"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 ____ "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Another Planned Parenthood abortion clinic built next to a black neighborhood
March 23, 2010 5:39 PM
Virginia Beach Conservative Examiner
Dave Gibson source
A new Planned Parenthood clinic is under construction in Virginia Beach, right next to the Lake Edward neighborhood, a predominantly black community. Of course, this is business as usual for the group which many black leaders say is responsible for carrying out a genocide against black babies.
According to the Center for Disease Control, there were 11,156,700 black babies aborted between 1973-2001. Today, that number is estimated to be at least 13,000,000. We hear so much how violence is taking a tremendous toll on the black community an of course it is, but it cannot begin to compare to disaster of abortion.
Students for Life America recently reported that black women are 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than are their white counterparts. Black babies account for 36 percent of abortions, while only accounting for 17 percent of live births.
In April 2008, a group of black pastors held a vigil outside of a Washington D.C. Planned Parenthood clinic, they did so to protest what they characterize as a “genocide” carried out against black babies.
Angered, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny said: “Every day … over 1,500 black babies are murdered inside the black woman’s womb. This is a race issue.”
At that same rally, Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union said: “Black America must wake up and stand up to this racist organization that purposefully plants abortion facilities firmly in black and minority neighborhoods and urban communities -- sometimes, right next door to schools.”
In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League which eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a racist who advocated eugenics, so-called 'selective breeding', euthanasia, sterilization, and abortion. She published several books in which she often referred to blacks as "genetically unfit" and "human weeds."
Sanger promoted something she called "race hygiene" for groups of people of whom she apparently thought had no self control nor any real purpose. In her 1920 book, “What Every Girl Should Know,” she said: "It said that a fish as large as a man has a brain no larger than the kernel of an almond. In all fish and reptiles where there is no great brain development, there is also no conscious sexual control. The lower down in the scale of human development we go the less sexual control we find. It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets."
In 1929, Sanger even accepted an invitation to speak at a Ku Klux Klan meeting in New Jersey, which she described in her autobiography.
You will never hear that previous bit of information from any pro-abortion activist. In fact, the organization which Sanger founded has tried to hide her racist motivations and claim that some of the hateful quotes attributed to the woman who could easily be described as the American Hitler, were simply taken out of context. Planned Parenthood has a section of their website dedicated to Sanger in which she is painted as a cross between Mother Theresa and Medgar Evers (My apologies to the families of both).
Here are a few telling quotes from Margaret Sanger:
“Give dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.”
-Birth Control Review, April 1932
“Eugenics is...the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial and social problems.”
-Birth Control Review, October 1921
“Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying...demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism.”
-The Pivot of Civilization, 1922
“Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need. We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock.”
-Birth Control Review, April 1933
“Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”
-Woman, Mortality, and Birth Control, 1922
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
-Sanger's letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, Dec. 19, 1939
Despite the preceding collection of well-documented racist quotes by their founder Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood makes the following statement on their website: “There is no evidence that Sanger, or the Federation, intended to coerce black women into using birth control.”
While there is no doubt that the roots of the abortion movement stem from a great hatred of black people, it would seem that Planned Parenthood's desire to kill black babies is just as strong today. Over 78 percent of that organization's abortion clinics are located inside or within close proximity to black neighborhoods.
Planned Parenthood operates more than 850 abortion clinics across the country, and receives a third of their funding from the U.S. taxpayers. In Fiscal Year 2008, Planned Parenthood was given $349 million in government grants.
--- end ---
Reader Comment:
Black Genocide from abortion is very real. In fact, I recently watched a 2 hour documentary loaded with quotes and original works of Margaret Sanger and The Eugenics Groups who founded Planned Parenthood. The film was called: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America, and it shocked me to say the least. I was totally unaware of how the early black civil rights leaders warned that abortion clinics were strategically being placed in black neighborhoods and would be used as genocide against black people. How come no one is saying this? But what was really surprising was the video clip of former Planned Parenthood President admitting that Planned Parenthood receives racist donations. Maafa21 is extremely well documented and over 2 hours long. I urge everyone to get this stunning film - it will shock you as it did me and reveal the truth about Planned Parenthood. Maafa21 was produced by Life Dynamics , view a preview at Maafa21com.
After work today, I took a long walk to the store and back - about 1-1/2 hrs - and not 15 minutes after I got home it started to rain, so I thought, thank You, Lord! THEN... out one window I saw the sun shine and out the other, dark clouds and rain, so I thought, "I wonder if there's a rainbow?" So I looked out and YES! there it was, so big and so BEAUTIFUL! Reminding me of God's wonderful promises found in His Word.
And God said, This [is] the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that [is] with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which [is] between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. Genesis 9
What's the difference and what's a Christian to do?
In summary, Passover commemorates the Hebrews' escape from enslavement in Egypt.
Easter is a pagan holiday worshipping the fertility goddess of Babylon.
Scripture forbids us to worship anyone or anything except the Lord Jesus Christ.
So a Christian should rejoice in the resurrection of Christ but not celebrate the pagan holiday Easter.
Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.
"Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened [bread] of sincerity and truth." I Corinthians 5
Richard Wurmbrand (1909-2001) was an evangelical minister who spent fourteen years in Communist imprisonment and torture in his homeland of Romania.
This book came out several years ago and I've read it a couple of times - VERY powerful! It is amazing and inspiring to read how the Lord Jesus Christ gives us the grace to endure whatever He has for us.
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
In Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Bases conclusion, the N.A.S. found that the most effective global warming mitigation turned out to be the spraying of reflective aerosol compounds into the atmosphere utilizing commercial, military and private aircraft. This preferred mitigation method is designed to create a global atmospheric shield which would increase the planet's albedo (reflectivity) using aerosol compounds of aluminum and barium oxides, and to introduce ozone generating chemicals into the atmosphere.
This method was the most cost effective, and yielded the largest benefits. It could also be conducted covertly to avoid the burdens of environmental protection and regulatory entanglements.
It is evident to anyone who cares to look up, that this mitigation is now being conducted worldwide and on a daily basis. It is certain that our leaders have already embarked on an immense geoengineering project; one in which they expect millions of human fatalities, and consider these to be acceptable losses.
--- end of excerpt ---
Not many reading this heard the Orson Wells radio broadcast "The War of the Worlds" in 1938 which was a realistic but fictional report of a Martian "invasion." An estimated one million listeners missed the three announcements about the fictional nature of the program and panicked, jammed telephone lines and ran in the streets.
And according to author Henry Makow and former British intelligence agent, John Coleman, Orson Well's Martian invasion in 1938 was designed by the Tavistock Institute to demonstrate the power of the "news" to deceive. Read more here
So now, check out today's 'news'...
Outrage in Georgia over fake Russian invasion report
by Michael Mainville
Sun Mar 14, 11:24 am ETsource
TBILISI (AFP) – Outraged Georgians on Sunday slammed a local television channel that sparked panic by broadcasting a faked report announcing that Russia had launched an invasion and the country's president was dead.
The Georgian opposition condemned the newscast as a state-sponsored stunt aimed at smearing President Mikheil Saakashvili's critics while the president himself added to the furore by appearing to defend the broadcast.
