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Gary Michael Hilton has been charged with murder, kidnapping and grand theft in the case involving Cheryl Dunlapsource
LEON COUNTY, FL -- The man accused of murdering a Georgia woman is also charged with murdering a Florida panhandle woman.
Gary Michael Hilton has been charged with murder, kidnapping and grand theft in the case involving Cheryl Dunlap. Leon County State Attorney Willie Meggs, Leon County Sheriff's office, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement presented testimony and evidence in the murder case of Cheryl Dunlap Thursday.
Law enforcement officials said Hilton will need to be transferred to Leon County at some point, although we do not yet know when.
There is no word as to whether prosecutors will seek the death penalty.
--- end ---
Today's Atlanta Journal article, Deadly encounters with Gary Hilton, says, "Florida's state attorney announced he has enough evidence to get a warrant for Hilton's arrest in connection with Cheryl Dunlap's killing."
Sheriff: 'No question' Hilton killed 2 N.C. hikersThe Associated Press reported Friday, 2/1/08, that Sheriff David Mahoney of Transylvania County, N.C said there is "no question" Gary Hilton is responsible for the killing of 2 North Carolina hikers.
The day before, Gary Hilton was sentenced in Georgia to life in prison after being found guilt of the murder of hiker, Meredith Emerson, who disappeared January 1, 2008.
As we know, Hilton is the prime suspect in the slaying of Cheryl but Florida State Attorney Willie Meggs said Thursday the Dunlap case was still being treated as a "law enforcement matter," and that officials are continuing their investigation. What does that mean, "law enforcement matter"?
Anyway, in each case in Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, officials have placed Hilton in the vicinity. Further, each of the victims' ATM cards were used, and the bodies were recovered in state or national forests.
May the Truth be revealed, may the lies be exposed, may the deceived wakeup and may souls be saved in my continued prayer in Jesus name.
CNN NEWS: Gary Hilton, top suspect in Cheryl Dunlap's still unsolved murder, today pleaded guilty and got life for killing hiker, Meredith Emerson.
Video: Direct Access Forum: FDLE Chief of Forensics
By Julia Thompson
David Coffman, Florida Department of Law Enforcement chief of forensic services, answers reader-submitted questions.
Jason Knapp's DisappearancePossible connection to more missing/murdered persons.
The Email gives the run down on the email which Leon county authorities said was a 'blatant lie'.
Again, I am so thankful to the Lord that Gary Hilton is off the streets. Each day it seems authorities are linking him to other unsolved murders, so whether Hilton is Cheryl's murderer or not, it is a relief that he is behind bars - for now anyway.
Will justice occur? Time will tell. For sure, one day like all of us, Hilton or whoever committed these horrific crimes, will stand before God and give an account.
But I wonder about this person, Gary Michael Hilton. We've been told that he is originally from Miami, Florida, married and divorced twice, and possibly served in the military. But what was his childhood like? One has to wonder.
I also wonder if he could have been a victim himself of mind control experimentation?
In 2001, Carol Rutz wrote a book called, "A Nation Betrayed: The Chilling Story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on our Children and other Innocent People" (book preface)
From the website:
"Could You Be One of the People Who Was Used as a Guinea Pig by Your Own Government?
Using electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and other types of trauma, the CIA conducted Mind Control experiments on children in their attempt to create a Manchurian Candidate. Thousands of innocent children who have now grown into adults are silently suffering from the effects of these experiments. Your tax dollars paid doctors to participate in these and other experiments in ESP, Remote Viewing, Radiation and research with Chemical and Biological Warfare while working under government contracts in the U. S. and Canada. Read the PROOF obtained from 18,000 pages of declassified documents from Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA Projects and Documentation and Testimony from Survivors of these Cold War Tests.
"LSD, Mustard Gas and Lewisite Testing on Military Personnel
Between 1955 and 1975 the US Army enrolled 6720 soldiers in an experimental exposure program of chemical warfare and other agents at Edgewood Arsenal, MD. 254 chemicals were administered in an experimental setting.
"Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent Research, U.S. Army
Based on interviews, some tentative conclusions may be drawn regarding the ethical milieu of medical research in the 1940's and '50's. In the absence of an established code of conduct, other influences guided investigator behavior. Some perhaps caught up in the excitement of research or the desire to advance their career, used patients as subjects of investigation without their knowledge or consent. Others relied on the power and prestige of their position to convince subjects to participate even when benefit was questionable or nonexistent, and even in the absence of complete information.
Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments"
If true, these accusations are worthy of further research. Maybe Gary Michale Hilton was an experiment that went awry - quite tragic if so.
Other books of interest are
"Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp
"Thanks for the Memories" by Brice Taylor
"Trance Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips
"Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control" by Kathleen Sullivan
--- end ---
1/14/08John Tabor, former boss of accused killer Gary Hilton, speaks
Former Boss: Hilton a 'Monster'WXIA-TV, GA - Jan 12, 2008
The man who helped lead investigators to Gary Michael Hilton is speaking out about his relationship with the suspected killer.
On the trail of a killer
Murder suspect traveled in at least 6 counties in the days after he abducted hiker, police say.

