From former congressman (and physician) Ron Paul: The Coronavirus Hoax
Certainly there are those who are dying from the virus.
No one is denying that. But the virus is showing itself to be within the range of a normal, ordinary flu virus, very similar to the kind that comes around during any normal yearly flu season. So far, this season, about 50,000 Americans have died of garden-variety flu. In contrast, only about 5000 have succumbed to the Corona virus.
And at this point, any number of 'counter-cultural' experts are wondering just how much the numbers are being fudged. See the article linked just below about a Stanford epidemiologist. There is evidence many deaths are being falsely attributed to the Corona virus.
There is also the fact the mortality rate is being fudged by not accurately reporting the overall number of those who are infected...thus giving the false impression there is a higher mortality rate. If 5000 have succumbed...then, out of how many?
5000 deaths out 5 million a rate of one tenth of one percent.
5000 deaths out 250,000 (which is what the authorities are claiming) would be an ultra sky high death rate of two percent.
They are currently claiming two out of every one hundred infected individuals...die. That is a lie.
And NAIAD director, Anthony Fauci has already admitted publicly the Corona death rate is, indeed, one tenth of one percent, which is within the normal range of the death rate during any flu season.
He was at first claiming Corona was "ten times more infectious". He has now recanted as of March 28 (three days ago at the time of this writing) in a New England Journal of Medicine article, in which he is now claiming Corona is no more serious than an above average flu season:
"[The evidence] suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)..."
A mortality rate of one tenth of one percent? That's going to be almost exclusively older folks with preexisting maladies, and others who are in a weakened condition. As previously mentioned...there are ample indications of massive numbers fudging.
Go the link below and see how this expert is describing the Corona virus scenario as an "evidence fiasco" involving "meaningless" statistics:
Stanford epidemiologist warns that coronavirus crackdown is based on bad data
Another article:
Skewed definition of ‘COVID-19 death’ is inflating death rate, leading to draconian lockdowns
From former Congressman (and physician) Ron Paul:
The Coronavirus Hoax
Think about it -- when was the last time you fretted anxiously in fear for your life during the time of the flu season? The amount of panic and fear being stoked by the politicians and the beyond irresponsible and rises to a level of injustice and evil against the American people and the world. And Fauci has now circled back around and is once again beating the drums of panic and alarm. Very strange.
As a student of the Bible, I would propose this manufactured "crisis" is being used in an attempt to establish a world order...something which should be of supreme interest to any serious Bible student.
I would ask the reader to consider the possibility COVID-19 is a weaponized virus from a lab, either deliberately or accidentally released...the danger of which is being hugely overstated and exaggerated. Please allow me to present some of the evidence here.
First of all, any number of 'counter-cultural' experts have stepped forward, offering effective solutions to the Corona virus...even with what little danger it actually constitutes. Actually, these are remedies that are always available...but conventional medicine invariably pushes these remedies to the back of the bus, in favor of vaccinations. As someone has said "the CDC is a one trick pony" -- vaccinations, morning, noon and night. The CDC plays a one string guitar.
The three major solutions which are close to 100% effective are the following:
1. Vitamin D and/or sunlight (along with Zinc lozenges).
2. Intravenous Vitamin C (or liposomal Vitamin C or even just Vitamin C tablets)
3. The medicine commonly used to treat malaria -- Hydroxychloroquine.
1. Vitamin D and/or sunlight:
The sun-splashed nation of Mexico has so far only seen about 25 die from the Corona virus. And it has over a third the population of the United States.
Not only that, Mexico has gone about their usual. There has been ZERO shutdown. ALL businesses are open. Everyone is working. ALL concerts and festivals and public gatherings are going on as scheduled.
How is that possible? To hear Fauci and the various political leaders and the main stream media describe it...tens of thousands should be dropping over dead in Mexico.
The Corona virus numbers among the world's equatorial countries...are rock bottom. Virtually non-existent. And certainly way, way, way below even the lowest 'seasonal flu' numbers.
And as I said, even in the US, the Corona numbers are smaller than our own normal seasonal flu orders of magnitude.
The scientific proof demonstrates Vitamin D (sunshine in a gel cap) to be spectacularly effective against viruses. Why isn't this common knowledge? Answer: There is too much money to be made by the drug industry with exotic (and ineffective and dangerous) vaccinations.