The report, aired Saturday night on privately owned Imedi television, said Russian tanks were headed for the capital Tbilisi, Saakashvili had been killed and that some opposition leaders had sided with invading forces.
"It was indeed a very unpleasant programme but the most unpleasant thing is that it is extremely close to what can happen and to what Georgia's enemy has conceived," Saakashvili said in televised remarks.
Local news agencies said the programme provoked widespread alarm, a record number of calls to emergency services and multiple incidents of heart attacks and fainting, though officials on Sunday said no deaths had been reported.
The report showed footage taken from the August 2008 war that saw Russian forces pour into Georgia and bomb targets across the country.
A brief notice before the report said it was a "simulation" of possible events but the report itself carried no warning it was a fake.
Opposition leader Nino Burjanadze -- who was among those the report claimed had joined forces with Russia -- said the newscast was government-organised propaganda.
"This government's treatment of its own people is outrageous. I am sure that every second of this programme was agreed with Saakashvili. Many people suffered psychological trauma," Burjanadze, who heads the Democratic Movement-United Georgia party, told AFP.
"Every word about me was malicious slander and I will sue both Imedi television and the authorities," she said.
Georgia's opposition has accused the government of using television networks including Imedi, which is run by a close Saakashvili ally, to smear government critics.
Government officials denied any advance knowledge of the report and denounced it as irresponsible.
"The opposition is creating a myth that this programme was agreed with the authorities and trying to use that myth to its own ends," the head of Georgia's National Security Council, Eka Tkeshelashvili, told AFP.
"Of course this is completely untrue. This programme was an extremely unpleasant surprise to the authorities," she said.
Saakashvili said the report was not aimed at insulting Burjanadze but he nonetheless lashed out at her recent meetings with officials in Moscow.
"Those who are shaking hands with people who have Georgian blood on their hands will never be respected," he said.
The head of Georgia's influential Orthodox Christian Church, Patriarch Ilia II, joined criticism of the report.
"We should not allow any television channel to be so uncontrolled and to broadcast such abominations," he said in comments shown on Rustavi-2 television.
Georgia's National Communications Commission said it had launched an investigation.
Imedi apologised for airing the programme, but not before outraged Georgians launched campaigns condemning it.
Two Facebook pages denouncing Imedi emerged after the broadcast and together had attracted more than 6,500 fans within less than a day.
"Where is the professionalism? Where are the ethics? These idiots don't even know the meaning of the words," said one of the Facebook writers.
Russia invaded Georgia in August 2008 in response to a Georgian military attempt to retake the Moscow-backed rebel region of South Ossetia.
After occupying swathes of territory, Russian forces later mostly withdrew into South Ossetia and another breakaway Georgian region, Abkhazia, which Moscow has recognised as independent states.
From my research, it is more than obvious that the U.S. intelligence infrastructure deliberately creates programmed killers. Why? A few reasons are to to create fear to facilitate the promotion of a ‘law-and-order’ agenda and an every-man-for-himself mentality; to dispose of people that Hitler termed the ‘useless eaters’ of society: prostitutes, runaways, junkies, and skid-row alcoholics; to cover-up the existence of Satanic crime in modern day America; to disguise the true motive of some contract killings.
In this ID photo released by Ohio State University, is shown Nathaniel Brown. Brown, a university custodial employee, reportedly shot two co-workers in a campus maintenance building, killing one of them, and then fatally shot himself, Tuesday, March 9, 2010, in Columbus, Ohio, according to officials. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Ohio State University)
Ohio State Univ. Worker Shoots 2, Kills Self Inside Campus Building
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 11:42 AM
Updated: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 1:30 PM
10tv.com source
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A disgruntled Ohio State custodial worker shot two employees at work on Tuesday morning -- killing one of them -- before killing himself, police said.
The shooting took place at about 3:30 a.m. at the OSU Maintenance Building, located at 2000 Tuttle Park Place, just east of Ohio Stadium.
According to police, Nathaniel Brown came into work dressed in dark clothes and was carrying a backpack when he entered an office suite and opened fire.
Brown, 51, then turned the gun on himself, police said.
Larry Wallington, 48, building services manager, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Henry Butler, operations shift leader, was hospitalized at The Ohio State University Medical Center. Police said that Butler, 60, was in stable condition.
University administrators said that at least six employees were working inside the building at the time of the shootings. The employees and other coworkers were offered grief counseling, according to the university.
Brown was hired by the university in October, administrators said.
No students were injured. The university decided to hold classes as scheduled.
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Ohio State University Statement of President source
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
All of us at Ohio State are shocked and deeply saddened by the shooting that occurred on campus early this morning. Today, we have lost a valued member of our University community. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim’s family, as well as with the recovery of the second victim and others involved in this terrible event.
The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff remain, as ever, our chief concern. We offer our full support to the Ohio State Department of Public Safety, University Police, and other assisting agencies in this ongoing investigation.
E. Gordon Gee
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Suspected Shooter Was Happy To Be Working, Neighbor Says
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 12:54 PM
Updated: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 1:29 PM
10tv.com source
COLUMBUS, Ohio — SWAT officers on Tuesday were at the north side home of the man who was suspected of shooting two co-workers inside an Ohio State campus building before he committed suicide.
The officers were likely at Nathaniel Brown's Grasmere Avenue home to search for evidence that could help explain a motive behind the killings, 10TV's Maureen Kocot reported.
Investigators were working to determine if Brown wrote a note before he left home and went to the OSU Maintenance Building, where he worked since October.
Neighbors said that Brown, 51, was thrilled when he was hired at Ohio State because he had been laid off his previous job for "a long time."
"(Brown) was happy to be back to work," said a neighbor, who was not immediately identified. "I don't know what went on. He snapped for some reason."
University administrators said Tuesday that Brown, a probational employee, had a poor performance evaluation. Police did not say when he received the review.
According to police, Brown entered the building in dark clothing and was carrying two handguns when he shot two employees before he turned a gun on himself.
No students were injured and the university held classes as scheduled.
--- end ---
Ohio State janitor's gunfire kills co-worker, self
By MATT LEINGANG (AP) – 41 minutes ago (12:04 pm Pacific) source
COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio State University janitor who received a bad job evaluation shot two supervisors in a campus maintenance building, killing one of them, then fatally shot himself, officials said Tuesday.
Nathaniel Brown, 51, who was hired in October and was still on probation, arrived for work at the nation's largest university dressed in dark clothing, a hooded sweat shirt and a backpack, then opened fire in an office suite using two handguns, campus Police Chief Paul Denton said.
About a half-dozen other employees were in the building when the shooting began, he said. He described the shooting as work-related and said Brown recently received a poor performance evaluation, though he declined to say whether that was the motive.
No students were hurt, and classes went on as scheduled.
The shooting was first reported at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday. Police tactical units surrounded the building and found Brown with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a garage bay, Denton said. He was pronounced dead at a campus hospital several hours later.
Brown had been scheduled to work his normal third shift, Denton said.
One of the victims, building services manager Larry Wallington, 48, died at the scene. The other, operations shift leader Henry Butler, 60, was in stable condition at Ohio State University Medical Center, officials said.
Denton declined to say whether other employees were targeted. Police also didn't describe the contents of Brown's backpack.
