Steve Quayle Interview: "... buy canned food... the next 6 months will be perilous..."


I sent the above video to a few saying, "He tells us to buy canned food as he believes that the next 6 months will be the most perilous ever seen in America."

I WOULD agree... the next 6 months could be a situation that stores will simply close... not just limit purchases.... so people will be without any food....

NOT to be an alarmist.....................

I have heard..... a possibility that unless a person has a card showing that they have been tested for Covid19, have been vaccinated, and have been finger printed.... they are NOT to be permitted into any store (Sam's Club, Costco, Walmart, Albertson's, Von's, etc. etc.)....
WHY? -- to track so that the gov. can track everyone and their DNA.... it's all about CONTROL.

this is truly insane stuff.....

so... again.... yep.... 6 months is a good decision.... (the nice thing is, it helps the stores from an income standpoint, and if NOTHING happens, people can eat up the food throughout the year anyway....

ALSO ---- water......
WHY -- if the utilities are shut off (remember, water has to be pumped to communities)..... it would be good to have around 20 gallons of water available at least.... I found Distilled water at Walmart for 88 cents a gallon.... (which we use with our coffee, and as the gallons empty.... I refill it with tap water and label the contain with that date..... I rotate my gallons so that we always have around 60 gallons at all times.... stored in our garage on the floor (cooler).

just a thought,

We moved to the country following my conviction that we should be more rural....I have 50 gallons of water in a airtight food grade container.....I have two airtight large containers filled with beans, rice ,and canned goods....Antique Jelly cabinet stocked with jars.....I have camp stove and propane grill and an Irish Kelly cooker that boils water in 3 minutes to boil rice and heat canned foods...I want to avoid food lines. . 

That said...I sense too we are on a precipice of total upheaval.....God help us and guide us for His eternal purposes..... 

If you ever don’t feel safe, come see us! I think I will try to get two more large water drums.....I have room in garage and use the hose put thru the garage window to fill them.. 

Ephesians 3:20

It just occurred to me to check my can openers. Before I made sure I have two, but now Where did I put them? 

Also from a survival video, my attention got peaked to the need to have STRONG plastic bags for sewage storage until disposal, if the plumbing goes out.

One more horror to add to the list. Amir Tsarfati said the rapture is so close it’s no longer going to feel like a surprise. It’s that obvious. 85, thus far, county pastors are fasting and praying along with their congregations to hear from God about reopening our churches. They meet tomorrow in SR. 

CCP had a zoom devotional this morning with 1 Chronicles 20 as focus. They will have another one tonight. 

Trying to avoid politics but find it impossible. Did you see the one where Biden was saying Trump couldn’t go on with Gingsburgh appt. Then they show clips from their own words from 2016 saying what the law is...totally contradicting what they are now saying. Trump looking better all the time. ❤️

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