for those who think you have to talk and you must stop this immediately to prevent people from going to hell, how many have you actually shown the way to heaven? And I really hope for your sakes you are right about all the accusations! May you all be blessed in Jesus name
Muyiwa UK
From what I have read here most of you people are freaks that are pompus
judgmental typical church going Bible thumpers who don't even have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Maybe you should read your Bible more you bunch of last day hypocrites and pharisaical supposed christians.
And you wonder why people are flocking away from traditional churches to find a real relationship with Jesus. First off Mark (6:12-13)
you should read it and seriously read and apply wagging finger to yourselves Matthew (25:31-46). My sister is a contributing editor to
CBN and has been to many of these meetings and has never seen such junk as you all speak of. I have watched many many hours on
God Tv and never seen anything like the garbage you speak of. Lord have mercy on your souls, when the word
speaks about not touching His anointed. You are to be either Hot or cold the Luke warm will be left behind. Which are you? or is your
nose so stuck up in religion that you would drown if it rained down!
Repent before its to late.....
Just a thought, that I've had from the very beginning, on this Lakeland thing. What a tool of the devil this is... Think of all the pastors that must make a decision about this revival. Either they must go and "get some" as advertised on the revival's website and bring it back to their parishioners (whether for reasons of spirituality or more money in the collection)- or continue to operate without this "special anointing", risking losing the congregation members who want to "get some". There are pastors who fear making a decision and feign ignorance to the whole thing... They will not make a decision, which I believe is just as bad as backing this farce. Some pastors even say it has some good, some bad!!! THAT doesn't make sense to me. Light and darkness cannot co-exist -
I believe the decision pastors make (or don't make) about this revival is very revealing about them - it's almost as if Satan has them in a "check" position -- not "check mate" ...because the right decision destroys the evil one's plan for their church - the wrong decision, and the pastor will bring something into his church that he didn't bargain for. I wonder just how many preachers are preaching against this abomination. To say "judge not" is Joel Osteen's modus operandi -- Jesus called a sinner a sinner.
Anonymous at 1:49 p.m., I pray for you - you are a very angry person. The overflow of your heart is showing, my friend.
Cathy - just wanted to give you a shout out. The resources you are linking to are phenominal! In particular, "Todd Bentley - Messenger of God" and the lastest, "Deception."
*Wow* is all I can say.
Ok - I gotta get back to hammering the KJV-Only crowd. ;)
Thanks Steve! And thanks everyone for your comments.
I know this is rough for some folks but truly don't we want the truth? That's my prayer.
You might be interested to hear Todd Bentley's new contradictions concerning "the anointing"...
In Christ,
Jon Sharp
Keep up the good work. I have seen much hurt over false prophets, etc. If we care about our brothers and sisters in Christ, we will speak out.
The roots of this movement are well exposed on Justin Peter's web site. It is incredibly informative. If you do go to his site, click on "Demo" and you will get an overview of his seminar on this where is he speaking to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Its very powerful!!
I have had a great many friends deceived by this and the likes and it is absolutely heartbreaking. It also gets more and more deceptive...
God bless you, Cathy and keep it up.
Your fellow Californian and sister in Christ,
June 5, 2008 UPDATE: False Revival
WOW~! If that is not enough to convince the saints - then they are too far gone to reached. At least at this time.
There is always the picking them up and putting them back together after they drop 10 stories - but Cathy would spare them the crash. As would I.
Listen to the voice of experience.
Yes, Steve, it seems that if someone is not willing to pray something like: "Lord Jesus, if I am on the wrong path, please show me and help me to get on the right path", then there's not much hope for that deceived person.
Only by the grace of God did I escape!
May we always be teachable I pray in Jesus name.
Hi Cathy,
I read your writings and I think you ought to be very careful with what you say about people and especially men anointed by God. You don't know who is who. I deduce from your words that you are not matured in spitritualsthings.
By the way I am a Nigerian living in South Africa.
Did God tell you that Bentley is a false prophet? If not, then you have a case with God. You need to ask God for forgiveness because you have no right to judge any man.
I have heard Todd preach long time before this revival and what he spoke was from the bible. He dissected Psalms 91. I got new insights into that scripture and my life has grown.
Supernatural encounters are real and I am convinced it is God's desire that every child of His should encounter HIm. Jesus was transfigured on the mount. The great Appostle Paul was able to deliver such powerful Epistles because of his heavenly encounters.
Peter had encounters with Angels. John the Beloved had encounters with Angels. Isaiah sow God and his life was transformed. Daniel received revelation form Angels. Mary the mother of Jesus was visted by angels. A lot of people have had out-of-body experiences, even in this present times. God id showing Himself strong and mighty to those who are hungry for Him.
You should asked God for an encounter and stop speaking evil of others. When you encounter God supernaturally your life will never be the same. If you are trully a child of God, you won't openly critcies a man that still gives glory to God inspite of the experinces and the miracles that are wrought through him.
It is very dangerous to speak against the men that God has anointed. Take this as a WARNING!
Aaron and his sister were reprimanded for criticising the man the God spoke with face to face - Moses.
I believe in Todd Bentley, I believ in Benny Hinn and I believe Willian Branham was a man of God. The issue with Branham was that he did not stay in his calling. He was not called to teach, that was why he ended preaching so much wrong stuff.
So my sister, leave God who knows the heart of every man to judge them. Ask God to help you guide your heart so that you will not fall into error.
God bless you
Joseph, you are greatly deceived if you believe Bentley, Hinn and Branhan are all men of God.
They are/were deceivers who fleece the flock and perform abominations in the name of the Lord.
And the tragedy is when folks who claim to be Christians follow them!
If I am wrong in my assessment, may the Lord Jesus Christ lead me unto the truth; but if I am right, may He lead you unto the truth.
Dear Cathy, I just want to tell you that our priority should be to take people for Jesus instead of going against men and creating divisions between christians..
Ephesians 6:12
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Personally I don't express my self about Todd, but while satan distracts us thinking about men, some people may burn in the hell...
The only things that I know is that he preaches Jesus Christ and many people accepted Him in they're life in his crusades.. Only God knows him for real, we are so imperfects
God bless you very much, remember my dear sister, we are men, we can make mistakes...
Romans 14:10
You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat.
Hello Donato,
The Lord Jesus Christ says in Matthew 7:15,16, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits."
I am questioning the fruits I see in Lakeland.
In John 7:24, the Lord tells us to "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" and in Matthew 24:24, he says "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
We are to renounce the hidden things of dishonesty and to let no man deceive us. We have no one to blame but ourselves if we get deceived.
My desire and prayer is that the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified as He leads us unto the Truth and expose any lie we are believing.
Thanks for your comment.
dear sister, Thank you for replying me,I accept your point of view, I have no doubts it's good to go quietly and to check and try every spirit, personally I didn't have a bad impression of Todd, he's an imperfect christian like all of us.. Maybe that God told to be aware of false prophet but did he told you to consider Todd as a false prohet? And did He told you to open a blog against Him? Personally I'm asking God to open my mind to His Truth, if this man is a false prophet..
Anyway, this is his personal biblical explaining of the revival of Lakeland:
God bless you, and lead us to the Truth :)
Hi again Donato,
I've been praying about your comment and emailed Bud Press at Christian Research Service (http://www.christianresearchservice.com/) to see what he thought. Below is his reply. Please prayerfully consider his words, Donto.
Thanks and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
Hi Cathy:
Unfortunately, Donato's letter to you is a typical carbon-copy reply from one who is unable to distinguish the real Jesus from the false. Sadly, this is widespread (as you know), and is growing on a daily basis.
The truth is that Donato is doing the same thing to you as he/she is accusing you of (i.e., judging).
Here are two excellent articles from my friends at Personal Freedom Outreach. They answer questions and have proved to be a blessing many times over:
To Judge or Not to Judge: http://www.pfo.org/notjudge.htm
Revisiting Public Criticism: http://www.pfo.org/revisitg.htm
As you read and study the articles, please know that God calls every Christian to make righteous judgments (John 7:24). And, in the context of Matthew chapter 7, Jesus calls us to judge, but not hypocritically. How else would we distinguish the false from the true?
Romans chapter 14, when read in context, talks about judging fairly and unfairly, and uses an example of what a Christian eats. In other words, if one Christian wants to eat meat, that's fine. But if another wants to eat only vegetables, that's fine too (Cross-reference with Colossians 2:16, which says, Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day).
Donato took Romans 14:10 out of context, which is par-for-the-course with those who fail to study their Bibles.
Your response to Donato was great, so be sure to keep this situation in prayer, for only God can open the eyes of those being deceived.
God bless you, and keep up the good fight for the faith.
Hello, All,
I am also trying to prayerfully "evaluate" what is going with Todd Bentley (I Agree with Hung's Jack Hayford approach).
Why is it we are so quick to attach damning labels on someone? If we are wrong in our judgment,the damage to that person's reputation is done, because often there is no "retraction" made, yet the slanderous "soundbite" remains. We do not want to put ourselves in a position of slander(Ps 15:2,3).
In particular I would caution the careless use of the term "false prophet." Certainly in the OT, the prophets were the unique, mission-critical, word-for-word voice of God - and consequently judgment was severe. Now, in the New Covenant, we have the God's Spirit in us to guide us - additionally, prophecy is dispersed through the body of Christ as a gift "for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort(1 Cor 14)."
If we somehow make an error in learning to use the gift, I don't think we are deserving of "death" and a "false prophet" label.
Similarly, if a Bible teacher makes a mistake, it would be a huge travesty to label them a "false teacher." Surely many of us have have mis-stated some words of scripture and realized our mistake - but, too late, someone videotaped what you said, and now you have to spend the rest of your life answering your "false doctrine."
So let us have mercy on each other, as we would like mercy on ourselves. Pray for Todd, for a spirit of humility and self-correction as needed.
Hey OrlandoDude,
Check out the 3 video clips I just posted and get back to me about your buddy Bentley.
Remember, he who does not love the truth will be given a strong delusion.
Isaiah 66:4
"I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not."
2 Thessalonians 2:8-12
"And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified - amen!
So what is your premise:
that Todd "did evil before mine eyes" and "Lying wonders", and is "damned"?
What makes you think he is my buddy - I am just trying to be fair to the guy.
Are you kidding? The guy is a fraud and those angels/demons he's calling down are deceiving ya'll if you think he's a man of God.
I think you are the FRAUD. You are causing confusion in the minds of people.
You have given heed to satanic influence. Satan is using you aqainst the word of God. You may not know this but that is what you are doing.
You are the "false prophet". You are not a Christain because you are not acting like Christ.
It seems you need a job. For you to be writing all these crap means you are idle. Remember, an "idle mind is the Devil's workshop".
Remember in the Bilble, where the Appostles saw other people other than the followeres of Christ, cast out devils in Jesus Name. They asked Jesus to forbid them. But how did Jesus answer? He told them that they should leave them alone. Anyone who preaches in His name will never go against Him.
Todd has never spoken agiast Jesus nor has he said he is the Angel. People are receiving healing and deliverance and salvation. You don't acknowledge thes. Why, because you are so opinionated.
I know what your problem is. You are still holding on to the your past. Your past is clouding the Glory of God over your life. You are judging others by your own standards and not by the heart of God the Father.
I pary that God would open up your heart to love - truely love. If you have love, you would not channel this Blog to fight people and stand against the word of God. If you keep fighting the word of God, the Word will fight you. You are setting up yourself and your children for dissaster.
I have seen end people who were speaking evil things about God's anointed go down. The either became bankrupt or sick with terrible diseases. Something terrible always happens to them.
I have seen men of God go wrong, but I never go castigating them. The best I do is pray for their restoration.
You better be carefull and spend your time doing more valuable things. For your information; what ever you sow you will also reap. You are sowing discord among brethren and you will reap the whirl wind.
Mark my word's. I am writing this mail this notes with anger in my heart.
Final words. God does not impute sins any more, but has giving us the Ministry of reconciliation (2 Corintians 5:19-20). You should be using this internet tool (your blog) to be reconciling people to God not setting up people against men of God or any man for that matter.
God did not give you a Ministry of monitory His servants. You will answer to Him on the Day of Judgement. He will ask you what you did with the internet.
Regards with love
May I weigh into your Bible version argument. There are a dedicated band who swear by KJV over all others, but it is debatable as to wether it is the most accuarate. When it was written in the early 1600's it was commisioned by King James 1st, and compiled by just under 50 people and it was formed mainly from what are referred to as the "eastern texts" the greek texts that were available in the day from the Byzantine eastern provinces. It is widely held that some wordings were enforced by Kingly decree in the way the were written, but if so, that could have been God inspired. Of course it is a highly accurate and loved translation. Many of the modern translations however are derived with what are reffered to as the "western texts" these are additional greek texts that were found in the western meditteranean area after the KJV was published, who texts are known to be older and closer to time of Christ and many believe are a lot more accuarate, they do in essence say the same things, with monor additions and differences. I like your example of the morning sta, that though, I doubt is a Satanic conspiracy from the publisher of the NIV, the texts of most modern translations are derived from the western texts like the Living , for example and many of these are are more paraphrases, the NIV is though an accuate open direct translation of the word of God and should not be discounted. Many ascribe that this is the most accurate as it was comiled in the 1970's from all the available and verified texts, Letters of Paul etc that ascribe to the word of God. Many of which were not available in 1604. You will find as well apart from the old english of the KJV some of the words meanings have now since changed so you can read a passage that now has a different meaning to that which it meant in 1604, of this you should be aware.For instance, in King James’ day the word ‘prevent’ could mean ‘come before’ but not necessarily in a hindering way. So the translators in that day rendered 1 Thes. 4:15, ‘For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.’ But today the word ‘prevent’ has lost that earlier meaning (come before), so it must be translated differently to convey the proper meaning: ‘According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not ‘precede’ those who have fallen asleep’ (NIV). ...To keep the translation of God’s Word living it must be kept in the living language the people are using.”, there are also some Greek words that have no direct translation into English and where you place punctuation and commas can change the meaning of a sentence slightly. So take your pick, you will not go far wrong with either, I have KJV, NKJV, NIV New Living, The message and whilst I mainly use NIV I do at times use all. God bless you all, whatever version you have, pray that God will speak to you and keep you. Yours in Christ.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Joseph. Please give us all eyes to see the truth of the matter regarding the Lakeland meetings and Todd Bentley. Lord, it the critics are wrong about the events at Lakeland and the actions of Todd Bentley, please show us because we simply want Your will to be done and Your kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. If the events in Lakeland are not from you, please expose them and give us eyes to see the truth. We ask that You reveal the Truth, expose the lies, wake up the deceived, convict the sinner and save the lost we pray in Jesus name. Please expose any lies in our own hearts that we may be believing and guide us to the Truth. Thank You so much, Lord God. May the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified we pray. Amen!