But there is a much more sinister agenda behind all of this, and which only serious Bible students have a reasonable chance of understanding very well. I will get to this matter shortly.
2. Intravenous Vitamin C
The Chinese government is undertaking extensive testing with intravenous Vitamin C...which is showing extremely good results. Dr. Enqian Mao, the chief of emergency medicine at Ruijin Hospital, a major hospital in Shanghai, has been doing the main testing. He treated a group of fifty people with moderate to severe cases of the virus. None have succumbed. All have improved. LINK
Dr. Mao referred to one particularly severe case with the patient virtually on his deathbed. He administered a double dosage -- 50,000 mg IVC (intravenous Vitamin C), and he and his staff watched as the condition of the patient dramatically improved before their eyes, and who is now well on his way to recovery.
Again, most people need to consider these aggressive measures anymore than they would for the average flu virus? Sure, take some Vitamin C orally (or purchase some of the liposomal Vitamin C with its higher bio-availability)...take some Zinc lozenges...get some Vitamin D and some sunshine.
But all of this worldwide panic, the shutdown of normal life, the resulting dangers of homelessness caused by an inability to pay the rent or mortgage, and even the possibility of hunger and food shortages...this is a completely artificial and concocted evil being imposed by the "powers that be"...who have a very dark agenda hiding behind all of this (which I attempt to describe shortly).
By the way, you can read more about Zinc here:
Your Chance of Dying From Corona Virus is 0.0000001137%
And for regular updates on the progress of the Chinese IVC treatments, go to Dr. Richard Cheng's YouTube page.
3. The medicine commonly used to treat malaria -- Hydroxychloroquine
If you would like to read up on the malaria medicine, go to the link below which describes the results of a family practitioner in New York:
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 Corona virus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine
There has been an emerging "cabal" (for lack of a better term), particularly over the last few decades, which has been pushing for a global regime. Bible students of all people should have a specific awareness regarding such things...since the Bible plainly indicates there will emerge this globe-spanning totalitarian regime during the very last days.
The problem is...conservative Bible believers have become quite complacent and dare I say lazy...regarding a study of the Bible on such matters. I won't mince words (there is no time for such niceties): The so-called "PreTribulation Rapture" doctrines have played a central role in causing so many conservative Christians to fall asleep at the wheel...
...because of a false hope they will be whisked away from earth "before all the bad stuff happens"...when that is, in fact, precisely the opposite of what Jesus described to Peter, James, John and Andrew in His all-important Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, 25 / Luke 21 / Mark 13).
Add to that, "Rick Warren"-style Dominionism...whereby Pastor Warren himself has come out virtually denouncing the study of prophetic events in the Bible.
It's kind of a 'one-two' combination of blows which has left the conservative Bible believing world reeling. Virtually knocked out cold!
One of the things we as Bible believers have going for us is that, very fortunately, the vast majority of pastors and teachers these days...have become very doubtful and dismissive of the unfathomable (as many of us would argue) PreTrib teachings.
Strangely though (and tragically, I would add), this has not resulted in very much of a heightened interest in a study of the Bible regarding end times. In fact, it is almost as though it is 'politically incorrect' in terms of mainstream dive into a sermon series on Bible prophecy...out of fear it will cause controversy or confusion.
Add to that there has been a cumulative effect and cultural influence of prominent Dominionists (such as Rick Warren, Tony Campolo, Michael W. Smith, Phillip Yancey, Amy Grant, Brennan Manning, TobyMac, and the entire Contemplative Mysticism and Emergent Church crowd)...whose overall message seems to be:
"Look guys, let's all just take a chill pill. Loosen your death grip on all your precious Bible doctrines. Put away your 'prophecy notes'. Put your arm around a Muslim brother, a Catholic brother, a Gay Christian brother...and lets get busy trying to find common ground. Let's all just join hands and sing 'Kum Ba Yah'".
It's a kind of 'neo-ecumenism'...and which seems to include the idea there is absolutely no room for the "silliness" of looking out for an Antichrist cabal which is attempting to implement a worldwide totalitarian regime (even though the Bible plainly predicts such). Bible Prophecy 101 is virtually an offense to people like Mr. Warren. And a monumental waste of time. And is viewed as quite "hostile" to the global ecumenism these Evangelical luminaries are promoting.
