November 22, 1963
US President John F Kennedy assassinated
April 20, 1999
15 dead at Columbine High School
November 15, 2010
Australian twins in Colorado suicide pact have eerie link to Columbine school massacre
Believe it or not, there is a connection between these tragic events and my include the horrid mkultra mind control:
Anatomy of a School Shooting
Dave McGowan
May 2000
On May 15, 2000, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office released the official report on the shooting deaths of fifteen people at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Not surprisingly, the report confirmed the version of events that has been reported ad naseum for the last year by the U.S. press.
The official story (for those who are just emerging from a coma or for some other reason inexplicably missed the saturation coverage of this event) goes something like this: two disaffected teenagers named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, acting alone with no assistance in the planning or execution of this crime, entered Columbine High on the morning of April 20, 1999, armed to the teeth, and promptly began shooting up the place, leaving twelve fellow students and one teacher dead before turning their guns on themselves.
As with all the 'big stories' flogged by the American media, the various avenues of the U.S. press quickly fell in line behind this story, deftly avoiding any evidence that would tend to cast doubt on the official version of events. So while there has been some minor quibbling over insignificant details of the story (i.e. did the gunmen target athletes, blacks and/or Christians?), few serious journalists have questioned the central thesis that the carnage at Columbine High that day was the work of Harris and Klebold acting alone.
Yet strangely enough, the press representatives closest to the scene, both socially and geographically, have reported facts about the case that don't appear to fit into the official scenario. Both the Denver Post and the Denver Rocky Mountain News, the newspapers serving the greater Denver area (of which Littleton is a part), have provided coverage which has been consistently ignored by the media in general.
For the benefit of those living outside the Denver area, presented here you will find a few facts about the tragedy at Columbine of which you may be unaware and which tend to be at odds with the official report. Take, for example, the issue of how long the rampage lasted. One reporter on the scene wrote that:
"The bloody rampage spanned four hours ... By 3:45 p.m., shots still rang out inside the school (as) more than 200 law enforcement officers and four SWAT teams tried to stop the gunmen and evacuate wounded high school students…." (Denver Post, April 21, 1999). Another quoted Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone, one of the first officials on the scene, as saying: "We had initial people there right away, but we couldn't get in. We were way outgunned" (Associated Press, April 20, 1999).
Echoing this sentiment was Terry Manwaring, commander of the Jefferson County SWAT team, who claimed: "I just knew the killers were armed and were better equipped than we were." The SWAT teams, therefore, made no effort to confront the killers (Playboy, March 2000).
The official report, meanwhile, contends that the "lunchtime rampage ... ended after 45 minutes" and that "Sometime after noon the killers stood near the library windows and turned their guns on themselves" (Los Angeles Times, May 16, 2000). Strange then that there would be shots ringing out some three-and-a-half hours later.
Stranger still is the notion that two teenagers with limited firearms training and armed only with shotguns and 9mm handguns would be able to outgun a veritable army of law enforcement officers, many with advanced paramilitary training and weapons. And you would think that the fact that the two were already dead would at least have slowed them down a bit.
Then there is the issue of the bombs strategically placed throughout the school prior to the shootings. Some of those involved in the investigation of the case were openly skeptical of the notion that the two boys could have transported and placed all the explosive devices that were found. One report noted that:
"The 20-pound bomb found inside the Columbine High School kitchen suggests the two teenage suspects were aided by others in their plot to blow up the school, police said Thursday. Packed inside a duffle bag with a wired gasoline can - and surrounded with nails and BBs for maximum killing power - the propane barbecue tank-bomb points to a wider conspiracy, police said." (Denver Post, April 23, 1999).
Likewise, Jefferson County District Attorney Dave Thomas was quoted as saying: "It is obvious to me that they couldn't have carried them all in at the same time, plus the four weapons" (Denver Post, May 5, 1999). And sheriff department spokesman Steve Davis added that: "From day one we've always felt like there was a very good possibility that more people were involved" (Associated Press, May 14, 1999).
Ultimately recovered, according to the final report, were "95 homemade explosive devices," including two bombs fashioned from propane cylinders (Los Angeles Times, May 16, 2000). Picture, if you will, two teenagers strolling unnoticed into a high school, each carrying two firearms, a propane tank bomb and some fifty other explosive devices, as well as an abundant supply of ammunition.
Picture them then proceeding to carefully place each of these 95 bombs throughout the school, still unnoticed and undisturbed by faculty or other students. Nothing unusual about that. Just an average day at an American high school. Yet the possibility is clearly there that there may have been more people involved. Many of the witnesses, at any rate, clearly think so.