Regarding the King James version of the Bible verses the modern versions, my research has shown me that there is a great difference.
I began in the KJV in 1976 but over the years have been in ALL the modern versions until I discovered they are rooted in corruption: http://home.sprynet.com/%7Eeastwood01/kjv01.htm
Most people believe the different versions are basically the same and that the newer versions are just "harmless" updating of words and made easier to understand. Not so.
The above link gives this example:
One of the clearest verses in the Bible proclaiming the deity of Jesus Christ, that Jesus was God in the flesh, is 1 Timothy 3:16. The King James Bible reads, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH. . ." The King James says, clearly, "GOD was manifest in the flesh". The New International Version (NIV) says, "HE appeared in a body". The NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, etc, change "GOD" to "HE". "He appeared in a body"? Big deal. Everyone has "appeared in a body". The KJV is clear and definite, "GOD was manifest in the flesh". "He" is a pronoun that refers to a noun or antecedent. There is no antecedent in the context. The statement does NOT even make grammatical sense.
That is just one of MANY examples where the modern versions purposefully remove or blur the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is God the Creator.
Thanks for your comments.
PS I found this graphic pretty interesting: http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/alcuppit.htm
Hi Cathy,
I like your prayer but don't expect an answer because your mind is made up that Benny Hinn, Todd and others are false. You have not only had it in min but you have voiced it to the world. It prayer you prayed is not a heartfelt prayer.
Before praying, you need to first repent before God for all the accusations you have levied against these men. You should ask God for forgiveness. Without doing this, God will not hear you. The devil will still be speaking to you.
Let me share my experience of Todd. I started listening to Todd long time ago (2007) and I was offended because I felt he was boasting about his so called Angelic visitations and all the encounters he was having. Most of the first messages were all about the stories. I used to get irritated by them and I shot him off.
Personally, I like to hear rhema (revelation or deep insight) from God's word because I want to be better each day. My desire is to hear words that would make me more and more like God the Father. I used to perceive Angels as servants so I never really gave thoughts to them. We were taught to order them (Angels) around. There were just messengers of God to serve me and guard me.
This idea about Angels informed my earlier reactions to Todd’s messages.
I never said anything against Todd. But the Lord being a merciful and loving Father showed me that my thoughts about him were wrong. I repented and asked God for forgiveness. And I began to pray for Todd. I prayed that God would keep him.
God began to tell me that what Todd is talking about (Angelic visitations) is part of our benefits as His Children. He wants us to be in touch with heavenly realities so that we would be more and more conscious of Him (God) and know that we are not of this world. He wants us to be more conscious of the positive supernatural. Many Christians are more concerned about demons and the devil and they forget we have Angelic.
If you search the Old Testament, many of them that walked with God experienced Angelic Ministry. In the book of Acts, the Apostles also had angelic visitations.
God began to show me that people will always oppose new things. This was how minister that preached about Holy Ghost baptism and speaking in tongues were persecuted and condemned. Smith Wigglesworth was criticized and persecuted for challenging medicine by preaching divine healing. Charles F. Farham was written off for his propagation of the Gospel of speaking in tongues; Maria Woodworth-Etter suffered same fate because people always fell into trance during her meetings.
Why all these persecutions? Because, before those times, these experiences never happened or were rare. People always resist change. It was hard to get off the old ideology from their minds. This is what if happening with Todd Bentley.
So I urge you, just refrain for saying things against people when you are not certain. The first to do before uttering a word is to be very clear of God’s opinion. It would be wise to keep silence than to be ‘unknowing’ fighting God. It is very dangerous to speak openly against the men of God. I have seen people go down because of careless utterances. Jesus said that every one will give account of every idle word said.
I think the problem people have with Todd is the tattoos and the manner of presentation. People should realize that he is still very young in the Lord and his is growing. People should be praying for him. God is using him because he is hungry for. I see the intense hunger in his heart. He is a man and he is not exempted from mistakes. God even allows His children to make mistakes, so we can know He is bigger that our mistakes.
So, please stop all the negative comments about God’s anointed and asked God to forgive you.
Cheers with much love.
I agree fully with Cathy that the “Florida Revival” is a total sham and must be exposed as such.
Matthew 7:21-23 1 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
You are right on!
She is FULL of hate! you can read the venom in her words and her prayers read phony. You will have to "Shake the dust from your feet" and go on.
She is ignorant in her Own knowledge, to which gets a lot of us in trouble. Some times we just have to accept that we are not in control and that He(Jesus) can manifest any way He wants, Some times in ways we don't understand
but it is still Him.
Just pray for mercy for her
and that She gets a Revelation of the
truth and finds Jesus.... the Loving one that tells us not to judge.
Cathy, I love you in christ but will pray for you.
I will no longer read your blog because you only stir up strife and
judge. I will not be a part of your
Game anymore but May the Lord have
mercy on you when His judgment comes to you and all of your actions, hopefully not the way
you show mercy to others.
I can see you have never felt the
true presence or experienced any
thing like what is going on, with
you actions you never will, That is
sad, you are missing out on so much
Joy,Peace, Warmth,Love, all of those things and much much more...........
Dear Cathy,THANK YOU FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!!People dont want the truth anymore,they want gold dust and feathers...Dont be hurt by other Christians doubting your relationship to Jesus,or saying you are stirring up strife.Your love for Christ and your love for the TRUTH comes shining through in your writings.I also have tried to warn people about Bentley and his heretical teachings,and have been called a heretic hunter.Strange when Christians are FINE with heresy,and seem to think that the problem lies with those brave enough to expose it.Even if healings can be verified(and I rather doubt it),it still would not make the outrageous heretical teachings of Todd Bentley "OK!Have we all gone insane,folks?I highly recommend the book "Counterfit Revival",if you want a good explanation of what this is really all about.Kicking people in the face with a biker boot?Insanity.I also have been through the charismatic craziness,at a similar "revival" in Cleveland.The last night there,I looked around and thought"This is a madhouse.I left and never went back. Alease
Thanks for the encouragement Alease!
Because I was on the other side a few years back, I can understand their defensive attitude to some degree. However, I now realize I was in a cult and deceived. It was by the grace of God that I came out. Before my eyes were opened, I had been praying, "Lord Jesus, please expose any lies I am believing" not realizing at the time how subtle and extensive the deceit was. In fact I still pray that prayer!
2 Thessalonians 2:3 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
These wolves in sheep's clothing are in the camp, misleading folks and teaching another 'gospel' which we are warned against in the Scriptures. We have no one to blame but ourselves if we follow a false teacher.
Truly, if people were reading the real Bible more, they would see through the hype.
May the truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified is my continual prayer - amen!
i just want all of you reading this to know that unless you attend a revival you will not be able to justly say that what is taking place is not from not from God, God has raised up Todd Bently to be a powerful man filled with his spirit, the church needs to grow up and accept the fact that God is moving beyond what we can imagine, and who are we as humans to put God in a box and say that he is not able to do what he is doing...in the bible God chose people like Moses and Paul, who were murderers and liars and haters of christians and he used them to part the red sea and to save many souls, who are we to judge that God cant take a tattooed, ex-crime, drug addict and change him for HIS glory. by Todds stories he is bringing praise to God and what God has done, i went to a revival meeting with a repentant, and willing heart ready to recieve what God had for me, and because i entered wiht the right attitude, WOW did God tuch me in a way that ive never experiences, and you know what i didnt take Todd touching me, because i never got close to himm, but it was Gods power all over that room...revival= relationship, we as christians need to get ourselves out of this religion that we have placed our selves and let God out of the box that we have put him in to make it convenient for ourselves, and truly believe Philipians 4:13 "i can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."
and you know what else how can you say that what u publish is true if you do not allow all sides to be recognized dotn be soo hypocritical to only publish the comments that defend your cause! may God truly bless you...LET NO MAN JUDGE
How can you be sure the events at Lakeland are of God? By what you feel? By your experiences?
We walk by faith, not by feelings.
Christians are to test everything by the Word of God because Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive and mislead folks.
Jesus repeatedly warned about false teachers, false prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing. And so did the authors of all the New Testament.
The critics are voicing concern because of the things we see, hear and read directly from Todd Bentley himself which causes us to question him and those who endorse him.
The Bible tells us to to do this in 1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified I pray - amen!
Thanks for your comments,
Just now received this email and replied back with the comment I just had written - good timing!
--- email ---
I was shocked that you said that you should read the word of God and believe the word of God....then you turned right around and did just the opposite. You read the word of God so why didn't you believe the scripture that says
in Psalm 105:14-15 "Do NOT touch my anointed ones & do my prophets NO harm."
What gives you the authority to judge another person's ministry? Do you think you are doing Todd Bentley no hard with your slanderous accusations?
I guess the only way you will know that you were right to "bad mouth" Todd Bentley's ministry is when you are standing before our Lord on judgment day.
All I can say is "I'm glad I won't be standing in your shoes on that day!"
I am a new poster on this blog. I would like to comment on the previous post. Jesus wants His followers to know who and where the false prophets are. It was a main concern when Jesus walked the earth and up to now, especially now in the last days. Do you believe that Jesus would be faithful to warn us of false prophets in our day by the Holy spirit? He warns us three x's alone in Matthew chap. 24. So.......it's a fact that there will be false prophets, right? And it's a fact that we are in the last days...right? So, there have to be some false prophets to identify, right? We are supposed to measure all prophets to the spirit of God, the word of God, and what sort of faith is it that they have, and do they really teach the truth that Jesus taught. If you are a disciple of Jesus, you will follow HIs words carefully, with no extras, no half truths, but all the council of God in His word. God's character is revealed in His word, and if we posses His character we will do like He does. Jesus exposes false prophets....He did then and He does now. You just refuse to listen to His Holy Spirit. It speaks to us through His word and personally in a small still voice, and sometimes loud. So, if it's a fact that there will be false prophets in these end times, then who do YOU say they are? Look at what's before you, look at all the prophets alive today, and you tell me who is real and who is false. You seem to think that God will condemn us for judgeing a false prophet? You are wrong and it is deceiving you. You are throwing away God given protection from the devil by believing this lie. We have the approval and are commanded to identify and expose these false prophets. We will be commended by God at the judgement, because we sacrificed, feared God and not man, and spoke out to protect people who would be led astray from the purity of God's word. What voice are you hearing? You must test the spirits. It must line up with the heart of God revealed in the bible. God dwells in the supernatural realm, but so doesn't Satan and all his evil spirits. They talk too. They talk to people more than God. Each individual must be very careful to discern the voice of God. That's why we have the bible as our protection. I thank God that he loves us enough to protect us from the bad man. It's a fact that there are bad people out there trying to steal people from God through deception and miracles. Don't be in denial of this or the bad man will get you! We know from the bible that these men will be from the church, calling themselves apostles (Christians in an office) and will perform signs and wonders and miracles. Not all are servants of God, but all can do miracles. So....who do you say are the false prophets, and how do you discern it?
TODD BENTLEY: ONI~THE DEMON GATE - (Chaotic) Deceiving Spirits, Transforming and Ensnaring Christian Masses into the New Age
Pat Holliday=s new book, ACosmic Consciousness@ concerns how the unfaithful part of the Christian Church that is using bewitchments, paranormal Star Gate Portal travelers and psychological powers to ensnare people into witchcraft. Star gates are referred to by the Ancients as "Astreaporta". The Gates have also been referred to as the "Ring of the Gods", "Circle of Standing Water", "Doorway", "Stone Ring", "Gateway", "Annulus", "Ring of the Ancestors", "Circle of Darkness", and "Portal" (by characters of less advanced societies that fear or revere the device), and even (in a deliberate self-parody) as "The Old Orifice."
TODD BENTLEY’S STAR GATE CLOSED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOrC4OsjPqM&feature=related admits the heavens closed after Christians (he calls witches and wizards) started praying. Peter Wagner came to reinstate the closed Star Gate portal and the caged Kundalini demons to take him into a higher level. Remember Christians do not go to higher levels because they are already seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Todd was anointed as a “Nation changer.” Given the “keys” to eastern Europe.” Another said he would “open portals to every city,” and “a portal to the future).
Join me and bind these demonic Oni impartations to Todd from these famous, blinded so-called “Christian leaders,” and their demonic releases in Jesus name Who gave us the Keys to His Kingdom.
Bob Jones, Todd Bentley’s mentor says that he goes to heaven EVERY DAY through a mystical portal (occult supernatural entrance way) to a castle in the sky!
These portals/paranormal doorways are also shown in Harry Potter and C. S. Lewis’, books the Chronicles of Narnia. Harry, at the railroad station, races through the wall, a spiritual portal. Meanwhile, Lucy and her friends go through a magical portal, the door of wardrobe. They all enter into the mystical fantasy world through the occultist portal. Bob Jones and Todd Bentley go through a paranormal portal of fire to the Third Heaven. Believe me, these mystical experiences are truly very powerful witchcraft practices that are being guided by Angels of Light that are employed by Satan!
