Having Hope: Surely God is in this Place and We Knew it Not

LINK: https://youtu.be/LVHYMvZEl54

2018 Article: HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!


The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season

State of the Nation
Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland.
There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane (really a Cat. 5) at the Florida Panhandle.

Midterm Elections 2018

First and foremost, this superstorm is being sent to Tallahassee, Florida the state capital.  Not only will the state government be entirely preoccupied with the aftermath of the storm for many weeks going into the November 6th election, it will allow the desperate Democrats to rig the election under cover of chaos and destruction.
The many counties that stretch across North Florida are as Republican RED as any other region in the 50 states.  Hence, they have been targeted by the weather warriors just 4 weeks before Election Day, making it very difficult for voters to even make it to the polls, many of which will be blown away.  Same for conservative South Georgia and Christian southern Alabama.
Because the state government is headquartered in Tallahassee, the election machinery is controlled there, as is the process and procedure for certifying the election results.  The ensuing hurricane mayhem will allow the Democrats to take advantage of the situation in ways that can only be conjectured at this point but we all know the DEMs “never let a crisis go to waste”.

George Soros & Andrew Gillum

Andrew Gillum

Make no mistake about it, the George Soros-funded candidate — Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum — was chosen to win this year’s Democrat primary because he has been groomed to be Obama 2.0.  He was also selected by his globalist masters to lead Florida leftward just as Obama did the nation.

Florida’s Democrat Gubernatorial Nominee Andrew Gillum Failed Miserably As Tallahassee Mayor…
…and the George Soros-picked pawn will run the state into the ground just like Obama did to the country if elected.

With this critical understanding, it ought to be easy to grasp why a hurricane is being manufactured to profoundly impact Tallahassee, where a failed mayor is notorious statewide for completely botching that last Hurricane response.  As a Tallahassee resident, the author personally witnessed the willful neglect and gross incompetence by the city after the pervasive damage caused by Hurricane Hermine in 2016.  Gillum was even heavily criticized by the governor for his shocking level of irresponsibility. FLASHBACK: Gov. Scott slams Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum for how he handled Hurricane Hermine
The key point here is that Hurricane Michael will give Gillum a second opportunity to get it right this time.  The mayor has been out appearing for photo-ops filling sand bags this week when he should be doing much more important things, but then this whole ruse is being staged for political show.
Yes, the globalists will do anything necessary to shoehorn Gillum into the Governor’s Mansion so desperate are they to win the 2020 POTUS election.  The Democrat Deep State knows full well that whoever occupies the Florida governorship can determine the ultimate outcome of Florida’s highly coveted 29 electoral votes, the voters be damned.

Weather Warfare & the UN Agendas

Both Texas and Florida have been the victims of much weather warfare over the past couple of decades.  Texas is also a very red state and therefore frequently targeted with alternating droughts and deluges, both cataclysmic.  Hurricane Harvey was only the latest superstorm geoengineered to paralyze a major hub for the Oil & gas Industry — Houston — among many other disastrous outcomes.
See: Hurricane Harvey: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targets Texas—WHY?
The numerous acts of weather terrorism perpetrated against the residents of Florida and Texas (as well as California) are all designed to advance the 3 major UN agendas.  The following excerpt further explains the ongoing conspiracy to undermine American sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The globalists who manufactured this oncoming calamity have a specific agenda that has multiple goals.  Most of those relate to the UN agendas—Agenda 212030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Vision 2050.  One major purpose is to move the affected populace away from the land and/or coastlines.  Many of these regions have been identified as safe environmental corridors that are meant to be used exclusively by the power elite during the End Times.
(Source: Superstorm Florence Geoengineered To Be Another Hurricane Harvey)
The spate of unprecedented mega-hurricanes that have been geoengineered over the past few decades are also the deceitful product of the Global Warming crowd.  There’s no better advertisement for the Global Warming hoax than to destroy a few cities, states or coastlines every year which are then blamed on out-of-control climate change as evidenced by wacky weather (read unrelenting superstorms).
In fact, the UN just produced a fictitious and hysterical report that makes a case for biospheric Armageddon if humanity does not turn down the heat (via carbon footprint reduction) post-haste.  Of course, all the models used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are based on CO2 generation produced by human activity, which completely ignores the influences of natural sun cycles.
Much more significantly, however, is the deafening silence concerning the global geoengineering operations being conducted 24/7.  In so doing, the various UN agenda mouthpieces for carbon-driven climate change have deliberately avoided the single biggest threat to the planetary civilization—chemical geoengineering.  In other words, the nonstop chemical geoengineering regime contributes majorly to the production of immense amounts of water vapor, the primary greenhouse gas and greatest factor of regional warming wherever chemtrail aerosols are being sprayed continuously.  As follows:

