HE IS THE POTTER - poem I wrote today:
"He is the Potter and I am clay.
He lights my path and guides my way.
He loves me and leads me all the day long.
To JESUS my Savior I sing a new song.

"Hallelujah, my Lord! Hallelujah, my King.
I give you my life; I give you everything.
Thank You my Father for sending Your Son.
Come Spirit of God and make us now one.

"It is true that Jesus will come back one day.
Are you ready my friend? What do you say?
Your Father in heaven loves you so much.
Simply ask Him now for His healing touch.

"Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way.
He died for our sin and then rose the third day.
On the cross He was nailed to set us all free.
Now Jesus is alive and He gives us Victory!"

BIG CHANGES! It looks like the Potter is sending clay back home to America next month. I will be moving from Berlin to Pensacola, Florida. Yes, I don't know what the future holds... BUT, I do know Who holds the future, so I can rest in Him and continue to enjoy the journey with Jesus wherever He takes me!

ER IST DER TÖPFER - Gedicht, das ich heute schrieb:
"Er ist der Töpfer und ich bin der Lehm.
Er erhellt meinen Pfad und lenkt meinen Weg.
Er liebt mich und leitet mich den ganzen Tag lang.
Zu JESUS, meinem Retter, singe ich ein neues Lied.

"Halleluja, mein Herr! Halleluja, mein König.
Ich gebe dir mein Leben; ich gebe dir alles.
Danke, mein Vater, daß du Deinen Sohn gesandt hast.
Komm Geist Gottes und mach uns eins.

"Es ist wahr, daß Jesus eines Tages zurückkommen wird.
Bist du bereit mein Freund? Was denkst du?
Dein Vater im Himmel liebt dich so sehr.
Frag Ihn ganz einfach jetzt um Seine heilende Berührung.

"Jesus ist die Wahrheit, der Weg und das Leben.
Er starb für unsere Sünde und stand dann auf am dritten Tag.
Ans Kreuz wurde Er genagelt, um uns alle freizusetzen.
Jetzt lebt Jesus und Er gibt uns Sieg!"

GROßE VERÄNDERUNGEN! Es sieht so aus, daß der Töpfer den Lehm nächsten Monat zurück nach Hause nach Amerika sendet. Ich werde von Berlin nach Pensecola, Florida ziehen. Ja, ich weiß nicht, was die Zukunft bereit hält...ABER ich weiß, Wer die Zukunft in den Händen hält, so kann ich in Ihm ruhen und fortfahren, die Reise mit Jesus zu geniessen, wo immer Er mich hin bringt!


Anonymous said...

Wow...that's some news! Tell us the story!

Cathy Palmer said...

The story? Well, Sue, over the past couple of months, I have been sensing the winds of change and as I prayed and sought the Lord, He confirmed it several times that is was time to leave Berlin and go back to the states.

The final confirmation was yesterday morning during prayer. As I opened my Bible, my eyes fell on these words from John 4: "And the man believed Jesus' word and started home."

No one is more surprised by the suddeness of all this than I! However, I really shouldn't be because my theme has been "Lord, Your will be done, not mine".

I arrived in Berlin March 2002 and exactly 3 years ago, the Lord gave me a song called "Recklessly Abadoned", a term Oswald Chambers uses in "My Utmost for His Highest".

Here is the song (you can listen to bit of it here http://www.geocities.com/cathyjpalmer/AboutYou6.html?1036872009500):

Recklessly Abandoned (written by Cathy Palmer on May 4, 2002/edited Aug 16, 2002)

Recklessly abandoned to the cause of Christ
Totally surrendered to You
Separated by Your hand to proclaim the Truth
Yes, I belong to You!

Jesus, Jesus, I give my life to You!
Jesus, Jesus I surrender everything to You!

How can I say, “Yes, Lord!” and not obey Your Word?
Recklessly abandoned to You
Unbelief and doubt are sins – I put my trust in God!
Totally surrendered to You.

Compromise is not an option; You paid the price
Recklessly abandoned to You
Jesus blood covers me; I won’t turn back
Totally surrendered to You.

Take me, Lord, I’m all Yours, Your will be done
Recklessly abandoned to You
Broken bread and poured out wine, use me Lord, I pray
Totally surrendered to You.