The other employees in the building at the time have been offered grief counseling, Denton said.
"This is a tragic event, and our hearts go out to all of the families," said Vernon Baisden, assistant vice president for public safety.
Police released two 911 calls. In one, a caller tells the dispatcher that he pulled into the garage and heard gunshots. He identifies Brown as the shooter and says Brown was in the process of being fired.
Ohio State spokeswoman Shelly Hoffman declined to comment on Brown's employment status, saying the issue remained under investigation.
It wasn't immediately clear whether the university had conducted a background check on Brown, who was released from prison in 1984 after serving about five years on a charge of receiving stolen property.
Ohio State's policy on background checks depends on the type of job position, Baisden said.
Both shooting victims had worked for the university for about 10 years. Family members reached Tuesday declined to comment.
Graduate student Kiernan Gordon, 31, said he found out about the shootings from his wife, who called him on his cell phone while he was driving to campus. He said he didn't have any concerns about his own safety.
"Ohio State is really a city unto itself, and like any city it has problems unto itself," Gordon said.
More than 55,000 students attend the university's main campus in Columbus. The maintenance building is next to a power plant and across the street from Ohio Stadium, home to the university's football team.
(This version DELETES an incorrect reference to handguns being inside Brown's backpack.)
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Ohio State shooting - Nathaniel Brown is the new Amy Bishop
In an incident that's very much like that surrounding University of Alabama - Huntsville Professor Amy Bishop, Nathaniel Brown is the focus of Tuesday morning's Ohio State shooting. According to the Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal, two people who were co-workers were killed by Nate Brown.
Nathaniel Brown is reportedly a custodial worker who, according to Ohio State University Police Chief Paul Denton, was allegedly upset over a poor job performance evaluation. The 51-year old Brown died at Ohio State University Medical Center after self-inflicted gun shot wounds.
Brown killed Ohio State building-services manager Larry Wallington; operations manager Henry Butler is in stable condition as of this writing.
This is the second university related, job-related shooting in as many months. Amy Bishop opened fire in a meeting at the University of Alabama - Huntsville and killed co-workers Gopi K. Podila, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson. Reportedly, Amy Bishop was concerned she would lose her battle for tenure, which was the case.
Also in February, Joe Stack snapped and burned his own home down with his wife and daughter in it (they were rescued) and crashed a plane into the IRS Building in Austin, Texas. The reason was job-related stress in that Stack, while self employed, was not making ends meet to his comfort and railed against the Federal Tax system.
Stay tuned.
--- end ---
Ohio State gunman recently learned he was being fired
By Matt Leingang
Associated Press source
POSTED: 03:47 p.m. EST, Mar 09, 2010
COLUMBUS: Records show that an Ohio State University janitor who fatally shot a supervisor and injured another was told last week he was being fired.
Documents released by the university from Nathaniel Brown's personnel file show that supervisors complained he was tardy, slept on the job and had problems following instructions.
Brown had been hired in October and was still on probation. The university sent him a letter March 2 informing him that his employment was to end Saturday.
Police say the 51-year-old Brown entered a campus maintenance building early Tuesday and shot two supervisors in an office suite.
Brown was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a garage bay and died later at a hospital.
Documents released by the university from Nathaniel Brown's personnel file show that supervisors complained he was tardy, slept on the job and had problems following instructions.
Brown had been hired in October and was still on probation. The university sent him a letter March 2 informing him that his employment was to end Saturday.
Police say the 51-year-old Brown entered a campus maintenance building early Tuesday and shot two supervisors in an office suite.
Brown was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a garage bay and died later at a hospital.
Hilton Trial Delayed
Judge sets new trial for January 31, 2011.
Posted: 10:33 AM Jun 9, 2010
Reporter: Julie Montanaro
Email Address: julie.montanaro@wctv.tv
UPDATED 6.9.2010 6:30pm by Julie Montanaro
Accused killer Gary Michael Hilton will not go to trial next month as planned. Wednesday, a judge set a new trial date of January 31st, 2011 and not everyone's happy about it. Accused killer Gary Hilton appeared before a judge Wednesday morning, slated to go on trial next month for the murder of Crawfordville Sunday School teacher and FSU nurse Cheryl Dunlap. Within 30 minutes, that trial date was pushed back to January 2011. It wasn't welcome news to some of Dunlap's friends and neighbors.
"I think it's pretty sad because the family can't put anything to rest until it's over and done with," said Wakulla County resident Mary Cummins. "It's very, very sad what happened to her and what's coming to pass now."
"Miss Dunlap's family would like some closure in this case, would like to see some justice for Mr. Hilton in this case and the state would like to see that as well," prosecutor Georgia Cappleman said after the hearing.
Hilton was extradited from Georgia and escorted into the Leon County Jail two years ago this week. He's been awaiting trial ever since.
His public defender is one of just a few certified to do death penalty cases. She told the judge she's juggling other trials and still has more than 100 witnesses out of 400 on the state's list to interview before Hilton's trial.
"If the state listed them as category A (witnesses) , it's because they do have that information. So we want to know what they know," defense attorney Ines Suber said.
Suber says she isn't sure she will be ready by the new trial date, but the prosecutor says she hopes the judge holds her to it.
Hilton is slated to go on trial January 31st, 2011. That's three years and two months after Cheryl Dunlap disappeared.
Hilton isn't slated to be back in court again until October. The judge will get a progress report then.
A judge has set a new trial date for accused killer Gary Michael Hilton.
Hilton was originally slated to go on trial July 12 of this year but defense attorneys say they have nearly 100 witnesses to depose.
Also, defense attorney Ines Suber says she has several other death penalty cases scheduled later this year.
Over objections from the state, judge Terry Lewis set a new trial date of January 31,2011.
Hilton is accused of abducting and killing Crawfordville Sunday school teacher, and FSU nurse Cheryl Dunlap in December 2007.
Prosecutors say her family needs resolve in this case, while defense attorneys say this is a tedious process.
Prosecutor Georgia Cappleman: "Obviously Ms. Dunlap's family would like some closure in this case, to see some justice for Mr. Hilton in this case and the state would like to see that as well. So, we're hoping to be able to do that in an expeditious fashion."
Defense Attorney Ines Suber: "Obviously Mr. Hilton wants to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible. However, he understands that this is taking time, there's a lot of witnesses that the state has lumped together from all over.
There are about 400 potential witnesses in this case, some from as far away as Colorado. But the state says they obviously won't be calling all of them in to testify during the trial. But the cost to taxpayers could really add. There are dozens of witnesses who live out of state who would have to be interviewed ahead of trial and possibly flown in to testify.
Security was tight for Hilton's court appearance today. Typically there are two deputies in the courtroom. But for Hilton's appearance, there were four plain clothes deputies and three uniform deputies.
Yes, you can certainly keep people in jail that are on antipsychotics. Thorazine and Haldol are two old but useful antipsychotics. Lithium is classified as a mood stablizer to treat mania in bipolar disorder. Lithium is often used in conjunction with an antipsychotic or antidepressant (depending of the patient's diagnosis). Hilton displays what could be side effects from medications: weight gain, the 'thorazine shuffle', glazed eyes, muscle stiffness and tremor.