Increasingly, the average Bible Christian is reaching a fork in the road. The top and most popular Evangelical leaders, pastors, authors and musicians are going one way. We need to go the other.
But what is the critical issue here for Bible Christians...regarding the Corona virus scenario?
Answer: Long story short - there is considerable evidence the 'powers that be' would wish to force a vaccination upon the entire world...but with said vaccination having a "digital ID" secretly or not so secretly included.
But that statement raises several questions, as follows:
1. Is it a realistic concern that world governments would actually force a vaccination upon virtually all of humanity?
2. What is the proof and what are the documented indications they are attempting to require a "digital ID" to be included in the vaccination?
3. What would be the concern over this "digital ID"? And what harm might be caused to some, from being "inoculated" with a virus?
4. Is it at all possible, with this digital ID, there is any similarity to the long-prophesied "mark of the beast"? How close of a fit would it be to biblical scenarios...if it's a fit at all?
1. Is it a realistic concern that world governments would actually force a vaccination upon virtually all of humanity?
First of all, the evidence is there...that the virus has been hugely, vastly exaggerated in order to induce panic.
Secondly, why would the 'powers that be' have done this? Well, if you are viewing world events through a biblical matrix, there are precious few reasons regarding which we could theorize...other than those which involve Antichrist scenarios.
The "spirit of this world" (i.e. the Devil) wishes to bring about a human-driven totalitarian world order. At a minimum, what a worldwide compulsory vaccination program would accomplish is...bringing into existence a globe-spanning governing authority which would have the power to "force" a vaccination upon the populace.
Which is to say...a world government.
Some might argue "well, wouldn't the authority structure dissolve once the virus crisis had subsided?". Certainly not. Not if they can help it. If we are to understand the Corona virus "crisis" has been deliberately manufactured...has been artificially brought about in the first place...and deliberately unleashed on the public...
...then rest assured, these people are 'serious as a heart attack'.
Whether the virus has originated from bio warfare labs run by sick sociopaths who are 'under orders from headquarters' or has merely been an 'accident', overall the Corona virus panic is clearly a hoax which has been perpetrated...for a purpose.
Bible students should have a very strong idea what that purpose most likely is -- for the bringing into existence of an Antichrist totalitarianism.
And if there are those in the conservative Christian world who would resist theorizing in that way at this late stage...there's not much that can be done about that.
2. What is the actual evidence of an emerging global vaccination program? Well first of all, let me convey some hopeful news (at least for the near future): I'm not sure the globalists are going to pull off the stunt they're hoping to...just yet.
Well, firstly, I think there may be just a bit too much awareness regarding the dangers of vaccinations, particularly among American citizens. Secondly, there may be too much resistance to the idea of compulsory vaccinations, at least from the American people (or a sizable contingent thereof). And thirdly, 'alternative' treatments (aforementioned) for the Corona virus may be emerging too quickly for the vaccination promoters to get the jump.
Beyond that, it seems to me prophetic events have not yet quite lined up -- China and Russia are independent of any international order. Europe and the USA also are not really on the same page.
Additionally, if you are inclined to take a peek at the pages of scripture which describe the events leading up to the emergence of an Antichrist global 'world order'...there are quite a number of things that seem not to have happened just yet:
A re-establishing of a temple in Jerusalem, a re-institution of Jewish religious practices (such as animal sacrifice, etc.)...and if you browse through the details of the first five "seals" which precede the return of the King to rescue His people (all described in Revelation 6)...a number of those events also have yet to happen apparently:
Huge warring, nations rising up against nations. The third seal (Revelation 6:5-6) which seems to describe globe-spanning food shortages, which we are not yet experiencing. Although...possibly we are about to see shortages due to economies being shut down by decree. The fourth seal (Rev. 6) describes events and phenomena that also seem to have not yet commenced.
We have not yet seen Jerusalem being "surrounded by armies" (Luke 21:20).
That's not to mention, we have yet to see the actual "Antichrist" having arrived on the world stage! The Bible seems to indicate there will be no "mark of the beast"...until the "beast" is actually on the scene (Revelation 13:16-18).