Chemical Geoengineering and Climate Change

What they have also forgotten to share with the human race is a crucial little factoid. That fact concerns water vapor, which is by far the most plentiful of all the greenhouse gases (GHG).  The greenhouse gases, of course, are those which have been identified as the main contributors to climate change.  They chose CO2 for obvious reasons but then curiously ignore water vapor altogether.  Here is the list of the top 4 greenhouse gases from Wikipedia in descending order of amount and contribution:
Screen Shot 2015-12-26 at 4.05.24 PM

Because the CO2 deception is such an essential piece of the UN agendas, the globalists feel compelled to geoengineer catastrophic superstorms on a regular basis.  In this way they are able to generate a sufficient level of fear worldwide hopeful that the global population will support the centerpiece of their New World Order— a totalitarian One World Government. See: NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

Hurricane Michael

In light of these revelations it ought to be clear that the NWO globalists have weaponized the weather across the planet.  Hurricane Michael is just the latest example of how a natural storm can be greatly intensified and steered wherever the geoengineers so choose to.
There have been many hurricanes that were manufactured near the Yucatan Peninsula for reasons that are self-evident to storm watchers, especially those who can spot the unmistakable geoengineering signatures. See: Just like Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Michael was fed massive amounts of moisture by water vapor generation stations on the Yucatan Peninsula.
What makes the geoengineering of Hurricane Michael different is that the whole USA has been experiencing freaky weather throughout the Fall.  The degree of weather manipulation that was required to create and sustain and direct Michael is extraordinary as seen in this excellent video: OCTOBER SURPRISE: Weather Warfare Across the Nation is Being Purposefully Geoengineered (Video)
Therefore, there’s no question that Michael was fabricated for maximum effect just as Hurricane Florence was. (RED ALERT: There’s something very wrong with all the hype surrounding Hurricane Florence!)  North Carolina, especially, is still recovering from Flo as it will be for many months.  And yet here comes Michael, which is set to train across the same water-soaked NC areas that are still soggy from that epic superstorm patterned after Hurricane Harvey. See: Superstorm Florence Geoengineered To Be Another Hurricane Harvey
The bottom line is that the geoengineers don’t even try to hide their furtive and highly destructive weaponization of the weather.  With each and every storm that they either create from scratch or hijack from Mother Nature, the weather warriors can no longer hide the many telltale signs of their atmosphere-altering workmanship.  The video below lays bare just a few of those features which are a dead giveaway of a geoengineered storm.

Geoengineering Signatures Prove Hurricane Michael Is Being Intensified And Steered (Video)


The $64,000 question remains: Now that many know about the relentless state-sponsored weather terrorism, what can We the People do to shut it down?
When whole regions are devastated by these calamitous meteorological events, the affected residents will eventually recognize that they are the object of what are basically false flag weather attacks.  What’s imperative is that a critical mass of citizens becomes aware of this new normal so that the perps can be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
This ought to be the immediate goal of the Patriot Movement, both here and abroad, to stop the chemtrails and terminate geoengineering.  After all, it’s totally true: “Whoever controls the weather, controls the world”.   Therefore, it’s extremely urgent that people everywhere work together to disempower the weather manipulators with all deliberate speed.  Not only does the fate of humanity hang in the balance, the foreseeable future of the planet is at stake.