The story was taken down, as was the video, while I was responding to your post Too. I never thought of doing a full screen - sorry I missed that. I wonder how old that scar is and what it was there for. Has he ever been in a psych center? Cynthia Nassar said Hilton was "sick". Has it ever been reported in what regard she made that statement?
Say Retched, you "see" that he's on antipsychotics cuz of the shuffle? and the way his eyes look and the tremor? When somebody is on that kind of med, are they kept in a jail or in a facility? If it's not for seizures, do they sometimes give it in jail to calm down the prisoner?
I would like reporters to request the costs and what money is being spent on what for Hilton. How much has been spent to date. How many times in the hospital. What have been the costs for doctors. For lab tests. What tests. And has he been diagnosed with a fatal illness that they are dragging this out for, waiting for him to die first.
The Colorado connection. Don't forget the "Happy Face" murders. There was talk Hilton had a connection. I believe the "Happy Face" murders had a connection to....Colorado.
Another person mentioned this somewhere else and I wanted to mention it here too. Hilton didn't have on his standard long underwear sleeves and bulletproof vest on at this hearing. Just exactly where was this hearing held? I don't know of any courtrooms in the court house that has windos. Do any of them? And where are all the armed guards. all I see are men in suits. Is Hilton being held somewhere else presently? And he has no beard this time and very very short hair. Different from before. Also in some of the frames of this video, he seems to have a tremor. Are we paying out the yazoo for medications for this creep who has already ravaged and decapitated another victim, who he took the law to to find her body? Why are taxpayers having to pay for years for this? Weren't Green and Bradshaw up on DP? It didn't take years to get them to trial and then the trial only lasted a couple of days for Bradshaw and only a plea for Green. Why is Hilton special?
Accused killer Gary Michael Hilton will not go to trial next month as planned. Instead, the trial was postponed again AS PLANNED.
RE: Accused killer Gary Hilton? GMH is a confessed killer of Meredith Hope Emerson.. Possible victim's map of Gary Michael Hilton, prepared by sleddog: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms... When GMH, was asked by the Pickens Co, SC Sheriff how the other prisoners and guards treat him at Jackson Prison, GA, where he is serving life W/O Parole: Gary Hilton's view in his own words concerning the delay in Justice for his many, many victims including Cheryl Dunlap: "No one messes with me here. They treat me real good." "I've got my own T.V.'I READ'. I've got my meals cooked, served...the dishes are washed. My laundry is done....Hey, I love it!" "I'm gonna f------ raise hell, total hell. I'm not gonna be happy unless it takes three to four years to go to trial. Unless we have a 1,000 person jury pool, and unless we have at least two changes of venue. And that's just to begin with (laughs)." Wolfscratch: SK Gary Hilton, is playing the Justice System like a fiddle...
400 witnesses? From as far away as Colorado - which is the home state of Hilton's confessed Georgia victim, but what's that got to do with Dunlap's death? I think the state might be grasping at straws.
How come no photos from the hearing? It would be interesting to see what his appearance is like these days and if his health seems to be deteriorating or improving. Pictures sometimes speak louder than words.
Weird that Suber would say that Hilton wants this resolved too. Isn't that a very odd statement to make unless you were not guilty of the crime? And 400 witnesses? If he is guilty then with that many witnesses why didn't we know about him earlier on???
This is one of the problems with the death penalty, the process goes on forever at the taxpayer's expense. What's really bad is that if he is found guilty and gets the death penalty then he gets an automatic appeal and then they get to do it all over again. The lawyers are in no hurry, they're getting paid. If we are going to have a death penalty then we should use it, not let it drag on for years and years. I think I read that Florida spent something like $14 million to kill Ted Bundy. It's easier and cheaper to let them rot in a cell....
I'm with you kenny! This makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever! Why is this man allowed to just sit in jail and make the families suffer and not pay for his crimes???!!!???!!!
December 1, 2007 - 2 years 3 months ago - my friend from Bible school, Cheryl Dunlap, disappeared and her accused murderer, Gary Michael Hilton, has STILL not been tried for this tragic crime. WHY?
Scientology in the spotlight amid fresh allegations
By Quentin McDermott
ABC News
March 7, 2010 source
Tonight's program focuses on the stories of Australians and Americans who have left the church. Video: Former members of the Church of Scientology give a chilling portrait of life inside the organisation.
Four Corners Fresh evidence implicating the Church of Scientology in the mistreatment and exploitation of some of its most loyal adherents will be aired on Four Corners tonight.
The allegations come just days before an expected Senate vote on whether to launch a Parliamentary inquiry into the church.
Tonight's program, Scientology: The Ex-Files, focuses on the stories of Australians and Americans who have left the church and are now speaking out. Some are taking legal action against the church.
The men and women featured in the program belonged to Scientology's elite unit of full-time staffers, the Sea Organisation - or Sea Org.
The allegations in tonight's program include first hand accounts that some women have been coerced into having abortions because the Sea Org does not allow its members to have children while they work in the organisation; that children as young as 15 are interrogated about their sex lives, asked to work excessive hours, and punished severely if they fail to meet targets for recruiting members of the public; and that 'public' Scientologists - Scientologists who live and work in the broader community - are pressured over long periods of time into donating their life savings to the church.
The church itself denies the allegations, and is vigorously defending the legal actions which are underway in the United States.
As a religion, the Church of Scientology is tax-exempt in Australia and the United States. In other countries - for example, the United Kingdom - it does not have charitable status.
The UK Charity Commission has determined that the Church of Scientology was not established for the public benefit.
Over the past year, the Church has opened a number of new churches around the world, largely it is believed, funded by tax-free donations from ordinary parishioners.
Tonight's program features an exclusive interview with a former rugby league player, Joe Reaiche, who played for Eastern Suburbs and Canterbury Bankstown in the 1970's.
Mr Reaiche, who now lives in America, was declared a "suppressive person" and expelled from the church in 2005.
He has not seen his children - who work in Hollywood and who remain public Scientologists - since then, and says he believes that they were warned not to contact him after he was declared a "suppressive person".
Mr Reaiche told reporter Quentin McDermott: "You don't do that to a parent."
Church of Scientology spokesman, Tommy Davis, denies that the church has a policy of disconnection.
He says that members of the Church are free to maintain contact with relatives who have been expelled, but acknowledges that they would not then be welcome in the Church.
Mr Davis told Four Corners: "If somebody is expelled from the church, anybody who insists on continuing to be connected to somebody who's been expelled from the church would be told that as long as they maintain that connection they're not welcome in the church."
Tonight's program features interviews with three members of the Anderson family from Canberra.
Liz Anderson, who left the church last year, has not seen her eldest daughter Fiona since 2005, when Fiona was posted overseas by the Sea Org in Sydney to join the Sea Org at its base in Clearwater, Florida.
Mr and Mrs Anderson arranged for their youngest daughter Jordan to leave the church last year. Both Jordan and her older sister Fiona joined the Sea Organisation aged 14.
Jordan tells Four Corners that she was asked to work excessive hours for minimal pay - and once worked 72 hours straight without sleep.
The church's senior spokesman, Tommy Davis tells Four Corners that if that were the case, it would be "utterly and completely unacceptable".