Nevertheless, it might be wrong to think this Corona virus scenario might evaporate, with everything returning to normal for some period of time. These people are like a dog with a bone. They will not go quietly off to the sidelines with dashed visions of world domination. Maybe the globalists, in the end, will bulldoze their agenda through with sheer brute force.
Already, I am hearing proposals to force all Americans to wear face masks at some point in the future...a kind of mental, psychological incremental increasing of subjection to authoritarian order.
But in the final analysis, the Lord God is in control and in charge. He may have different timing than what they would prefer! Over the years, we globalist-watchers have noticed repeated postponements.
But back to this question -- what is the evidence indicating pre-planning for a vaccination program?
If we're proceeding to test the theory that the Corona crisis is a deliberate hoax for the purpose of imposing a worldwide vaccination program...what puzzle pieces might there be that fit onto such a theoretical model?
Firstly, notice for example that major players among national and global health organizations in close conjunction with multinational corporations in the related fields...were ramping up in preparation for a worldwide Corona pandemic way back in October of 2019.
The timing is extraordinary. How could they have known in advance as to the timing of a pandemic...and as to the exact identity of the virus?
My, how convenient. What a wonderful, wondrous "coincidence".
So anyway, yes...a Corona virus "simulation exercise" was held in Baltimore in October of 2019, involving Johns Hopkins, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. By the way, Bill Gates has never met a vaccination he didn't love.
The name given to this supposedly theoretical Corona virus at that time, was 2019-nCoV...which by "sheer coincidence" of course, was the exact same name given, 4 months later, to the actual virus that was (we might theorize) unleashed on the public.
The simulation exercise proposed an otherwise utterly unrealistic, apocalyptic scenario in which the population of the entire planet would be affected. During this same conference, there was put forward a proposal for the actual development of a vaccine.
In fact, that was the whole objective of the "exercise" -- how to expedite the production of a vaccine should a pandemic emerge.
Next thing you know: "A coronavirus vaccine program was announced at Davos [Switzerland] at the World Economic Forum (21-24 January) barely 2 weeks after the cornonavirus was identified by the Chinese authorities on January 7." LINK
At the same above link you can read about the lead group responsible for the development of this vaccine -- the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). They, in turn, are sponsored and financed by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...major globalist operations.
Normally, there is at least an 18 month period for the testing of any vaccine. These people (Bill Gates, for example) are talking about vaccines coming out in a matter of a couple of months.
Every responsible Bible Christian needs to make an effort to read through this article:
The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”
The author, Peter Koenig (see his credentials) is an economist, a geopolitical analyst and a former member of the World Bank staff, and also a contributor to the watchdog website Global Research.
Whatever it is you want to theorize or not theorize regarding the emergence of COVID-19...or as to whether the statistics are being manipulated and under- or over-reported...and even if there has been a purely accidental introduction of a dangerous pandemic upon the world's population...
...nevertheless, the so-called "Agenda ID2020" is an attempt by globalists to capitalize on this crisis. It is being pushed and promoted by the same group of suspects who are involved in the Corona virus scenario. Clearly, there would need to be hand-in-glove cooperation in order to coordinate the Corona vaccine with a "chipping" operation.
The concept of digital tracking is, understandably, being introduced with subtlety. See below:
Bill Gates Calls For National Tracking System For Corona Virus
The indications are that there is this one group, this one "cabal" which is playing an integral role in the implementation of a worldwide totalitarian state. Their desire is to include the insertion of a microchip with the proposed vaccine.
A lot of folks are actually quite familiar with this scenario and have read up on the topic. You may be aware of all the "wonders" that are being touted with regard to these microchips (also referred to as RFID chips - "Radio Frequency ID"):
Unlocking your doors with a wave of the hand, having an ever present 'locator beacon' in your body, turning appliances on and off, turning your car on and off, all your medical records instantly available, all of your financial transactions.
However there have been many concerned citizen-watchdogs who have been crying foul for many years. What happens, for example, if the 'powers that be' don't like you? They can simply shut down your bank account!
It is both interesting and horrifying to witness the subtly dishonest double-talking from Reuters on the subject of elites like Bill Gates proposing digital IDs -- LINK. While you're reading through this article, keep in mind Bill Gates is one of the leading forces behind matter how fuzzy his wording and Reuter's wording is.