An unprecedented call to action has since been issued as a direct response to this brazen attack on the Right. There is simply too much at stake in the midterms for patriots everywhere not to trigger the vote-quake necessary to generate a massive RED tsunami to overwhelm the Democrat’s little blue wave.
See: A Call to Action (Video)

State of the Nation
October 10, 2018
PROOF: Hard Evidence That Hurricane Michael Was Geoengineered (Video)
Hurricane Michael and the US Govt Coverup (Video)

SOURCE: https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=105914

John MacArthur... Yea or Nay?

Just read... "As of 2020, The net worth of John F. MacArthur is over $14 million." Does that not strike you as wrong for a Christian pastor?

John MacArthur Net Worth 2020: Age, Height, Weight, Wife ...

Dug a bit more and found the following...

The hypocrisy of Ray Comfort's and John MacArthur's Lordship Salvation heresy is that NO ONE can give up all their sins. 1st John 1:10 says that we are calling ...
John MacArthur CANNOT be saved, for he preaches “another Gospel” of Lordship Salvation; and he tramples under foot the holy, literal, precious, liquid, blood of ...
Mr. MacArthur perverts this Scripture to mean that one's salvation is dependent upon holy living. Clearly, John MacArthur is a false prophet, who doesn't ...
MacArthur's position on Lordship Salvation has been made very clear in his published book, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS. He has also made ...
Pastor John MacArthur is a dangerous man, because he subtly has introduced many damnable heresies into the church—none more hideous than his denial of ...
After all these years, this information about John MacArthur's teaching, is still needed today. His teaching on the blood of Christ is dangerous, and people are still ...
Dr. John MacArthur talks out of both sides of his mouth. While professing to believe in the sacrificial blood of Jesus, he also keeps saying that the “bleeding” itself ...
In John MacArthur's 1988 book entitled The Gospel According to Jesus, the views set forth encompass all that is held by the proponents of Lordship Salvation.
So it's not surprising that Thomas Nelson publishers are also publishing MacArthur's garbage. Yes, I said garbage, because that's what it is. I am not trying to be ...
John MacArthur says that little children must become adults. MacArthur's views on child salvation are directly related to his false understanding of Lordship ...

Who is Nicole Carty?

Received this text today...

So found this...

"Nicole Carty is currently a Director at PowerLabs and formerly a Campaign Manager at SumOfUs. She is a movement builder who was deeply involved in Occupy Wall Street and has played critical roles in the Movement for Black Lives. Previously Nicole was Programming Director at The Other 98% where she helped grow the organization’s social media reach into the millions."

Just got this...

All the Queen's Horses: The Rita Crundwell Story of Theft

LINK: https://youtu.be/dpr2A3S3CNk

Rita Crundwell stole more than $53 million of public funds across two decades in office as the City Comptroller and Treasurer for Dixon, Illinois, a town with a population of 16,000. She used the funds to build one of the nation’s leading quarter horse breeding empires, and threw lavish parties for community leaders at her home, all while the town endured cuts to public staff, emergency services budgets and work on maintaining public infrastructure. In 2012 after a close colleague turned whistleblower finally uncovered her scheme and alerted the Mayor, the FBI arrested Crundwell as the largest municipal fraud perpetrator in American history. All the Queen's Horses is the riveting story of how a pillar of the community could so callously execute a scam of such magnitude.

Steve Quayle Interview: "... buy canned food... the next 6 months will be perilous..."

LINK: https://youtu.be/9cpzXyV3LnY

I sent the above video to a few saying, "He tells us to buy canned food as he believes that the next 6 months will be the most perilous ever seen in America."

I WOULD agree... the next 6 months could be a situation that stores will simply close... not just limit purchases.... so people will be without any food....

NOT to be an alarmist.....................