"Jefferson County Sheriff John P. Stone raised the specter of a third Columbine High gunman anew Tuesday, saying some students have named another suspect. ‘There was quite possibly one other person shooting,’ Stone said. ‘We do have witness statements.’ The statements came from ‘students who were witnesses at the scene when this was going down,’ and they agreed on the third person's identity, he said" (Denver Post, May 5, 1999).
In fact, one initial report from Littleton began: "Three young men in fatigues and black trench coats opened fire at a suburban Denver high school Tuesday...," and also noted that a "third young man was led away from the school in handcuffs more than four hours after the attack, and student Chris Wisher said: 'He's one of the ones who shot at us'" (Associated Press, April 20, 1999). This third suspect has, oddly enough, never been identified or even mentioned again by the press.
In a televised interview, the mother of a student who had escaped the attack quoted her daughter as saying that she "looked up and saw a gunman in a black trench coat with a very huge gun ... He had dark brown hair, thick bushy eyebrows and was very ugly," a description that clearly did not fit either Harris or Klebold. When asked if the gunman was a student, the mother replied that: "She didn't recognize him as a student. No. Not as a student" (KUSA-TV, April 20, 1999; transcript posted on The Konformist)
Even more disturbing is a report that: "Dozens of witnesses interviewed by police after the crime claimed that from five to eight individuals participated in the shooting that left 15 people dead, including the killers, and more than 20 injured" (Denver Rocky Mountain News, July 29, 1999). Five to eight individuals? Dozens of witnesses? Something definitely seems to be a bit peculiar here.
It is certainly understandable that some witnesses could have trouble recalling some of the details of the attack. In a situation of this nature, extreme levels of fear and confusion can cloud one's recollection. In the ensuing chaos, some witnesses could easily be confused about the number of shooters.
Nevertheless, there is a considerable difference between two gunmen and eight gunmen - the latter being pretty much a small army. Is it really possible for dozens of eyewitnesses to be mistaken about the additional three to six gunmen? This issue could possibly be cleared up by examining the autopsy reports of the various victims. Unfortunately, that isn't likely to happen. It seems that:
"The autopsy reports on the Columbine High School victims will not be released to the public, a Jefferson County judge ruled Friday ... Chief District Judge Henry E. Nieto rejected arguments by 18 news organizations ... The coroner's office, district attorney and the family of killer Dylan Klebold joined the 12 families in getting the documents sealed" (Denver Post, May 29, 1999).
Another question that could be cleared up by the release of the autopsy reports is the alleged suicides of the two shooters, seeing as how "Klebold was shot once in the left side of the head, apparently by one of two 9 mm weapons ... the wound's location puzzles some investigators. They believe that if the right-handed Klebold had shot himself, the wound should have been on the other side" (Denver Rocky Mountain News, June 13, 1999).
Very clever, those investigators. Clever enough, in fact, to come up with an explanation for this anomaly. Some authorities now believe (or claim to anyway) that Harris shot Klebold before shooting himself. It seems just as likely, however, that a third party shot Klebold, and perhaps Harris as well.
Moving on to what is perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the case, we come now to the infamous videotape. You know, the one that was made in 1997, two years before the actual assault, and which "depicts gun-toting, trench coat-wearing students moving through Columbine's halls and ends with a special-effects explosion of the school." The one that was co-produced by "the son of the FBI's lead agent in the investigation" (Associated Press, May 8, 1999).
There's certainly nothing unusual about that. It's actually standard FBI procedure to have your son shoot a training film for a high school slaughter a couple of years beforehand. It's also standard procedure to have your other son on hand to eyewitness the crime. Which is why "(Dwayne Fuselier's) youngest son, Brian, was in the school cafeteria at the time and managed to escape after seeing one of the bombs explode" (Denver Post, May 13, 1999).
It should also be noted that another "student who helped in the production of the film (was) Brooks Brown…" (Associated Press, May 8, 1999). For those not fortunate enough to be home on the day of the shooting watching the live cable coverage, Brooks Brown was the student enthusiastically granting interviews to anyone who would stick a microphone in his face.
He claimed to have encountered Harris and Klebold as they were approaching the school, and to have been warned away by the pair from entering the campus that day. According to his story, he heeded the warning and was therefore not present during the shooting spree. Fair enough, but let's try to put these additional pieces of the puzzle together.