Thanks Pat!
And regarding those 'apostles' who commissioned Bentley, let's remember that C Peter Wagner founded among other things, the antichrist New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which calls for unity with Rome.
Rick Joyner, one of NAR 'prophets and apostles', put together a roundtable of 'prophets and apostles' (as prophesied by Bob Jones) and is a Knight of Malta (Order of St. John), an organization linked to the Roman Catholic church and the Freemasons.
Believe it or not, you can read about him becoming a Knight of Malta at Joyner's Morningstar website.
More Knights of Malta would be Paul Cain, Ricky Skaggs, Mahesh Chavda and Bobby Conner.
2 Corinthians 6
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
Dear Friends: I got this email telling me not to judge. Well the link below tells why we should judge...the wolf is in the pen and the sheep are being ravaged and killed.
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 ..... wrote:
I so appreciate Chuck's loving, wise, solid, accepting comments. I haven't been to Lakeland, nor have I viewed it on TV. However, I tremble with fear to stand against anything that might be God's Work. Better let Him judge!
From: Subj: A Personal Note from Chuck Pierce in Africa Regarding Revival!
A Personal Note from Chuck Pierce in Africa Regarding Revival!
Dear Friends,
We have had several people write with great concerns about the current move of God that has been stirring in Lakeland, Atlanta, Dallas and other areas of our nation. Let me share some things with you. I actually believe this letter would be worth reading as you continue praying for us in Africa.
We have made our way into Northern Nigeria. Continue to pray for us. Life here is what you may have imagined in Africa: tin roofs, raining, hazy mountains in the distance and bugs buzzing. When we got five miles from the Compound in the rural area of Kafanchan at the Throne Room Trust Ministry, International Prayer Village, you could feel the tangible Presence of His Spirit. I love being here, even though the surroundings are not what I am normally accustomed to; the food is different, and well, yes, there are many different creatures. The main issue is this: in the midst of this environment, I am not afraid of being infected by malaria or getting dysentery because I am in a different land. The people here are some of the most gracious in all the world.
I see that some individuals view "moves of God" this way: they see all the dangers, they are afraid that they will have a demon transferred to them, they analyze every move and shake and scrutinize doctrinally everything that is happening. This may be the only way that some can process their relationship with the Lord and the Body of Christ. I know that many would not like to be here in northern Nigeria in this rural area, nor would they like to be wearing the kingly, African traditional clothing that I am wearing this evening. Some of us are more adventurous than others. Some need to fully test the water before they swim. Personally, I have found that there is great joy in watching God's people express themselves, work through their issues, learn to discern both good and evil and continually mature in Him.
I was just in Zambia. We saw a great reconciliation of the nation and people with the ex-President. This man had a great reproach from his terms in office. However, God in His grace chose to bring him forth, humble him and forgive him, and use him to change a nation. From a political standpoint, many would have wished he would have stayed estranged from the Body. However, I chose to go with the Spirit of God above political party divisions and reconcile him back into God's Kingdom plan.
We at Glory of Zion International have chosen to number ourselves in intercession with what is happening in Lakeland and other places throughout the world. Some have written asking me to reject Todd Bentley. GZI does not have a philosophy or mindset to reject anyone. We watch, pray, and then try to communicate what the Lord is saying to help the overall Body of Christ advance.
I have seen others get offended because key leaders commissioned Todd as a modern day evangelist. We at GZI have no problems with this. Please know that we are living in an age where the Apostolic gift in the Body has come into a new position and era of authority. I was very excited to read Peter Wagner's report (you may go to our web site to read this) on the commissioning service in Lakeland. I admire Ché Ahn, Bill Johnson, and John Arnott. I can now rest in Him, knowing that if things get way out of sync, they can help Todd make adjustments so the Spirit can keep moving.
We will continue to pray that the Lord raise Evangelists all over the world who can reach the harvest fields today. Yes, they may look different than Billy Graham, and they may have experienced some unusual happenings that perhaps will be better communicated as they grow in the Lord. But overall they are stirring the Body of Christ, leading people to the Lord, and doing the works of Jesus.
Let me share with you a personal experience. When Pam and I were in the Baptist Church in the early '80's, we were in a "move of God." The Fullness Movement had touched the Baptist Church in the late '70s, led by Jim Hylton, Ras Robinson, Jack Taylor and others. We had had some incredible meetings at our church. Many had gotten saved, gotten right with the Lord and filled with the Spirit of God. I loved this time. Pam and I both reminisce over it and call it "the Glory Days". Then James Robison had his annual meeting and invited John Wimber to minister. Many of you remember our story of Pam's barrenness. You can read about it in two or three of the books that we have written. We were told by all of our leadership how this "move" had gotten way out of hand, and now that John Wimber (who had no Baptist roots), was invading James Robison's meeting, we should all stay away from these gatherings. (You should know that John Wimber and Peter Wagner helped revive signs and wonders in the '80s.) Well, I heard God very clearly tell Pam and me to go in January, 1984 to the James Robison meeting where John Wimber was speaking. While we were there, the Spirit of God fell on my wife and sovereignly filled her. His power knocked the clots out of her uterus and He dramatically healed her. When the Spirit of God fell on Pam she said, "You were right! There are demons everywhere, but I AM HEALED!"
This was not about John Wimber. This was not about Baptists. This was not about controversy. This test was ours! The situation was about us following God without fear so He could reward us with an incredible blessing. Pam became pregnant two weeks later and continued to be pregnant for the next 10 years of our life. We had six wonderful children. I'm so thankful I listened to the Spirit of God and did not let religious fear rule us. There were others with us that were not touched at all by the meetings. As a matter of fact, they did not appreciate at all the way John Wimber ministered. However, in the midst of his ministry, the Spirit of God ministered to us and changed the course of our lives.
I am honored that God brought me into alignment with Peter and Doris Wagner after I embraced the move of God that had been stirred by he and John Wimber. We have now been together for 17 years. During that time, I have continued to get the best God has to offer from the revivals in Argentina, Toronto, the "Laughter Movement", Brownsville, and any other fresh breath of wind that blows. I have many friends who have great cautions over experiential manifestations and extra-Biblical sensational happenings. I heed those friends' voices and listen carefully. This does not keep me from experiencing what God is doing. I love what Bishop Bill Hamon says, "Eat the meat and spit out the bones and you will find yourself nourished."
Recently, I have been pondering the first several verses of Genesis. In the midst of a wreck and ruined, chaotic, without-form earth, the Spirit of God began to hover. Once the Spirit began to hover, God could speak into the earth realm and pull forth creativity. He did this for six straight days. But notice God's order: He didn't try and set in order the sixth day before the first day. He didn't try to place the fourth day before the second day. Little by little, as the Spirit hovered, order came and man was offered a new position as a result. That is how I view every move of God.
What I would encourage you to do is to keep discerning by the Word and the Spirit, but to be open to see the Lord move in a new way. The disciples could not understand why the Lord would go to Samaria and visit with the woman at the well. However, because of His love and boldness to break a religious standard, a whole city was saved (John 4). The Lord is preparing to save entire cities today.
Thank God that Jesus talked to this woman - a person with a past, a Samaritan, and a woman. He was not afraid of His reputation being marred. Recently, a letter from one of the major Bible churches in Denton went out to leaders in our city on the doctrine of women and how they should have a subservient role in the Body of Christ in public ministry. Prior to this letter going out, I had invited Cindy Jacobs to minister at Glory of Zion on Sunday, July 6. I want you to know that I have been a champion for women ministers throughout the years. I am so very excited to have Cindy with us on July 6th because women are welcome to minister in Denton, Texas. I would never shut the door of ministry for her to come into this city because of man's opinion.
Neither would I, Robert Heidler or any leader that is aligned with me, shut the door to Keith Miller or Todd Bentley to come to Denton to minister what the Spirit of God is doing in their lives. We consider it a privilege that God has opened the gate for Spirit-led ministry to come into Denton. We are glad that He "needs" to come to Denton just like He "needed" to go to Samaria. You are always welcome to come to Denton. As a matter of fact, you might "need" to come here to gain your next release from the Lord. You can go to Keith Miller's meeting. You can come to our Firstfruits Gathering. You can come be with Cindy Jacobs on Sunday, July 6. You can come to Tuesday Morning Prayer. You are invited to come any time and you will not be rejected as you come into this city.
Keep praying for us. We will be home on Tuesday.
Chuck D. Pierce
p.s. Don't miss Robert Heidler's next message on Sunday morning on "The Kingdom River is Rising." If you want to know what I believe about angels, you can order The Worship Warrior: Ascending in Worship, Descending in War. To know more about Pam's testimony, you can purchase One Thing.
Let me please comment on Chuck Pierce: he too is a fraud and a wolf.
Check out the following post:
--- start ---
Chuck Pierce is just repeating himself. The false prophet Chuck Pierce is chasing his tail. Those who look to Chuck Pierce, a self-described "prophet," as a source for timely information about God's plans for the world must have a very short memory.
One thing I've noticed about Chuck Pierce's "prophecies" is that he has gotten into a rut. Specifically, he says the same thing year after year after year. In fact, it's a good bet that a good portion of whatever he says on any given month was probably copied, word-for-word, from statements he made in previous years, and pasted into his most current writing. For example:
Aug 2, 2007
"We are entering into a season of Harvest praying! We are approaching the Hebraic Year 5768, the 'Year of the New Beginning and Renewal of Life Force!' This is the time that we are to be watching NEW DOORS FORM."
Jan 17, 2005
"We are entering into a season of Harvest praying! This is the time that we are to be watching NEW DOORS FORM."
Jul 19, 2004
"We are entering into a season of Harvest praying! This is the time that we are to be watching NEW DOORS FORM."
These are not, by any means, isolated examples. Anyone who takes the time to research Mr. Pierce's writings as I have will find scores of examples that give clear evidence that what Pierce purports to be new Words from the Lord have actually been copied from things he wrote years ago. The truth is, Chuck Pierce is running around in circles. The man is chasing his tail, and unfortunately, plenty of folks are following him. Here's another example.
Of the year 2008, Chuck Pierce says the following:
"The Hebraic Year 5768, which will encompass the Gregorian calendar’s Year of the Lord 2008 A.D., is 'The Year of Samekh Chet!' That means we are coming into 'The Year of the Full Circle of Life.' Therefore, a New Beginning is yours!"
Now, I have pointed out before that much of what Pierce says and writes comes directly from Kabbalah, a New Age form of Jewish mysticism:
"The Kabbalistic journey comes full circle...The criterion of the authentic and Kabbalistic journey is one that comes full circle and where one returns ultimately to the world of the here-and-now...The journey is to come full circle into one's day-to-day life behaviors."
Home of the Practical Kabbalist
"Samekh symbolises cyclical action. Where yod denotes transformation from one state to another, samekh takes that process and converts it into a recurring cycle. The power of samekh is double edged. We can either find ourselves trapped within its cyclical nature - forever going round in circles but not actually moving on, or we can turn the cycles in to a spiral - rising ever upwards while still appreciating that life presents us with the same challenges in different guises."
Pretty darn close to Chuck Pierce, isn't it? But back to Mr. Pierce repeating himself. Here's what he has to say about "coming full circle." Keep in mind -- Pierce has already declared 2008 to be "The Year of the Full Circle of Life."
March 28, 2007
"This is a year where...we are coming full circle and receiving favor for our future."
December 13, 2006
"We are still coming full circle"
October 21, 2006
"We are still coming full circle in our lives"
Mar 27, 2006
"I am renewing My covenant with you and bringing you back full circle."
Apr 11, 2005
"Things are turning and coming full circle."
Mar 3, 2005
"This is the year of the SAMEKH of God, or things coming full circle."
Dec 13, 2004
"This is a year for things to come FULL CIRCLE!"
November 8, 2004
"This is the year that many issues will come FULL CIRCLE!"
Oct 18, 2004
"Declare that this is a year to come Full Circle."
Please, please, PLEASE don't be duped by this man. He is a fraud and a wolf.
--- end of post ---
source: http://wyattroberts.blogspot.com
This kind of pseudo prophet and pseudo pastor should read the entire Bible before. What does God says about tattoos? What God says about false prophecy? Did Jesus touch people and make them fall? What about asking money and make people pay by credit card even if they do not have money at the moment?
It is lamentable. It is what Jesus called: in the last time, you will hear that I am here and there.
Poor people. I just hope that you open your eyes and read your Bibles to see that Jesus was the opposite: humble and loving; not scaring children and asking for money.
May God bless my fellow Christians who are duped by that kind of black sheep...
Jesus told us to go out into the world and lay hands on the sick. Where in the bible is healing demonic? I have never seen him in person so I couldn't tell you if he is a false prophet or not. I go to a spirit filled church and I am really getting sick and tired of people accusing pastors as false prophets. Jesus healed multitudes, the just and they unjust. If you want to be sick the rest of your life and not grab ahold of the healing that god has promised you then I feel sorry for you. Also where in the bible does it say that tatoos are a sin. People have been marking there bodies for thousands of years, for instance to associate with a certain tribe.
"Jesus told us to go out into the world and lay hands on the sick."
Exactly. So why is Todd Bentley kicking, hitting and pushing folks down? The Lord Jesus Christ NEVER told us to do these things. This is ONE of the problems we have with Todd Bentley.
"I am really getting sick and tired of people accusing pastors as false prophets."
Friend, if a pastor or anyone is teaching, proclaiming and doing things that do not line up with scripture, they are a false prophet/false teacher.
"Jesus healed multitudes, the just and they unjust. If you want to be sick the rest of your life and not grab ahold of the healing that god has promised you then I feel sorry for you."
I believe in healing and have been healed by the Lord. Others times he gave me the grace to go through the affliction. In any case, I prefer not to get kicked to received a healing in Lakeland.
"Also where in the bible does it say that tatoos are a sin. People have been marking there bodies for thousands of years, for instance to associate with a certain tribe."