If you go to the page, it is absolutely documented that Bill Gates and Microsoft are the major force behind this drive for worldwide chipping. Reuters is lying.
For example some years back, prominent Hollywood director/producer/VIP Aaron Russo was courted by powerful people in their attempt to woo him into membership in one of the most elite globalist organizations, the Council On Foreign organization that Pastor Rick Warren, by the way, happily joined some years back.
But Russo decided not to sign up. He didn't like the tone or the attitude of the people. He observed a kind of contempt for average humans. These were the self-appointed elites who were introducing themselves to him. The "ruling class" who view themselves a cut above.
Anyway, they began revealing some of their agenda and told Russo of their intention to "chip the world". I'll let Aaron Russo put it in his own words: Google Video (8 minutes)
An excerpt:
"...the whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an "RFID" chip implanted in them...all money is to be in those chips...and this was given to me straight from [Nick] any time you have money in your chip, they can take out whatever they want...and if you "protest" they can just turn off your chip, and you then have can't buy can't do anything. It's total control of the people. You become a slave. You become a serf. That's their goal...their intention...".
An interesting comparison -- Revelation 13:16-17:
"And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
And so...the final question: Should there be any concern about this digital ID...and is there any similarity between it and the dreaded "mark of the beast"?
1. Regarding the Bible text in question (Revelation 13:16-17) in at least one translation (the KJV) it is said this "mark" is placed "in" the hand and "in" the forehead...which creates an interesting comparison to the ID2020 scenario involving the physical insertion of a chip.
2. The Greek word for "mark" the word χάραγμα -- charagma. I took three years of Greek in Bible college but at this point only barely know enough to help me look up the terminology in my old textbooks. Those sources tell me this word literally includes the idea of an 'incision' in the skin or breaching of the skin surface.
Strong's Concordance defines it as a "scratching", "etching" or "engraving". Therefore, it seems accurate to say the mark of the Beast can and does involve an apparent cutting or incision of the skin.
3. Additionally interesting is the fact that "charax" which is the noun version of the translated "pale" or "stake". Currently, these RFID chips do indeed resemble miniature pales or stakes, to be quite accurate.

Photo of an RFID chip
Sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to get the precise and full meaning of Greek terms translated fully and accurately into the English language. But, awkward though it might be, if we were to take those two nouns (pale and stake) and reconvert them into verbs...the closest we might come is "to stake" (i.e. to pierce or penetrate with a stake) or "to impale".
Therefore, it could be argued the Bible is referring to...a penetration or insertion into the hand or means of something resembling a "stake" or a "pale". In point of fact, RFID chips do resemble a miniature pale or stake.
4. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (vol 9, page 416) says that the word "charagma" was in fact used to "denote the bite of a snake". It seems significant to note the hollow fang of a snake which facilitates the delivery of the identical to the hollow structure of a needle designed for the delivery of the RFID chip into the body.
5. The mistake many of us might have been making in regard to "the mark of the beast" that, given a careful analysis of the Greek terminology, the "mark" is very likely NOT primarily about a visible marking.
The primary meaning of the Greek term conveys the idea of an "incision" or "cutting" incision/cutting that may or may not be very visible...depending on how small the incision is. The incision for an RFID chip would probably heal back to near invisibility similar to a vaccination scar.
In the final analysis, it seems to me the "RFID chip"scenario is a very close match to the Bible's descriptions. In fact, it may be fair to say a 'dead on' match.
By the way, Revelation 14:9 and Revelation 20:4 also refer to the "mark" being placed "in" the hand and forehead:
Revelation 14:9 -- "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his and or in his forehead...he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the very presence of the holy angels".
Revelation 20:4 -- "...and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, for then word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands...".
...if it can be very, very carefully ascertained and confirmed from reliable sources that there is no chip involved in any "compulsory" vaccination resulting from this current Corona virus "crisis"...
...maybe we will thus have 'dodged a bullet' for the time being. Personally, I would be extremely reluctant to receive any vaccination for any reason whatever. And much more so, knowing the whole "pandemic" scenario has been utterly contrived. Even apart from any RFID chip, I would seriously consider civil disobedience before I would accept a vaccination.
I recommend to everyone a viewing of the documentary Vaxxed. Five dollars well spent.