Tonight's program also highlights the issue of alleged "coerced" abortions within the church.
Two former members of the church in America describe in detail how they were pressured to have abortions when they fell pregnant to their husbands within the Sea Organisation.
Both women say that they wanted to give birth to the children, but were told not to do so.
Mr Davis tells Four Corners: "Sea Org members do not have children. If someone is a member of the Sea Organisation and they wish to have a child, they would need to do so outside of the Sea Org," but he denies that the church has any policy of coercing women into having abortions.
However, one of the women reporter Quentin McDermott interviewed has composed a list of 40 other women who - she says - say that they too were "coerced" into having abortions in America.
Tonight's Four Corners presents evidence that women inside the Sea Org in Australia have also been put under pressure to have abortions when they fall pregnant.
This week Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is expected to move that an inquiry take place into "the abuses against Australians that have taken place within the organisation of Scientology".
Senator Xenophon told the Senate last November: "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs."
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd commented at the time: "Many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology. I share some of those concerns."
A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarelli's Investigation into CIA Scientist's Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination
Review by Melissa Roddy
March 4, 2010 source
"Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest." -- George Hunter White, U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics
For well over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violating the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the guilty and innocent alike to "cruel and unusual" treatment. H.P. Albarelli's A Terrible Mistake -- The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Cold War Experiments, a fascinating and important new work of unprecedented depth (10 years in the making and involving numerous first hand interviews), pulls back the curtain on the Agency's diabolical mind control experiments and extensive efforts to assemble and analyze every known substance that could kill a person relatively easily, quickly and surreptitiously.
A Terrible Mistake is the true story of how the CIA drugged one of its own scientists and, when "the little bird" flew through a closed window on the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel in Manhattan, proceeded to publicly insist, for decades to come, that Dr. Frank Olson was mentally unstable and had committed suicide. Albarelli takes us with him as he investigates the question: did Frank Olson jump, or was he pitched?
This compelling tale not only reveals the wherefore and how of Frank Olson's murder, but looks behind the scenes at CIA and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, deliciously acquainting us with some of the Agency's darkest characters, including: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, whose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abramson; various Corsican mafia kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre Lafitte. Lafitte was not only glamorously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean Lafitte, he was also a CIA assassin, who just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through a closed window and dropped to his death.
A Terrible Mistake reads like the most gripping of spy novels, as it lays out the roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. Since the 1940s, CIA had been hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a "truth drug," for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to root out the enemies within. These pursuits began with Project BLUEBIRD's creation of synthetic THC (the active ingredient in marijuana), evolving into Project MKULTRA, in which Agency scientists conducted human experiments with LSD and hypnosis (frequently on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals); and ultimately led the Agency into a close association with international heroin traffickers.
Dr. Frank Olson was a research scientist in the Chemical Branch of the CIA's Special Operations Division ("SOD") at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was involved in a wide variety of chemical warfare experiments. Some of these experiments took him to exotic destinations in the Caribbean, where the U.S. Army's Chemical Corps conducted tests resulting in the deaths of thousands of animals, not to mention the supposedly unintended consequences to the health of the residents of an island near the watery test site.
In the summer of 1951, Dr. Olson and other members of the SOD research team traveled to France, in particular, to the village of Pont St. Esprit, for an operation code named Project SPAN. On August 16th of that year, the entire town of Pont St. Esprit was stricken with a mysterious malady. One Parisian reporter described it as "scenes of horror and pathos, full of sinister shadows. The doctors are beside themselves with work; the rumors are wild and contradictory; fear hangs over the town everywhere. No one knows when it will end."
Insanity was everywhere. A local politician stripped off his clothes and danced merrily naked in the town square; an elderly man ran about ranting, "My belly is full of snails. They are burning me to death! I am in the water!" Later he said, "I am now sending out radio messages everywhere. Get me an x-ray, and you can see." A teenage girl tore off her dress and went about in her underwear, mimicking the sounds of farm animals. A five year old girl told her mother, "Tigers are going to eat us all. They're going to rip us to pieces!" Then pointing to the ceiling she cried out, "Blood is dripping down on everything. Can't you stop the bleeding?" Even pets were affected. One dog sat in the town square howling at the sun for nearly an hour, until someone hauled it away.
Theories abounded as to the cause. Some said a defrocked priest had inflicted a curse on the town. Some believed that Satan himself had been released from the depths of hell. However, certain mysterious occurrences shortly before the calamity had not gone unnoticed by the townspeople: a low-flying, unmarked plane which had sprayed the town with an unknown substance; soldiers whose uniforms bore a strange insignia, who had silently swept through the outskirts of town, releasing colored vapors from odd hand-held devices.
What was in those odd devices? It was a newly discovered drug then being produced by the Sandoz Company of Switzerland. The chemical name was lysergic acid diethylamide. Sandoz called it LSD. Pont St. Esprit was tripping out of its mind. Alas, hallucinations were not the only results of the test. Many residents suffered epileptic convulsions, and four people died.
At a CIA retreat known as Deep Creek Lake, Frank Olson and the other SOD scientists participated in a voluntary trial of the new drug. LSD had been added to a bottle of Cointreau just prior to the scientists' arrival. As the Chief of SOD, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb explained that it was impractical to use the drug for interrogation purposes without a personal understanding of its effects. However, the agenda at Deep Creek for Frank Olson was somewhat different than the other scientists. Shortly after everyone had been dosed, Frank was led to a separate building, where he was subjected to an intense interrogation for the next two days. Dr. Olson, it seems, had committed the ultimate crime for a man with his level of security clearance. He had talked about Pont St. Esprit to several people. One of them was a man with whom he occasionally carpooled to work, and that man had reported him to security officials at Fort Detrick.
When Frank arrived home after this particular retreat he was a changed man. Gone was Alice Olson's affable and capable husband, and in his place was a disheveled, extremely anxious man, convinced that "they" were out to kill him. It didn't take long for Frank Olson to suffer a complete mental breakdown. However, rather than allowing him to be treated by any of the staff psychiatrists at Fort Detrick, who were qualified to work at this high security location, arrangements were made for Frank to be treated by Dr. Harold Abramson in New York.
This was not Olson's first meeting with Dr. Abramson. Abramson had been conducting his own experiments with LSD supplied by Sandoz and Eli Lilly and Company. Olson had met with him at least once prior to the Deep Creek Lake retreat. Oddly, this meeting was also attended by George Hunter White of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Pierre Lafitte.
George Hunter White was a graduate of Camp X. Camp X, sometimes known as the "school of mayhem and murder," was the first paramilitary school in North America. Located in Canada, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, by odd coincidence, it was established exactly one the day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941. There, students were treated to a full curriculum in techniques of guerilla warfare, covert action and assassination. Classes were conducted in such things as close combat, small and concealed weapons, silent killing, and "infiltration." The camp's motto was "Kill or be killed." According to one former student, "It turned our values upside down, and we wondered about making a world fit for terrorists."