Leviticus 19:28 says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."
May the truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified I pray - amen!
Answer honestly: Exactly how does a proud, King James-only, judgmental, Spirit-rejecting Pharisee bring honor to the Lord Jesus Christ? You seem to think you honor God opposing the preaching of Christ by a so-called "false prophet?" You hypocrite! God through Paul in the precious King James Version tells you THE TRUTH in Philippians 1:18 "What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." You should repent of your disobedience to the KJV you hold so dear and start rejoicing that Todd Bentley is preaching Christ.
Wendy, please show me in the Bible (any version) where it tells us to KICK people when they ask for prayer: youtube.com/watch?v=DUTCWLoD4-4
Todd Bentley's behavior and his teaching (i.e. calling down angels) is not found in the Scriptures.
And just because he uses the name of the Lord, doesn't prove he is doing God's work: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7
We must test everything by the scriptures, not by our feelings or experiences. What does the Bible say?
Jesus commands us, 'Let no man deceive you', so if we follow a deceiver, we have no one to blame but ourselves. And this may lead us straight to hell which is not what the Lord wants at all!
This blog is like someone saying, "Hey neighbor, your house is one fire!!" But the neighbor yells back, "No it's not! Go away and leave me alone!"
Quite tragic.
Wendy, it wasn't that long ago that I too embraced all of this charismatic pentecostal activity thinking it was from God. However, I was deceived. And by the grace of God, He opened my eyes when I started to pray, "Lord Jesus, please expose any lie I may be believing and set me free."
May we each have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying and hearts to obey the Word of God I pray in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.
You did not answer my question. Instead, you distract from your disobedience to a direct BIBLE VERSE by pointing out the error of another. Why do you continue to disobey Philippians 1:18 "What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." You should repent of your disobedience to the KJV you hold so dear and start rejoicing that Todd Bentley is preaching Christ.
Jesus did NOT say, "Worship in truth and nothing but the truth and I mean the King James Version when I say truth." Actually, Jesus said to worship in "Spirit and truth." So, don't reject the Spirit and then claim to be worshipping Jesus. Of course, I fully expect you to distract others from the valid and Biblical point I have just made by highlighting the sins of others. Judge yourself by the Word, not just others!
Let's look at Philippians 1:18 in context:
14 And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:
16 The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:
17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.
18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.
19 For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Paul is talking about 'brethren in the Lord' and I don't consider Todd Bentley a brother in the Lord.
Hi I am 18 years old and me and my family watched todds revial for a week or so on tv and were growing to like him because he seemed so real and deffinitely seemed like he had something special from God. So we waited and decided on Mothers day we would drive down to lakeland to see him for ourselves. We took my grandmother and my 3 little sisters. My grandma, who has been a devoted Christian her entire life said "she just wasn't sure about todd" but she went with us anyways because my mom really liked him and was so excited. So we went in and it started off with the singing in the beginning for an hour or 2 but as soon as my we sat down my mom started not feeling well...and as time went on through the service she got worse and worse, she ended up getting on the floor with her head buried in a blanket, she couldnt open her eyes and was getting the worse headache out of nowhere.. as the "healings" started everyone was standing up, people were praying for everyone and some people tried to pray for my mom but nothing was happening, my mom ended up leaving and spending the rest of the time outside in the bushes throwing up! (sorry its gross) but this is just so horrible, we couldnt understand why God would let that happen to her, she didnt even get to HEAR, pay attention or see anything going on. He knew how much we had wanted to go to this revival and witness his word, and healings and power, but instead she got visciously sick.
As my mom spent the WHOLE time there sick as a dog, us girls tried to go in and enjoy it and feel the presence of God, but the whole time I tried so hard to feel something and I COULDNT, for some reason I felt soo paranoid and just not "right". I seriously felt like I was in a twilight zone or something and everything I was seeing and hearing wasn't REAL. I couldnt connect with God no matter how bad I tried.
AND ITS NOT BECAUSE I HAD DOUBT..I wanted to feel God so badly before I even went in, I started crying outside, asking for forgiveness and for God to let me feel the spirit. Me, my mom and my little sisters all held hands and prayed to feel God before we even went in.
So all I can say is I am just really disappointed/fustrated with the whole thing. And I wasnt having any doubts until about a until a week or so after. The night of it, I just thought that, it was something I did wrong, something is wrong with ME. Because I liked Todd, I thought I did. I dont know.
A week later, my mom called me and said she really feels like God did not want her there, or to see Todd. I also told her I'd been searching the internet and reading more about Todd for some reason..and his background, watching a lot of his first preaching ceremonies, and his experiences; "the angel emma".."seeing Jesus face to face(saying he has huge brown eyes like bambi)".."going through tunnels of fire of some sort and ending up on hospital type beds where "angels" above him, disected his body and took out his body organs and put them in boxes" ?? Im just quoting things that TODD himself has said, and if you ask me, I think it all sounds a bit crazy. I listened to what he had to say, and I immediately matched them with scripture (a lot of which ive seen posted on this blog already) and God, forgive me if I'm wrong but it really doesn't measure up. It doesn't make sense to me.
anyways, thats just my story, my experience, I don't think I am anyone to judge. But that just leads me to feel in my heart that Todd really isn't a man of God, and Jesus Christ. But I'll leave that up to God to decide or show me. That's what I've asked him to do. Well God bless everyone and good luck on your searches for the truth.
Thank you for sharing that story Daniell, I'm sure it will help many to see the danger of being deceived by false prophets. I believe what your mother is saying is true. I believe that God allowed your Mom to be sick in order to protect you from the danger. It sounds to me like your prayer was answered. Not all supernatural things are from God, there is a devil out there who has powers too and he likes to imitate God, but is a counterfeit. I too have searched Todd Bentley out a while ago, and through prayer and fasting, seeking and searching, it is clear to me by the Holy spirit, that Todd Bentley is a false prophet. I too love the KJV. You are very angry Wendy, and you are also wrong. You can't take one scripture out of the bible and try to justify a false prophet. The bible clearly proves he is one by his own unscriptural teaching, and behavior. You seem to think he is preaching Jesus? He is preaching a different gospel and a different Jesus. Anyone can make up a new Jesus and preach it and deceive those that don't read their bible and don't have knowledge of scripture given by the Holy spirit through time spent with him in prayer and seeking of truth.
Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed (damned).
Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed (damned).
Dear Danielle:
After reading your post, there is no doubt that you and your family are sincere.
But please remember that the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I believe your mother got sick for a reason, mainly to prevent her and her family from being deceived by Todd Bentley and the "revival."
Cathy Palmer, myself, and many others are monitoring the "revival" on a daily basis. There is much going on that you may not be aware of.
I would like to correspond with you (with your mother's permission), and with your mother also, and share a few things you need to know. So, please contact me as time permits.
Thank you, Danielle, and God bless.
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
May God bless your heart, Danielle, and thanks so much for sharing your Lakeland experience, as painful as it was.
I'm sure you are not alone and others have had similar experiences. Maybe they will share with us here at some point.
I must comment on something you wrote about wanting to 'feel God'. As a Christian, we are to walk/live by faith (read Hebrews 11). We are to trust the Lord and obey His Word whether we feel like it or not. Feelings can lead us astray - up one day, down another - whereas the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word never change - HALLELUJAH!
Keep reading your Bible, Danielle.
blessings & love,
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Okay, let's look at Philippians 1:18 in context, as you suggested. By comparing vv. 15-16 with Galations 1:6-8, any honest person will agree that Paul is talking about teachers who mixed Jewish leaven with their preaching of Christ. Anyone listening to these false teachers would have understood that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Paul is saying that their adding of false teaching on top of the proclamation of Christ did not make the proclamation of Christ any less powerful. Paul addressed them as brethren, in spite of their false teaching! True believers are not "perfect" in every doctrine they proclaim. Jesus Christ said to examine the fruit of others, not their doctrine. While you may claim that Todd Bentley is teaching false doctrine regarding things of the Spirit, you cannot honestly deny the fact that Todd is proclaiming Christ. Todd is preaching repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation. Therefore, this verse does apply and once again, it's a matter of you trying to worship God in Truth only! Jesus said to worship in "Spirit and truth," and Todd Bentley is attempting to obey that verse. I have personally heard Todd give invitations to "repent and believe," and he used the exact same verses and explanation that I've heard many Baptist ministers use during their invitations. Also, the fruit of his proclamation of Christ is that hearers are repenting of their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. So, you can sit there in judgment on Todd's eternal destiny or follow Paul's example and rejoice!
Nicole, by applying your own logic to your own words, I hereby judge you to be an unbeliever. You said that I was very angry, but I am not very angry. Therefore, you are proclaiming something to be true that is not true. Since Todd Bentley is judged by you to be an unbeliever because some of the things he claims to be true are not true, then you are hereby judged by the exact same standard. Maybe you should take a close look at Matthew 7:2 and soften your harsh judgment of others. The New Testament is very big on mercy and grace!
Thank you Nicole! and you're welcome, I have really been wanting to tell someone about this so I am glad there is some people out there who understand where I am coming from. I totally agree with everything you said. God bless you!
*Bud Press, thanks so much for your response, we would love to talk with you more about it..anyway you want to talk is fine, just let me know. I can email you if you want. And now that you mentioned that, something that has really been scaring me.. at the very end of the service we brought my mom back in to see him and Todd put his hands on us.(he did it quickly..tons and tons of people lined up and he ran by all of them) but he did put his hand on my head and he "blew" on my moms forehead, we fell backwards...but that was my first time EVER and I still can't figure out if I felt anything?? like, at the time I thought I did, but I was also really scared cause he came at me so fast it startled me. But I did feel like maybe I felt something? Which really scares me because afterwards I heard if someone lays hands on you and they are not of God, they can give you something bad. I really want to know more about that if you know anything about it. Thanks, and God bless you.
Cathy~ you are welcome. Thank you for letting me share it! I think your site is wonderful and people really do need to know the truth, everyone wants to live in fantasy land and act like the devil isn't going to interfere in our world but he deffinitely does, it really is war between good & evil. This deffinitely will and should help other people open their eyes to reality.
Also, thank you for that scripture! That really just helped me a lot, I have been struggling a little with myself and prayer. Not God, I deffinitely believe in Jesus with my entire heart & soul, no doubt. I know hes in my heart.. its just as I am getting older, I really am seeking Him a lot more. And it's the fact of whether I am doing it the right way, or...not feeling good enough for God, am I praying wrong? etc. I really want to walk with God and I want him to use me and direct me in my life. I pray that almost everyday. I really just don't know if he hears me sometimes, I really feel like I am not good enough. I am actually, I think, a pretty good person though. I don't get involved in a LOT of stuff that teenagers my age are doing. I can easily say no and do all the time. I even spend most of my weekends at home instead of going out, and sometimes I don't even know why! I just want to be perfect for God because I know how high his standards are, and how real he is and that he IS going to come back and I know that this life on earth is short and I want to spend eternity with God. I will do whatever I have to do, but now I feel like I let God down because me and my family were trying to get into Todd's revival or whatever, when we should of just been seeking Jesus himself and not looking at man (man that wasnt even representing Jesus)..so from now on I am just going to read my bible and focus on my one-on-one relationship with Him because its too hard listening to other people because you really don't know if they are who they say they are.
sorry I am rambling, I am always so confused.. I hate it. But thank you for listening to my story and thanks for your blog. God bless! Love, Danielle
You don't even know who you are talking to, to judge me as an unbeliever. What if God called me as a prophet, apostle, pastor, teacher, or an evangelist, what if God considers me to be a righteous saint sealed for the day of redemption, called and sent by Him to preach and warn those who would hear what the spirit of the Lord says, What Jesus says to the church. You certainly can't hurt me but the holy spirit is grieved and I feel grieved for you at the moment. Jesus says.....Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Be careful that you speak truth which you are not, or your words will condemn you. I speak boldly discerning false prophets because it's been revealed to me by God, and I am called to do this. I'm sure it's the same for others on this blog. You do have a spirit of anger (rage) and it's hurting you, and blinding you to the truth. I pray that the Lord deliver you from that evil and that you receive His love and revelation of truth.
In Christ's Love, Nicole
Your words made me weep. I can just feel God's love for you. I just know that you are very special to the Lord. I can share from my own experience that at times when I feel that God is far away, He's not; He just lets us walk in faith and tests us at times. Not to catch us in a mistake, but to allow us to exercise our faith in Him and to grow. You will be with Him always, and He will give you righteousness and eternal life. You just keep searching Him and you will find Him.
You remind me of myself when I was in my 20's. I was so hungry to know God and I was so worried about doing wrong because I so wanted to be pleasing to God and do right, and I didn't seem to hear from Him either, but I kept seeking Him and believe me, He showed up and has been for many years now. He will for you too. He is my every breath, and my whole life belongs to Him.
I believe you were protected by God from receiving any evil because you were not accepting and believing his deception. Even if you did, God would deliver you immediately, if you just ask.
I felt led to share these words from Jesus to his followers:
Mat 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Mat 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Mat 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Mat 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Mat 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Mat 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Mat 5:12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
God Bless You and your family Danielle
You are too funny Nicole! You said "It's been revealed to me by God, and I am called to do this." Those words sound exactly like something Todd Bentley would say. Of course, it's okay for you to use those words--but not Todd. You obviously judge yourself by a different standard, and that was the point of my Matthew 7:2 judgment. It was not to be taken literally, but you created another "straw man" by pretending that I was actually calling you an unbeliever. Maybe you'll get a few folks to sympathize with you and attact me for my facetious remark. At the end of my post, I emphasized grace and mercy, but I guess you're not in the mood. Nicole, try to understand that the population of the world is over 6.7 Billion. So, maybe you could be a little more humble, which is a Biblical concept. Do you really think that you and a few other believers have a monopoly on God's Truth and all of its applications? For teachable readers, here's a 55-page explanation by a Ph.D. of some of the things you may be wondering about: http://www.cwgministries.org/books/A%20Theological%20Response%20to%20Criticism%20of%20the%20Lakeland%20Outpouring%20and%20Todd%20Bentley.pdf
Danielle, you are precious! After my last post to you, I thought of a couple of other verses I wanted to also share:
Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."
