Do Viruses Even Exist?

Karma Singh: "In general there is very little evidence that viruses exist at all and a great deal of good scientific proofs that viruses do NOT exist. Very specifically, the coronavirus does not and has never existed! 

The work of Gaston Naessens and others makes it very plain that that which the medico-pharmaceutical sickness industry has labelled "viruses" are, in fact, residues from the healing and cleaning activities carried out by your own immune system. Towards the end of each Winter, before Spring begins to warm your blood, many have a need to discharge "cold" energy in order to keep their organ systems in balance. There are several methods which your body possesses to do this. The most common are a "cold" and 'flu.

Please note MOST CAREFULLY; these are natural relief processes which your body initiates itself: There are NO external micro-organisms required nor are any such present. The 'flu "virus" is a waste by-product of this internal process, i.e. it is something which your own body makes and then discharges it as soon as it is used up or its work is completed. So how does this get carried over from one person to the next? 

It's an informational process which you will find described in detail in my book "Tyrannosaurus Pharmaceuticus R.I.P.".

Earth's Tiniest Living Organisms: Somatids (Identify: Friend or Foe?) 

 Dr. Stefan Lanka, "Dismantling the virus theory"

The 5 biological laws of nature (German with English subtitles):

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