This map (click to enlarge) shows the movements of Gary Michael Hilton between the kidnapping of Meredith Emerson and Hilton's arrest, according to authorities.
By Stephen Gurr
POSTED Jan. 13, 2008 4:04 a.m.
Gary Michael Hilton put a lot of miles on his Chevrolet Astro van in the days following Meredith Emerson's New Years Day disappearance, authorities believe.
Between the afternoon of Jan. 1 and the evening of Jan. 4, Hilton, who authorities charged with abducting and killing Emerson, was placed in at least six counties and seen by or talked to numerous people. During much of that time, Emerson remained alive, according to officials.
From Union County, the site of her abduction, Hilton drove to Gainesville, stopping at an ATM on E.E. Butler Parkway at about 9:30 p.m. to try to use one of the 24-year-old hiker's bank cards, investigators believe. The following day, Jan. 2, she was reported missing by a roommate. That night, about 8:30 p.m., Hilton was seen on surveillance video trying to use one of Emerson's credit cards at a Regions Bank ATM in Canton, authorities have said.
The next day, Jan. 3, he showed up in his van at a Waffle House in Pickens County, asking to use the phone to call an old boss. By then, authorities had issued a lookout for Hilton.
Authorities believe sometime on the next day, Hilton drove to the Dawson Forest Wildlife Management area near Dawsonville, where he allegedly killed Emerson with a blow to the head, then decapitated her.
Then he was back on the road, first stopping to call an old girlfriend from a pay phone outside a QuikTrip store in Forsyth County, then later a convenience store in north DeKalb County, where he was finally stopped.
"Obviously, if you look at all those places on a map, at least going on those points, he was moving all around," said Forsyth County Sheriff Ted Paxton, whose investigators found evidence at the QuikTrip that has proven critical in the case.
Among the items they recovered were fleece shirts discarded in a Dumpster, with fresh blood that had not had time to dry. That, along with Hilton's movements on the day he was arrested, indicated that Emerson had not been dead long, Paxton said.
"All of a sudden you've got a flurry of activity, of him getting rid of everything, that would indicate that something had occurred," Paxton said. "The logic would be that something just happened to her."
Now, as Hilton sits in jail, with the possibility of being charged with an additional slaying in Florida, questions remain as to what happened to Emerson while she remained alive in those three days, and if anything more could have been done to prevent her murder.
As friends and family of Emerson have gathered to mourn and reminisce on a life full of light cut short, a darker picture has emerged of her accused killer.
Hilton was known to spend extended time in the woods, backpacking in national forests in Florida and Georgia, and squatting at a hunting preserve in Cherokee County.
A videotaped encounter with a sheriff's deputy there shows an animated, talkative man, who assures the deputy in a loud voice that he will leave, after claiming he is an ex-paratrooper "on perpetual field maneuvers."
In dealings with deputies and lawyers, he has also appeared talkative.
"He looks like quite an eccentric person," Paxton said.
Amanda Peacock, the Huddle House waitress who saw Hilton about 4:30 p.m. Jan. 3, said a "fidgety" Hilton parked his van on the far side of the parking lot, out of view of the restaurant workers and patrons, walked in and asked where he could use a pay phone.
Dressed in a black jacket, a wool-lined hunter's cap and blue jeans, Hilton wore glasses and a white goatee when Peacock saw him.
"His teeth were messed up and he stunk really bad," Peacock said. "He didn't look nice - he looked kind of grungy."
Employees let Hilton use the business phone, and he spent some 20 minutes talking loudly with a former boss, John Tabor, owner of Insulated Wall Systems, a Chamblee siding business.
Tabor had earlier tipped off the GBI that the description given out for a "person of interest" in the case sounded like Hilton, whom he knew to frequent the woods in Union County.
By the afternoon of Jan. 3, the GBI had released a name, photo and vehicle description for Hilton. But when he stopped by the Huddle House, either the lookout had not yet been broadcast by television stations or Peacock and her co-workers had yet to learn about it.
"I wish he would have been on the news," Peacock said this week. "If he had, she would have still been alive. We would not have let him walk out that door."
Three GBI agents came into the Huddle House about five hours after Hilton left and showed Peacock a picture of Hilton, she said. She confirmed he had been there.
When she asked what they wanted with him, they replied, "Oh, we just need to talk to him," Peacock recalled.
Tabor alerted the GBI to the call Hilton made from the restaurant. The amount of time that passed before agents arrived at the Huddle House has not been explained, though Paxton has said that attempts to trace a later phone call from Hilton "took some time." The GBI is no longer taking questions about the case.
After the Huddle House visit, Hilton was not heard from again until he showed up at a QuikTrip on Freedom Parkway in Forsyth County, using a pay phone to call an old girlfriend and ask for money.
"She told him ‘no,' and ‘what are you calling me for, every law enforcement officer in the state is looking for you,'" Paxton said.
Authorities believe Hilton may not have known until then that he was a wanted man. At that point, he cut out a blood-stained portion of a rear seat belt, threw out the blood-soaked fleeces and Emerson's wallet, authorities said.
When DeKalb police caught up to Hilton on Ashford-Dunwoody Road, he was vacuuming the van and trying to wash portions of it with a bleach and water solution, according to arrest warrants.
It wasn't until three days later, and the offer of a deal to avoid the death penalty, that Hilton led investigators to Emerson's body.
Both Hilton's former boss and the restaurant workers wish there was more they could have done to help authorities stop Hilton before he killed.
"I wish I could have helped her," Peacock said. "If I had known, Meredith would still be alive."
The Associated Press and Times regional reporters Julie Arrington and Ben Holcombe contributed to this report.
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Friends say slain Floridian was a spiritual role modelBy CHRISTIAN BOONE
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/14/08During the two weeks Cheryl Dunlap was missing, Tanya Land called her close friend's home every morning. She knew she was going to get Dunlap's answering machine, but Land wasn't prepared to break routine. Mostly, she needed to hear a comforting voice.
"When life happened, she was the one I called," said Land, of Crawfordville, Fla. "She was on call 24 hours a day."
As they gathered Sunday after the regular service at River of Life Church in Crawfordville, a small town about 30 minutes south of Tallahassee, Dunlap's close friends shared stories about a life devoutly lived.
Their faith sustained them throughout, from Dunlap's disappearance on Dec. 1 through the time her body was recovered Dec. 15 and identified four days later.
Last Wednesday, Gary Michael Hilton was named the prime suspect in Dunlap's slaying, and officials here say they have enough evidence to indict him on murder charges.
He has already been charged in the decapitation of Buford hiker Meredith Emerson and is considered the prime suspect in the presumed double-slaying of an elderly North Carolina couple. He's also being investigated in the homicide of a South Daytona, Fla., man.
"The only thing that's helped me keep my sanity is knowing Cheryl is safe in the arms of the Lord," said Betty Fusco, who described Dunlap as "my daughter, my student, my friend and my sister in Christ."
All her friends agree that, if she were conscious and aware, Dunlap would've seen her abduction as an opportunity to share Christ with a lost soul.
"You can't talk about Cheryl without talking about her love for Jesus," said friend Cindy White, who described Dunlap as her spiritual mentor.
Dunlap's friends have already forgiven whoever is responsible for her death.
"You want to honor Cheryl, and that's what she would've done," White said. "I have no doubt she forgave him before she died."
They say that their faith has grown through this ordeal. Not only do they ask themselves what would Jesus do, but "what would Cheryl do," Land said. "She made us all better people."
Dunlap, 46 and the divorced mother of two grown sons, was the nurse who cared for friends and strangers alike, on and off the clock. More than 600 people attended her Dec. 27 funeral, "a testament to the kind of person Cheryl was," White said.
"We've sort of joked that we hope we don't die soon because it would be just like following [tenor Luciano] Pavarotti on stage," said Land, referring to Dunlap's funeral. "We knew what kind of person Cheryl was, but I don't think anyone knew the tremendous impact she had on this community."
In a way, Dunlap's death has brought that community together, though it's also stirred fear and, before Hilton was implicated, near panic, according to local reports.
"Until it hits home, you don't like to think that there are truly evil people in this world," said Lesley Sacher, director of Florida State University's Thagard Student Health Center, where Dunlap worked as a nurse.
Tallahassee has been through this before. Almost 30 years to the day, notorious serial killer Ted Bundy strangled two Florida State coeds and assaulted three others. He was arrested in Pensacola on Feb. 15, 1978.
Sacher said she is now requiring all her female employees to enroll in a police defense course.
"I lost a friend and a co-worker and I don't want that to ever happen again," she said.
As investigators continue to collect evidence against Hilton, Dunlap's friends want to know the particulars behind her alleged encounter with the former subcontractor and drifter. Dunlap's car was found with one flat tire on U.S. 319, headed toward her house in Crawfordville. Officials either don't know or won't say whether she was abducted there, but it wouldn't have been easy. The road is well-traveled, and Dunlap's friends say she wouldn't have trusted a stranger.
"She wouldn't even get in the truck with me, just for the sake of appearance," said friend Joe Dismuke. "If she had a flat tire and he pulled up, she would've stayed in the car with the door locked."
They believe her assailant likely made a convincing appeal to Dunlap for help.
"She wouldn't turn down anyone who needed her care," Land said.
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Originally published January 13, 2008Dunlap case leaves questionsSome look at time it took for Hilton's arrestBy Julian Pecquet
DEMOCRAT STAFF WRITERThe arrest of Gary Michael Hilton in the death of a Georgia hiker and news that he's a prime suspect in Cheryl Dunlap's killing has brought cautious relief to the community.
But questions remain about Hilton and the death of Dunlap. Hilton, 61, was charged with murder in the death of Meredith Emerson in the woods of North Georgia, and he also is a suspect in the slaying of an elderly couple in North Carolina.
It's not clear why law-enforcement agencies in Florida and Georgia didn't arrest Hilton after various encounters with him. He had a revoked driver's license and, until recently, an outstanding warrant.
Also, Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell last week defended his agency's handling of a tip that came in Dec. 19, four days after Dunlap's body was found in the Apalachicola National Forest. Someone called the Sheriff's Office to report that a suspicious homeless-looking man with a knife and a large dog was seen in the woods Dec. 7 and that a white van was spotted Jan. 8 and 9. Deputies didn't go to the woods to look for the man, now thought to be Hilton, when they got the tip.
But Campbell said no link to the van, believed to be Hilton's, had been made at the time and that he was gone by the time the tip was received.
Wakulla County Sheriff David Harvey said Friday that he thought Campbell's agency and his own had done the best job possible following up on the hundreds of tips they received.
"At the height of the frenzy, the calls and the tips were overwhelming, and it takes time to run down these tips," Harvey said. "We're the first to say we're not perfect. We do the best we can."
Since Hilton was charged with murdering Emerson on Tuesday, at least seven or eight more people have come forward with tips that they saw Hilton and his 2001 Chevrolet Astro Van, Campbell said. His office is following their leads and going to where they saw him.
Others haven't talked to the authorities, yet.
Sandey Goff of Tallahassee said she thinks she ran into Hilton one evening in early December at a laundromat on Crawfordville Highway.
She said he put his clothes on the sidewalk and was taking them inside the laundromat a little at a time instead of all at once.
"He just wasn't acting like a normal person," she said. "It was just a weird vibe. The way he was acting, he was giving me the creeps."
Goff's daughter, Erika Goff, asked to pet the man's dog, which was sitting in his van's driver's seat. He warned her that the dog was wet — it had just been bathed — but he let her pet the dog.
"When he looked at you, it was a strange look," said Erika, 15. "He just stared."
She said she saw a rolled-up sleeping bag and yellow rope in the back of the van.
"It was junky inside," she said, "because there was a lot of stuff in there."
Capt. Randall Taylor, head of criminal investigations in Wakulla County, said that in the days after Dunlap was declared missing, eight of his detectives helped with the investigation. That number is down to two now, although others pitch in to follow new tips when needed.
He also said media reports that Dunlap was last seen at 9 a.m. Dec. 1 in her Crawfordville home were inaccurate. He declined to say when she was last seen, but he said detectives know where she was that day. Dunlap, a nurse, was reported missing Dec. 3 after failing to show up for Sunday school.
Hilton, a Fulton County, Ga., native, is believed to have been in the Leon County area for about three weeks. A U.S. forestry agent ran his tags Nov. 17 in the Apalachicola National Forest and talked to him, said Maj. Mike Wood of the Leon County Sheriff's Office said. Another forestry agent ran his tags in the Osceola National Forest on Dec. 28.
Hilton had a warrant for a 1972 charge of receiving stolen property in Miami until Nov. 9, when it was dismissed as part of a clean-up of old files. He also had a Florida chauffeur's license from 1970 to 1972, when his license was revoked following his arrest for DUI in Miami. He never took steps to re-instate the license, which means he shouldn't have been driving in Florida.
On Oct. 26, he was caught trespassing on private hunting land north of Atlanta. He told a Georgia deputy that he was a former paratrooper "on perpetual field maneuvers." The deputy let him go after checking to see whether he had any warrants, but he didn't catch the one in Miami.
On Friday, Hilton was named a suspect in the death of Irene Bryant in North Carolina. She disappeared Oct. 21, along with her husband, Jack, in Pisgah National Forest. Irene Bryant was found dead, but not decapitated, and covered in leaves Nov. 9; her husband hasn't been found. ATM cards belonging to the Bryants, Dunlap and Emerson were used after they disappeared.
Investigators with the Leon County Sheriff's Office still won't discuss the condition of Dunlap's body, despite national media reports saying she was decapitated, just as Emerson was.
Meanwhile, Ormond Beach police are investigating Hilton for the death of a man whose decapitated, dismembered body was found in several trash bags under the Tokoma River Bridge, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Friday. The body of Michael Scot Louis, 27, of South Daytona, was found Dec. 6.
"There are serial killers amongst us; they are potentially everywhere," said Tom Blomberg, dean of FSU's School of Criminology, noting that 600,000 people are released each year from state and federal prisons, many without receiving meaningful treatment or education. "It was horrific luck (Dunlap) had that morning."
"We don't really know what makes these people what they are," he said.
Some point to early childhood experiences, an innate predisposition or a combination of both. In either case, serial killers, as Hilton may turn out to be, don't all look the part. Notorious serial killer Ted Bundy, who was on his murderous spree here when Blomberg was teaching at FSU, didn't appear scary at all.
"He was a very normal, clean-cut sort of guy," Blomberg said. "The look is not the issue."
Typically, though there is a persistence of criminal behavior throughout their lives.
"He didn't just start this at 61," Blomberg said. "He's been pursuing his craft for a long time."
He expects the number of unsolved-murder cases linked to Hilton will increase.
"Those three or four cases, that is probably not the full story," he said. "I bet a lot more will unfold before this is over."
Contact reporter Julian Pecquet at (850) 599-2307 or Staff writers Nic Corbett and Jennifer Portman contributed to this report.
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On the trail of a killerMurder suspect traveled in at least 6 counties in the days after he abducted hiker, police say
This map shows the movements of Gary Michael Hilton between the kidnapping of Meredith Emerson and Hilton's arrest, according to authorities.
By Stephen Gurr
POSTED Jan. 13, 2008 4:04 a.m.
Gary Michael Hilton put a lot of miles on his Chevrolet Astro van in the days following Meredith Emerson's New Years Day disappearance, authorities believe.
Between the afternoon of Jan. 1 and the evening of Jan. 4, Hilton, who authorities charged with abducting and killing Emerson, was placed in at least six counties and seen by or talked to numerous people. During much of that time, Emerson remained alive, according to officials.
From Union County, the site of her abduction, Hilton drove to Gainesville, stopping at an ATM on E.E. Butler Parkway at about 9:30 p.m. to try to use one of the 24-year-old hiker's bank cards, investigators believe. The following day, Jan. 2, she was reported missing by a roommate. That night, about 8:30 p.m., Hilton was seen on surveillance video trying to use one of Emerson's credit cards at a Regions Bank ATM in Canton, authorities have said.
The next day, Jan. 3, he showed up in his van at a Waffle House in Pickens County, asking to use the phone to call an old boss. By then, authorities had issued a lookout for Hilton.
Authorities believe sometime on the next day, Hilton drove to the Dawson Forest Wildlife Management area near Dawsonville, where he allegedly killed Emerson with a blow to the head, then decapitated her.
Then he was back on the road, first stopping to call an old girlfriend from a pay phone outside a QuikTrip store in Forsyth County, then later a convenience store in north DeKalb County, where he was finally stopped.
"Obviously, if you look at all those places on a map, at least going on those points, he was moving all around," said Forsyth County Sheriff Ted Paxton, whose investigators found evidence at the QuikTrip that has proven critical in the case.
Among the items they recovered were fleece shirts discarded in a Dumpster, with fresh blood that had not had time to dry. That, along with Hilton's movements on the day he was arrested, indicated that Emerson had not been dead long, Paxton said.
"All of a sudden you've got a flurry of activity, of him getting rid of everything, that would indicate that something had occurred," Paxton said. "The logic would be that something just happened to her."
Now, as Hilton sits in jail, with the possibility of being charged with an additional slaying in Florida, questions remain as to what happened to Emerson while she remained alive in those three days, and if anything more could have been done to prevent her murder.
As friends and family of Emerson have gathered to mourn and reminisce on a life full of light cut short, a darker picture has emerged of her accused killer.
Hilton was known to spend extended time in the woods, backpacking in national forests in Florida and Georgia, and squatting at a hunting preserve in Cherokee County.
A videotaped encounter with a sheriff's deputy there shows an animated, talkative man, who assures the deputy in a loud voice that he will leave, after claiming he is an ex-paratrooper "on perpetual field maneuvers."
In dealings with deputies and lawyers, he has also appeared talkative.
"He looks like quite an eccentric person," Paxton said.
Amanda Peacock, the Huddle House waitress who saw Hilton about 4:30 p.m. Jan. 3, said a "fidgety" Hilton parked his van on the far side of the parking lot, out of view of the restaurant workers and patrons, walked in and asked where he could use a pay phone.
Dressed in a black jacket, a wool-lined hunter's cap and blue jeans, Hilton wore glasses and a white goatee when Peacock saw him.
"His teeth were messed up and he stunk really bad," Peacock said. "He didn't look nice - he looked kind of grungy."
Employees let Hilton use the business phone, and he spent some 20 minutes talking loudly with a former boss, John Tabor, owner of Insulated Wall Systems, a Chamblee siding business.
Tabor had earlier tipped off the GBI that the description given out for a "person of interest" in the case sounded like Hilton, whom he knew to frequent the woods in Union County.
By the afternoon of Jan. 3, the GBI had released a name, photo and vehicle description for Hilton. But when he stopped by the Huddle House, either the lookout had not yet been broadcast by television stations or Peacock and her co-workers had yet to learn about it.
"I wish he would have been on the news," Peacock said this week. "If he had, she would have still been alive. We would not have let him walk out that door."
Three GBI agents came into the Huddle House about five hours after Hilton left and showed Peacock a picture of Hilton, she said. She confirmed he had been there.
When she asked what they wanted with him, they replied, "Oh, we just need to talk to him," Peacock recalled.
Tabor alerted the GBI to the call Hilton made from the restaurant. The amount of time that passed before agents arrived at the Huddle House has not been explained, though Paxton has said that attempts to trace a later phone call from Hilton "took some time." The GBI is no longer taking questions about the case.
After the Huddle House visit, Hilton was not heard from again until he showed up at a QuikTrip on Freedom Parkway in Forsyth County, using a pay phone to call an old girlfriend and ask for money.
"She told him ‘no,' and ‘what are you calling me for, every law enforcement officer in the state is looking for you,'" Paxton said.
Authorities believe Hilton may not have known until then that he was a wanted man. At that point, he cut out a blood-stained portion of a rear seat belt, threw out the blood-soaked fleeces and Emerson's wallet, authorities said.
When DeKalb police caught up to Hilton on Ashford-Dunwoody Road, he was vacuuming the van and trying to wash portions of it with a bleach and water solution, according to arrest warrants.
It wasn't until three days later, and the offer of a deal to avoid the death penalty, that Hilton led investigators to Emerson's body.
Both Hilton's former boss and the restaurant workers wish there was more they could have done to help authorities stop Hilton before he killed.
"I wish I could have helped her," Peacock said. "If I had known, Meredith would still be alive."
The Associated Press and Times regional reporters Julie Arrington and Ben Holcombe contributed to this report
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Gary Hilton: Misfit with a mean streak - This AJC article tells us more about Hilton.
NY Times article
1/12/08 UDPATE
Link to video showing a bit of Hilton's bond hearing.
Link to several other related videos at Brightcove.
This Tallahassee Democrat article says the prime suspect in Cheryl Dunlap's death is being investigated in at least five deaths spanning three states.
In this Atlanta Journal article, retired FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt says it's possible Hilton is a serial killer who is responsible for multiple homicides (video). Again, I am so thankful to God that this maniac is locked up as we continue to pray for the families of the victims.
And if you take the time to do the research, you will discover that there are military black operations/experiments being done behind closed doors which are producing individuals like Gary Hilton, a mind controlled, multiple personality, satanic 'Manchurian candidate' type assassin. To some this sounds way 'out there' but the light is being shed on these wicked cockroaches and the first step to solving a problem is first admitting you have a problem!
Words to google: mk-ultra, franklin cover-up by John DeCamp, Brice Taylor/Sue Ford, Cathy O'Brien, operation paperclip
1/11/08 UPDATE
More about Hilton from the Atlanta Journal
--- end ---
911 caller was ready to take Hilton down
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/11/08A man who spotted accused killer Gary Michael Hilton at a DeKalb County gas station last week watched as Hilton threw away several backpacks, a sleeping bag and a purse into a trash bin, according to 911 calls obtained by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The man was one of three callers who dialed 911 at around 8 p.m. on Jan. 4 to report spotting Hilton at a Chevron gas station on Ashford-Dunwoody Road. Their calls led to the 61-year-old drifter's arrest just three days after Buford hiker Meredith Emerson went missing in the North Georgia mountains and the same day police say Hilton killed her.
Two of the calls lasted less than three minutes and didn't offer much detail, but one man stayed on the line for more than 12 minutes with a dispatcher, relaying all of Hilton's movements while he watched 15 feet away in his car.
"It's definitely him," the man said at the start of the call. "The van is there. The dog is there. I saw his face."
The man's full name was not included in the recording provided to the AJC and he could not be reached for comment Friday night.
The caller reports that Hilton looks "disheveled," and was wearing a single light on his head like those used by people exploring caves. He added that Hilton had about four day's worth of stubble on his face and that the suspect's red Irish Setter, Dandy, was off its leash and following him around obediently as he cleaned out his white Chevrolet Astro van.
"He's emptying stuff out of his van," the man reported, adding: "He's looking around like he's guilty as sin."
The caller also said that Hilton had emptied bags onto the ground, and was taking them in loads to a Dumpster near the gas station's car wash. As he carried the items, Hilton held them at arm's length, the man noted.
At one point, the man worried that Hilton had looked at him. Not long after that, he offers to take the law into his own hands.
"I can go take him down if you want," he says.
"No, sir, stay right there," the dispatcher responded.
The man then worried that police wouldn't arrive in time to catch Hilton.
"He looks like he's finishing up. You guys gotta hurry."
He also remarked that the excitement was getting to him: "Aw, I'm just shaking."
Soon after, the caller spots two DeKalb County police cruisers heading his way.
"Here comes the cops! Yes! Yes!" he said, adding, "Oh they got him now. Two cruisers pulled up on him. Two of Dekalb's finest."
Staff Writer Jeffry Scott contributed to this story
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UPDATED: 3:04 p.m. January 11, 2008
Hilton to be charged in Fla. murder, suspect in N.C.
Authorities say Hilton responsible for murder of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, whose body was found in Apalachicola National Forest on Dec. 1
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/11/08
Florida officials have enough evidence to charge Meredith Emerson's accused killer with a murder in that state, state attorney William Meggs told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Friday morning.
Gary Michael Hilton, 61, is being investigated in six murder cases, four of them which are known to have decapitation in common.
Other developments Friday, as Emerson, the 24-year-old Buford resident, was being memorialized at an Athens church:
• Transylvania (N.C.) County Sheriff David Mahoney told the AJC, "At this point, I'm willing to say he's a suspect" in the unsolved October disappearance John and Irene Bryant. Until now, North Carolina authorities only described Hilton as a "person of interest."
• Ormand Beach (Fla.) police confirmed they met with GBI officials on Thursday and are investigating Hilton for the gruesome killing of Michael Scot Louis, 27. His body was found decapitated and spread among three trash bags on Dec. 6 near Tomoka State Park in Ormond Beach. Sgt. Doug Diamond said Ormand Beach police are processing DNA evidence from the body to see if it matches Hilton, a Florida native.
• Troup County authorities said they do not, at this time, consider Hilton a suspect in the dismemberment of an unidentified woman found in December outside of LaGrange. The woman's mutilated body was in five black plastic bags left along Stitcher Road near the Alabama line. Earlier this week, Capt. Mike Nixon said there were "obvious coincidences" to be inspected. But Friday, Troup County District Attorney Pete Skandalakis said, "At this point they are not looking at him."
Second case goes forward
Meanwhile, Meggs, the state attorney who presides over Florida's Leon County, said authorities are prepared to charge Hilton for the murder of 46-year-old Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, whose body was found Apalachicola National Forest on Dec. 15.
Around that same time, Hilton was seen in the Florida woods. U.S. Forest rangers reported spotting him there on Nov. 17 and Dec. 28. A hunter also reported seeing Hilton in Apalachicola National Forest on Dec. 7.
Hilton is in the custody of Dawson County and facing a murder charge in the death of Emerson, who went missing on New Year's Day in the North Georgia mountains.
If Hilton were still at large, Meggs said Friday, "I would probably get the warrant today, but since he is not a threat to public safety I am not putting together a sketchy arrest warrant because I don't need to."
Meggs said he had a conversation Thursday with Dawson County district attorney Lee Darragh, who charged Hilton with malice murder on Wednesday. Emerson's body was found in Dawson County on Monday night after Hilton led them to the site.
Hilton is awaiting indictment, which probably won't come until March, Darragh said.
Hilton's phone call
In another development, Forsyth County sheriff Ted Paxton confirmed Friday to the AJC that Hilton made a call to an old girlfriend from a pay phone at the QuikTrip outside of Cumming on the Friday investigators found bloody garments determined to be Emerson's.
"My understanding from the GBI is that he was asking her for money, and she told him 'No way,' " Paxton said. "He was wanted by every law enforcement agency in the state."
Paxton said he did not know the name of the girlfriend, but the call is what alerted Forsyth Sheriff's office investigators that Hilton had been at the QuikTrip, and prompted them to search the dumpster where they found her clothing and wallet and ID, which led to the charges against Hilton the next day.
Paxton also said Hilton is believed to have tried to use Emerson's Visa card at an ATM machine on New Year's night. She was last seen on a Georgia mountain trail, with Hilton, on New Year's Day, but she wasn't reported missing until the next day.
Staff writer Rhonda Cook contributed to this article.
--- end --- Tallahassee Democrat article: Florida authorities are in no rush to charge Gary Michael Hilton in the death of Cheryl Dunlap, said State Attorney Willie Meggs.--- end ---
At the end of this video news report, you can listen to a short telephone interview with Hilton's employer and owner of Insulated Walls System, John Tabor.
--- end ---
For those of you that have tv (I don't by choice), just got word that Geraldo is doing a show on the Georgia hiker this weekend, so I found the link to his website: Remember, watch with discernment as disinfo abounds on our mass media to lead us astray.------------In this AJC 1/9/08 article, they say Hilton may be connected to a burned dismembered body found in La Grange, Georgia. This is all so gruesome but I'm glad light is finally being shed on these unsolved crimes. May resolution come to the suffering families and loved ones I pray in Jesus name.
Here is a portion of the above mentioned article:
--- start ---
In the two most recent slayings, the bodies have been disposed of in gruesome fashion. Georgia authorities said that Emerson was decapitated, and reports have circulated around Tallahassee that Dunlap's head and hands were severed from her body. Local officials won't confirm it, but Maj. Mike Wood of the Leon County Sheriff's Office told the Tallahassee Democrat there are similarities in the cases that deputies weren't at "liberty to discuss."
Yet another unsolved slaying in which the victim was dismembered has investigators in LaGrange wondering whether Hilton may be involved in yet another killing, though officials are quick to dismiss any known connection. Still, there are "obvious coincidences," said Capt. Mike Nixon, chief investigator for the Troup County Sheriff's Department.
On Dec. 6, a passing motorist discovered the body of a woman -- still unidentified -- missing hands, feet and head. The mutilated body was in five black plastic garbage bags along Stitcher Road in LaGrange, which is west of Macon near the Alabama line.
Although an attempt was made to burn the bags, some evidence was recovered, including a Domino's Pizza coupon from Chamblee. The address on Hilton's arrest warrant for Emerson's kidnapping is on Clairmont Road in Chamblee. Nixon said investigators believe the woman was killed in metro Atlanta.
--- end ---
From the Tallahassee Democrat forum today:
--- start ---
Evidently Hilton DID have some customer contact: i.e.:
"You ask the question, why does this person know so much about this person Gary Michael Hilton and his relationship with the Tabor's?"
"Answer: Because I am one of the customers whose home John Tabor sent this man Gary Michael Hilton into to do work! I am also the person who told the Union County Sheriff Friday morning, where to look for Hilton in Dekalb. I took the photograph of Hilton's van showing the license plate at the house where Insulated Wall Systems runs its business out of. I sat in a chair across from the desk of Barbara S. at Bob Woods Real Estate Office where she told me the story of the crazy man who lived next door and whom I should be careful of. I know the Tabor's, a husband and wife lawyer team, have already tried to hide what they know of "Mack" Hilton under oath in a lawsuit involving that work on my home and that has been going on since 2004. I have lived terrified of this man possibly coming back to my home to get revenge on me for complaining about his work. I remember he carried some kind of weapon on him. He bragged with other workers about being a convicted felon for drugs and possibly for shooting his wife or ex-wife. Mr. Tabor refused to take him and other workers off my job after I complained loudly to him."
--- end ---
Originally published January 11, 2008
Dunlap details still not confirmed
By Jennifer Portman and Julian Pecquet
CNN and its affiliates, citing an anonymous source, are reporting that Cheryl Dunlap, a 46-year-old nurse from Crawfordville, was decapitated, which could further connect her case to that of a Georgia hiker, who was found dead Monday.
The Leon County Sheriff's Office has declined to release details about the condition of Dunlap's body, which was found Dec. 15 in Apalachicola National Forest. Investigators have only said that Dunlap's killer went to lengths to delay identification of her body.
Maj. Mike Wood said that the Sheriff's Office wouldn't discuss the condition of the body because deputies haven't interviewed their prime suspect, Gary Michael Hilton, who has been charged with murder in the death of hiker Meredith Emerson, 24. Georgia authorities have said that Emerson died of blunt-force trauma to the head and that she was decapitated.
"Those are details that we know and that (the killer) knows," Wood said.
Wood said deputies do not know the cause of Dunlap's death.
Emerson, of Buford, Ga., went missing New Year's Day. Hilton was arrested Friday and after being confronted with evidence, he led investigators to Emerson's body in Georgia's Dawson Forest.
Wood said investigators could decide by this morning when they'll head to Georgia to meet with other law-enforcement agencies. Hilton is being held in the Dawson County Jail. Wood said he doesn't know whether Hilton will be formally charged with Dunlap's murder.
"We have to assemble enough information to give us reasonable belief that he committed this crime," he said.
Also, a few new details emerged Thursday about Hilton. He had a Florida chauffeur's license from 1970 to 1972, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. He was convicted of a DUI in Miami-Dade County on Jan. 24, 1973. His Florida license was revoked for a year, and he never took steps to reinstate it.
The Miami-Dade County Police Department will be examining unsolved murders to see whether Hilton could have been the perpetrator.
"It'd be crazy not to," said Detective Ed Carmody of the Cold Case Unit. "There's going to be a lot of homework done on this."
Hilton, 61, is a Georgia native who spent recent years drifting around the Atlanta area. He was frequently seen in the woods north of the city.
Leon County deputies haven't labeled Hilton a serial killer, but law-enforcement agencies are exploring the possibility that he was behind the slaying of an elderly North Carolina couple, a woman in LaGrange, Ga., and a beauty salon owner in Forsyth County, Ga.