First, we have the son of the lead investigator, who was obviously a member of the so-called Trenchcoat Mafia, involved in the filming of a pre-enactment of the crime. Then we have a second son of the lead investigator being at ground zero of the rampage. And finally we have a close associate of both the Fuselier brothers and of Harris and Klebold (and a co-filmmaker) being in the company of the shooters immediately before they entered the school, this by his own admission.
And yet, strangely enough, none of them was connected in any way to the commission of this crime, according to official reports. Not even Brooks Brown, who should have, if nothing else, noticed that the pair had some unusually large bulges under their trench coats on this particular day. At the very least, one would think that there might be just a little bit of a conflict of interest for the FBI's lead investigator.
This does not appear to be the case, however, as "FBI spokesman Gary Gomez said there was ‘absolutely no discussion’ of reassigning Fuselier, 51, a psychologist, in the wake of the disclosures in Friday's Denver Rocky Mountain News. ‘There is no conflict of interest,’ Gomez said" (Denver Rocky Mountain News, May 8, 1999). And as no less an authority than Attorney General Janet Reno has stated: "It has been a textbook case of how to conduct an investigation, of how to do it the right way" (Denver Post, April 23, 1999).
So there you have it. There was no conspiracy, there were no accomplices. It was, as always, the work of a lone gunman (OK, two lone gunmen in this case). But if there were a wider conspiracy, you may wonder, what would motivate such an act? What reason could there be for sacrificing fourteen young lives?
Many right-wingers would have you believe that such acts are orchestrated - or at the very least rather cynically exploited - as a pretext for passing further gun-control legislation. The government wants to scare the people into giving up their right to bear arms, or so the thinking goes. And there is reason to believe that this could well be a goal.
It is not, however, the only - or even the primary - goal, but rather a secondary one at best. The true goal is to further traumatize and brutalize the American people. This has in fact been a primary goal of the state for quite some time, dating back at least to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
The strategy is now (as it was then) to inflict blunt force trauma on all of American society, and by doing so to destroy any remaining sense of community and instill in the people deep feelings of fear and distrust, of hopelessness and despair, of isolation and powerlessness. And the results have been, it should be stated, rather spectacular.
With each school shooting, and each act of 'domestic terrorism,' the social fabric of the country is ripped further asunder. The social contracts that bound us together as a people with common goals, common dreams, and common aspirations have been shattered. We have been reduced to a nation of frightened and disempowered individuals, each existing in our own little sphere of isolation and fear.
And at the same time, we have been desensitized to ever rising levels of violence in society. This is true of both interpersonal violence as well as violence by the state, in the form of judicial executions, spiraling levels of police violence, and the increased militarization of foreign policy and of America's borders.
We have become, in the words of the late George Orwell, a society in which "the prevailing mental condition [is] controlled insanity." And under these conditions, it becomes increasingly difficult for the American people to fight back against the supreme injustice of 21st century Western society. Which is, of course, precisely the point.
For a fractured and disillusioned people, unable to find common cause, do not represent a threat to the rapidly encroaching system of global fascism. And a population blinded by fear will ultimately turn to 'Big Brother' to protect them from nonexistent and/or wholly manufactured threats.
As General McArthur stated back in 1957: "Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ... with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it...."
Perhaps this is all just groundless conspiracy theorizing. The possibility does exist that the carnage at Columbine High School unfolded exactly as the official report tells us that it did. And even if that proves not to be the case, there really is no need to worry. It is all just a grand illusion, a choreographed reality. Only the death and suffering are real.
Postscript: As the dust settled over Columbine High, other high-profile shootings would rock the nation: at schools, in the workplace, in a church, and - in Southern California's San Fernando Valley - at a Jewish community center where a gunman quickly identified as Buford Furrow opened fire on August 10, 1999. The man, who later would claim that his intent was to kill as many people as possible, had received extensive firearms and paramilitary training, both from the U.S. military and from militia groups.
Shooting in an enclosed area that was fairly heavily populated, Furrow fired a reported seventy rounds from his assault rifle. By design or act of God, no one was killed and only a handful of people were injured, including three children and a teenager. None of the injuries were life-threatening and all the victims have fully recovered.
With a massive police dragnet descending on the city, Furrow fled, abandoning his rolling arsenal of a vehicle. Not far from the crime scene, he stopped to catch up on some shopping and get a haircut. Along the way, his aim having improved considerably, Furrow killed a postal worker in a hail of gunfire, for no better reason than because he was Asian and therefore "non-white."
