"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you." (Matthew 24:4)WHICH BIBLE VERSION DO YOU READ?When I got saved in 1976, we only read the King James Version (KJV) in church, so that's what I read at home. Then as modern versions of the Bible began appearing, I started reading these. However, these newer versions are flawed and misleading. For example, the New King James Version (NKJV) removes the word "hell" 23 times and removes the word "repent" 44 times. Here are some more of the many changes:
1. Matthew 18:26 & Matthew 20:20: The NKJV removes "worshipped him" (robbing worship from Jesus) (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
2. Mark 13:6 & Luke 21:8: removes "Christ" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
3. John 1:3: change "All things were made BY him;" to "All things were made THROUGH Him" (NIV, NRSV, RSV)
4. John 4:24: change "God is a spirit" to the impersonal, New Age pantheistic,"God is spirit" (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
5, John 14:2: (NKJV 1979 edition) change "mansions" to "dwelling places" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
6. John 14:16: change "comforter" to "helper"(refers to Holy Spirit) (NASV)
7.Acts 4:27, 30: change "holy child" to "holy servant" (refers to Jesus) (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
8. Acts 12:4: change "Easter" to "Passover" (NIV, NASV, RSV, NRSV)
9. Acts 17:22: changes "superstitious" to "religious" (NIV, NASV, NRSV, RSV)
10. Romans 6:22 & I Corinthians 7:22: changes "servants" to "slaves"
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