Berlin-Hellersdorf Youth
Yesterday, on the way home after ministering to the youth in Hellersdorf, I had an interesting encounter. While waiting for the bus, I saw a young girl begging for money and I noticed she was wearing a somewhat large cross, so I asked her if she believed in Jesus. She spoke pretty good English and said yes. So as my bus came and went, we chatted about her life and about Jesus. Sabine is 16 and her mother kicked her out of the house because she had a poster in her bedroom about Jesus and the cross! She doesn't go to school because she lives either on the streets or with her boyfriend, who she says also believes in Jesus. I was surprised when Sabine volunteerly told me that they don't have sex because she wants to wait until she is married! I was amazed to hear her as she spoke because she seemed to love Jesus so much! I prayed with her and offered to give her and her boy friend a Bible study at their place - we will see if they call. PLEASE BLESS SABINE, LORD JESUS, AND MAY HER MOM GET SAVED & FIND FREEDOM IN YOU!

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