I have heard..... a possibility that unless a person has a card showing that they have been tested for Covid19, have been vaccinated, and have been finger printed.... they are NOT to be permitted into any store (Sam's Club, Costco, Walmart, Albertson's, Von's, etc. etc.)....
WHY? -- to track so that the gov. can track everyone and their DNA.... it's all about CONTROL.

this is truly insane stuff.....

so... again.... yep.... 6 months is a good decision.... (the nice thing is, it helps the stores from an income standpoint, and if NOTHING happens, people can eat up the food throughout the year anyway....

ALSO ---- water......
WHY -- if the utilities are shut off (remember, water has to be pumped to communities)..... it would be good to have around 20 gallons of water available at least.... I found Distilled water at Walmart for 88 cents a gallon.... (which we use with our coffee, and as the gallons empty.... I refill it with tap water and label the contain with that date..... I rotate my gallons so that we always have around 60 gallons at all times.... stored in our garage on the floor (cooler).

just a thought,

We moved to the country following my conviction that we should be more rural....I have 50 gallons of water in a airtight food grade container.....I have two airtight large containers filled with beans, rice ,and canned goods....Antique Jelly cabinet stocked with jars.....I have camp stove and propane grill and an Irish Kelly cooker that boils water in 3 minutes to boil rice and heat canned foods...I want to avoid food lines. . 

That said...I sense too we are on a precipice of total upheaval.....God help us and guide us for His eternal purposes..... 

If you ever don’t feel safe, come see us! I think I will try to get two more large water drums.....I have room in garage and use the hose put thru the garage window to fill them.. 

Ephesians 3:20

It just occurred to me to check my can openers. Before I made sure I have two, but now Where did I put them? 

Also from a survival video, my attention got peaked to the need to have STRONG plastic bags for sewage storage until disposal, if the plumbing goes out.

One more horror to add to the list. Amir Tsarfati said the rapture is so close it’s no longer going to feel like a surprise. It’s that obvious. 85, thus far, county pastors are fasting and praying along with their congregations to hear from God about reopening our churches. They meet tomorrow in SR. 

CCP had a zoom devotional this morning with 1 Chronicles 20 as focus. They will have another one tonight. 

Trying to avoid politics but find it impossible. Did you see the one where Biden was saying Trump couldn’t go on with Gingsburgh appt. Then they show clips from their own words from 2016 saying what the law is...totally contradicting what they are now saying. Trump looking better all the time. ❤️

Q Prayer

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e4ee64 No.10722036 📁
Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.

Kim Phuc Phan Thi: How the bombs led me to Christ

Kim Phuc Phan Thi: How the bombs led me to Christ

Known as ‘Napalm Girl’, Kim Phuc is recognised globally as the nine-year-old running from a napalm attack during the Vietnam War. The image was recently voted the most iconic photo of all time. Kim explains why practising forgiveness can be transformational

It was 14 months after the attack on her village that Phan Thi Kim Phuc first laid her eyes on the photo which had gone viral, appearing on the front pages of newspapers across the globe. She was horrified to see herself running naked down the road “hopeless and crying”.

Today, the image is iconic, and the photographer behind it won a Pulitzer for outstanding photojournalism. But for Kim, the image was an embarrassing invasion of her privacy. Years later, her point of view has changed. She’s now at peace with the image, calling it a “powerful gift”, and even describing the photographer as her “hero”. What led to such a dramatic change of heart?

I’d set aside an hour to talk to Kim about the story behind the photo, but it quickly became apparent that this would be insufficient to capture the unimaginable horror yet simultaneous joy of her life. After two-and-a-half hours on the phone, we rounded up our chat with a very tearful prayer of thanksgiving. I was totally in awe of the way Jesus had worked in Kim’s life; she had been saved from the brink of death after three days lying injured, hungry and cold in a hospital morgue. The doctors thought she’d never make it. Napalm, which burns at 2,760 degrees Celsius (nearly 30 times hotter than boiling water) had melted Kim’s skin like wax. She was left with painful and life-limiting scarring, that made her “feel unfit to be loved”.

