
After the recent debate, I asked a few folks why President Trump was pushing for a vaccine.

Here is one answer I received:

To expose and discredit  Fauci ... And the company he worked for... And his connection to the Clintons, and Bill & Melinda Gates... And Obama with the funding (using over three million of U.S. tax payers money)... in the construction of the New Wuhan lab that is five stories deep... Where the synthesized virus that Gates commissioned and paid to be created was shipped over to China to be used as a 'test Pandemic'... To see if the REAL modified Coronavirus mixed with ebola and Mers could be spread as fast to kill off over 300 million people around the world in six weeks...
      Fauci and other company officials have been saying it could take YEARS to develop a vaccine... Well, this would show that A vaccine CAN be created that works on this synthesized virus in just a few months...
    Makes Fauci look like a fool and NOT that credible... So that the fake news will NOT give him credibility nor quoted any more.
      That way the public will start listening to Trump and Scott Atlas as the knowledgeable ones and therefore... No more masks needed... Nor social distancing... And the result  WILL be opening up all businesses schools churches, and STATES , etc etc etc around the world !!!!
      You can smile... It's all in the plan ... ' you have to SHOW the populous... NOT just tell them... '
Exposure of falsehoods, lies, double talk, inaccuracies, 'do as I say.. Not as I do'.... Of Fauci and the pharma companies...
THAT is the KEY !!!

Here is another answer:

Before Trump was elected and angel told me that Trump would come out on top, but that in the end he would throw it, meaning throw the religious people following him. 
Note your statement: "Anyway, now someone is telling me that he has control of the chemtrails and is healing them with more chemicals. Does this make sense??”.
There are many such statements like this. Trump is a demi-god. Therefore, he can do no wrong. He will neutralize all that allow him and make them believe that it is for their own good. Anyone who does not worship him can see right through the lies. All media is owned by the same people. This includes Fox. They are playing everyone for fools. The biggest fools are the secularized religious right. The first century is replaying in reverse. The gentile leaders are in bed with the govt. Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. Paul did not marry the govt. John did not preach political parties. A remnant of the gentiles (Bride) will take the gospel back to the Jews that are called, not the Jewish govt or nation. The rest of the gentiles will fall away. The bride must let go of the world right now. Just let go.

After the vaccine nothing else will matter because no one who takes it will be able to stand.

Trump was an anti-vaxer and his first staff was anti-vax. After the election, he eliminated the anti-vax segment of his team. This was planned. This is why everyone was confused by his actions. He is now not only a vaxer, but has promised to use the military under “Operation warp speed” to bring the vaccine to your door. “Operation warp speed” was first coined by the US military to bring the two nuclear bombs to two Japaneese cities to genecide them. Now, he uses the same term for the military to once again genecide cities. Every time he speaks it is esoteric and yet the religious right love him. His son in law is key in the Abrahamic Accord, which is the Noahide laws. Trump has even penned the Noahide statement that John 14:6 is unacceptable under the Abrahamic Accord. This is because the one world religion cannot allow exclusivism. This is also why virtually all of the Evangelical leaders have kissed the Pope’s ring and repented for the reformation.

Yeshua-Jesus came as the Hebrew "word" made flesh. However, none of the Hebrew scholars of the day understood Jesus' words???? This is because Jesus' words are spirit and they are life. In Capernaum people heard him say "You must eat my flesh and drink my blood". So nearly everyone left him. However, Jesus actually said; "You must eat my gospel and drink in my thoughts in the likeness of my spirit." They are exactly the same statements in Hebrew. Thus, carnal people see every thing carnally. Spiritual people see everything spiritual. 

Since "Capernaum" is the word "atonement" or "redemption" at the moment of redemption if we miss what the Holy Spirit is saying we will get up and walk away and Jesus will let us go. Since God is a spirit and he dwells in the heart. When he speaks he speaks spiritually. Therefore, the entire text of Scripture is written spiritually. Since the word "flesh" (בשר) is also the words "gospel" (בשר) and "preacher" (בשר) the Bride of Christ will not be "flesh of my flesh", but rather, "preacher of my gospel". (See Gen 2:23) 

The Bride is about to wake up!!!! 