Phil Kiracofe, spokesman for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, said it's not known whether Hilton is a suspect in other Florida killings. But he said investigators will be looking at the possibility.
"You are going to study the characteristics of the crime and what we've got in terms of evidence," said Kiracofe, whose agency is helping the Sheriff's Office with forensic and investigation work.
Experts say serial killers usually start young.
"Somebody doesn't just pick up that late in life," said David Cordle, co-founder of the Mid-Atlantic Cold Case Homicide Investigators Association. "I'd go back 30 or 40 years in case reviews."
Serial killers often commit their crimes near where they live or work, Cordle said.
"Usually," he said, "the person operates in an area called a comfort zone."
In recent years it's become common for homicide detectives to look back at unsolved cases when suspects such as Hilton emerge, Cordle said. Key comparisons include the placement of the victim's body, its condition and whether anything was stolen.
"It's kind of getting to be a trend now," said the veteran Maryland investigator.
Contact reporter Julian Pecquet at (850) 599-2307 or
--- end ---
1/10/2008 UPDATE
The Phone Call
According to John Tabor, Gary Hilton called him from the Huddle House Restaurant. In this article, it says "Tabor, Hilton's former boss, said he's the person that Hilton called. He would not discuss the details of his conversation, but hours later authorities arrived at the restaurant looking for Hilton." Why HOURS later and not a few minutes later? Why didn't Tabor keep him on the phone by saying something like, "Let me call you right back" and then call the police?
Who is Gary Michael Hilton anyway? Where was he born and raised? Again the above article says he was married and divorced twice. Does he have children?
I asked these questions of an Atlanta reported today and he kindly wrote back the following:
We're actually working on a profile on Hilton to hopefully run on Sunday. I don't know where he was raised yet, but he has arrests in the metro Atlanta area that date back to the 1970s. He apparently has an ex-wife in DeKalb who we're trying to interview. He also claims to have served in Vietnam. We're confirming that. I don't know if he has any kids, but we'll find out. That's about all for now. Don't forget to read the story; it'll be much more informative!
Tim Eberly
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Federal government taking over Bryant case

