I'm so enjoying the wonderful weather we are having!
Rode my bike on Saturday then met a friend at the plaza but when ready to leave, noticed I had a flat tire!
However, my friend fixes motorcyles and offered to fix my bike. Isn't God good to bring someone along to help me in my time of need?
A couple of years ago, when I moved back here to California from Florida and was driving through New Mexico, I had a blowout real early one cold, dark morning and my cell phone had no signal so I couldn't call AAA.
After a few HOURS and while holding up a sign saying 'HELP!', a couple of cars finally pulled up behind me. It was a young military family with a baby - he had just returned from Iraq - and they had tools etc to change my flat which was a pain to do for some reason on my little truck. They were going the opposite way on the highway and turned around to help when they saw this desparate woman on the highway in the middle of no where!!
I know we all have many amazing stories of God's provision and help through difficult situations - THANK YOU, LORD JESUS!! The Scriptures tell us that He will never leave us nor forsake us which is soooo true!
I hope you have a great day and a wonderful week, Folks!
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
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