I do not know exactly what awaits us in the near future. As of the time of this writing (4/2/2020) they have canceled everyone's employment and income sources for a full month (to the end of April, 2020), unless you happen to be involved in critical industries (food, emergency, medical, postal, Amazon, FedEx, etc.). One would obviously assume there will be increasing difficulty with housing and food.
Will there be looting at the grocery stores in America by the end April? I certainly hope not. But I believe we can derive from the Scripture, that the globalists have plans to intentionally subject humanity to worldwide food shortages. If looting should commence at the grocery stores around the country...what better excuse for the implementation of dictatorial martial law?
Again, Bible students should be well aware the Devil (and his Antichrist) have it in mind to implement an economic totalitarianism. That would seem to entail causing the whole world ultimately to be at the economic mercy of these globalists. Thus, I believe this ongoing impoverishing of Americans and the whole quite deliberate. A deliberate side effect of shutting down the economy, supposedly for the sake of quarantine measures.
There are other places among my blog writings where I delve a bit more deeply into the subject of Bible prophecy...a subject matter the Lord Jesus made so simple...literally, a child could understand it. And I know this for a fact:
At one point, I had a 12-year-old sit down and read the major portion of Matthew 24. It took her a mere 15 minutes. At the end of fifteen minutes, she had a good solid basic grasp of all the pertinent facts believers need to know about the 'end times'. Go figure.
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesies that when the Antichrist explodes onto the world scene by means of the Abomination of Desolation...the majority, huge numbers of erstwhile "believers" will fall from the faith, capitulate to the Antichrist's new world order, and go into apostasy.
Here is one of these other articles I have written of this matter: The Great Apostasy Plot
Be advised -- In the above blog article, I also delve into the heavy subject regarding the "false prophets" of which Jesus forewarned in the Olivet Discourse. I discuss what I see as the modern-day evidence of an emergence of extraordinary 'undercover agents'. False and deliberately counterfeited "Christians". People who pose as "Christian leaders" but are the furthest thing from it. The exact opposite!
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus says these "false prophets" are those who will be used to deceive many erstwhile "believers" into capitulation to the Antichrist. There have been a number of us "watchdog" types who are insisting there is strong indication and evidence these false agents have already arrived and have been prepositioned into many of the top leadership roles in the conservative church world.
I understand this to mean they will be the ones saying things like "don't worry - this isn't the 'mark of the beast, LOL - it's a mandate from the government so they can better perform their duties - after all, the Bible does say we are to 'obey every ordinance!"
I am so looking forward to that day when "they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things take place, straighten up and lift up your heads...for your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:27-28)
The Bible says of the wicked, that at that time "the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich [etc.]...will call upon the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:16-17)
Then there are the words of the prophet Isaiah regarding the wicked in the last days:
"Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand...They will be terrified, pains and anguish will take hold of them...they will look at one another in astonishment, their faces shall be red as flames." (Isaiah 13:6, 8)
"Thus I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless." (Isaiah 13:11)
Joel 2:15 compared to Matthew 24:29-31 provides interesting insight and clarity as to the exact sequence of events related to the so-called "day of the Lord":
First, Joel 2:15 indicates these staggeringly spectacular cosmic signs (involving the son and moon) come just before the commencing of the "day of the Lord":
"The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood BEFORE [my emphasis] the great and awesome day of the Lord comes".
But then Matthew 24:29-31 clarifies:
"...immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken…and He will send forth His angels…and they will gather together His elect from the four winds...".
Please notice very carefully the crystal clear sequence:
First, there is the time of 'great tribulation' that is then ended at the time of these cosmic disturbances, according to the plain wording of Matthew 24.
Secondly, Joel 2:15 makes it absolutely clear that it is only THEN after the appearance these heavenly signs...that the Day of the Lord begins...AFTER God's children have been rescued from the earth.
And when Jesus made these references to the sun and moon in Matthew 24, He was quoting these famous passages in there is no question these passages are all referring to the same cosmic signs.
May the Lord Jesus return soon -- Maranatha!
"Behold, I have sent you as lambs among wolves." Luke 10:3
"Surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20
"Though I walk through the valley...I will fear no evil". Psalm 23:4
"Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame..." Hebrews 12:2
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