When the fire of God’s Spirit and love burns hotter than our fears the bride will rise up.

Dialogue between friends...

Do you remember when I first met you years ago and as we discussed the troubling issues of the times, you said something like, whatever you do, don't get a vaccine, that's how they will do it? I didn't really understand but now...! How did you know?

1. The Lord spoke it to me.
2. I had several dreams about it.
3. I knew folks in key places.
4. I followed the trail of IG Farben.
5. I read the classified fema manual.
6. I have read more intelligence manuals than most intel people.
Everything happening now is playbook.
I was told all of this by the Lord so that I would not be caught unaware while I fulfill my mission.
My mission is to reveal the 1st century truth hidden just beneath the skin of the Original Bible text. It is tribal and it will awaken tribal people and the Jews. Not one Jew has been able to stand up to it. They break down and cry.
The only solution to the problem we have right now is Holy Ghost and Fire!
When the fire of God’s Spirit and love burns hotter than our fears the bride will rise up.
For just such a time have we been called!!!

Thanks for this. You know, right before I met you, I had been a missionary praying for God to expose any lies I was believing. He opened my eyes BIG TIME to many deceptions all around me. When I attempted to discuss any of this with friends or leaders, I was shut down. Stunned by my findings, I left the mission field & my organization, praying for the Lord to show me whether or not I was seeing truth. The next day, I met you and what you said gave me confirmation and peace. The Lord Jesus Christ is faithful and He is waking up the Bride!

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