The United States has always officially regarded assassination as aberrant. Nevertheless, assassination as a practice of the U.S. government (via its clandestine services), was first proposed by General William ("Wild Bill") Donovan, when he was head of the OSS in 1949. At that time, he requested of a "friend," whose name has been redacted from the records, to provide him with a set of assassination guidelines. The friend's response included the following "efficacious" protocols:
"I think that gross divisions in presenting this subject might be (1) bodies left with no hope of the cause of death being determined by the most complete autopsy and chemical examination, (2) bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate accidental death, (3) bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate suicidal death, and (4) bodies left with residua that simulate those caused by natural causes.
"... If an individual could be placed into a relatively tightly sealed small room with a block of CO2 ice, it is highly probable that his death would result and that there would be no chances of the circumstances being detected. It is highly probable, though, that there would be a period of hyperactivity in the course of such a death.
"Another possibility would be the exposure of the entire individual to X-ray. When the whole body is exposed, a relatively small amount of radiation is sufficient to produce effects that would lead to death within a few weeks, and it is highly probable that sporadic deaths of this kind would be considered as due to blood dyscrasias."
In this letter, Wild Bill's "friend" goes on to discuss various methods of strangulation and their detectability, then, in a second letter brings his recommendations to a close with the following passage:
"... I agree with your assumption that falls from high places are simplest to carry out and most effective.... [The] treatment of coffee or a drink beforehand, thus allowing others to participate in the scenario as described, is encouraged. In the proper settings, simulated suicide is foolproof."
Prior to his "fall," Frank Olson had been drinking bourbon for several hours, in combination with a sleeping aid, Nembutal, both of which had been given to him earlier that day by Dr. Abramson, despite the fact that many physicians considered it dangerous to take Nembutal in combination with alcohol.
According to Albarelli's inside sources at CIA, two men to whom he refers simply as "Albert" and "Neal," George White was originally supposed to "guard" Frank Olson that night, and to drive him safely back to Maryland. Unfortunately, White's mother became gravely ill, and he had gone to San Francisco to be with her. Thus, White asked Pierre Lafitte to attend to Frank in his place.
Lafitte agreed and brought along his friend, Francois Spirito, a French Mafioso also known as Le Grand Lydro. Lafitte and Spirito had both grown up on the mean streets of the French port city of Marseilles. While Spirito began to run his own gang at the ripe age of 14, Lafitte had actually gone on to pursue a lucrative, semi-legitimate career as a contractor for the CIA. According to Albert and Neal, when Lafitte and Spirito attempted to remove the subdued Olson from his hotel room to take him home, Olson resisted, and in the ensuing struggle, was "pitched" through the closed window. Eyewitnesses, who saw Olson's flight from the street below, described him as having his arms stretched out in front of him (in an obvious effort to block the inevitable), before turning to plunge feet first to the pavement.
One CIA official interviewed by Albarelli insisted, "Don't you understand, for Christ's sake, we don't kill our own. CIA simply does not do that. We don't kill our own." As it turns out, Frank Olson was a civilian employee of the Army. He was never actually recruited by the CIA. The detail that made the difference.
Frank Olson and the townspeople of Pont St. Esprit were far from the only victims of Project MKULTRA. There were many, many more. One woman, an NSA computer specialist, whose only crime was being married to a man who worked with Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, lost more than a year of her life, after being secretly dosed with mind altering drugs and subsequently committed to a mental hospital where who knows what really went on.
Another casualty of MKULTRA was a young African American soldier, stationed in France in 1961 whose entire life was profoundly impacted. The soldier was in charge of filing, a task complicated by the fact that the officers who utilized the files under his care were very neglectful about returning them. When two file folders went missing one day, the soldier was imprisoned, tortured and heavily dosed with LSD and other chemicals. His tormenters kept him locked up for over six months, an experience from which he never quite recovered.
From the 1940s through the 1960s, and even into the 21st Century, the CIA has played God, knowingly imprisoning and torturing innocent people in the misguided belief that their struggle against the Nazis, the Communists, and in today's "War on Terror" justified their actions. In doing so, they have consistently demonstrated that they were/are no different than their enemy.
Is this another CIA 'Manchurian Candidate' MKULTRA mind controlled patsy we can add to the growing list of supposed 'lone nut shooters'??
Tragic on so many levels.
This undated booking photo provided by the Washoe County jail via the Reno Gazette Journal on Friday, March 5, 2010 shows John Patrick Bedell. Authorities said Bedell pulled a handgun at a Pentagon entrance in Washington on Thursday, March 4, 2010, shot two police officers and was mortally wounded in an exchange of gunfire. The two officers were hospitalized briefly with minor injuries. (AP Photo/Washoe County jail via the Reno Gazette Journal)
Parents of Pentagon shooter warned authorities
By TRACIE CONE and BROOKE DONALD, Associated Press
33 mins ago
March 5, 2010 source
HOLLISTER, Calif. – The man who opened fire in front of the Pentagon had a history of mental illness and had become so erratic that his parents reached out to local authorities weeks ago and warned them that their son was unstable and might have a gun, authorities said Friday.
It's still unclear why John Patrick Bedell opened fire Thursday at the Pentagon entrance and shot and wounded two police officers before he was fatally shot in an exchange of gunfire. The two officers were hospitalized briefly with minor injuries.
But a blog connected to Bedell via the social networking site LinkedIn outlines his growing distrust of the federal government and gives credence to the idea that a criminal enterprise run out of the government could have staged the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
San Benito County Sheriff Curtis Hill told The Associated Press that Bedell, 36, had been at in-patient mental health institutions at least four times. Court records showed he was diagnosed as bipolar, or manic depressive.
His parents reported him missing on Jan. 4, one day after a Texas Highway Patrol officer stopped him for speeding in Amarillo, according to the missing person's report. Bedell told the highway patrolman he was heading for the East Coast, and the officer used Bedell's phone to call his mother, Kaye Bedell, because he seemed disheveled and out of sorts.
Kaye Bedell told the highway patrol officer in Texas that her son was fine, and the patrolman let him go with a warning. But the next day, Kaye told deputies in California that her son didn't have any reason to travel to the East Coast because he had no friends or family there and she and her husband were worried about his mental state, Hill said.
Hill also said Bedell's parents found an e-mail from their son that indicated he had purchased a gun. They asked Hill to help them find Bedell and get him help.
The 36-year-old Bedell returned to his parent's home on January 18, telling them "not to ask any questions" about where he had been. But he left after that, and his parents didn't know where he had gone.
The family put out a statement Friday saying they were "devastated as a family by the news from yesterday."
"We may never know why he made this terrible decision," it said. "One thing is clear though — his actions were caused by an illness and not a defective character."
Investigators were still trying to determine a motive for the brazen shooting and began trying to unravel a bizarre series of Internet postings that suggested Bedell was fascinated with conspiracy theories, computer programming, libertarian economics and the science of warfare.
Curiously, Bedell also proposed in 2004 that the Pentagon fund his own research on smart weapons. The 28-page proposal outlined his idea for DNA nanotechnology research that might "provide significant new capabilities for the Department of Defense and the individual warfighter."
That document is the first tangible link to surface connecting Bedell and the Pentagon.
On the day of the attack, Bedell left his car — a green, 12-year-old Toyota — in a nearby mall parking garage.
The six-foot tall, blue-eyed software devotee approached the Pentagon entrance Thursday evening wearing a jacket, dress shirt and pants, seeming like any other end-of-the-day commuter.