Regarding the "mark", every Hebrew word occurs naturally and spiritually. This is also why the word "flesh" is also the word "gospel." It occurs as different parts of speech, but the translators misunderstand that old Hebrew was a picture language and thus it was "show and tell". Parts of speech are subject to the picture patterns in the words. 

Let us look at the noun "heart" (לבב). It is the pictures of a shepherd staff and the floor-plan of a tent. Therefore, "heart" means "the shepherd in the tent." Now consider that the verb form of "heart" is "ravish" (לבב), which spells exactly the same as the noun "heart". However, when it shows up, translators translate it as "thou hast ravished my heart", even though the noun "heart" is not in the text.(See Son 4:9) This phenomenon occurs 5500 times in the Tanach (Old Testament). This means that the picture pattern and meaning carries more weight than the part of speech. 

Now consider that the Apostle Paul said that we have a natural body and a spiritual body. The natural heart pumps blood. Since the noun "blood" spells the same as the verb "thoughts" the spiritual heart deals with counsel of the heart and it pumps thoughts. The natural blood must pass through the liver to be cleansed. Since the word "liver" (כבד) is the word "glory" (כבד) our thoughts must pass through the Glory of God in the glory cloud of the Holy Spirit to be cleansed. 

Finally, let us look at the "mark". In Hebrew, the "mark" occurs 15,000 times. it is the direct demonstrative pronoun. It occurs 115 times a a sign or some type of a mark. The "mark" (אות) consists of the first character and the last character with the word "and" in the middle. It is the mark of the first and the last. It is the beginning and the end. It represents how we see every character of ever word, either naturally or spiritually. It first occurs in the first verse of the Bible. It first occurs in full form as the "sign" of the two great lights that shall rule the day and the night. Since the word "rule" (משל) is the words "parable" (משל) and "kingdom" (משל), they are parables of the kingdom. (See Gen 1:16) To be marked on the right hand is very interesting. The word "right" can spell the same as the words "faith" and "believe". The noun "hand" occurs as the primary verb for "confess" or "confession". To be marked in the right hand is to be marked by what you believe and confess. So, "... and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast...." (Rev 13:4) All forms Hebrew words translating as "worship" also occur as some form of "obey" or "obedience". 

Additionally, the Greek word "beast" is the Hebrew word “fear", “terror”, and “spirit". Putting this all together, they will obey the spirit of fear confessing that they are not able to make war with him. This is clearly the Hebrew mindset of John. Anything you obey when you should not you are worshipping it. In the end, all the fearful and unbelieving will take their part in the lake of fire. (See Rev 21:8) Conversely the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. (See 2Ti 1:7) The antithesis to the fearful and unbelieving are the faithful and believing unto obedience. "They overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their loves unto the death.” (See Rev 12:11)

The original text of whole thing is "Jesus talk". We missed it!!! Now, Satan desires to remove the presence of the Holy Spirit from the earth with the FunVax because he knows that the Bride of Christ is about to wake up and see her destiny. We are about to replay the garden event. Except this time, We are not "naked and unashamed", but rather "Wise and Unashamed". You see, they are the same statement in Hebrew. The original text is actually recorded in future tense as a prophecy regarding redemption and how we will judge angels. Satan's worst fear is about to come back upon him. It is Christ in you.

One last thought. Every spiritual use of any Hebrew word role pays perfectly in every occurrence. Since, “hand” is the word “confession” the Pharisees were constantly washing their hands, which is to change their confession. They were mad that Jesus and his disciples ate with unwashed hands. You see, Jesus did not need to change his confession. Remember, his words are spirit and they are life. To take someone by the hand is to take them by their confession. Today, everyone is told to put on a mask and wash their hands. Mask is the word veil. They are placing veils over their hearts and constantly washing their hands or changing their confession.


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