The Tate Murders were Faked

The Tate Murders were a False Flag and the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS
by Miles Mathis

"Part 1: the Backstory

"Of all the “conspiracy theories” I have run across over the years, amazingly this is not one of them. I searchedthe internet for anything on this theory and got nothing, even at Above Top Secret and sites like that. But nowthat we know many recent tragedies have been faked in Hollywood fashion, why not go back to previousdecades, to see how long this has been going on?

"Before I start, let me say two things. One, we will have to study the crime scene photographs of Sharon Tate, butI will make it as easy on you as possible. They aren't what you think anyway. I was apprehensive when Iclicked on them for the first time, but I was very surprised. They aren't at all what we have been led to believe.Even so, I will lead you in slowly, making a strong case that they are fake before you even take a look [If youwant to skip ahead, go to p. 46]. By the time we get there, you will already be pretty sure they aren't what theyare supposed to be, and you won't be afraid to look at them. Two, I will also prepare your mind and eyes bymaking it clear why the murders needed to be faked. It will be much easier for a reader to understand how theywere faked once he or she understands why they were faked."

Continued here:

Elvis Aron PresleyIntelligence Project

Proof that John LennonFaked his Death

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miles Mathis is a hoot, no?

Another site your inquiring mind might enjoy?


I also like the archive at Henry Makow:

Cheers, and good reading......,

Thomas S. Bean