Law enforcement officials speaking on condition of anonymity described what happened next as a chaotic, fast-paced confrontation in which so many bullets were flying from four different guns that even a day later investigators are still trying to determine exactly whose rounds went where.
Bedell, the officials say, opened fire with a 9 millimeter handgun just five feet from the nearest officer, Marvin Carraway. Fellow officer Jeffrey Amos ran out of a nearby guard booth to confront Bedell, as did a third, unidentified officer. All three officers gave chase and fire at Bedell, who was struck in the head and left arm.
Washoe County Sheriff Mike Haley said Bedell was arrested in Reno on Feb. 1 after a deputy stopped him in a green Toyota sedan on the south end of town and found 2 ounces of marijuana but no weapons.
Haley told reporters in Reno on Friday that Bedell believed "the currency of the United States should be marijuana."
The assault at the very threshold of the Pentagon — the U.S. capital's ground zero on Sept. 11, 2001 — came four months after a deadly attack on the Army's Fort Hood, Texas, post allegedly by a U.S. Army psychiatrist with radical Islamic leanings.
Hatred of the government motivated a man in Texas last month to fly a small plane into a building housing Internal Revenue Service offices, killing an IRS employee and himself.
The shooting resembled one in January in which a gunman walked up to the security entrance of a Las Vegas courthouse and opened fire with a shotgun, killing one officer and wounding another before being gunned down in return fire.
--- end ---
Pentagon Gunman Dies; Mystery of Assault Deepens
MARCH 5, 2010, 2:30 P.M. ET
Wall Street Journal source
WASHINGTON—The sole suspect in Thursday's Pentagon shooting died from the wounds he received in gunfire exchange with police, deepening the mystery surrounding the failed assault on the Defense Department's sprawling headquarters.
At a morning news conference, Pentagon Police Chief Richard Keevill said that the alleged gunman, John Patrick Bedell, had been carrying two 9-mm semiautomatic pistols and several magazines of ammunition. More ammunition was found in Mr. Bedell's car, Chief Keevill said.
Pentagon officials said that Mr. Bedell, 36 years old, appeared to have acted alone and that authorities were expanding their investigation into what may have prompted him to open fire on Pentagon police officers Thursday evening. Web postings linked to Mr. Bedell reflected antigovernment sentiment. There is no indication at this point that there is any domestic or international terrorist connection, Chief Keevill said.
Concerns about the safety of U.S. military installations have been running high since a shooting at Fort Hood in Texas last November killed 13 troops and an earlier incident outside a Little Rock, Ark., recruiting station killed one soldier and badly wounded another. Both of the earlier assaults appear to have been religiously motivated.
Law enforcement officials provided new details Friday about the shootings. In a joint statement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pentagon Force Protection Agency said that Mr. Bedell appeared to have driven from his home in Hollister, Calif., in the days before the assault. Mr. Bedell's 1998 green Toyota Avalon was recovered from a garage at the Pentagon City Mall hours after the shootings.
The two agencies said the incident began when Mr. Bedell, who had a full beard, emerged from the Pentagon subway station Thursday evening and made his way to a nearby guard post. When the officers asked for his identification, Mr. Bedell, who was wearing in a white button-down shirt and a blazer, pulled out a semiautomatic handgun and started shooting.
Pentagon police officers Jeffery Amos and Marvin Carraway shot back, hitting Mr. Bedell in the head and tricep. The alleged gunman was evacuated to George Washington University Hospital in downtown Washington, and was pronounced dead at approximately 10 p.m.Thursday.
Messrs. Amos and Carraway were treated at the hospital for minor injuries and released. A third Pentagon officer shot at Mr. Bedell, but authorities declined to release his name.
Chief Keevill said the guards ensured that the gunman couldn't enter the building, which was less than 20 yards away from where the shooting took place. The incident occurred near the subway station, which is used by thousands of military personnel and civilian Pentagon employees every day.
"The officers acted very quickly and decisively to neutralize the threat and no one else was injured," Mr. Keevill said Thursday night.
In the immediate aftermath of Thursday's shooting, Pentagon authorities sealed all of the entrances and exits to the mammoth building, preventing many military and civilian officials from returning home. The closures were lifted after a short period of time. The building was open for normal business on Friday, but Chief Keevill said the Pentagon's subway entrance would remain closed while investigators continue to comb what he described as an extensive crime scene.
In postings on Wikipedia and other Web sites, Mr. Bedell came across as an educated and technologically proficient man with strong libertarian leanings, an anger toward the U.S. government, and a belief that far-reaching conspiracies were behind events as big as the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and as small as the disputed 1991 death of a Marine colonel.
Mr. Bedell spent years studying engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Pat Harris, a spokeswoman for San Jose State University in California, said Mr. Bedell took undergraduate courses in chemical engineering in 1995-1996 and then spent 2008-2009 doing graduate work in electrical engineering. She said he was no longer enrolled at the university and hadn't received any degrees from San Jose State.
Mr. Bedell's user page on Wikipedia, which he wrote under the name "JPatrickBedell," said that he was "determined to see that justice is served in the death of Colonel James Sabow, as a step towards establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions."
Col. Sabow had been found dead outside his California home in 1991 in what authorities said was a suicide, but his family and friends have long argued that he was killed to cover up government-sanctioned drug smuggling and secret military operations in Central America.
Mr. Bedell gave a detailed explanation of his world view in a Nov. 25, 2006, podcast called "Directions to Freedom, Part Two." He said the "seizure of the United States government by an international criminal conspiracy" was a "long-established reality." Those shadowy forces used the powers of the federal government to safeguard the shipments of their own drugs into the U.S. while crushing their would-be rivals, issued trillions of dollars of new debt to expand their wealth, and launched "political and military" disasters like Vietnam and Iraq to divert attention from their true activities, he said.
Mr. Bedell criticized the military and the nation's intelligence services, which he said had become tools of an oppressive, illegitimate regime. "This criminal organization would use its powers to convert military, intelligence, and law enforcement bureaucracies into instruments for political control and the domination and subjection of society, while discrediting, destroying, and murdering honest individuals within those services that work to root out corruption and faithfully serve their fellow citizens," Mr. Bedell said. "This organization, like so many murderous governments throughout history, would see the sacrifice of thousands of its citizens, in an event such as the September 11 attacks, as a small cost in order to perpetuate its barbaric control."
In his writings, Mr. Bedell also railed against U.S. drug laws, particularly the prohibition on marijuana cultivation.
"My desire for justice led me to violate what I think is one of the most unjust laws, cannabis prohibition, by growing 16 cannabis plants on my balcony," he wrote on the Wikipedia page.
Mr. Bedell's page on Cannabis Wiki, a user-generated Web site, includes digital copies of the court records from his June 2006 arrest in Orange County, Calif. According to the records, Mr. Bedell was charged with illegally cultivating and harvesting 16 four-foot-high marijuana plants, as well resisting a police officer. An official at the court confirmed that the records were authentic.