Isaiah 30:15 "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."
I have found the best place to meet God is not at a revival nor even at church; the best place to meet God is alone, on my knees with my Bible close by.
Grace & love,
Hi Wendy,
You say, "Anyone listening to these false teachers would have understood that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation."
How can this be? False teachers do not lead us to the Truth. I grew up in the cult called Christian Science and I never heard the Gospel because they do not believe that sin is real (so no need of a Saviour) nor do they believe that Jesus Christ is God.
You also say, "Paul is saying that their adding of false teaching on top of the proclamation of Christ did not make the proclamation of Christ any less powerful."
Sorry, Wendy, but I don't see that Paul is saying this in the scriptures.
You say, "Todd is preaching repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation."
Sadly his other 'fruit'/works of the flesh/un-biblical actions distract from any Gospel message, so I myself haven't heard him preach this.
So Wendy, I guess we can agree to disagree.
Please contact me at
admin@christianresearchservice.com and we will make arrangements to talk.
I look forward to talking with you and your mom, and will be glad to answer your questions.
God bless you,
What will it take for God to convince you that He wants to move in the affairs of men? How religious can you be? Your arguments are exactly the same as the Pharisees!!! The Pharisees called Jesus a devil and the demons and the people called Him God. These are the signs Jesus did to convince John the Baptist of the authenticity of His ministry. Not much has changed in 2000 years. I love you. God loves you. But you are way, way, off. How many blind eyes have you opened. How many sinners have come to Jesus through your ministry? How many revival movements have started from your ministry? Have you gone overseas and led successful crusades in Muslim countries? As Jesus said, if you don't believe in this, just believe for the work's sake! A man can't do this without God. God will show up in a form that offends us. He does it time after time. We all have our little religious boxes so that we can shoot at others that don't have exactly the same box! Let's come out of our boxes and join together to see Jesus Christ glorified in all the world! It will take all of us. Even Todd Bentley! We will be all be surprised who is in heaven and who is not!!
God bless you!
I see your sincerety and love for the bretheren. But we must consider that their are two complete opposite sides and both sides are sincere in belief. We must address this. Only one side is in the truth. All I could suggest is that we should let Jesus decide for us. If all would first read the gospels again to get to know the heart of Jesus once again, then we could judge by the words of Jesus in this situation.
I understand the argument you use: Jesus (mind of Christ) versus the Pharisee (mind of religious flesh). But this can't be used on behalf of Bentley and the miracles, because Bentley is not Jesus. Jesus came one time and yes miracles were used to show that He was the son of God. That will never happen again with another person. Your side is treating Todd Bentley as if he is Jesus. Todd and any other preacher with a message must be strictly held up to the standards in the word and mind of Christ the one and only head, to be either in the faith or not, to be true or false. You can not judge by the miracles. Jesus prepared us for these last days where these false prophets and Christs will perform miracles. We are warned to not take part with them. God set it up so that ONLY Jesus could use miracles to prove He was from God, because He was God. His words are God. His words are directly attached to the miracles performed by Jesus ONLY. Jesus and the miracles can not be separated. This is not true for any other man past, present, or future. So, a prophet today, must preach the same mind and words of Christ, or he is false, and of the flesh and the miracles don't matter in the judgement. The judgement is made by the mind of Christ ONLY.
Let me ask you, If Todd Bentley does not fit the description Jesus gave us of an endtime false prophet or Christ, then who would fit that description? Someone has to, or Jesus is a liar. He said there would be many false, so who is false then? There have to be some because Jesus said many false prophets and christs will rise up and deceive many. The word many describes the broad way that leads to destruction. Listen to wisdom....these words of Jesus are in the order in which He spoke them, hear the clear message concerning this very debate we are having......the scripture is Matt 7:13-27. I am putting them here without the writing the book, chapter and verse to let you read it in full context and meaning without breaks in the message.
Try to imagine Jesus speaking this to you as you sit together face to face with him.
David, my son, Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
The "fruits" Jesus speaks of is not miracles coming forth through a ministry. It is the fruits of the person's behavior and words that come forth from his heart. Does he say and do the words of Jesus in the gospels? Does he have the mind of Christ? Jesus is saying that if you are corrupt, then what you produce will be corrupt. You can do nothing without Christ. Todd Bentley does not have the mind of Christ and does not abide in the true Christ. He brings forth fruit, but inside it is bad. It looks good on the outside. He is imparting corrupt deception to his hearers. That is his fruit.
I have not even touched on Matthew 24 yet, where Jesus instructs and warns us intensely on what to stay away from and what to expect and what to do in order to keep us in this narrow path in these end times we are now in, just before Jesus returns again.
Sorry about the length, but David, I hope you receive truth from this.
In The Name of Christ, Nicole
Excellent response Nicole - I re-posted both your's and David's comments on this blog today.
I shared this with our members the other day and thought I would share it here as it seems their are a lot of people that are judging Todd Bentley:(
Today’s Bible Verse, Thought & Prayer for 07-02-08
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2/NIV
Jesus is concerned that we not have a critical spirit toward others, especially about their motives as to why they did something. We can’t assume to know another person’s heart; only God can. When we are unfairly critical, overly harsh, or unduly judgmental, we need to remember that God will use that same standard on us. I don’t know about you, but I need grace. So do those I love. I’m going to try very hard to be as gracious toward others as I’m trusting that God is going to be gracious with me.
Forgive me, Abba Father, for the times that I’ve been far more critical of others than I should be. Arouse within me a passion to be gracious toward others so that they can see your graciousness shining through me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
The Joseph V. Bednarsky Jr. Ministries Forum Team.
Much of Bible warns us of false teachers and false prophets, so when we see someone doing or saying things that do not line up with scripture, are we to ignore this?
No, we are to reprove them. Ephesians 5:11 says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."
The Lord Jesus Christ as well as John the Baptist and all the writers of the New Testament judged righteous judgment which is what we are to do.
Lord Jesus says in John 7:24, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
Hebrews 3:13 tells us to "exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."
My purpose of posting anything about Todd Bentley and his Lakeland meetings is to warn others so they won't be misled like I was via the Brownsville 'revival'.
What group believed that Jesus Christ was doing and saying things that do not line up with Scripture? What group did Jesus Christ condemn with harsh and public criticism? The answer to both of these questions is the Pharisees. This lends support to my view that many "false prophets" will think, speak, and act like the Pharisees.
I like the many perspectives of people. One blogger here said their is only one truth. Amen.
Gold dust.
What does that prove?
All miracles/manifestations can be immitated. So beware.
Do we live by goose bumps?
Or by searching the Scriptures?
And using our head!
2Tim 3:16 "ALL Scripture is inspired by God..."
Yet WWE Todd Bentley says NO.
This and so many other evidences of wrongdoing lead to one truth.
Todd Bentley is false, and to be avoided, and most certainly to NOT be given your hard earned money.
God Bless you as you find Truth.
John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth,
and the Life. Amen
The false prophets you are refering to would be yourself and the side you represent. Our side is representing Jesus Christ. There are no pharisees today, but there is a true church and a false church. The true church follows the Jesus of the bible and His words to us. The false church follows after idols, everything Bentley represents. You really should use a better argument than the Pharisees, because it doesn't apply. I'm really tired of hearing it.
Wendy, you are right that Jesus had contempt for the Pharisees. And I've lost probably my very best friend since childhood to this ridiculous Todd Bentley nonsense who apparently thinks I'm a Pharisee now. Oh, and I apparently put God in a box.
I have searched scripture ENDLESSLY over this. I really opened my heart and prayed asking God to reveal to me whether I was wrong and to convict me if I was, in fact, being Pharisaical.
See - I wasn't. God pointed out to me that my friend doesn't read her bible. She relies on the "blessings" of other ministers and people in her church to determine whether this "outpouring" is the real deal.
There is NO focus on true repentence from sin - she speaks only of healing and the "increase". Nothing about growing in Christ and becoming holier and more Christ-like as we grow and mature in our walk.
No, Wendy, I do not think reading your bible and discerning God's will through scripture is being like a Pharisee. See the difference between "us" (those who think Todd Bentley is a few sandwiches short of a picnic) and a Pharisee is that we BELIEVE JESUS IS THE RISEN SON OF GOD. They never did.
And to say that "we shouldn't judge" because we haven't attended services and felt the "annointing". Let me just tell you this: I have a septic tank in my front yard. I don't need to go inside to know what it's filled with.
Let me tell you all sometin.
If Todd Bentley is boastin around why would he concern himself showin off as an evagelist, he would have done sometin else.
Those who are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT (as Todd Bentley and many others... )are rejected by the world because the world doesn't understand the SPIRIT.
Those who claim that Jesus Christ is the Savior and glorify HIM are the true followers of Christ (as Todd Bentley and many others... ), they are not false prophets because the true shall have signs following them as JESUS SAID in Mark 16:15-18
15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
So since Todd Bentley has these signs then I say as JESUS SAID he is a true follower.
Also let me add this one more thing,
If Todd Bentley is a false prophet then why bother ourselves, God will punish him, since he's doing everything by himself and not God.
BUT if Todd Bentley is a true prophet then what can we do to stop him since GOD is on his side. We can't fight God who is with him. Todd Bentley will grow on as one who will show signs and wonders to glorify NOT HIMSELF BUT JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.
Scripture says that nobody can understand it ,not even the speaker. It is a language that communicates with God.
Read 1 Corinth. 14 Cathy...
And by the way don't make yourself a knower of the Bible cuz you only watchin it in one angle, your so blinded by the some versus that your forgetting what other versus say for example look at what Jesus said in Mark 16:15-18, there are many versus that testify that Todd is a true follower of Christ.
Anyway you and I and argue all the time but I'm not going to do that, let God judge, If Todd is a false prophet God will punish him , and hence Todd will shamefully lose everything. BUT If Todd is a true prophet then what can we do to stop him since God IS ON HIS SIDE, we can't fight against God , If Todd is true and honest in what he's doin then God will prove it even if the whole world is against him.
1- If TODD is False then let God Judge and NOT US. Let God rebuke him and prove us that he is false.
2- If TODD is True then God will always show evidence and signs and worst of nobody will ever be able to stop TODD since God is on HIS SIDE.
If you all claim to believe God then why do you all bother yourselves judging Todd, for we shouldn't judge only GOD JUDGES. So let God Judge.
But by my testimony I say TODD BENTLEY is a true follower of CHRIST since I see the signs on him that Jesus spoke of of all the true beleivers will have in MARK 16:15-18
For those of you who claim that Todd Bentley is denying Christ, I have heard Todd exalting Christ with my own ears! I have heard Todd preach repentance and I have gone away from his services feeling nothing, except "God is awesome" and I need Him more than I previously thought!
For those of you who claim to study your Bible, I have probably studied it more than you. I have a B.A. in Bible, a M.A. in Theology, a Master of Divinity degree, and a Ph.D. in Theology.
For seekers of His Truth, take the time to read what one Bible scholar has to say about the many verses that speak of God's work in and through men:
David, the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that 'there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect', so we can't rely on signs and wonders to prove if a person is from God or not.
Our only sure way is by scripture and because of the many things Bentley does and says which are not found in the Bible, this triggers a red flag.
My main concern is for all the people who follow him like a pied piper and ignore the warnings.
Jerry, I read the "paper" you linked to.
Although it contains many interesting points, I think the fundamental thing and it's kind of buried in there, frankly - is that Jesus wants people to turn from sin and turn to him.
Todd Bentley's "ministry" is about healing. Period. You DO NOT SEE HIM EVER preach the gospel. EVER. I have watched his "show" on godTV a bunch - he has NEVER EVER ONCE given the gospel message.
The other stuff about whether healings occur today or whether tongues occur today or whether healings occur in stages - all of that is neither here nor there.
Because the fundamental core of God's coming to save the lost is the gospel message - that heaven is a free gift and it is not anything you have to work for or deserve. And that grace is given to those who surrender their lives to God through his son.
When Todd Bentley gets on stage EVERY NIGHT and preaches that message - I will be more interested in talking about healings with you, my friend.
BTW Jerry I just perused the whole website you posted. Wow. There are endorsements on the front page from the Toronto Airport gang. I get where you're from now.
Dr. James Dobson's "ministry" is the family. I have heard both James and Todd preach about repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ. Still, both men have a specific topic from the Bible that they emphasize more than others. You cannot condemn Todd for having a special emphasis on one Biblical topic without condemning James for the doing the same thing. Well, I guess you can and you will--but that will only demonstrate to the objective reader that you are judging unequally.
you and your side many times tell our side not to judge. But aren't you also judging Todd Bentley, and us? Is this not a judgment? "So I hereby say that Todd Bentley IS NOT A FALSE PROPHET BUT A TRUE FOLLOWER OF THE TRUE LORD JESUS CHRIST." Judgements can be made yea or nay. Both sides are judging because we are supposed to so that we don't follow the wrong spirit. In actuality, God really does the judging by His word in the bible. We use God's judgement and follow it. On your side, YOU, not God are making the judgements of Todd Bentley and others out of your own self. So who is really sinning and judging according to the words of Jesus. Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. It is not wrong to follow God's jugements in the bible. God is on our side, not yours. You and your side are following after your own lusts, not God. We are using God's words to determine whether a person is following Jesus and His words or not. Bentley does not follow the words of Jesus so God's judgment is that he is a false prophet.