At about this same time, Furrow car-jacked a vehicle from an Asian woman. Though this woman - besides being obviously non-white - was now a key witness who could place Furrow at the scene and identify the vehicle he had fled in, she was left shaken but very much alive. Having taken great risks to obtain her vehicle, Furrow promptly abandoned it, choosing instead to take a taxi.
In an unlikely turn of events, this taxi would safely transport Furrow all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada. Having successfully eluded one of the most massive police dragnets in the city's history (which had the appearance of a very well-planned training exercise), and having made it across state lines to relative safety, Furrow proceeded directly to the local FBI office to turn himself in. No word yet as to whether Dwayne Fuselier was flown in to head up the investigation.
Meanwhile, in Littleton, Colorado, the death toll continued to mount. On May 6, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that a Columbine High student had been found hanged. His death was ruled a suicide, though "Friends were mystified, saying there were no signs of turmoil in the teenager's life." One noted that he had "talked to him the night before, and it didn't seem like anything was wrong."
The young man had been a witness to the shooting death of teacher Dave Sanders. His was the fourth violent death surrounding Columbine High in just over a year since the shootings, bringing the body count to nineteen. Very little information was released concerning this most recent death, with the Coroner noting only that: "Some things should remain confidential to the family." (Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2000)
On February 14, 2000, two fellow Columbine students were shot to death in a sandwich shop just a few blocks from the school. The shootings, which lacked any clear motive, have yet to be explained. In yet another incident, the mother of a student who was shot and survived "walked into a pawnshop in October, asked to see a gun, loaded it and shot herself to death." (Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2000)
Unexplained was why the shopkeeper would have supplied her with the ammunition for the gun. Perhaps she brought her own, though if she had access to ammunition, chances are that she would also have had access to a gun. Such are the mysteries surrounding the still rising death toll in Littleton, Colorado.
--- end ---
Australian twins in Colorado suicide pact have eerie link to Columbine school massacre
BY Philip Caulfield
Sunday, November 21st 2010, 9:56 PM

A recent photograph of the Hermeler twins, Candice (left) and Kristin, who died in the double shooting. source
The case of the Australian twin sisters who shot themselves at a shooting range near Denver last week took a bizarre twist this weekend when reports surfaced that the twin who died had contact a student who was spared by killers on the day of the deadly school shooting at Columbine High School in 1999.
Kristin Hermeler, 29, who killed herself Monday at the Cherry Creek State Park Family Shooting Center in a bizarre suicide pact with her twin sister, Candice, who survived a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, had written two painful and empathetic letters to former Columbine student Brooks Brown months after the high school massacre, CBS News4 Denver reported.
The letters and phone calls are the second link between the sisters and the Columbine killings.
Earlier this week, a photocopy of a Time magazine cover about the Columbine shooting with the headline “The Monsters Next Door/What Made Them Do It?” was found in the sisters’ hotel room.
Brown had once been bullied by Columbine shooter Eric Harris but the two had allegedly made peace and became friends.
On April 20, 1999, the day of the massacre, Harris reportedly told Brown to go home before he and Dylan Klebold, the other gunman, stormed the school and killed 15 people, including themselves, and inured 24 others in what at the time was the deadliest school shooting in American history.
In the first letter, dated June 12, 1999, Kristin described herself to Brown as “someone who has been rejected, victimized and ostracized in their life'' and thanked Brown for giving Harris a second chance at friendship after Harris had bullied him.
In a second letter, dated July 14, Kristin wrote, "I just wanted to write to you and let you know that not a day goes by that I do not think about what happened."
Kristin also wrote in that letter that she had watched Brooks discuss his experiences being bullied on an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show and that “Words could never tell you how sorry I am that you feel like anyone hates you.”
“It completely baffles me as to why anyone would hate someone when they don't know them, it sickens me," she wrote.
Both letters were posted on The Denver Post’s website.
"It was a very sweet letter, very sad," Brown told the Post. "It was her wanting to know why it happened, trying to understand."
Brown also said they made contact by phone, letters and e-mail but had not been in touch for many years.
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office said Kristin died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Her sister, Candice, who is recovering from a .22 caliber bullet wound to her forehead at Swedish Medical Center, told police in an emotional bedside interview Thursday that the sisters had shot themselves but denied that they were obsessed with the Columbine massacre.
"I don't give a (expletive)," Candice told the police, the Post reported. "It happened a long time ago."
Captain Louie Perea, a spokesman for the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office, said Candice was agitated and frustrated during the interview and that she insisted that the Columbine killings had no connection to their simultaneous suicide plan.