Mr. Bedell's ambitions went beyond seeing marijuana legalized. On his Wikipedia user page, he wrote of his hopes of seeing "billions and billions of carefully cultivated, highly valuable cannibis plants growing through the United States with complete security of property." He envisioned the plants being used as a part of a new monetary system tied to the value of a gram of cannabis.
—Louise Radnofsky contributed to this article. Write to Yochi J. Dreazen at yochi.dreazen@wsj.com
Another random shooting has taken place in the USA . John Patrick Bedell opened fire on two police officers at a subway close to the Pentagon . It appears he approached a security check point and opened fire when he was asked for his identity papers . The two policemen were unharmed but Bedell was shot and was pronounced dead at the hospital . In some ways these shootings make me pleased I live in a country, Britain where guns are scarce but I understand each country has its own customs and traditions which are important to the character of the country . At least the USA doesn’t breed the Neanderthal chavs we have in Britain . God help the world if they ever got hold of guns !
"He had no real emotion on his face" - Richard Keevil – Chief of Pentagon Police
This is the latest in a long line of apparently random shootings . John Patrick Bedell has been accused of being a conspiracy theorist and his Wikipedia entry seems to show he believed 9/11 was a government conspiracy, but there are plenty of people who believe this and they haven’t turned into gun wielding assassins . Here is a link to his Wikipedia page JPatrick Bedell . He actually seems to be more concerned about the legalisation of cannabis, which may have contributed to his actions more than his beliefs in 9/11 . But when I have read about each of the recent shootings, a common factor jumps out at me – all the murderers have been educated at American universities . Below is a list of recent killers and the universities they attended :
John Patrick Bedell – University of California, Santa Cruz
Major Nidal Hasan – Virginia Tech Institute
Amy Bishop – Harvard University
Seung Hui Cho – Virginia Tech Institute ( again )
Amanda Knox ( murderer of Meredith Kercher ) – University of Washington
I believe the shootings and murders are somehow linked to their education at the universities . Obviously only a very few students, compared to the vast numbers which attend American universities go on to be involved in such dramatic events but the connection stands out . Maybe, the American emphasis on material gains and the competitive effort involved in keeping up with their peers triggers a major psychosis within the killers and causes them to go off the rails . Possibly, the American fondness for positivity doesn’t allow for the release of these internal rages which can’t be contained anymore and it spills out into a furious outpouring of anger . Sometimes, I think the British and Irish penchant for punch ups is quite healthy – better a broken jaw than the morgue .
However, there is another possibility which cannot be ignored – Mind control . Ever since the murder of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan there have been suspicions that Mind control is involved in some murders . Sirhan Sirhan had no real memory of the events running up to the assassination of Robert Kennedy or the actual shooting and it is common for the perpetrators to be in a fugue state with no control over their actions and their conscious mind overruled and on auto pilot . They very rarely have a clear memory of their actions and when asked why, they don’t know . It looks like John Bedell was in this fugue state as the Chief of the Pentagon police stated he showed no emotion .
Since I have researched Operation Northwoods and MK Ultra, I have come to realise there are no limits the American military and CIA are not prepared to explore . In Operation Northwoods it was proposed murders would be carried out on American streets by the military and blamed on Cuba so an invasion could take place . Luckily it was kicked into touch, but the recent spate of random mass shootings have the feel of a destabilisation campaign to create a climate of fear . Mk Ultra explored the possibility of hypnotising a subject to commit a murder . Unfortunately, we never found out how far this went as virtually all the documents were shredded by the Head of the CIA but I would be very surprised if CIA involvement in Mind control experiments were stopped .
These type of events are rare outside the USA and Americans seem to me no different to the rest of the world, so why do they happen ? I cannot say for sure it is Mind control but there are suspicious indicators which point to it . The CIA is heavily involved in American universities and if they have mastered hypnosis, then random murders on the streets of the USA by Mind controlled patsies would be a very effective method to create a climate of fear . It could be hypnosis is more effective with university educated individuals whose minds may be easily suggestible . Throw in drugs as well and ‘ bob’s you uncle ‘ .
These random shootings are not going to stop and the fear they create will continue – it is fear that is the aim, so the public asks for more protection from their government . Unfortunately, it may not be the lone gunman like John Bedell which is the real culprit but the government who profess to be the protectors of the American people .
My hope is to use the creativity of markets and advanced technology to transcend the destructive regimes that have fastened themselves upon the world. I have dreamed for an number of years of creating v:production econosystems, which I hope to apply to the creation of v:security service econosystems using new and economic mechanisms and information technology.
I have a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and studied biochemistry at San Jose State University. I've studied electrical engineering with the goal of creating microsystems for molecular analysis.[1][2][3][4] You can see a proposal to use aluminum anodization as an adsorption method for DNA molecules on CMOS chips at v:DNA_integrated_circuit/proposal_import_2007 (which originates from an unsuccessful DARPA proposal to create a "microMIRV" interoperable with standard firearms ammunition), and a proposal to use xenon difluoride to create a picoliter-scale computer-controlled device for sorting biomolecules (available at v:Capillary_electrode_array/proposal_import_2007), including DNA and protein molecules. My goals include the discovery of a protein sequence for the diamondase enzyme, enabling the creation of macroscale diamond structures, and the creation of self-assembled macrosystems with CMOS DNA-integrated circuits. The scale of these and other projects have led me to develop financial instruments representing information as a tool to manage large projects that are very knowledge-intensive.
I am determined to see that justice is served in the death of Colonel James Sabow, as a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions and institutions such as the coup regime of 1963 that maintains itself in power through the global drug trade, financial corruption, and murder, among other crimes. My work to develop information currency is an effort to create a framework for information management that uses financial markets to create the economic signals (prices) that will effect complex human actions in the real world based on specified information. My desire for justice led me to violate what I think is one of the most unjust laws, cannabis prohibition, by growing 16 cannabis plants on my balcony in Irvine, CA from March 2006 to June 2006. I've posted the Orange County, CA District Attorney's complaint for this offense at http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/JPatrickBedell_2006-06-06_cannabis_felony_complaint .
One desired result of my effort is (will be) billions and billions of carefully cultivated, highly valuable cannabis plants growing throughout the United States with complete security of property. I have posted the image to the right in order to illustrate the use of cannabis as a monetary system using digital financial instruments. There are two information currency units in each of the PDF417 codes pictured. One of the information currency units is drawn from a series with "one gram cannabis" with the underlying asset, and the second ICU in each code has as its underlying asset the URL http://www.mises.org/humanaction/pdf/humanaction.pdf and the SHA-1 digest value of the file at that location (fd8205cb8b4793d43b57ba6f6c7367aa700c307a). This is a way of associating the work of Ludwig von Mises with financial value, which may be a tool to implement his ideas in reality. I hope someday to see full-reserve banking and observance of Article One, Section 10 of the US Constitution.
I apologize for the graphic content of some of my contributions, but detailed evidence is sometimes necessary to address important matters. I am very disturbed by the fact that Col. Sabow's civilian superiors and their successors have been able to continue their narco-mercantilism. For historical comparison, I might resemble the odd German still complaining about the murders of the Night of the Long Knives in 1938(?). Of course, Wikipedia didn't exist in 1938!
I am looking for collaborators for ongoing commercial and intellectual efforts. Email to jpbedell at mises.com is welcome!