The Pharisees knew the bible very well, but they weren't born of the spirit (born again). So they could not understand the mind of Christ which is revealed by the Holy Spirit. If you are not born again, then the bible is just words and those words become interpreted by intelligent flesh rather than the spirit of God. Then as a natural man we can not understand spiritual things because they are spiritually discerned by the Holy Spirit, not ourselves (our mind). The natural man's (flesh) and the spiritual man's understanding of scripture oppose each other and that is how we end up with these two sides that are battling. That's why we can discern that Bentley is of the flesh and not the spirit of God. Because the Holy Spirit inside of us is discerning it for us. Anyone can use the words in the bible but do they hold the spiritualy discerned meaning of the words? Is Bentley speaking spiritual words with fleshly meanings? Let me answer that.......Yes! He is not born again and is interpreting spiritual words into a fleshly meaning and then teaching it to many people that think it is the truth and it is not. Heed these words.
Adding to Stephs comment......Healing has become an idol to God's people, along with other things like heightened feelings of the presence of God and His Glory. It's like a drug to escape reality. Of course it's good to desire healing, and God's presence and Glory in your life, But if are willing to compromise the Gospel, the law, the statutes, the word of God, then you are falling from faith and following a false God. Bentley is appealing to the flesh in people, not the spirit. It is up to us to know this and not to go after the flesh and idols.
Nicole, you claim to have spiritual discernment. You assert that you have the mind of Christ. You declare to possess the mind of the God-man who said, "I am gentle and lowly in heart." Yet, you have the audacity to declare, "God is on our side, not yours." Well, God resists the proud, and your words are very haughty. I hope that I don't come across in that same manner. I am praying for God's grace and mercy in my life. I know that I am still learning of Him through His Word and His Spirit. I trust the Holy Spirit to guide me into all Truth.
Jerry, James Dobson is not claiming that his radio program is REVIVAL. If Todd Bentley is focusing on a "specific part of the Bible that he emphasizes" like you say - since he's having a big ole international revival, wouldn't you think that "emphasis" should be on the Gospel message of repentence from sin and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
I have NEVER heard ONCE Todd Bentley preach that message of God's free gift of salvation through repentence of sin and acceptance of His son, Jesus, as your Lord and Savior.
I have heard him yell "JESUS!" after he's "bammed" someone. That does not qualify as "talking about Jesus". And the occasional mention of repentence from sin doesn't cut the mustard either. It's the whole Gospel shebang or it's not. And less than the whole shebang is not revival.
No, Jerry, healings without the gospel are just good ole fashioned snake oil salesmans shows.
So, Steph, because YOU have never heard it once, that means it could not be happening. You claim to be watching Todd "a bunch," but you did not define what that means. I'm sure that it means 20 minutes here, a half hour there, but NEVER from beginning to end. If I went into your church once in a while and listened in part, then I would hear no complete Gospel message either! Please, use some common sense. I have been to 4 complete Todd Bentley services, from beginning to end. In 2 of those 4 services, I HEARD the complete Gospel message and I SAW people repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. I call that fruit! If I went to your church on 4 random Sundays, then I doubt that I would see people being saved on 2 of those Sundays. If I did, then I would leave praising God, not complaining about whatever I heard that I disagreed with. But, then again, that's just me.
these wolves in sheeps clothing need to be expose like self proclaimed false prophet richard w hayes he is a wv grant jr wanna a be grant is richard hayes brother in law keeping the tricks in the family by getting the names and info from peaple before service and then during service and pretend that god gave them the information just to get your money watch dateline or google thier names you will see the scamming that is takeing place ABOUT A YEAR AGO REV RICHARD HAYES Prophet Richard Hayes, Power and Glory Church, Hayes Ministries ...HAS BEEN STRUCK DOWN WITH CANCER AND HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO PREACH I MEAN SWINDLE AND CON FOR ALMOST A YEAR REPENT REPENT BEFORE YOU DIE AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT YOU ALL WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE YOUR MONEY TO HELL OR HEAVEN WITH YOU REPENT REPENT AND SEND MY GRANDMOTHERS MONEY BACK TO HER YOU THIEVE AND ROBBER RANDY FROM TYLER TX DONT BRING YOUR TENT EVER BACK HERE AGAIN I KNOW YOUR FATHER ALTON HAYES IS LOOKING DOWN FROM HEAVEN ASHAMED OF YOU AND WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME REPENT BEFORE IT IS TO LATE GET A REAL JOB GO BACK TO PARKING CARS AT THE MALL AT LEAST IT IS HONEST
MONEY! Do you think that Todd Bentley is chasing after money? If you do, then consider the following words of an MSNBC reporter: "They asked for money only once and strangely, on the night this reporter was there, they took their offering so late at night that the crowd had thinned-out." Once again, the facts are available for anyone willing to take a look.
I've noticed that some of the people on this blog seem to be saying, "Don't confuse me with the facts, since I already have my mind made up!"
Jerry, you like links. How about you provide ONE YouTube link that shows the Gospel message being preached by Todd during this entire "revival".
Wendy, we've all seen/heard that he doesn't ask for $$ until late in the meeting. But the live people at the meetings aren't the focus here - there are a few thousand people at those services - the REAL $$ is flowing from those watching from home on godTV or the internet. They are in the millions and they are sending it in hand over fist.
Steph, here's what you requested. One You Tube link (and there are many more) that proves that what I have been saying is true! Todd is exalting Jesus Christ. If you hear Todd Bentley preaching the GOSPEL, then be honest enough to admit your error.
Regarding the MSNBC article that Wendy referenced, you have to add 1075189.aspx to the link that she provided. (I actually look at the facts)
Regarding money, I noticed that Michelle stated that Todd "spent the whole night ruthlessly and relentlessly soliciting money." After Wendy's link proved that statement to be false, you responded with an objection to Todd's Internet fundraising. Every Christian ministry accepts donations on-line, so why single out Todd with this criticism? It seems like you are unwilling to admit that an anti-Todd person got caught lying, so you deflect the reader's attention with an irrevelant objection.
To Jerry, thanks for the correction to my link.
To Steph, it took me less than 1 minute to find a You Tube link of Todd Bentley preaching the Gospel. I pray that honest people reading this post will look at this video and ask, "If it was my pastor saying these exact same words, then would I defend him against criticism or join them?"
Thanks Wendy! I wonder what Steph will say now. Steph's comment to me, "How about you provide ONE YouTube link that shows the Gospel message being preached" proves that she never looked for herself. What folly! Here's another link and there are many, many more out there for people who want to look at both sides before judging this matter.
To Nicole, you are correct about the necessity of judgment. However, God says that to be quick in answering controversial matters after hearing only one side is utter folly. (Proverbs 18:13) Many "anti-Todd" people have their minds made up before seeking out and examining the evidence on both sides.
Okay I watched it. "Give your life to Jesus. Pray this prayer."
Although I have NEVER seen him do this when I've watched (Jerry, please don't presume to know how long and how frequently I've watch because you do not possess ESP) it's not the "Gospel" message - the Gospel message is that God sent his son to die so that we may have eternal life.
Maybe there are other clips where he really gives the message - but the bottom line is that one or two YouTube clips showing a pretty "shaky" Gospel presentation does not a revival make.
Sorry, but it doesn't.
If he were just a "preacher" at a church in Anytown, USA it would be one thing - but this is being touted as the biggest revival in this history of the modern church - and that's just not cutting it. Sorry.
God bless you all.
I get it, Steph. Todd's preaching of the Gospel would be fine if he were just any "preacher" at a church in Anytown, USA. (your words) However, you have a different (and higher) standard for him. I rest my case!
Jerry, try not to be frustrated. Readers will figure it out. They can see that Steph once claimed that Todd preached "healings without the gospel." Now, she claims that she heard Todd preach "a pretty shaky gospel." That's quite a diffence, and both cannot be true.
Oh you two crazy kids. :)
Look, I think he's fake. I don't think there are "prophets" or "healings" or any of that garbage. It's all distraction from the real show which is, the BIBLE.
The Bible gives you all the instruction you need until Jesus comes back. How to be holier, how to DIE TO SELF (not spend all your time begging to get richer or happier or healed). It's about sacrificing yourself and having the Holy Spirit sanctify you.
Now I don't expect you to agree - you are drinking the charismatic kool-aide. I get that.
But as far as the "lies" I'm telling about Todd's "gospel message". I have watched him OVER AND OVER and I've never seen him mention Jesus other than in a "bam moment". And I guess even if he were giving the gospel message I'd still think he was a loony toon, because of all the fake "healings" and "raisings from the dead" (You HAPPILY provide links from MSNBC about how he waits until late to take $$, where was MSNBC when he raised 20+ people from teh dead?)
Anyhoo, bowing out of this discussion. I pray you get some discernment. And no, I'm not putting God in a box. His will is immutable and He cannot and will not do things contrary to the nature He gave Himself.
So get yourself a copy of the Bible (not one of those "new age" Bibles, but a good copy) hunker down and actually read it. I plan to do the same. :)
Steph, the only reason you are "bowing out" is because your logic was shown to be faulty and you were caught contradicting yourself. I think that your "charismatic kool-aide" comment was mean-spirited and unlike Christ. Go back to your King James and learn some pious-sounding verses in a language that Jesus never spoke and Americans haven't used since the 17th century. I'll keep seeking, asking, and knocking--because I'm just a follower and a learner of Christ and His Word, not a know-it-all.
"Go back to your King James and learn some pious-sounding verses in a language that Jesus never spoke and Americans haven't used since the 17th century. I'll keep seeking, asking, and knocking--because I'm just a follower and a learner of Christ and His Word, not a know-it-all."
Oh Jerry, I'm going to miss you. ;-)
No, I'm not backing out because my logic is flawed - although my logic is always somewhat flawed though, because I'm a sinner. A flawed, imperfect sinner who is so blessed to have a savior who did on the cross for me, what I could never have done for myself.
And I just get snarky (which is sinful - sin has never stopped since I was saved BTW, but I am work in progress thanks to the Holy Spirit;-) Anyway, I get snarky because I just hate seeing people who really do seem like they love the Lord get pulled into something that is just well, wrong. Wrong in that it doesn't focus on the centrality of Jesus paying the penalty for our sin - the sin that separated us from our Heavenly Father.
When the message is healing and increase and angels - all that - it's putting Jesus' sacrifice on the cross somewhere in the back row. And it just grieves my spirit.
And Jerry, I don't read the King James. I was talking about bibles like "The Message" - those that veer so far away from the Hebrew and Aramaic original text.
Anyway, I think you are probably a guy who really believes what you are doing - the kool-aid comment was not nice, and I'm sorry for that.
I hope you, me and everyone else who loves the Lord enters through that narrow gate. I really do. Blessings to you my friend. :)
Steph--God forbid that I or anyone else should love the gifts more than the Giver, the healings more than the Healer, or the provision more than the Provider. God does send military angels, messenger angels, and ministering angels to do His bidding. But they are merely heavenly servants of the Master, while we are earthly ones. I agree with your concept that every word and action should ultimately point to Jesus Christ. I just disagree with those who criticize Christians for not achieving that goal in the exact same way that they do. Every man answers to his own Master--and that's a Biblical concept. Steph, I agree that "The Message" is merely a commentary that takes the form of a paraphrase of the Bible and should not be considered the Word of God. There are many faithful and accurate translations, including the King James. Unfortunately, there are people who criticize every translation except for the King James, not knowing they they do not hold the 1611 in their hands due to countless revisions. You were coming across like someone in the KJV-only crowd, so that's why I made that comment. I was in the flesh, so I'm sorry. Take care and God bless!
Jerry and Wendy,
Do you really think that God approves of the way you are speaking to someone taking a stand on God's own word? If you had the Holy Spirit in you, don't you think the Holy Spirit would restrain you and keep you under control and you would love your sister in Christ who is laboring to bring truth to your souls to save your souls from Hell, death, and the grave, and SATAN? You two are taking a stand for a man, Todd Bentley, who God has judged by his false teachings, to be a false prophet of God. You don't seem to realize that a false prophet speaks messages including altar calls and Jesus but it is a lure to put false teaching into you and to lead you astray from God without you realizing it. They teach part truths and you don't realize it. Both true and false prophets bring a message from God, that's why they are both called prophets. You should heed God's messangers now that are trying to show you the truth of what you are being deceived into. God is trying to reach you. Satan is a sneaky snake and appears as an angel of light, and in sheeps clothing. He won't show up in a red suit with horns and a tail and he will be so subtle and cunning that you won't even know you're being deceived. But that is why God is sending people to you to show you the truth to save you from it. I felt the Lord's anger rise up against you as I read YOUR FOLLY in the comments you wrote, acting like you won something, or proved something. GOD IS THE JUDGE, NOT YOU. You are fighting God Himself! No one will prevail against God. God is truth and everyone else a liar. You are wrong. God already judged Todd Bentley and nothing he does will change that. Bentley knows how to put on a good show and anyone can do that.....BUT, God knows the heart of a man and how can we know, but that God reveals it to His servants.......us, the one's proclaiming the truth to you. We behold the same kind of steadfastness that the apostles had to their death as martyrs. That's why we are so sure of our stance. What are you going on? What voice are you following? Because it is surely not the Holy Spirit.
Steph I want to encourage you to continue in your stance, it is righteous and of God. Persecution that we endure for Christ's sake will be rewarded, so take hope and comfort in that. You are not alone, and you are loved by the Father in heaven.
ps I have been watching and discerning Todd from the begining with prayer and fasting and once I got the word and confirmation from God, I began preaching by the spirit as others are on Bentley comment forums. So, here I am. I still watch Todd at times and I watched the video of the altar call. I know both sides. And I stand on God's side. No one can force another to receive the truth, but we will not stop preaching it, but our heart and God's heart is that all will receive His truth, and the messangers that He sends.
John 5:4 "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."
Nicole, with your self-proclaimed discernment--please, confirm or deny that this verse from God's Word is saying that an angel brought miraculous healings via a pool of water. If you confirm, then could you show me a verse that contradicts the promise of Jesus just a few chapters later?