The sisters, who are from Australia's Victoria state, had been in the Denver area for about five weeks.
They didn't attempt to contact Brown or his family during their time in the United States.
Read more:
--- end ---
November 24, 2010 UPDATE
"More links to the Columbine massacre that unraveled nearby 11 years ago also emerged, including a letter found in the sisters' luggage from the family one of 1999 rampage killers... Randy Brown, whose son Brooks received two letters from Kristin shortly after the 1999 massacre, has urged local police to further investigate the Columbine links. 'They came back here, and I believe they came here to commit suicide to make a statement, that's actually what I believe,' he said about the sisters. His wife Judy told the Denver TV station that the cloud of Columbine still hung over the local community, and has been revived by the Australian twins' joint suicide bid. 'This community had a lot of kids that were in Columbine the day it happened, and they are hurting as well. And just because they are not committing suicide doesn't mean that they aren't hurting,' she said."
Read more:
"On Tuesday (Nov 23, 2010), the TV station (CBS 4 Denver) cited the police report as saying that letters from Klebold's family had been found with the luggage, as well as a letter from the family of a Columbine murder victim, Corey DePooter."
Read more:
"It was revealed that a letter from Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold's family was in the sisters' luggage. The twins also possessed correspondence from the family of Columbine victim Corey DePooter and numerous news articles about the 1999 rampage, according to police documents obtained by American news channel CBS4... The letters found in the twins' luggage adds to mounting evidence the sisters had an obsession with the Columbine massacre, in which Klebold and Eric Harris shot dead 12 students and one teacher. It has been revealed that Kristin had written to Columbine survivor Brooks Brown, describing herself as 'someone who has been rejected, victimised and ostracised'. Brooks's father, Randy Brown, told CBS4 he would urge law enforcement agencies to make deeper investigations into the Columbine links. 'They came back here, and I believe they came here to . . . make a statement,' Mr Brown said. CBS4 reported that Tom Klebold, Dylan Klebold's father, said his wife, Susan, could have written to the twins. The report said Susan Klebold was now involved in suicide prevention."
Read more:






Swedish Medical Center - Englewood, Colorado

Father, Ernest Hermeler

November 26, 2010 UPDATE
"America's government are nazis in disguise... they brainwash people through the media without the knowledge or consent of the people... things that most consider 'normal' arent normal at all... wake up America"
"and this was 50years ago, imagine now....."
There were indeed more shooters at Columbine. Eyewitnesses had no trouble identifying them:
Also, back in 1999, Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department spokesman Capt Perea was Sgt Perea, and he was part of a SWAT contingent that responded to Columbine.
Thanks for the link, Starviego... that's quite a list of witnesses!!
Another comment:
"This story stinks of MKULTRA and a mind control operation that was either a beta test or a failed false flag mass shooting."
Found this on a message board:
The twins... were in the US on 90-day cultural exchange visas...
I guess the big question is what they were doing during that 12 week period, especially the last five weeks they spent in Denver, as they claim. But how do they know they had been there for five weeks? The only thing I can think of is the La Quinta Inn register had them signing in five weeks prior. But that would only prove they had been in that hotel; it raises the possibility that their entire visit had been spent in Denver. And who exactly sponsored their visit, and for what reason?
The "cultural exchange visa" widely reported as their entree requires an American organisation or individual to act as sponsor. Captain Perea* said it was not known who had sponsored the sisters. Nor was it known for whom they had worked or whom they had trained with, as required under the terms of the visa.
Training? Well, the only 'training' I have heard of is this:
One sister had gun training two weeks before the shooting, and both showed up at the range about a week later for additional gun training...
Now I really want to know who sponsored them. And why hasn't their gun instuctor been questioned?
Also this odd note, which only this source reported:
--Police had said earlier that after the shooting unidentified personal effects were found near the women.
Huh? I wonder if they have "identified" them by this time?
*For what it's worth, in 1999 the current ACSO spokesman was Sgt. Louie Perea, ACSO SWAT.
On 4-20, he responded to CHS at about 1pm. He is vague on what exactly he was doing there, but one of his jobs was to guard the main library doors after the library had been secured. (see 8285) So he was in a position to see and hear plenty. The perfect Columbine gatekeeper.
Some new info, and some more questions:
The Melbourne woman who shot herself dead at a US firing range as part of a suicide pact with her twin had made her sister the executor of her will, police say. Kristin and Candice Hermeler had contacted Melbourne lawyer Ken Hanlon by email to discuss their wills... . Kristin, who died, had named Candice as executor and taken her will with her to Colorado.