(click map to enlarge)

Prepare yourself as you watch the following video clip because they announce that Cheryl Dunlap was decapitated. Most of us that read the forums strongly suspected this but Leon County LE has yet to publicly confirm it.
CLICK HERE and then click on "VIDEO: GBI Releases More Information On Hiker Investigation"
Media Reports: Dunlap was decapitatedCNN and its affiliates, citing an anonymous source, are reporting that Cheryl Dunlap, a 46-year-old nurse from Crawfordville, was decapitated, which could further connect her case to that of a Georgia hiker, who was found dead Monday. The Leon County Sheriff’s Office has declined to release details about the condition of Dunlap’s body, which was found Dec. 15 in the Apalachicola National Forest. Investigators have only said that Dunlap’s killer went to lengths to delay identification of her body.
100.7 WFLA Tallahassee Talk Radio
Thursday, January 10 on The Morning Show: Dunlap case BREAK
The drifter responsible for the death of a hiker in Georgia is now the prime suspect in the murder of Cheryl Dunlap. Here's a couple of segments on the case. Major Mike Wood joined us in studio to talk about the time line of the case.
Listen 1, Listen 2, Listen 3
Commentary from Bob Gabordi, editor of Tallahassee Democrat
Here's another source of info: The True Crime Weblog
Accused Killer 'Prime Suspect' in Second Slaying

1/9/2008 UPDATE
The following Atlanta Journal article talks about Hilton's phone call from a restaurant while presumably having Meredith alive in his van:
--- start ---
Waitress saw suspect when Emerson was presumably alive
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/09/08
With Meredith Emerson presumably still alive and held captive in the back of his van, Gary Michael Hilton stopped at the Huddle House in Marble Hill Thursday just hours before his picture was released to the public.
Waitress Amanda Peacock said Hilton was agitated, repeatedly asking to use a pay phone. When told there was none on the premises, he was allowed to use the restaurant's phone.
"He was real fidgety," said Peacock of Ball Ground. "He was being kind of loud on the phone."
A few hours later, GBI investigators showed up at the restaurant with photos of Hilton, asking if he had been there. Within 24 hours, investigators believe, Emerson was brutally murdered by Hilton, her body discovered on Monday about 10 miles from the restaurant.
"It kills me to know that," Peacock said. "If we knew what he looked like before that, we could've saved her."
She said he left the restaurant at about 5:05 p.m. On his way out the door, Peacock said the alleged killer thanked her for use of the phone.
"I just got my job back," she said he told her. "Then he said, 'That phone call helped me out a lot.' "
GBI officials won't say whom Hilton was calling or if that's how they traced the suspect to the restaurant.
--- end ---
The last paragraph of a news article, "GBI Just Missed Rescuing Emerson" says: "...So who did Gary Hilton call from the restaurant? Barkley said the GBI agents told him they know who it is -- it's someone who immediately called the GBI about Hilton's call, as soon as the GBI announced that Hilton was wanted for questioning. And that's how they tracked Hilton to that restaurant."
And a news article says:
"...The warrant also said Hilton placed phone calls from the gas station..."
Q. Hilton made SEVERAL calls. To WHOM??
Is this the same Gary Michael Hilton?
April 4, 2007 Denver Post article names Hilton as an alleged member of a tax-fraud case at Colorado Mental Health Institute in Pueblo: "Other alleged members of the enterprise include: Gary Michael Hilton, committed to the institute in 1989 after he was found not guilty by reason of impaired mental condition of charges of robbery and kidnapping, among others."
CNN Video - Leon County Sheriff Dept says, "He is the primary focus of our investigation."
Deal Protects Hilton From Death Penalty
In exchange for information on the whereabouts of Emerson's body, authorities in Union County where Gary Hilton was charged with kidnapping agreed not to seek the death penalty against Hilton.
Autopsy: Hiker Was Alive for 3 Days Before She Was Murdered, SC - 1 hour agoThey want to compare the suspect in the murder of 46-year-old Cheryl Dunlap last month in the Apalachicola Forest with Hilton as well.
Autopsy: Hiker died of blow to head; DA says Hilton made deal
Rome News-Tribune, GA - 2 hours agoGeorgia officials also plan to meet with Florida investigators about the death of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, who was found Dec. 19 in the Apalachicola National ...
Georgia hiker's death related to Florida case?
The Northwest Florida Daily News, FL - 2 hours agoPolice said some details of the case seem to parallel Cheryl Dunlap’s abduction and slaying a month earlier. The Florida State University nurse disappeared ...
Family Suspects Hilton In Levi Frady Murder, GA - 2 hours agoIn Crawfordville, Fla., police looking into the murder of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, 46, have also mentioned Hilton as a suspect. She was found murdered in ...
Dunlap connection considered, FL - 4 hours ago... interest" between the slaying of a hiker in Georgia and the death of Cheryl Dunlap, whose body was found last month in the Apalachicola National Forest. ...
----- end ----
Gary Michael Hilton (Mack Hilton or Michael Hilton)

1/8/2008 UPDATE
Link to sheriff dashcam video of Hilton Oct 2007
This link has a video entitled, "'Hilton Connected To Other Unsolved Murders?" where they say that Florida agents think Gary Hilton is the murderer of Cheryl Dunlap!

And from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
"Meredith Emerson's body was discovered around 7:30 p.m. Monday after investigators say her alleged kidnapper led them to the hiker's body in Dawson Forest, Georgia Bureau of Investigation officials said. GBI Special Agent in Charge John Cagle said following Gary Michael Hilton's appearance in court Monday afternoon, he described to investigators where they would find the body of Emerson of Buford, and he would later lead them there.... Officials also plan to meet with Florida investigators about the death of a Florida woman. Cheryl Hodges Dunlap's body was found Dec. 19 in the Apalachicola National Forest, just southwest of Tallahassee. A masked person suspected in Dunlap's murder used her ATM card on three separate occasions following her disappearance Dec. 1. Although other missing persons cases have been discussed, GBI officials said those were the only two cases that they're considering linking to Hilton..." (more)
This website
has several comments telling more of Hilton's odd behavior.
This website shows where Hilton worked
Here's an interesting/disturbing article about serial killers
The article from the above link mentions a cult called 'The Process Church of the Final Judgment. I've been reading some info on serial killers and see there is a connection to this satanic cult sometimes just called 'The Process Church'.
Here is a portion of the article:
--- start ---
As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, the string of shootings dubbed the 'Son of Sam' murders were not - as is generally believed - the work of David Berkowitz acting alone, but were likewise the work of a Satanic cult (this case has been exhaustively researched by Maury Terry and documented in his book, The Ultimate Evil). An offshoot of the Process Church of the Final Judgment, the cult has been referred to as both the 'Chingon' cult and the 'Four-P' cult.
The Process Church, which set up shop in San Francisco, was itself an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, which was the brainchild of L. Ron Hubbard - an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence and the son of a U.S. Navy Commander. Before being inspired to create his own church, Hubbard was a close associate and follower of Jack Parsons, rocket fuel scientist and avid follower of the occult, who helped found the prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
Parsons was at the time the head of the American chapter of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), a title bestowed on him by mentor Aleister Crowley, a flamboyant occultist, British and American intelligence asset, and avid Nazi sympathizer and propagandist both before and during World War II.
Crowley had assumed the leadership of the OTO in 1922 when founder Theodor Reuss - a German occultist and intelligence asset - had stepped down. The OTO then - along with the various organizations spawned from it - is in a direct line of descent from the German occult-based secret societies that gave rise to the Third Reich, a fact made evident by the ideology and symbolism of the Process Church, whose logo is a modified swastika.
Back in the Bay area, Anton Szandor LaVey and Crowley-enthusiast Kenneth Anger would set about busily organizing the Church of Satan in San Francisco, where LaVey would become something of a celebrity - the clown prince of Satanism. From this church would spring forth both the Temple of Set - led by U.S. intelligence asset and psychological warfare specialist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino - and the Werewolf Order, founded by LaVey's daughter Zeena and Manson-admirer Nikolas Schreck.
Both of these off-shoots embraced an unabashedly fascist ideology. The Werewolf Order was patterned directly after the Nazi-front Werewolf Corps created in post-war Germany to thwart any attempts at denazification. Zeena LaVey and Nikolas Schreck are also notable for holding a public gathering on August 8, 1988 to celebrate the anniversary of the slaughter of Sharon Tate by the Manson Family. (continued)
--- end ---
Is Hilton part of cult activity? It would not surprise me.
Below is a portion of another article entitled, "Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror"
--- start ---
The lone gunman that we hear about in assassinations, assassination attempts, school shootings, etc. are mind controlled individuals who had been 'programmed' to carry out those missions. Ted Bundy, the 'Son of Sam' serial killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Tens of thousands of young teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into the mind control training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976. Al Bielek, under mind control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly recovering his memories beginning in the late 1980's, he came to realize that there were at least 250,000 mind controlled "Montauk Boys' produced at 25 different facilities similar to the underground base at Montauk, Long Island. Many of these boys were to become 'sleepers' who are individuals who were programmed to go into action at a later date when properly "triggered" to engage in some sort of destructive or disruptive conduct. Other Montauk Boys were woven into the fabric of mainstream American life as journalists, radio & TV personalities, businessmen, lawyers, medical professionals, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, military men, etc. (continued)
Nice Email response I got today from FSU:
"Pequignot, Jacqui"
Hello, Cathy.
I received your note from our Chief of Police and I was responding to him asking what I could do. I actually inadvertently copied you on the e-mail as well, but certainly no harm done. I, too, am very concerned about our community, especially FSU community.
I appreciate your question about our students returning to school in light of what happened to Cheryl Dunlap and what information they need to know. I do not work for our police department and am not privy to information about investigations. But I have worked with them as well as Leon County Sheriff's Office and Tallahassee Police Department for a very long time and trust that whatever they are doing to investigate this case is everything they can do. As well, I trust their judgment as to what information to release.
You mentioned that you were a friend of Cheryl Dunlap's so I'm sure that you have had an enormous emotional burden lately trying to sort through all of this very incredibly sad situation. From a Victim Advocate perspective, we would be happy to work individually, or with a group, of students, faculty or administrators who have the interest in talking about ways to heal from knowing about this terrible tragedy. If you know of anyone you think we could reach out to, please let me know.
As for the police response, I have not heard what, if anything, they are doing on a news update but I will try my best to find out and respond to you as soon as I can.
Jacqui Pequignot
Asst. Dean/Director
Victim Advocate Program
Florida State University

Read and sign Cheryl's Guestbook
Cheryl Dunlap Case forum began 12/28/07
Big Bend Crimes website/forum began 12/30/07 with current info Cheryl
12/20/07 WJHG news article
(scroll down for updates)

NOTE: Cheryl was married to a
Michael Ray Dunlap.--- end ---
VEHICLE OF INTEREST (click photos to enlarge)
Nissan Titan 2005 - 2008 model with camo wrap?

