Everyone needs to watch the 1997 flick 'Wag the Dog'...
SOURCE: http://alternativenewsreport.net/tag/wag-the-dog-reality/
Wag the Dog reality
Two Days Before Jared Loughner Shot Giffords, Grey’s Anatomy Aired “Disarm” Episode: Shooter’s Character Was Named “Jerod”
"Wag the Dog" Movie Poster
Posted on January 26, 2011 by CK Hunter
Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.
I have been trying to convince readers, friends and neighbors for over 20 years that many history making “accidental events” in our society are in fact preplanned and orchestrated.
Whether people are ready or willing to face it or not, the fact is we are now living in a “Wag the Dog” NWO orchestrated reality in the United States, contrived by new world order ruling elites who own the world’s top mass media outlets, which they use to enforce their plans, motivations, trends, and objectives, in plain sight of a brain dead world populace, who are so debauched by now from over-exposure to the media onslaught that they fail to see what’s blaring right into their living rooms in plain view: the daily routine social engineering and psychological “programming” of human behaviors which are induced by these pop culture Illuminati designed behavior modification “instruction manuals”, cleverly disguised as television “programs.” If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, they call them television “programs” for a reason. Laugh if you will, but I am right, I know I am right and I will be proved right again on this one.
I was right when I endured mockery for nearly 30 years while I continued to publish and research the truthful facts that the Illuminati underpinnings of world culture is real, historical and still ever-present, only to finally have my research fully vindicated last year [finally!] by none other than “the History Channel‘s” airing of a TV show which outed the secret generational worship of Lucifer by Illuminati members in the highest positions in government, society and media. I was right, I knew I was right, and I had been right all along for 27 years. I know whereof I speak.
The desired behavior induction in the Grey’s Anatomy TV episode “Disarm” is obvious. The new world order elites desire greatly to disarm Americans, separating us from our guns so that they can proceed to separate us from what’s left of our constitutional rights and national sovereignty. They have already done this successfully in Great Britain and in Australia. They want to do it here, but alas it will never happen. The American people are too smart for the desired “social re-engineering” they have in mind, so they must resort to writing the plan into TV scripts like “Disarm” on Grey’s Anatomy.
My job of trying to convince my audience, friends and neighbors of this fact got just a little bit easier this evening. A brilliant Youtuber whose channel is named “jonah70757″ did a little bit of intelligent research and connected some huge dots. Great work Jonah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dzXyTKIUP0.
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Whatsup? posts on Jared Loughner
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