Kim grew up in the Vietnamese Cao Dai religion, but later encountered God after stumbling across a New Testament. She believes her miracle recovery can be attributed wholly to the power of God to do “impossible things”.

You were badly burned on 8 June 1972, following four Napalm bombs being dropped near your home in South Vietnam. How would you describe that horrific moment?

That day, the children had been given permission to play inside the temple near the bomb shelter. We’d just had lunch when the Vietnamese soldiers who were protecting us there told us to run. I remember running onto the road and I saw an airplane. It was so close to us, travelling fast and it was so loud. As I looked up, I saw four bombs landing. I closed my eyes and heard the bang, and when I opened them again there was fire everywhere; all over my body and it had burned off my clothes. I saw the fire over my left arm and I used my right hand to try and wipe it up. I was so terrified and so scared. I still remember what I thought at that moment: “Oh my goodness, I’ve got burned. I will be ugly and people will see me in a different way.” I ran out of the fire and caught up with my brothers, cousins and the soldiers. We ran for a while on the highway until I was too tired to run any more. We saw people on the road in the distance and I cried out: “Too hot. Too hot.” It was then that my picture was taken. One of the soldiers gave me some water to drink and tried to help me by pouring water over my burned body. I lost consciousness from the pain.

What happened to you after you lost consciousness?

From that moment until I came around in the hospital, I have no memories. My family and I were separated in the commotion and it took three days for them to find me. It was my brother who discovered me lying in the morgue – he and my mum planned to bury me but, luckily, they met my dad outside who had bumped into his old friend, a doctor, who realised I was still breathing. They called an ambulance and took me to the burns clinic. Every morning the nurses would put me in a bath of cold water to make it easier for them to cut off my dead, burned skin. It was so painful and I remember crying until I passed out.

Your photograph, taken by Nick Ut, quickly spread around the world. When was the first time you saw it?

After 14 months I was finally allowed home from the hospital. My father took the picture out from a drawer one day and gave it to me. I didn’t like it. I was naked and in agony, hopeless and crying. I didn’t ask for it to be taken – and my brothers and cousins had all their clothes on and I was the only one who didn’t. I was so embarrassed.

I learned that my picture had a big impact on people around the world but it wasn’t until I became a mother that it really hit me deeply in my heart. I looked at the picture then and felt I had to do something – not only to protect my own child but all the children around the world. Since then, the picture has been a powerful gift and I am so thankful. I always thank Uncle Ut – the photographer – he is my hero. He was there to take that picture, a moment of history in the Vietnam War. The picture continues to change the world. I believe that photographers have a responsibility to show the truth through pictures. I’m so thankful for each and every one of them.

What kind of scars were you left with – both physical and emotional?

Growing up with that scar over my neck, back and arm, I always asked: “Why me?” I hated it – I thought I’d never have a boyfriend or get married. I was really sad inside. I cried most when I was a teenager. I would cover it up and didn’t want anyone to know. I remember my first day home in the village after returning from hospital and seeing my friend. I waved and wanted to play with her, but when she saw my scars and saw I was different, she wouldn’t come near me. I felt unfit to be loved. It broke my heart. I had a lot of nightmares from being so scared and traumatised. People still ask me: “How can you deal with it?” But for me now, the answer is: “By the grace of God.”

You say the bombs led you to Christ. How did that happen?

I was raised in the traditional Cao Dai religion but because of the bombs, I had difficulties in my spiritual journey. The questions always on my mind were: “Why do I have to suffer this much?” or “Why didn’t I die so I don’t have to suffer?” The adults told me that the life I had lived before my own must have been bad – that I was a bad person – and that is why I had to suffer.

Nobody knew how much I was hurting inside. I threw myself into studying to be a doctor but I couldn’t fulfil my dream because my school was shut down. Everything became so hard to deal with. That was the lowest point in my life, in 1982, when I just wanted to die. I thought after I was dead I wouldn’t have to suffer any more. But I really just wanted to find the truth – the answer – and my purpose. I was seeking God. I remember sitting outside on a bench, looking up to the sky and yelling out: “God, are you real? Do you exist? Please help me. If you are real, I need you. I need a friend I can talk to and share my burden with.”