ENHANCED PHOTOSSUSPECT who used Cheryl's ATM card with pin
Click here for enlargement
Click here for enlargement
Leon County Sheriff's Office12/13/07 Press Release12/19/07 Press ReleaseWakulla County Sheriff's OfficeWe are grieving the tragic loss of Cheryl and are praying that the Lord Jesus Christ bring comfort to her family and to those who knew and loved her...

Memory of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap 12-21-2007
In Memory of Cheryl Hodges Dunlap The funeral service for Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, 46, will be held on Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. EST at River of Life Church in Crawfordville, Florida. The service will be followed by the burial at Whiddon Lake Cemetery in Crawfordville, Florida. The viewing will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 26 at River of Life Church in Crawfordville. Arrangements are being handled by Harvey-Young Funeral Home (850-926-3333). Memorial contributions may be made to River of Life Church, P.O. Box 429, Sopchoppy, FL 32358.
A native of Tallahassee, Mrs. Dunlap was a lifelong resident of Wakulla County. She was a graduate of the nursing program at Tallahassee Community College and was a registered nurse at Thagard Student Health Center at Florida State University.
Mrs. Dunlap was an active member of River of Life Church, where she served as a Sunday School teacher and a Prayer Warrior. She was a graduate of the FIRE School of Ministry in Pensacola and served on mission trips to China, Haiti and twice to Mexico. She also volunteered her time and talents to the relief efforts in Pensacola following Hurricane Ivan.
She is survived by two sons: Mike Dunlap (and his wife Tabitha) of Tallahassee and Jake Dunlap of Crawfordville, now serving his country in the United States Army; two granddaughters: Hayley and Ayla Dunlap of Tallahassee; her mother Sylvia Whitten and a sister Cathy, both of Crystal River.
This announcement originally published on December 21, 2007.
--- end ---
2004 Photos of Cheryl helping with disaster relief after Hurricane Ivan hit the Gulf Coast

WCTV TV videoOriginally published December 19, 2007
Sheriff's Office identifies body as Cheryl Dunlap
By Nic Corbett
Democrat staff writer
The body of a woman found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest has been identified as Cheryl Dunlap, a Crawfordville woman who has been missing since Dec. 1.
The Leon County Sheriff’s Office is having a news conference now and just made the announcement.
Hunters called 911 Saturday after discovering the body about 11 a. m. on a forest road near Bloxham Cutoff Road in southern Leon County. Dunlap’s car was found Dec. 3 with a flat tire on the south shoulder of U.S. 319 in Leon County.
Maj. Mike Wood also said investigators are not aware of any connection to other cases of bodies discovered in Florida and Georgia. He said they have no suspects but are following up on many leads.
A masked person used Dunlap’s ATM card on three separate occasions at an unspecified location on West Tennessee Street.
Dunlap worked as a nurse at Florida State University and was very involved in the River of Life Church. Dozens of friends and family members had conducted searches for her, prayed and held out hope that she would be found safely.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff's Office at 922-3300, or Crime Stoppers at 574-TIPS (8477) or 1-888-876-TIPS (8477).
The Tallahassee Democrat has a reporter, photographer and videographer at the news conference now and will update this story. Check back at for more.
--- end ---
UPDATEOriginally published December 19, 2007
Investigators say it's possible Dunlap killer is still in areaBy Nic Corbett
Democrat staff writer
4:28 p.m.The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has identified the body of missing Crawfordville woman Cheryl Hodges Dunlap through DNA analysis, said Maj. Mike Wood, of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office.
Wood would not release Dunlap’s cause of death. He also declined to release the exact location of the ATM on West Tennessee Street at which a masked person used Dunlap’s card on three separate occasions following her disappearance Dec. 1.
The Leon County Sheriff’s Office has sent information about the case to a national and state database so that other law enforcement agencies can notify them about any similar cases which may be related.
As of this moment, no other crimes have been connected to the Dunlap homicide.
Investigators have no suspects, but are following up on leads.
They say there’s a possibility that someone other than Dunlap left her car on the south shoulder of U.S. 319 in Leon County on Dec. 3, but they won’t say why they suspect this.
Wood said the e-mail rumors have caused the community to panic unnecessarily. However, people should always be alert and aware of their surroundings.
Investigators have gotten in touch with the behavioral science unit of the FBI for help in this case, he said.
Anyone who wants to provide information anonymously can call the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS.
3:41 p.m.Investigators with the Leon County Sheriff's Office are not ruling out the possibility that the person responsible for Dunlap's death is still in the Tallahassee area.
During today's news conference, Maj. Mike Wood did not release specifics about the condition of Dunlap's body when it was found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest. However, he did say that "there's evidence to indicate that this perpetrator made efforts to delay our ability to identity Ms. Dunlap."
Rumors and near public panic have been swirling on e-mails and by word-of-mouth throughout the community today that Dunlap's death may be connected to other bodies found on the Florida-Georgia line and on Tram Road. Wood called that
e-mail a "blatant lie."
Dismembered bodies have been found the past two weeks along a rural Troup County, Ga., road near LaGrange, and in Ormond Beach, Fla., near Daytona.
Wood was asked if there was a serial killer in the Tallahassee area. Here is his response: "I can tell you that certainly we’re treating this, this is obviously a homicide. The person responsible for this homicide is quite possibly still in the area and so that’s kind of an open ended question."
Wood went on to say he wouldn't rule anything out.
--- end ---
COMMENTS--- end ---
Originally published December 19, 2007
Dunlap case confirmed as homicide; killer still out there
A news conference Wednesday confirmed the community’s worst fears about Cheryl Hodges Dunlap.
The Florida State University nurse and Sunday School teacher was dead - the victim of a homicide. A woman’s body found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest was, in fact, Dunlap’s.
And investigators couldn’t rule out the possibility that her killer is still in the Tallahassee area.The Florida Department of Law Enforcement used DNA analysis to identify the decomposing body that hunters had stumbled upon, said Maj. Mike Wood, of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office.
Wood wouldn’t release a cause of death or discuss the condition of the body. "There’s evidence to indicate that this perpetrator made efforts to delay our ability to identity Ms. Dunlap," he said without going into details.
On Wednesday, the public was in a near panic over rumors surrounding the case. Some speculated that a serial killer was at work. Others said the case could be connected to dismembered bodies recently found in Troup County, Ga., and Ormond Beach, Fla.
When asked whether a serial killer could be the perpetrator, Wood said, "I can tell you that certainly we’re treating this ... (as) a homicide. The person responsible for this homicide is quite possibly still in the area, and so that’s kind of an open-ended question."
Wood did say that a circulating
e-mail claiming that the death was possibly connected to bodies found off Tram Road in Jefferson County and in Georgia wasn’t true. Sheriff Larry Campbell described the e-mail as a "blatant lie."
The e-mail, Wood said, was "intended to discredit the Sheriff’s Office, to discredit this investigation, and they’re nothing more than a hindrance to this investigation. They’re causing our community to panic unnecessarily."
The body of Michael Lee Gerrard was found Dec. 4 off Tram Road. He had been stabbed, but the body wasn’t dismembered, said Maj. Bill Bullock of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. No arrest has been made.
Wood said investigators are not aware of any connection between the Dunlap case and other homicides. They don’t have any suspects, but they’re following up on multiple leads.
Campbell said in a written statement that everyone in the community needs to be alert and aware of their surroundings to better protect themselves.
Dunlap, 46, had been missing since Dec. 1. Her car was found two days later with a flat tire on the south shoulder of U.S. 319 in Leon County. Wood said it’s possible that someone other than Dunlap left her car there, but he wouldn’t say why.
After she disappeared, a man in a homemade mask used her ATM card three days in a row on West Tennessee Street. Investigators wouldn’t release the exact location.
Friends, family and law-enforcement officers later searched for her without success. Her body was eventually found about 3.5 miles from Forest Road 381, near Bloxham Cutoff Road.
The Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office has assisted in the investigation. Investigators have also contacted the behavioral-science unit of the FBI for help, Wood said.
Local investigators have sent information about the case to national and state databases so that other agencies can notify them about any similar cases. As of Wednesday, no other crimes had been connected to the Dunlap case.
Investigators said they are limiting the information they release on the case because they don’t want to compromise the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff’s Office at 922-3300. Information can be provided anonymously on the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS (8477) or 1-888-876-TIPS (8477).
Contact reporter Nic Corbett at (850) 599-2161 or
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ANOTHER ARTICLE: Friends, co-workers, troubled by Dunlap's death--- end ---
12/20/07 UPDATEOriginally published December 20, 2007
Officials won't rule out if killer is still in areaBy Nic Corbett
The community's worst fears about Cheryl Hodges Dunlap were confirmed at a news conference Wednesday.
A woman's body found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest was, in fact, that of the Florida State University nurse and Sunday school teacher. She was the victim of a homicide.
Investigators couldn't rule out the possibility that her killer is still in the Tallahassee area. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement used DNA analysis to identify the decomposing body that hunters had stumbled upon, said Maj. Mike Wood, of the Leon County Sheriff's Office.
Wood wouldn't release a cause of death or discuss the condition of the body.
"There's evidence to indicate that this perpetrator made efforts to delay our ability to identify Ms. Dunlap," he said without going into detail.
Some have speculated that a serial killer was at work. Others said the case could be connected to dismembered bodies recently found in Troup County, Ga., and Ormond Beach.
When asked whether a serial killer could be the perpetrator, Wood said, "I can tell you that certainly we're treating this (as) a homicide. The person responsible for this homicide is quite possibly still in the area, and so that's kind of an open-ended question."
Wood did say that a circulating e-mail claiming that the death was possibly connected to bodies found off Tram Road in Jefferson County and in Georgia wasn't true. Sheriff Larry Campbell described the e-mail as a "blatant lie."
The e-mails, Wood said, were "intended to discredit the Sheriff's Office, to discredit this investigation, and they're nothing more than a hindrance to this investigation. They're causing our community to panic unnecessarily."
The body of Michael Lee Gerrard was found Dec. 4 off Tram Road. He had been stabbed, but the body wasn't dismembered, said Maj. Bill Bullock of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office. No arrest has been made.
Wood said investigators are not aware of any connection between the Dunlap case and other homicides. They don't have any suspects, but they're following up on multiple leads.
Campbell said in a written statement that everyone in the community needs to be alert and aware of their surroundings to better protect themselves.
Dunlap, 46, had been missing since Dec. 1. Her car was found two days later with a flat tire on the south shoulder of U.S. 319 in Leon County. Wood said it's possible that someone other than Dunlap left her car there, but he wouldn't say why.
After she disappeared, a man in a homemade mask used her ATM card three days in a row on West Tennessee Street. Investigators wouldn't release the exact location.
Friends, family and law-enforcement officers later searched for her without success. Her body was eventually found about 3.5 miles from Forest Road 381, near Bloxham Cutoff Road.
The Wakulla County Sheriff's Office has assisted in the investigation. Investigators have also contacted the behavioral-science unit of the FBI for help, Wood said.
Local investigators have sent information about the case to national and state databases so that other agencies can notify them about any similar cases. As of Wednesday, no other crimes had been connected to the Dunlap case.
Investigators said they are limiting the information they release because they don't want to compromise the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff's Office at 922-3300. Information can be provided anonymously on the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS (8477) or (888) 876-TIPS (8477).
Contact reporter Nic Corbett at (850) 599-2161 or
COMMENTS--- end ---
Remembering CherylToday Wakulla County is mourning the loss of one of our own, Cheryl Hodges Dunlap. I and many of my friends went to high school with Cheryl, and as tends to happen once you graduate, we would run into each other every now and then, but lost touch through the years. But each time I saw her, she was always the same. Friendly, asking about myself and my family, just a nice lady.
Cheryl's death will be somewhat sensationalized because of the circumstances surrounding it, but I choose to focus on the fact that Cheryl was a living, breathing human being; a daughter, a mother, a caregiver, and a friend to many. I will remember her warm, pretty smile, her kindness, and her gentle spirit. She was a person who should have lived a long, happy life, with all the experiences that come with it.
Take a moment today and reflect on Cheryl and say a prayer for her family and all those left behind. Rejoice in your own family, your children, your friends. Take nothing for granted. I think that's what Cheryl would want us to do.
Mary Katherine WestmarkPublisher,
(If you would like to share a memory of Cheryl, or leave a condolence for the family, you may leave your comment here. You must be a registered user to post a comment. We ask that all commenters leave their first and last name. Otherwise, you may discuss this issue in our forums by
clicking here .)
Originally published on December 20, 2007.
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And from the Tallahassee Democrat...
Originally published December 20, 2007
Tell us if you knew Cheryl Dunlap; post condolences
A woman's body found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest was identified as that of Florida State University nurse and Sunday-school teacher Cheryl Dunlap. She was the victim of a homicide.
If you knew Dunlap or have photos of her, we'd like to hear from you. Contact reporter Jennifer Jefferson at or (850) 599-2243.
Post notes about your memories of Dunlap or leave notes for her family in the StoryChat
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A vehicle of interest has been identified and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the assistance of the news media and the community to help identify the owner of this vehicle.Anyone with information is asked to call the Violent Crimes Unit at 922-3300 or Crime Stoppers at 574-TIPS.