John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
For readers who don't have the great "discernment" (chuckle) of Nicole, please consider. Here's a link to a webinar on spiritual gifts from that "far-out, wacky" organization called CBN. Under Pat Robertson's leadership, CBN led 40 million people to the Lord last year through its worldwide ministries. Now, that's fruit!
One more for Wendy who seems snarkier than me (if that were possible! LOL!)
Pat Robertson is not God. You shouldn't put mere men on pedestals. Holy scripture is the source that all should be checking against - not a website.
Leading people to the Lord BTW is not "fruit" - the fruits of the spirit are fruit. And if these people were genuinely transformed by the saving power of Christ - then awesome! But that will be determined by *their* fruit, not CBN's, K?
Actually, the word "fruit" has different meanings in the Bible. You cannot say that "fruit" always means the fruits of the Spirit, which give believers the character of Christ. You have to look at the context. That's the first rule of serious Bible study.
Jesus told us to "bear fruits worthy of repentance." (Luke 3:8)
When asked what He meant, Jesus gave examples of the types of actions He was referring to in Luke 3:10-11.
Without a doubt, this proves that "fruit" can mean our visible actions, not just our inner character.
Besides our inner character and our outer actions, "fruit" can be used to suggest that disciples should bear fruit by reproducing after their own kind. Disciples should make more disciples, and this concept is clearly Biblical.
Many good and godly men over the centuries have interpreted "fruit" in these three ways.
P.S. It's downright silly to say that we should not check out a website--only the Bible. We listen to sermons, we consult commentaries, we read devotional books, etc. Tools are not ungodly!
Jerry, don't waste your time throwing pearls to the swine. The Bible tells us to "avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." (Titus 3:9)
Jesus Christ warned the Pharisees about thinking they had eternal life because they searched the Scriptures. (John 5:39) The Pharisees were very proud of their "prayer and fasting" and knew the law more than anyone else. Who does that sound like? (Hint: read Nicole's last post)
In spite of their GREAT KNOWLEDGE of the law, they missed the true Nature, Person, and Work of Jesus Christ. It's all about Him and He is love! The Written Word is precious because it reveals our precious Savior. Our job is to share the love of God with others by using His Word, not bicker with Pharisees about His Word.
Let's stop wasting our time with people who "strain a gnat" while swallowing the camel of pride and self-righteousness.
My pants have been a little tighter lately. And I could stand to lose a few pounds. Maybe it's all the camel I've been swallowing. I should weigh less with all the "straining at gnats" I do - and fasting. You'd think I'd be a twig.
Being a Pharisee is not good for the figure apparently. ;-)
Great thoughts, Wendy. I guess some people are teachable and some people are not. Take care and God bless!
Unless what Bentley is doing is sounded rejected, he will become the role model for the young ministers of tomorrow. Imagine going to your church altar for prayer, and getting leg dropped, kneed in the stomach, kicked in the head or punched. Don’t think I want that kind of prayer.
Just last Sunday, I visited a church where a young pastor asked people to come forward for prayer. A woman came up, and he proceeded to do a one handed Vulcan-Mind-Meld, snapping her head back. He later jumped around proclaiming that God is here, “Woooooo” - like wrestler Rick Flair does.
Where do you think he got that from? TV - both Christan and secular … Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Todd Bentley, the WWF - like that. He certainly did not get that from reading the Word of God.
So to all the Bentley apologists out there, I say “Good luck with going forward for prayer. I’ll make sure to pay you a visit in the hospital.”
From: Matthew Stephen
7/09/08 - In the 7/09/08 UBBS, David addresses the July 8, 2008/San Diego numerology; later in the study he takes step three (Matthew 18:17a - "tell it unto the Church") of Matthew 18 in regards to Matthew Stephen.
This an e mail from Matthew Stephen
Matthew Stephen
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: False Accusations
Dear Saints:
It has come to my attention that David Eells and others have brought false accusations and have put forth false purported "words of wisdom" against me recently. These accusations have been broadcast on the airwaves as well as published by e-mail correspondence. These accusations are false and purely speculative.
I love the body of Christ and it saddens me deeply to see a brother in the Lord trying to divide the body of Christ in this manner. I have wept profusely over this matter before the Lord. The Lord Jesus has instructed us to love and pray for those that persecute us and that is the model that I follow; I admonish you to do the same.
This situation was handled in an unbiblical manner. Two or three witnesses are REQUIRED in order for anyone to entertain an accusation against an elder. There are no witnesses to any wrongdoing, and I have committed no wrong.
I apologize to all the radio listeners on today's broadcast on Spirit 1. It was hijacked without notice to me and used against me. I continue to walk in obedience to the Lord as I serve God, with my wife, and the ministry team that God has given to me.
Please pray for David Eells, Bob of Spirit One radio, my wife and I including the ministry team. I pray that Papa God would love on both David and Bob.
God Bless you,
Matthew and Kathy Stephen
Now that Bentley is taking a 'rest' after being once again exposed this time by ABC Nightline ("Not a single claim of Bentley's healing powers could be independently verified." Nightline), maybe he will come to senses like Marjoe Gortner did (see video posted today).
Goodness, do you think Bentley might even get saved??
Well, I'm not holding my breath on that one.
WAKEUP FOLKS: If you are following and not exposing Todd Bentley, you have been brainwashed and duped BIG TIME!
RE Matthew Stephen
Romans 1:18 (KJV)
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;"
Was greatly blessed by this email today but also grieved for those who are willingly being led astray:
I believe these wolves in sheep's clothing have gone too far .... the true Body of Christ is awake and standing firm on the Word of God and against those who would deliberately deceive, harm and fleece the sheep.
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.
Isaiah 8:20
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Matthew 10:16
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.....
Philippians 2:15
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1John 4:4
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard [it], and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.
Malachi 3:16-18
"I can't laugh when they make the Holy Ghost look like a fool." David Wilkerson
WOW Cathy! When I first viewed the video, I thought it could not have been done in the year 2000 - as it describes Todd Bentley to a T.
Then I dug further into the Toronto "Blessing" - and yup - it could have been in 2000. I just did not realize that Toronto was THAT bad.
Great find Cathy. Kudos.
Thanks Steve - I give the credit to Marcia who emailed me the link to this extremely powerful clip.
James 4:9,10 come to mind also:
"Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up."
Would be there were more courageous Christians and pastors like Dave Wilkerson who would speak out against the increasing heresies that are creeping into the church. The problem is that the deceived don't always see the deception especially if they are not reading AND OBEYING their Bibles!
Paul renounced the hidden things of dishonesty and so should we.
2 Corinthians 2:
"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."
You all need to stop fighting and get some souls saved. I see no fruit in this blog. What is the worst that will happen at the revival? People will get healed Get a life guys.....
"What is the worst that will happen at the revival? People will get will get healed"
Wrong. The worse that will happen is folks will be led away from the the true Gospel and end up in hell!
This is the main reason why critics are raising red flags.
Please search the scriptures and do the research - it is very dangerous, spiritually speaking.
I would like to start by giving my background.
1. I grew up in rural Arkansas and attended a A/G church
2. I was activly involved in the A/G until 3 years ago
3. I am 29 years old
4. I pastor a full-gospel church that is non-denominational
5. I repented of my sins when I was 5
6. I was baptized at 7
7. I recieved the Bastism of the Holy Ghost at 10
8. I have been a youth leader, praise/worship pastor, and college and career pastor.
A few weeks ago I learned about Todd Bentley. I began to research what he teaches and checked it with scripture. This prompted me to preach a sermon on false teachings and to show Todd Bentley to the congregation via video. To say the least the church was sickened by what they observed. I do believe that Todd Bentley is a false prophet.
The thing that saddens me is that people like Todd and Benny Hinn have put a bad name on Pentecostals. When I refer to myself as such people automatically conjur up these false teachers and the junk that goes on in the services.
I do believe in speaking in tounges, but I believe that it should be done decently and in order. I beleive that the Holy Ghost can cause us to speak in tounges of men and/or tounges of angels as the apostle Paul taught.
I have never personally experienced falling under the power of the Holy Ghost but I have prayed for people and they have. The one thing is when I pray for people I let them know that I do not have any "catchers" if they fall so it had better be the power of the Holy Ghost or they will probably get hurt. I do not encourage or pray for people to be "Slain"(as many people call it). I also do not pray for people to be baptized in the Holy Ghost as is common in many churches but instead instruct the person to pray that whatever God would have for them that they recieve it. This means that God might want to convict them of sin. I want God to decide what the person needs not me or them.
I was attending a church and we were eating out after church and one of the ladies that had been saved for about a year was concerned because she had not recieved the baptism in the Holy Ghost. I told her to stop worrying about that and just ask God to give her whatever He had for her that way He could do the things that He needed to in her life.
Not many people in my ministry fall under the power of God and I know it is because I dont have "catchers". I think that being "slain" is overdone and I know people in the past personally that have faked it because they thought that was the thing to do.
The other thing is, if someone falls under the power of God it is immediate and they do not crumple to the ground so they dont hurt themselves but they fall. If someone is faking it I will know and I have them stand up and tell them right there that they need to continue standing and if they feel weak they can sit down or neal.
If it isnt God then I do not want it in the service.
I do believe that all of the Supernatural Gifts mentioned in the Bible are for today and I hope that my church is able to operate in all of them.
A testimony of healing-
My wife was healed of asthma at the age of 19. Nobody laid hands on her but she had an asthma attack in church and she told God that she wanted to be healed or they would have to take her to the hospital. She began breathing fine and has not had any reocurences since. Before that she had been in the hospital multiple times.
God can do whatever He wants but that does not mean that we have a free ticket to make God to look foolish. As Christians we should try the spirits to make sure they are of God and in todays day be very very wary because many false prophets are rising and they are not here to take your money but your soul.
Dear brothers and sisters
I greet you in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
I write to you to plead the case of Todd Bentley, our brother in Christ.
It has weighed heavy on my heart the different attitudes and opinions that fellow Christians have shown to Todd.
This morning I am reading the gospel of John and was once again reminded by the words of Jesus when He prayed to the Father on our behalf. “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:23b and also;
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
I ask you this, how is your criticism and condemnation of Todd demonstrating any of the above commands of Jesus?
It reminds me so much of the Pharisees who tried to find fault with Jesus when he healed a man born blind. John 9. In verse 24-25 “A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. "Give glory to God," they said. "We know this man is a sinner." He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" and verse 33, “…if this man were not from God, he could do nothing.” Tens of thousands have been healed directly or indirecly as a result of the revival in Florida, and many have given their hearts to Jesus, bringing glory to God. How is this a bad thing? Look at the fruit!
I ask you again; who’s work are you doing; who are you glorifying by your words and attitudes?
Sincerely and with love in Jesus,
Pieter Siebert
Thank you for your sincere comments, Pieter, however, according to the research I've done, none of the Lakeland 'healings' have been confirmed (i,e, tv program 'Nightline' tired but could not verify any of Bentley's healing claims).
But that is only a portion of the problem. Todd Bentley's outrageous apostate teachings which are no where in the Bible should be of great concern to any true Christian.
In your reading of the Bible, please take note of the many places where the Lord Jesus Christ as well as the other authors warn us against false teachers, false prophets, lying signs and wonders not to mention that Satan comes as an angel of light as do his ministers to steal, kill and destroy. "Let no man deceived you" the Lord commands us. Please do not overlook these vitally important words within the scriptures.
May the Truth be revealed, the lies be exposed, the deceived wakeup, the sinner repent, the lost get saved and the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified - amen!
May the truth be revealed, the lies exposed, the deceived wake up?
Really my dear, if only you really believed that. I read your blog and I feel sorry for you Cathy, so obsessed that 90% of Christianity is a big satanic conspiricy. Heaping condemnation on yourself if anything you publish, is not correct.
The happenings on the day of Pentecost were not in the Bible nor had they been seen before. Were they Godly, yes of course but not to the Pharisees.
I am not calling you a Pharisee, just an obsessive who needs to be rebuked.
You remind me of the Al Quieda nut cases who think they need to fly into buildings to help out God.
You think you are helping God, is he not capabale of bringing down what is not of him.
Has God given you specific revelation, no he hasn't. You know the bible, as do many Christians but not the spirit.
Is everything from all of these people 100% correct all the time, NO. Is it all a big Satanic plot. No. Are all these leaders covert, demon obsessed, plotters. Who do you trust Cathy. Is it God or any scrap of any blog or web post to back up your belief.
You can twist scripture to say whatever you choose.
Yes there will be false prophets and apostles, The Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses fit that bill and many of the Shady "send us your money" tele evangelists, no doubt.
"trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will keep you paths straight"
I have no idea whether Todd Bentley is an unusual true man of God, or deceived.
Your video on God TV and specifically Steve Hill and RHB made me chuckle, (no doubt because they were in Brownsville) here are men, that have lead 1000's to the Lord all the while you try and tear them down and paint them differently.
I know the passages you refer to Cathy, I have read them, discernment is a gift of the spirit and not youtube video form some unknown that backs up your own belief.
I do know the Holy Spirit and Gods tangible presence, and it is often evident and strong during the Worship in Lakeland. I see Jesus being lifted high, I have heard them mention in Lakeland and I have heard on numerous occasion RHB mention that Jesus was on earth in the flesh. Now you mention many times "test the spirts".
That whole passage say 1 Jn 4:1
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, beacause many flase prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognise the SPIRIT OF GOD: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh IS FROM GOD, but every spirt that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of antichrsit".
Thats the full passage not the partially twisted passage to back up the belief.
I will leave you with another conundrum Cathy, Many (non latter rain) or charismatic leaders are saying the Holy Spirit is moving in a powerfull way, we are seeing that in our Church in England, even the Anglican church is seeing miraculaous healings. This does seem to fit with what Joel wrote of.