One day in the library in Saigon, where I spent my days studying, I poured over all of the religious books. Among them was the New Testament. I remember reading John 14:6 where Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth and the life”. I couldn’t figure it out, I had so many questions. I was living with my sister in Saigon and my brother-in-law had a Christian cousin who came to visit. I asked so many questions and he tried to explain to me that God is love, but I didn’t agree because of all my suffering. Eventually he invited me to church. I am so glad I accepted the invitation to go. I went back again and again to satisfy my curiosity.

What was the turning point for you?

It wasn’t until Christmas 1982, when the pastor explained why we celebrate Christmas, that I gave my life to Jesus. He spoke about Jesus dying on the cross for our sin – and that if we accept Jesus as our personal saviour that he will come into our hearts and bring peace. In that moment, I knew I needed that peace. I went to the altar and I opened my heart and accepted Jesus. I stopped worshiping all the gods that I’d prayed to before, and I knew that he had set me free. I continued to pray and the more I prayed, the more I had peace. I prayed for joy, for wisdom and, more than anything, for forgiveness. I had so much anger in my heart and, while sometimes I failed, I prayed that God would help me.

As a child I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I remember thinking: “Now I am in the right place at the right time.” Now I understand that I have the power to help people, because I understand other victims of tragedy. And from that my entire family became Christians and I am so thankful for that. They saw how my life changed, saw God working in me and how God is so real in my life.

You struggled with the ‘why me?’ question for a long time. How did you resolve it?

I believe that God had a plan for me. He looked down and he said: “I’m not finished with that little girl. I have a plan for you.” All that I went through – the physical, emotional and spiritual pain – means I can understand those who face pain.

When I was in Uganda I went to visit the burns unit at a hospital. It reminded me of how much pain I had been through. I cried. I asked God on that day to give me strength. I met a woman whose husband had thrown acid in her face. The nurse had to help her eat and drink – but she just ignored the nurse because she wanted to die. She had no hope at all. I went in to see her, showed her my scars; I showed her the picture. I said: “I got burned and now I am so happy to be here. I understand your pain.” I talked and prayed for her. She didn’t react to anything. Soon after, I got a message from the nurse saying that after I left, she stood up and walked through the hall and was smiling and agreed to eat and to drink and to talk. And I felt great to have given her that hope.

If you could speak to the person who dropped the bomb on you, what would you say?

That is my biggest dream. Even up to this point in my life I don’t know who did it – who the pilot was that dropped the bomb. In my prayers I hope that he is alive and that if he is, that I could hug him. I want to tell him from my heart: “I love you. I pray for you. I forgive you.” We have to show love, hope and forgiveness because every person needs that – rich or poor, every human being needs those things.

How do you feel now when you look at your scars?

Every time I touch my scar I am so thankful. My scar reminds me that God is with me. It is the mark that God stamped on my body to remind me he is there. I touch my scar and I love it – it humbles me, it makes me love people and do the work I am doing now. It takes me back to being that little girl, but now I have no upset or anger about it, I just go to the Lord and pray. And the more I pray, the more peace I have over my suffering. My scar makes me have more intimacy in my relationship with God. It’s the strength inside of me. My scar is a miracle.

AUTHOR: Jessica Lester
PHOTO CREDIT: Nick Ut/AP/Shutterstock
SOURCE: https://www.premierchristianity.com/Past-Issues/2020/April-2020/Kim-Phuc-Phan-Thi-How-the-bombs-led-me-to-Christ

Trump Navy Panama City Florida Sept 19, 2020

LINK: https://youtu.be/iSluFRk6Vs4

Ruth Ginsberg

May 11, 2019 Video

LINK: https://youtu.be/5fuxxsKkKTI