Originally published December 20, 2007
Updated: Sheriff's Office looking for truck in Dunlap case
4:15 p.m. update
The Leon County Sheriff's Office is looking for a truck as a "vehicle of interest" in the investigation into the slaying of Cheryl Dunlap.
Sgt. Rob Reisinger, spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office, said investigators do not know the exact make and model, but he described the truck as “unique-looking".
The Sheriff's Office is hoping someone will recognize the truck and be able to tell investigators who the owner is so they can talk to that person.
The picture, which was taken from a surveillance camera, is posted to the right underneath the comments section.
Reisinger would not say when or where the picture was taken. He also would not say why investigators want to talk to the owner of the truck.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Violent Crimes Unit at 922-3300 or Crime Stoppers at 574-TIPS.
10:45 a.m. update
Contact reporter Nic Corbett at (850) 599-2161 or
Tallahassee Democrat reporters are working on stories about Dunlap and about community reaction to the announcement of her death.
If you knew Dunlap or have photos of her, we'd like to hear from you. Contact reporter Jennifer Jefferson at or (850) 599-2243.
Check back with for additional comments from LCSO, reaction from family and friends of Dunlap and photos of Dunlap.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff's Office at 922-3300. Information can be provided anonymously on the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS (8477) or (888) 876-TIPS (8477).
Wednesday update
The community's worst fears about Cheryl Hodges Dunlap were confirmed at a news conference Wednesday.
A woman's body found Saturday in the Apalachicola National Forest was, in fact, that of the Florida State University nurse and Sunday school teacher. She was the victim of a homicide.
Investigators couldn't rule out the possibility that her killer is still in the Tallahassee area. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement used DNA analysis to identify the decomposing body that hunters had stumbled upon, said Maj. Mike Wood, of the Leon County Sheriff's Office.
Wood wouldn't release a cause of death or discuss the condition of the body.
"There's evidence to indicate that this perpetrator made efforts to delay our ability to identify Ms. Dunlap," he said without going into detail.
Some have speculated that a serial killer was at work. Others said the case could be connected to dismembered bodies recently found in Troup County, Ga., and Ormond Beach.
When asked whether a serial killer could be the perpetrator, Wood said, "I can tell you that certainly we're treating this (as) a homicide. The person responsible for this homicide is quite possibly still in the area, and so that's kind of an open-ended question."
Wood did say that a circulating e-mail claiming that the death was possibly connected to bodies found off Tram Road in Jefferson County and in Georgia wasn't true. Sheriff Larry Campbell described the e-mail as a "blatant lie."
The e-mails, Wood said, were "intended to discredit the Sheriff's Office, to discredit this investigation, and they're nothing more than a hindrance to this investigation. They're causing our community to panic unnecessarily."
The body of Michael Lee Gerrard was found Dec. 4 off Tram Road. He had been stabbed, but the body wasn't dismembered, said Maj. Bill Bullock of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office. No arrest has been made.
Wood said investigators are not aware of any connection between the Dunlap case and other homicides. They don't have any suspects, but they're following up on multiple leads.
Campbell said in a written statement that everyone in the community needs to be alert and aware of their surroundings to better protect themselves.
Dunlap, 46, had been missing since Dec. 1. Her car was found two days later with a flat tire on the south shoulder of U.S. 319 in Leon County. Wood said it's possible that someone other than Dunlap left her car there, but he wouldn't say why.
After she disappeared, a man in a homemade mask used her ATM card three days in a row on West Tennessee Street. Investigators wouldn't release the exact location.
Friends, family and law-enforcement officers later searched for her without success. Her body was eventually found about 3.5 miles from Forest Road 381, near Bloxham Cutoff Road.
The Wakulla County Sheriff's Office has assisted in the investigation. Investigators have also contacted the behavioral-science unit of the FBI for help, Wood said.
Local investigators have sent information about the case to national and state databases so that other agencies can notify them about any similar cases. As of Wednesday, no other crimes had been connected to the Dunlap case.
Investigators said they are limiting the information they release because they don't want to compromise the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff's Office at 922-3300. Information can be provided anonymously on the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS (8477) or (888) 876-TIPS (8477).
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Missing Woman
Posted: 7:25 PM Dec 20, 2007
Last Updated: 7:25 PM Dec 20, 2007
Reporter: Bobeth Yates
Email Address:
Friends of a Wakulla County woman, who was murdered earlier this month, are reacting with shock and sadness.
Wednesday, Leon County investigators identified some human remains found in the Apalachicola National Forest last Saturday as 46-year-old Cheryl Dunlap from Crawfordville.
Dunlap was last seen on December 1st.
Authorities found her car, with a flat tire, by Highway 319, a few days later.
Then, last Saturday, hunters found a dismembered body in the woods near State Road 20 and 276 in Leon County.
Investigators used a DNA sample to identify the remains as Dunlap.
Dunlap worked at the Graceville Campbellton Hospital for about four years, commuting each day from her home in South Alabama.
Last week, hospital employees held a candlelight vigil, hoping for her safe return.
Thursday, they were too distraught to even talk to us.
Dunlap's former co-workers have set up a fund to help with her funeral arrangements.
It’s the "Cheryl Dunlap Account" and you can contribute at any Wachovia Bank branch.
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The above is is the first news story I've seen that says "hunters found a dismembered body in the woods" - a tragic horrific discovery and more so for our Cheryl who we dearly love - she will be missed terribly by so many...
We pray for continued comfort and healing for her family in Jesus name.
Regarding the ATM suspect, the Leon County Dec 13 press release offers photos which can be enlarged:
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Cheryl Dunlap, Jenny Martinez and Sylvia Petrandis all helped with disaster relief after Hurricane Ivan hit Pensacola in 2004. (source)

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12/23/07 UPDATE
Today received the following email from a mutual friend of Cheryl and myself:
Our beloved sister Cheryl Dunlap is dead. Below you can find details surrounding her story and ways to communicate with her family and friends. Also the information on her funeral in Crawforville, FL on 12/27.
Please continue to pray for her family. The details surrounding her death are brutal. NO ONE should ever have to know these things about a loved one.
There are no words to tell you how much I appreciate you standing in the gap with me for Cheryl and her family. I am overcome with grief and disbelief as I write this. My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is broken. Less than 2 months ago, Cheryl and I held each other and confessed wanting to make our life count for JESUS more than in the past. We understood we were getting older and had less days in the future than we have had in the past. We talked about seeing JESUS face to face and wanting to hear "well done my good and faithful servant". Both of us felt a new sense of urgency to proclaim the name of JESUS and live with no regrets the days ahead of us.
I am struck by this thought as i think of the last few days of her life. I know in my heart she spoke of her best friend JESUS to the person who killed her. Of this I have no doubt. I know she would have done this before she gave him/her the pin to her debit card. Being eternally minded was at the forefront of her mind according to our last conversation. Please help Cheryl now and pray for the souls of those who killed her. That even in her death, she is proclaiming the good news of CHRIST and has no regrets.
WCTV has a streamlining video with an update at
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News Now Update: Cheryl Dunlap Press Conference
Posted: 1:39 PM Dec 23, 2007
Last Updated: 11:35 PM Dec 23, 2007
News Now Update: Latest in Cheryl Dunlap Murder Investigation
At noon Sunday, the Leon County Sheriff's Office held a press conference regarding the latest in the Cheryl Dunlap murder.
A lot of the meeting dealt with the latest in regards to the two vehicles in question.
The Leon County Sheriff's Office believes the "camo" truck is strongly connected to the Dunlap murder because it was photographed near the time Dunlap's ATM card was used.
They also said the driver seemed to make efforts to stay out of the security camera shots.
LCSO says the "camo" truck has what they call a "computer generated wrap" on the vehicle meaning there's no paint involved and it's removable.
LCSO says the truck is very likely a 2005 or newer Nissan Titan extra cab.
Major Mike Wood of the Leon County Sheriffs Office says, "We certainly don't want to completely rule one truck out because we have identified another. You have to remember these vehicles were located in very very different locations at very very different times."
The other vehicle in question is a black extra cab Dodge that witnesses saw near the area where Dunlap's vehicle was found on Highway 319.
At this time there's no new information on the cause or time of Dunlap's death.
If you have any information please call Crime Stoppers at 850-574-TIPS.
Tune into Eyewitness News at 11 for more details.
Posted by: Shane Location: Tallahassee
It looks like he was kind of trying to face the machine while walking back because he had a mask on and he didnt want anyone to see the mask because it looks like there may be some type of public establishment in the background where people might see him but from the back he looks like a normal person with some type of hat on using the ATM. I think that explains why he is still facing that way after using the ATM. But its really kind of irrevelent information. People need to look at body language. To me he looks pretty young from his body structure, looks like he may be in his twenties. The body doesnt match the head so we know he has a mask on. But from what they have of this guy so far I dont see how they could solve the case.. its not enough..they need more. It seems like if he is from around here that someone would know him or atleast be suspicious of a certain suspect. I have a feeling its a guessing game right now.
Posted by: dac Location: cairo
I think this might be a FEMALE at the the atm.The waist looks very small.Looks like he/SHE may have some type of shoulder pads on.IT looks like IT has on a green mud mask that I've seen women on T.V. put on their face.
Posted by: Somebody Location: Somewhere
I think they ought to run a check in the vehicle database for all registered Nissan Titans or black dodge rams in the Tallahassee/Crawfordville/Gadsden County area. This man could be from anywhere. I know that they have access to this type of information, and its not too many hours logged in to watching CSI talking here. These types of databases DO exist, and I think that if they ran a check and found these 2 particular vehicles that are owned by one person or even one family, it might give them a CLUE as to who this person may be.
Posted by: Daryl Location: Tallavana
They wasted time for this press conference, telling us nothing new. public appeasement. makes me nauseated. I would like to know why they always show that ATM photo first where it appears as if he is walking up to the machine, however if you look at the time on the photo it is after he was already in front of the machine making the transaction. that is strange to me, did he walk away backward? God bless the Dunlap family.
Posted by: pk Location: panama city
To the reporter on the video: Was the media allowed to ask any questions at this press conference?
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Originally published December 24, 2007
LCSO releases more truck details
Officials seek Nissan Titan in Dunlap case
By Nic Corbett
Leon County sheriff's deputies looking for a "vehicle of interest" in the Cheryl Dunlap case say it's likely a 2005 or newer-model Nissan Titan with an extended cab.
They also believe the truck is covered with a wrap, or a computer-generated design printed on an adhesive that covers the vehicle. Part of the wrap covers the back window of the extended cab. The design could be anything from camouflage to a woodland design.
"It can be removed but we felt like the importance of using the community's eyes outweighed the risk that it would be removed, up to and including if someone had one and all of a sudden removed it," said Mike Wood during a Sunday news conference at the Sheriff's Office.
In the picture, the bed of the truck looks as if it is white, but that could be reflected light, he said.
"We feel really good about the unique nature of this vehicle in that we'll be able to identify it, but we won't be able to do that without the assistance of the community," Wood said.
However, investigators say they haven't gotten solid leads from the public on where to find the truck or its owner.
"We do not feel that we've had one (tip) that's yielded information that we're looking for," Wood said.
Investigators say the picture of the truck was taken Dec. 2 about 9:30 p.m. from a surveillance camera near the ATM where a man in a homemade mask used Dunlap's debit card to withdraw money. They're not releasing the exact location of the ATM on West Tennessee Street.
"We feel the driver of this truck made efforts to avoid security cameras in the arrival at the location, merely coming into view for a couple seconds during the departure," Wood said.
Dunlap, a 46-year-old Crawfordville woman, was reported missing Dec. 1. Her car was found with a flat tire two days later off U.S. Highway 319 in Leon County. Hunters discovered her body Dec. 15 in the Apalachicola National Forest. The man used her card on three consecutive days after her disappearance.
All local law-enforcement agencies, including university police departments, are on the lookout for the truck. Investigators are reviewing footage from security cameras at other West Tennessee Street businesses to see whether it has been sighted elsewhere.
"We're doing everything in our power to locate this vehicle," Wood said.
Meanwhile, investigators say they still haven't determined the exact cause or time of death. They are still waiting on information from the State Medical Examiner's Office.
Wood said Dunlap's killer could be a stranger or someone she knew.
He also reaffirmed that it appears the killer went to great lengths to cover up the killing.
"This seems to be a well-thought out process," Wood said.
Also, investigators are still looking for a black Dodge Ram pickup truck that was seen near Dunlap's abandoned white Toyota Camry between 5-6 p.m. on Highway 319 the day she disappeared.
"It could very possibly be pivotal to this investigation, so we certainly don't want the community to rule out one truck out because we've identified another (truck)," Wood said.
Originally published December 25, 2007
Investigators still looking for trucks in Dunlap killing
Democrat staff report
Leon County sheriff's deputies are still looking for a "vehicle of interest" in the Cheryl Dunlap case, a 2005 or newer-model Nissan Titan with an extended cab.
They believe the truck was covered with a camouflage or woodland-design wrap at the time it was photographed by a survillance camera earlier this month. Investigators think the truck is linked to a masked man who used Dunlap's ATM card on three consecutive days after her Dec. 1 disappearance.
It's possible the wrap has since been removed.
Local law-enforcement agencies also are still looking for a black Dodge Ram pickup \that was seen near Dunlap's abandoned white Toyota Camry between 5-6 p.m. on U.S. Highway 319 the day she disappeared.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Leon County Sheriff's Office at 922-3300. Information can be provided anonymously on the Crime Stoppers tips line at 574-TIPS (8477) or (888) 876-TIPS (8477).
Two weeks after she was reported missing, hunters discovered her body in the Apalachicola National Forest. Dunlap, 46, of Crawfordville, was a nurse at Florida State University and a Sunday School teacher.
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BigBendFishing.Net Forum
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Originally published December 27, 2007
Church members mourn spiritual mentor
By Nic Corbett
Crawfordville's River of Life Church has lost a powerful role model for young women.
Cheryl Hodges Dunlap, 46, who was killed earlier this month, mentored many of the girls who attend the church. Those girls, many now women, came to the church Wednesday night along with others to pay their respects to Dunlap's family.
Jessica Pope, 22, of Crawfordville, became close to Dunlap when she was 19, when they went on a youth trip together to North Carolina to go white water rafting. She would sit by Dunlap at church on Sundays and they would chat about "teenage stuff."
"Staying in the church as a teenager, it was hard going to high school and not following the rest of the crowd," Pope said.
Dunlap strengthened Pope's faith and helped her stay on the right path, even when it was unpopular, she said.
Dunlap also mentored Darla Collins's three daughters. In 2001, Dunlap moved from Crawfordville to Pensacola to attend Bible school about the same time as the Collins did. She attended the FIRE School of Ministry for about two years.
The Collins girls spent so much time with Dunlap they considered her their "second mother" and thought of her son Jake Dunlap, 23, as a brother.
"I believe who my girls are today I can attribute a great deal of that to Cheryl's teachings, which she poured into their lives," Collins said.
Dunlap, who was a nurse, would take the girls with her on trips to her patients' houses on the weekends.
"Even if it wasn't during her work hours, she was always checking on people making sure they're OK," said Ashton Collins, 19.
The three girls would pile together on her water bed, where they'd spend the night. Or they'd camp out in tents. She was down to earth and fun to be around.
"We always ate cookie dough and Toaster Strudels when we stayed the night with her," Ashton Collins said.
She was a spiritual mentor "to all the girls in the church," she said. "So it's been really hard."
"She was really a one-of-a-kind person," said Amber Collins, 20.