[What good is an executor if she's dead too? This implies only Kristin was supposed to die, which is of course inconsistent with a double suicide.]
The sisters were on three-month sabbaticals from their jobs in Australia, said Patty Walsh, the general manager at La Quinta Inn where the twins were staying before the shooting. Ms Walsh told the Denver Post that one twin was a school administrator and the other was a business administrator.
['Sabbaticals?' University professors and high level business executives get to go on sabbatical, not low level workers.]
The women rented separate rooms next door to each other and often came and went separately from the hotel in the month before the shooting.
[So what were they doing in all that time? Why wait 90 days if you're only there to commit suicide?]
Investigators found several personal documents in their belongings including birth certificates, tax identification and school diplomas... .
[You don't need any of that to commit suicide. But you might need it if you're applying for some kind of professional position or program.]
They... had asked to rent larger-caliber guns but were told that since they hadn't shot before, they needed to start with .22-caliber handguns, a Sheriff's Office report said.
[They hadn't shot before? They were at that range two times already!]
A video at the shooting range confirmed that each of the women shot herself and that when they fired, both fell straight backward.
[So now the video actually shows them shooting themselves? Before they said the video only showed them falling to the ground.]
Kristin had placed her gun in her mouth. Candice was wounded in the forehead.
[That contradicts earlier info:
"...the Australian identical twins were found slumped on the floor of their stall, each with a single bullet wound to the forehead".
If they both had bullet wounds to the forehead, it suggests they pointed their guns at each other and then fired. Which would mean the surviving twin would be legally culpable of murder, which means they would have to try her for the crime.]
The only time (Patty Walsh, the general manager at La Quinta Inn) saw them together again was Nov. 15, when they checked out, paying cash.
[Except the official version now says investigators found all their stuff in their rooms, which of course means they hadn't checked out. And she doesn't mention why they checked out on the 12th, and checked right back in the next day. ]
Another comment...
I suspect that they did not use a larger caliber pistol because they would have had to have an instructor with them.
Man I would never even think of shooting myself with a .22! That's just asking for crippling head wound and little more. Shooting ones self in the head is a terrible way to go and I have my doubts that the death is guaranteed instant. I have seen a TV special about teenager who literally lost half his brain from a .357 magnum shot and survived!
Here is a list of inconsistencies I can find:
•It is unusual for women to use a firearm to commit suicide and even more unusual to do so in a public place!
•Check out date of their last hotel 12th or the 15th?
•Reason for trip. Sabbatical or Nanny job/s?
•This is a potential murder investigation, the police would have enough ballistics information to piece together who shot who. Why are they dismissing it as a suicide pact?
•Video evidence, what does is show?
•Gun in the mouth or the forehead?
•Separate rooms? That's new! Twins are usually close and don't mind sharing.
I'm checking on the waiting period for a Handgun permit in Colorado. I don't think it is more than 30 days if that long.
Colorado Handgun Law
You do not need a permit to buy a handgun in Colorado, nor are you required to register your handgun. You do have to pass a state and federal background check prior to your purchase. This is called the Brady Registration Check. The federal agency checking backgrounds is called NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), while the Colorado check is run through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.
From the same message board...
More oddities:
A cab driver who picked them up at their hotel near Arapahoe Road and Interstate 25 and drove them to the park said they were happy and joking around.
"They wanted to go to the Cherry Creek State Park to jog and to walk," he states, adding that they were not sure where they wanted to go in the park.
He dropped them off at the west entrance at South Dayton Street near East Belleview Avenue, about a mile from the range, where they had fired rented guns twice before.
A person at the range, however, told investigators they "did not seem happy and something didn't seem right, but he could not put his finger on it."
Also curious is that video of them on the range. Right next to them we see a bunch of guys milling around, two of them in what looks like WWII-era army outfits, and another guy in long hair and scraggly beard, who seems to be in charge. Were they filming a movie scene? Plus they brought in a lot of gear, including what looks to be a heavy-duty tripod, the kind you'd use for a crew-fed weapon like a heavy machine gun or mortar tube. The whole case is surrounded by a kind of high strangeness.
here is a typical case of illuminati satanist problem reaction solution agenda
the situation creates more questions than answers by tampering with evidence / deliberate apparent '' mistakes '' which then cause public opinion to be divided therefore furthering implementation of new laws to '' protect '' them
like the climate change debate but hardly anyone is looking into the HAARP project
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