Smith Wigglesworth who was part of a revival in the early part of last century, in my country, have you heard of him. He had lots of prophesies that all came true, he was also known for hitting the odd person in the stoumach under the spirits leading when praying against sickness. Put it this way, nobody has ever accused him of being a false prophet, as they havn't Wesley either.
Well he prophesied this prophecy in 1947 about the UK.
“During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the Church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterised by a restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The second move of the Holy Spirit will result in people leaving historic orthodox churches and planting new churches.
In the duration of each of these moves, the people who are involved will say, ‘This is the great revival.’ But the Lord says, ‘No, neither is this the great revival, but both are steps towards it.’
When the new church phase is on the wane, there will be evidenced in the churches something that has not been seen before: a coming together of those with an emphasis on the Word and those with an emphasis on the Spirit. When the Word and the Spirit come together, there will be the biggest movement of the Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed, the world, has ever seen. It will mark the beginning of a revival that will eclipse anything that has been witnessed within these shores, even the Wesleyan and the Welsh revivals of former years. The outpouring of God’s Spirit will flow over from the United Kingdom to the mainland of Europe, and from there, will begin a missionary move to the ends of the earth.”
- Smith Wigglesworth, 1947
Now, is he whose prophesies all came true part of your 90% Satanic conspiracy?
You may well be right about the odd thing Cathy, we are dealing with humans, but when it comes to Gods spirit against Demonic influences, trust in God for goodness sake, Demons can do nothing without God allowing it, I think your fear and paranoia is not houring to God, where is your trust? you twist scriptures and use youtube clips to try and back up your own beliefs. Unless you are 100% about all of it, you are heaping condemnation on yourself.
I suggest you reflect on what you are doing, I am not a TB apologist, I am not sure myself, but your obessive drive to prove demons hide behind every corner and some huge Satanic plot is neither honouring to God,or doing your inheritance much good.
I wonder do you have a Pastor, submit all this to them and get some accountability, I am pretty certain, others will warn you of the dangers in what you could be doing, be always careful not grieve the spirit and even more so not to blaspheme him.
Will you heed any advice? or are you totally addicted to your crusade.
Go and seek independant (not like minded crusader friends) council from a few different people.
May the truth be revealed, the lies exposed, the deceived wake up?
To quote your man of the hour, Todd Bentley, "BAM! BAM! BAM!" You really let me have it, didn't you Dave?
Well, it you had read my blog like you claim, you would know that I went to the Brownsville school of ministry and was a missionary with Fire ministries for 3 years when by the grace of God the Lord Jesus Christ began to OPEN MY EYES when I started to pray, "expose any lies I am believing".
I still pray that prayer and He continues to open my eyes.
Today my concern is for the folks that are being deceived like I was and who are following people like Bentley.
I am not alone in my assessment of the Lakeland false revival as there are many mature Christians who agree that Todd Bentley is not only a false prophet, but a dangerous one since his meetings are being broadcast worldwide.
That's all for now...
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup, may the sinner repent, may the lost get saved, may both you and I discover the Truth of the matter regarding Todd Bentley and the Lakeland meetings and may the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified I pray - amen!
YOU KNOW ,I WAS JUST CHANNAL SURFING AND CAME ACROSS TODDS PROGRAM. It really troubles me that a human being can decieve so many desperate ,and uninformed people. It just goes to show you that guys like him are some of the most hated people on the planet. He calls himself a messenger from God ? no, a Charleton,is a better term. Id like to heal him of the of his problem, false hopes. Its a shame the second amendment protects creeps like this to preach the word of God,when we all know hes as phoney as a 3 dollr bill. Why dont he try his hand at professional wrestling ? And the scary part of both of these professions is,people actually believe in them, very sad !! oh well, I guess some folk are just pretty gulible. If I had my way ,id pull the switch on all the so called healers ,and have them exposed for what they really are, sad human beings,with no caring for their fellow human beings. Maybe theres some of that purple cool aid still left that he can bless ,then drink, then see if his powers turned the cool aid into clear water,I bet it dont !!!!
The Lord Jesus Christ commands us "Take heed that no man deceive you" so we no one to blame but ourselves if we follow a false prophet.
We are to pray for Todd and his followers that they read the Scriptures and turn away from anything that is not of the Lord.
May we not fall into sin with evil thoughts towards those who are deceived I pray in Jesus name.
I am an historic orthodox pastor of 45 years and I am concerned about people who claim to be apostles. Historically from the scriptures apostles were men who lived during the time of Jesus Christ and who witnessed both the crufixion and ressurection of Jesus.
To call someone who may be a pastor an apostle is to be extremely misinformed.
As the scripture says, many wrest the scriptures to their own destruction.
A pastor may be especially annointed and gifted, but not an apostle.
Pastor Peter
As the hoopla over Todd Bentley fades away, I have a sense that the next false apostle will quickly be upon us. The American church has shown itself blind when it comes to discernment, and wolves will quickly seek to emulate Bentley - given the huge amount of fanfare given him. Keep being a watchman on the wall Cathy!
Thanks Steve.
Oh that we Christians would look only to the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith, testing everything by His Word, avoiding whatever does not line up with scripture!
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1,2
Count That Day Lost
By George Eliot
If you sit down at set of sun
And count the acts that you have done,
And, counting, find
One self-denying deed, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went
Then you may count that day well spent.
But if, through all the livelong day,
You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay
If, through it all
You've nothing done that you can trace
That brought the sunshine to one face
No act most small
That helped some soul and nothing cost
Then count that day as worse than lost.
From McGuffey's Reader
Beautiful faces are they that wear
The light of a pleasant spirit there;
Beautiful hands are they that do
Deeds that are noble, good and true;
Beautiful feet are they that go
Swiftly to lighten another's woe.
That another would be Todd Bentley.
You know sitting here and reading some of your comments and posts, makes me sick. You know Jesus says in the bibele He who is with out sin cast the first stone. God used todd while he was preaching and God was there and he showed up. Instead of beating him up why dont you do what God did forgive and keep praying for him that he will get through this and get back up on his feet. You know this is the problem with the world today we are so quickly to Judge instead of lending a hand or pray for the person. I am so sick and tired of this religious spirit that is out here in this world, you know none of us are all that, none of us are holyier than though. Jesus said all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Remember all have sinned. So this is what I think we all need to do for this man and that is shut our religious mouths and get down on our knees and pray for this man TODD BENTLEY. You know if we all look back far enough we all have some kinda of skeletons in our closets.
Gods Boy,
I see your heart here, but you are not discerning right. You must mature as a Christian and realize that there is good and bad in the world and those who serve good and those who serve bad. There are real Christians and fake Christians. Don't chastise other Christians for speaking against workers of iniquity. This is the work God calls His children to do, and you should do the same. If you are called to bring the real Jesus to Bentley and call him to repentence, then do the work that God asks of you. I and others are called to warn the sheep that Bentley is working for the devil, not God. You don't really, really know God, if you think Bentley is a child of God. He could become a child of God, because any sinner or servant of the devil can repent of all sin and be adopted into the Kingdom of God. Think of this as a war. You must make sure you are on the side of God. Don't be deceived by people like Todd Bentley who teach you a false God. Learn from us, learn from God. Really seek God and He will show you the truth, like He has for us.
Great Blog
Todd Bentley has disappeared from public ministry. To a few, it is a welcomed correction in the American Christian movement. However, many so-called leaders continue to fail to admit the great deception that was allowed to rage in the church had any lasting influence affect upon those poor seduced souls that were subjected to this spiritual clown.
8.08.08 Todd’s last public appearance.
“God said, “Today, I will break every yoke.” Was this a self prophecy?
Unless delivered, false doctrines, a different gospel and doctrines of demons place permanent spiritual marks on those who participate in them. Deceiving spirits are used by the god of this world to steal souls. The masses that were drawn to this false prophet were simply left in the darkness of their souls with false explanations that Bentley reverted into an emotional experience with another woman and is divorcing his wife. The followers were told by the very same false prophets that arrived in Lakeland and gave him those heady prophecies of his supposedly anointed future, (which never happened) are “restoring him.” Who is restoring them?
Although Bentley’s ministry was thoroughly examined for biblical legitimacy and found to be a gospel filled with demonic influences, most church leaders still tell their congregations that it was just a matter of weakness of his flesh and he fell into sin. People are bound with powerful cult demons that have spiritually blinded them and no one has tried to help them to find freedom from the demons that have captured their souls.
Many, including this writer have related the horror of demonic powers that possessed the victims of crazy revival of Bentley. Seduced people that have been bound by powerful kundalini demons must be set free by driving those demons out through deliverance in the name of Jesus. Once a devil has been invited in, they must be driven out; otherwise, the victim will stay chained by the powers of darkness. How many will land in hell because of this insane deception of this spiritual clown? We will know at the Judgment Seat of Jesus.
Meantime, while the church continues to center upon such things as: Did Todd commit adultery? Is he still living with the jezebel woman that took him away from his family? Is he still drinking? Where is he hiding now? Who is restoring him? Has he repented? Bentley has become a soap opera to entertain the dumbed down minds of the church.
Hardly anyone is concerned about the deadly affect of those captured, blinded, wounded victims who are now being tormented by devils. Many have simply fallen away and no longer attend church while others have gone into deeper deceptions such as being entertained by vulture ministers who are really merchandisers of their souls.
Meanwhile, the most unpopular ministries in America continues to be, freedom giving, devil driving, and deliverance ministers. Sleep on Church, Jesus is coming soon.
http://www.patholliday.com/radio.php mp3, radio
When Naman dipped 7 times in Jordan and was healed by God !!!!he gave expensive clothing to a prophet descipel who fell in to temptation and was cheating and laing. According to a logic of those who are critical to Todd, the powers which healed Naman should be demonic and at least (if not the prophet himself)the prophet desciple should be a false prophet.
I see this descipel and also Todd only as a poor man who fell for a temptation (who of us never did?) and this fact does not diminish the greatnes of Gods healings in Jordan river or Lakeland.
Jesus said:"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
To use this verse for warning people not to be involved with anything supernatural would be as saying to israelits in Egypt do not trust Mose! look Pharaos magicans are using demons and doing the same.
Also God can use a servant who will finaly end in a judgement for his own iiquity, yet his service can bring salvation and blessing to many thousends.
But do not forgret that Jesus told people that Pharisees are doing lot of iniquity and are sons of devil and yet people should listen to them since they are seated on the seat of Moses but not do the bad things they do.
If God did not heale me supernaturaly I would never be able to receive Jesus Christ and would have to go to hell.
We who were growing up in communist countries have learned that we can not trust any nice doctrins and sweet words (which communists hade, even though they were killing, beating and inprisoning.)
Therefore me and my wife could not believe preaching we hered when we sometimes visited the church since those were only words and theologies but there was no living God there acting the way we read it in acts of apostels in undoing what devil did - healing and setting free!
First when a man of God like Todd has prayed for us and we were both healed ( docters said they can not heal my injury)and set free from demonic opression (after that bible was suddenly alive)we could see that Jesus is realy alive.
And this is what Todd did for thausends and thausends of people.
You realy believe that devil vill bring thausends of people to Jesus?
Personaly I do not like the one man show with flashly things, repeating haleluyah and amen as parrots, where people are claping hands to people ( but this is typical American style to lyft up people who are just brother slaves - greek meaning of servant and call them reverend even in traditional churches in US where you will see no Gods power at all) on the other hand I know that none of us is perfect ( therefore no church can be) and the fact that Todd could do serving in more humbel style does not mean he did not serve God and did not help many people to come to Jesus and was instrument to save them also from physical suffering.
Yes you are right that even in the old testament God shows us that lot of miraculs that God did through Moses also Pharaos magicans did through demons.
But for that sake Israelits did not get hysterical (as some who write here) claiming that we should keep away from those strange supernatural powers since devil can do it also.
If you who say Todd was used by devil preach under comparable supernatulal power from God and miraculs and healings occure from God as frequently as it was in Todds ministry, than what you write has some wight I guess, yet you surly know that the unforgivable sin Jesus described was when people blasphemied Holy Spirit by saying that Jesus was healing by devil. are you realy taking such a horrible risk to do unfogivable sin by saying Todd was healing by demons, do you have 100% proof of it?? (if not, and you only think it is so, than you are very foolish!!!)or by saying that he is antichrist in which way you call his master a devil (and what if despite the mistakes Todd did, his master was Jesus? what punishment can you expect?
Specially if you teach others to do so and committ blasphemy against Holy Spirit also???.
If you think that what Todd was doing was wrong than do it in better way! but not only in words but in a power of God! (as Paul wrote I did not come to you with a fancy words but in a power of God!or that Paul will come and prove those false apostles who had only words by POWER !!!!
Start doing it in Gods power and people who need to see that God is alive and Jesus is alive will be thankful ( as I am) that you brought them salvation.
If you do not have those gifts and power, perhaps attend training by Charles and Frances Hunter who are humble, wise servants and do not do such mistakes as Todd did.)
Remember that Jesus said to Tomas blessed are those who believed without seeing. and look in this world how meny such blessed people you can find, when people are disipointed and experiance and see more and more they can not trust anyone, than you need rely also power of God and spiritual gifts to show those not so blessed ( in our country majority) them living and acting Jesus.
And I believe that this is what Todd did even if not always in best way.
It was sad hearing that warlocks and ocultists did lot of spiritual attacs on Todd, but that is understanable that devil used them in such way. Much more sad is that devil used also christians to attack Todd. That is realy sad when christians under holy zeal and impression (which Saul had when persecuting christians)are used by devil and launching attacks on other servants,( In Europa we see hockey or football players are often attacked by their own fans spestacors both verbaly and physicaly who are critisiing, angry on them that they made such and such mistake and should play totaly different way and use another strategy, but usualy those wise critics are hardly able to stand on ice or play football. And how is it with you who critisie Tedd ? how many thousnds of souls have you brought to Jesus ? how many hundreds suffering sick people Jesus healed through you ??????????????????? )
Yours brother servant.
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