Dunlap was reported missing Dec. 1. Her body was found two weeks later in the Apalachicola National Forest. Her ATM card was used three times after she was reported missing by a man wearing a homemade mask. His photo was captured by the ATM camera. Investigators have not identified any suspects in the killing.
"It's very sad," said Robin Stevens, 45, of Crawfordville, who went to Wakulla High School with Dunlap. "It's very scary to think that there's someone out there who's that evil."
Dunlap's funeral will be held today at 2 p.m. at the River of Life Church. It will be followed by a burial at the Whiddon Lake Cemetery.
Contact reporter Nic Corbett at (850) 599-2161 or
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Originally published December 27, 2007
Friends of Dunlap urged to fight evil with good deeds
By Nic Corbett
CRAWFORDVILLE — Speakers at the funeral for slain Crawfordville woman Cheryl Dunlap urged her friends and family to fight evil with good deeds.
“We are not going to be in a cloud of fear or a cloud of anger over this,” said Bob Gladstone of the FIRE School of Ministry, which Dunlap graduated from.
Gladstone quoted the apostle Paul from the Bible: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Dunlap, a Florida State University nurse who also taught Sunday School, was reported missing Dec. 1. Hunters found her body two weeks later in the Apalachicola National Forest in Leon County.
No arrests have been made, but investigators have released photos taken at a West Tennessee Street ATM showing a masked man making withdrawals with her card.
Dunlap’s friends and family sang along softly to Christian songs Thursday afternoon in a packed auditorium at the River of Life Church.
Some held up their hands and waved them slowly side to side. The crowd stood and sang, which is a tradition at River of Life. A full band performed. Lyrics to the songs flashed onto two large overhead screens.
The Rev. Henry Jones, pastor of River of Life, and the Rev. Keith Collins, who knew Dunlap in Pensacola, delivered sermons.
Gladstone talked about how proud he was of Cheryl for all she had done to help others. He tried to comfort her friends and family.
“Like many of you, I don’t understand how or why certain things happen in this life,” he said. “And probably like most of you I can barely wrap my mind about recent events. But I do know this — that God is good and God will make everything right in Jesus Christ.”
Lori White, a pastor at the church, told the crowd that a few weeks before she went missing, Dunlap told her about a dream she had. Dunlap dreamed she saw the Lord stand up and extend his hand to her. White now sees the dream as the Lord’s way of preparing Dunlap for what was ahead.
“I know that the Lord was gracious and gave her a gift so that in her darkest hour, she knew she was getting ready to go up and have a whole new realm of intimacy,” White said.
Collins compared Dunlap to a “martyr,” whose blood is the seed of the church. Even with the tragedy that happened, he said, “the enemy does not win in this matter.”
“Despite the level of darkness and demonic evil that fueled this act of violence, today the testimony of Jesus Christ and Cheryl Dunlap remains intact and actually shines brighter than ever before,” Collins said.
The service was followed by burial at Whiddon Lake Cemetery.
Donna Berry said her husband, Billy Berry, who was a pallbearer, went on a mission trip to Mexico with Dunlap about two years ago.
He wasn’t going to go because he was worried about back pain while hiking, but he changed his mind when he learned that Dunlap, a nurse, was going.
Dunlap brought her nursing supplies so she could check the blood pressure of Mayan Indians in the mountains.
Dunlap also went on mission trips to Haiti and China, Jones said.

--- end ---
(Besides a Guest Book for Cheryl, WCTV has several videos at their website)

Cheryl Dunlap's Neighbors Speak
Posted: 6:54 PM Dec 28, 2007
Last Updated: 8:29 PM Dec 28, 2007
Reporter: Lanetra Bennett
Email Address:
Cheryl Dunlap's Neighbors Speak
The funeral for the Crawfordville woman killed earlier this month is over, but friends and family members say the investigation is far from over.
Residents near Cheryl Dunlap's Crawfordville home say they want justice for their neighbor.
They say they've seen the presence of law enforcement near her home frequently and say they hope to get some answers soon.
Gary Milgate says when he's out working in his yard he couldn't help, but notice Cheryl Dunlap coming down the road.
Milgate said, "She passed my drive down here and I always waved to her. She had a big smile on her face every time she went by and waved."
The 46-year-old's body was found near Bloxham Cut-Off and State Road 20 December 15th.
Authorities cannot say where Dunlap was killed, but say she was last seen at her Crawfordville home December 1st.
Jessie Nazworth, Dunlap's close friend and neighbor, said,"She's in a better place. Everybody's going to miss her. She brought sunshine to everybody's life."
Investigators say they are following leads, including the disguised man in the surveillance photo using Dunlap's ATM card three days straight after she went missing.
Her neighbors say they hope authorities find clues from Dunlap's own home.
"There's been a lot of authorities down there, FDLE was here yesterday in a plain car with a deputy in it. And there's been an awful lot of traffic down in there." Said Milgate.
Nazworth said, "They got this modern forensic science and hopefully somebody will speak up and we'll find out who it was."
The neighbors told say they've also seen K-9 units going to Dunlap's home during the investigation.
Authorities say at this time, the man at the ATM is their only suspect.
Neighbors say the house Dunlap was currently in was her late father's. They say she was planning to move into her own home at another location in Crawfordville.
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PHOTOS (click on them to enlarge)
Here are various posted photos in an attempt to help solve this case

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12/30/07 LINKS
Here are some links folks are giving via the Tallahassee Democrat forum:
5/1/06 NBC news article: What happened to Tara Grinstead? (source)
Flyer for missing woman Danielle Corville (source)
Tips to survive a serial killer (source)
12/27/07 Georgia news article: Remains found in GA not upstate woman (source)
12/30/07 news article: Victim found aflame in Palm Beach county identified (source)
12/30/07 news article: Dismembered body parts found in woods off Georgia Hwy 212 (source)
12/6/07 Georgia news article: Burned dismembered body found by roadside
Website for Gadsden County unsolved homicides/missing persons (source)
FSU campus map - enlarged (source)
New website to help solve this crime will be up soon (source)
12/29/07 news article: Commission votes against Siebert as medical examiner (source)
Direct Access Forum: Sheriff Larry Campbell - responses via video 1/4/08 (source)
Previous message forum (source)
12/30/07 news article: LCSO: Truck in Dunlap likely a Nissan with a wrap (source)
12/31/07 message posted
Previous message posted about BE&K workers originally found at WCTV comments
Posted by: worker Location: tally
i hear tale on the BE & K job site at the power plant off of I10 Exit 219, there was couple of guys working there that was asking a lot of ?'s about her body and who was the people that found her, comments like it's hard to identify someone with their parts missing, and the kicker is that one drove a camo truck that he does not drive any more, the other drove a black dodge, both from out of town staying in a motel in Wakulla-((hope this helps))
Map location of BE&K, a Tallahassee business (source)
Newsletter saying BE&K is a subcontractor of Halliburton (source)
News article on BE&K working on the $50 million FSU chemistry building
Info on Tallahassee power plants including the Arvah Hopkins Power Plant located on Geddie Road
BE&K website
Ali Gilmore missing since 2/2/06 (source)
Ali Gilmore updates
Letter by Ali's sister to Jeb Bush (source)
5/22/06 news article: Search for Ali Gilmore (source)
12/28/07 Message posted of home invasion during Dunlap funeral (source)
12/17/2007 ABC news article: Body found by hunters may be that of missing nurse (source)
12/6/07 FSU news article: Thagard nurse missing (source)
Photo of atm suspect enhanced (source)
Photo closeup of atm suspect
Photo closeup of atm suspect leg (source)
Jandakota website (source)
Photo of atm suspect showing possible people in background (source)
Reference links to articles (source)
WJHG Panama City Channel 7 website (source)
12/28/07 news article: Dunlap neighbors speak (source)
List of national news outlest and email addresses (source)
Sample letter to news outlets (12/31/07)
12/24/07 updated news article: Two vehicles of interest in Dunlap case (source)
12/28/07 news article: Dunlap mourned at funeral
12/4/07 news article: Undate: Missing Wakulla woman dependable
Taurus 'the judge' defense weapon video (source)
Georgia murder case Coleman vs the state (source)
Wakulla County flyer for missing Ruth Ann Chason (source)
Map showing crime locations (source)
12/18/07 news article: Body found in Georgia could be related to Gaffney woman's disappearance (source)
Cold Case Investigation forum (source)
12/10/07 news article: Missing woman had blow-out on her car (source)
12/6/07 news article: Missing woman formerly worked in Jackson County (source)
Florida Statues on Weapons and Firearms (source)
Definitions (source)
Leon County Sheriff's Office News Releases (source)
Safety Course Jan 15, 2008
Image of atm suspect with truck outlined (source)
Image of atm suspect
Image of atm suspect background edited out (source)
12/14/07 News article on missing man in Sacramento, CA - similar to Cheryl's case (source)
FSU campus map (source)
List of other threads on Cheryl (source)
--- end ---
1/2/08 UPDATE
Found this link tonight: Big Bend Crime Stoppers website
And something else I found interesting but not surprising, are a few of Leon County's Sheriff Larry Campbell's affiliations:
- Marzuq Shrine Temple
- Master Mason, Jackson Lodge No.1
- Tallahassee Scottish Rites Bodies, 32nd Degree
- American Legion; Exchange Club
- Moose Club
Anyone who reads my blog knows what I think of Freemasonry. Read more here.
--- end ---
WCTV Article and video
Sheriff Addresses Criticism in Dunlap Investigation
Posted: 6:46 PM Jan 2, 2008
Reporter: Lanetra Bennett
Email Address:
Questions, comments and criticism continue to arise following the murder of a Crawfordville woman, whose body was later discovered in the Apalachicola National Forest.
The Leon County Sheriff answers back. Sheriff Larry Campbell speaks out about the criticism he faces for the case of Cheryl Dunlap.
Sheriff Campbell said, "There are people that are watching television shows, particularly C.S.I. and they don't understand why in 30 minutes to an hour we don't have DNA."
Leon County investigators say it was DNA that identified 46-year-old Cheryl Dunlap after her body was found in the Apalachicola National Forest on December 15th.
But Sheriff Campbell says the public is criticizing the fact that officials haven't found the man shown in surveillance photos using Dunlap's ATM card three days straight after she went missing December 1st. Authorities cannot figure out what type of mask he was wearing.
"We've been to costume stores, make-up stores, you name it, various types of industry, etc." Said Campbell.
Investigators say money was withdrawn from Dunlap's bank account from an ATM somewhere on West Tennessee Street. But why won't they say exactly where?Sheriff Campbell says because they first hoped the suspect would return there... plus they didn't think releasing the information would help. Sheriff Campbell said, "People went out and did their own investigation found out the bank, and now they're giving the bank a lot of bad publicity and scaring people."
Tallahassee resident Frank Thedford said, "I think they should keep whatever they need to keep quiet. Do that until they get the man, then let everybody know everything."
Sheriff Campbell says a huge problem they are facing in this investigation is false information and rumors.
He does, however, encourage residents to call him or even stop by the Leon County Sheriff's Office with any information pertaining to this case. You can remain anonymous.
The sheriff says they do follow all leads.
When asked about Dunlap's cause of death and the condition of her body when found, Campbell said, "it's horrible what people can do to each other."
Sheriff Campbell says they are doing what they can to catch the killer. But says, telling the public everything could jeopardize the case.
--- end ---
12/3/08 UPDATE
Message posted saying: "Dont know if this was mentioned but it was said all ATM pics were altered due to graphic imaging (Ms Cheryl is in background).This was mentioned at her services."
Joined: 12 Dec 2007 Posts: 7
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:10 am Post subject: |
i dont know if this has been discussed already or not but my mom said something earlier today that we should just quit giving the perp(s) all the attention and start talking more about the memories with ms. cheryl and the perp is more than likely to slip up b/c we wont be giving him the attention any more.
Also my mom hates driving any where now b/c she drives a black extended cab 2000 dodge ram truck.You should see how everyone looks at us.
Dont know if this was mentioned but it was said all ATM pics were altered due to graphic imaging (Ms Cheryl is in background).This was mentioned at her services. |
--- end ---
1/5/08 UPDATE
Is there a connection?

Police Charge Hilton With Kidnapping Hiker
POSTED: 10:42 pm EST January 4, 2008
UPDATED: 6:28 pm EST January 5, 2008
Saying missing hiker Meredith Emerson is likely dead, Saturday evening police charged Gary Michael Hilton with kidnapping the 24-year-old woman.
Hilton was transferred from GBI custody to Union County to face the kidnapping charges.
"A superior court judge in Union County signed an arrest warrant for kidnapping with bodily harm," said the GBI's John Bankhead said at a news conference just before 6 p.m.
"It's not looking favorable that she's alive," officials said at that same news conference.
"This is a search and recovery effort," Bankhead added, signaling that crews are now searching for Emerson's body.
Police found items belonging to Emerson in a dumpster Saturday in Cumming, outside outside a Quick Trip store where surveillance cameras captured Emerson.
The discovery triggered a new search for Emerson, 24, as police fanned out into a wooded area near the store searching for any clues.
Emerson's dog was found Friday night at a Kroger store just blocks from the Quick Trip.
Emerson has been missing since New Year's Day when she went for a hike with her dog on Blood Mountain in Vogel State Park in Union County.
Officers spotted Hilton at a convenience store off Ashford-Dunwoody Road Friday night and began questioning him about the disappearance of the 24-year-old hiker who has been missing since Tuesday.
Hilton remained in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service on a prior warrant for failure to appear in federal court on a charge of abandoning property in a national park.
"Meredith was not with him," Union County investigator Kimberly Verdone said.
About 50 members of the Georgia Defense Force certified in search and rescue joined the effort on Saturday. They plan to be back on the mountain again Sunday.
Teams scaled back their search area on Saturday, concentrating on a five-mile grid on Blood Mountain. On Friday they combed a 400-square mile area, but turned up no sign of Emerson.
Her friends pledged Saturday to continue posting sheets bearing her photo, saying that while they were worried that she hasn't been seen in five days, they were encouraged that authorities had found both her dog and the man seen with her on the trail.
"We're just happy to have some news. We've been waiting on news, anything," said Julia Karrenbauer, Emerson's roommate. "We're still looking for Meredith. We still need her face out there."
Her dog, Emma, wandered into the Kroger store Friday in Cumming, about 60 miles from where Emerson was last seen.
Paxton said Saturday that investigators have surveillance tape showing that Hilton had been in the area where the dog was found but added, "We don't have the luxury of him cooperating in the search for the woman."
Hilton appears to have been living in his van, according to Bankhead.
An acquaintance of Hilton told Channel 2 that she helped Hilton order an expandable baton like the one found near the missing hiker's car. She said he always had the baton with him.
Verdone said 15 professional search and rescue teams searched for Meredith Emerson on Friday as volunteers traveled across north Georgia and parts of North Carolina to post fliers with pictures of her.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has entered the search and is exploring a possible link to the disappearance of two hikers in North Carolina.
Multiple teams of search and rescue dogs, along with law enforcement officers and firefighters, combed a 401 square mile area of rugged terrain, according to Verdone.
Fifteen teams of searchers made up of law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services personnel searched on and near the trail where Emerson was hiking.
Officials said they used only professional search teams to look for Emerson Friday. Volunteers were still showing up to help and they were being used to pass out fliers.
Other hikers who were on the trail Tuesday told authorities they saw Emerson talking to a white male, 50-60 years old, described as "weathered looking" with missing teeth. Officials now believe that man was Hilton. The man had a red dog with him he called "Dandy."
"It's not that, you know, he's a suspect. He is somebody that was last seen talking to her, last seen with her," Verdone said during a Friday morning news conference.
"We have talked to a lot of people who saw them together," said John Cagle of the GBI. "We know he was there."
Cagle also confirmed GBI agents are talking to investigators handling the presumed murder of two hikers in North Carolina.
John and Irene Bryant disappeared Oct. 20 while hiking in North Carolina's Pisgah National Forest. Her body was found three weeks later; she had been beaten to death. Her husband is still missing.
Someone wearing a yellow jacket used the couple's ATM card at a bank about an hour north of where Emerson was hiking.

Police say Hilton was wearing a yellow jacket when he was seen talking to Emerson.
Little is known about Hilton. He was convicted of two felonies; one for the possession and distribution of marijuana, another for theft by taking. According to public records, his last known address was on 11th Street in Atlanta in 1999.
The man they believe was Hilton had a sheath of some sort on one of his legs, Verdone said, but police don't know what was in it. He was wearing a yellow jacket and a large backpack -- "something you would use for a couple of days," she said.
Emerson's roommate said Emerson left a note saying she went hiking with her dog. Authorities said they have located Emerson's car -- a Chevy Cavalier -- and her dog's leash, but they have found no sign of Emerson.
Police also found a police baton and a pair of sunglasses near Emerson's car.
Another hiker told officials he saw a man with a similar baton clipped to his belt hiking on the same trail that Emerson took.
Hilton Acquaintance Says He Always Carried Baton
An acquaintance of Hilton’s told Channel 2 he would frequently walk his dog, Dandy, along Clairmont Road in DeKalb County. She said he also loved to hike in wooded areas. She said from what she saw, Hilton was usually friendly.
“He’d talk your ear off. (He was) very, very talkative and friendly to me,” said Barbara – who asked us to only use her first name. Barbara said 61-year-old Gary Hilton lived and worked inside a two-story building near her office for almost 7 years.
"He'd come over and he'd ask me to do computer searches for him and make up fliers for him,” said Barbara.
He distributed promotional fliers to drum up business for a siding company. Its owner, John Tabor, also owns the building and told Channel 2 he has been cooperating with the GBI.
“He seemed friendly and I could see if the girl had a dog and he had a dog and the dogs were playing that yeah they'd chat and walk along,” said Barbara.
She said Hilton, who uses the nickname “Mack,” always told stories about people he’d meet on the trails. When he left DeKalb County two or three months ago, Barbara said she was surprised.
"I do know he has Multiple Sclerosis. He's in a lot of pain. He once told me he had about 6 years to live and that was a couple years ago and I was surprised when he told me he was going to go live in the woods cause that's a big step when you're ill,” said Barbara.
She said Hilton always carried an expandable baton with him. Barbara ordered it for him off the Internet. A baton was found along the trail near Emerson’s water bottle and her dog’s leash.
"I'm surprised, I really am. He seemed to treat ladies very nicely, certainly me and the other secretary that worked here before, never had any problems, or got the feeling that you needed to be on guard."
Over the years Hilton has moved around quite a bit and had several run-ins with the law. Channel 2 found at least five arrests in DeKalb and Cobb Counties – both misdemeanors and felonies. Agents have not named his as a suspect in the case, only a person of interest.
GBI Joins Search
At the request of the Union County Sheriff's Department, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation sent four agents to join in the search Thursday morning, GBI spokesman John Bankhead said.
The Georgia State Patrol pitched in with a helicopter using an infrared device. The helicopter had been grounded by high winds on Wednesday.
"She's an experienced hiker and a blue belt in martial arts," said Julia Karrenbauer, Emerson's roommate. "She's athletic and has a good head on her shoulders. So we're just hoping for the best."
Family members were at the search command post on Thursday and again on Friday.
Union County Fire Department spokesman Lt. Jeff Fortenberry said up to 30 emergency personnel and deputies searched a mountainous, six-mile stretch of trails south of Blairsville on Thursday. He said investigators have found no signs of foul play.
Temperatures reached 13 degrees with the wind chill factor in the single digits Wednesday night. Union County received snow Tuesday night -- which canceled classes for that school system Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Emerson is 5'4", 120 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes.
One of Georgia's oldest and most popular state parks, Vogel is located at the base of Blood Mountain in the Chattahoochee National Forest.
Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Tallahassee Democrat Forum
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Dec 6, 2007
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Dec 13 2007
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Dec 16, 2007
Dec 19, 2007 The body of Cheryl identified today.